English Books written by
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1. English writings This page👇
2. Historic books with commentary Click here
3. ദക്ഷിണേഷ്യൻ ഉപഭൂഖണ്ഡ ചരിത്രം Click here
4. മലയാളം writings Click here
b. Books from English rule period in South Asia Click here
c. 5. Public domain books Click here
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1. What is entering? (into England)
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2. March of the Evil Empires : English versus the feudal languages!
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The first book on feudal languages. First drafted in 1989, but rewritten and published only only in 2002.
3. Feudal languages! What are they?
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Languages are differently coded. Feudal langauges have a very specific coding that design feudal language social systems and also the human mind.
4. Shrouded Satanism in feudal languages!
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A huge big with a very big canvas. It deals with very many things.
5. Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
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There are great insights in Mein Kampf. However, the author was led to his doom.
6. pristine-English! What is different about it?
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7. Indian culture! What is it exactly?
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Around 50 specific items of 'Indian' culture are mentioned in this book. Most of them are kept concealed by the scholars. Please note that this book is a part of Shrouded Satanism in feudal languages.
8. The Machinery of Homoeopathy!
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Less than 20 pages
Connects Homoeopathy with the software codes that creates and maintains both physical reality as well as human body and human brain function.
9. Software codes of Mantra, Tantra &c.
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This book speaks about the supernatural software mechanism that operates behind physical reality.
10. Software codes of Reality, Life and Languages!
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The first book of mine that seems to contain a lot of unconnected thoughts, all pointing towards some kind of supernatural locations that exists behind physical reality.
11. Codes of reality! What is language?
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My second book that speaks about the existence of software codes that maintain all kinds of reality, including human body and brain function. And how language is also a kind of software that can connect to this supernatural software location.
12. Horrendous India! A parade of façade in verbal codes!
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The unmentioned realities of the Indian social scene. How the local feudal languages creates a horror inside Indian social system.
13. An Impressionistic History of South Asia 1 - Feudal languages!
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A remarkably different perspective on South Asian history studies, which goes beyond drab historical incidences.
14. British sailors in Indian stinking jails!
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The terrible danger in interacting with dignity with the Indian officialdom.
15. Indian Married Life! The undercurrents
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So many minutes ideas about the Indian married life scene.
16. A different perspective on International Relationship!
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The academic subject known as Political Science and International relationship does not contain much intelligent contents.
17. My Online Writings (2004 – 07) on one GB forum
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Written in around 2004, this book can give a lot of insight on what was the scene in England in those days.
18. An urgent appeal for ENGLISH RACISM
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20. GANDHI and his JI! Grooming up of a fake!!
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21. Idiocy of the Indian Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act!
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22. VEILED routes to resources in Computers & on the Internet, unVEILED!
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23. Prospects for research on language codes
24. Malayalam Old Filmsongs’ English annotation
25. The tragic consequences of teaching Hindi in Australia!
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26. Vintage English
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27. Writ petition against compulsory Malayalam
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1. English writings This page👆
2. Historic books with commentary Click here
3. ദക്ഷിണേഷ്യൻ ഉപഭൂഖണ്ഡ ചരിത്രം Click here
4. മലയാളം writings Click here
b. Books from English rule period in South Asia Click here
c. 5. Public domain books Click here
2. Historic books with commentary
3. ദക്ഷിണേഷ്യൻ ഉപഭൂഖണ്ഡ ചരിത്രം