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Codes of reality!

What is language!

The 3-dimensional spatial realm

The different word or words, when they are forced on a person by way of speech, have different affects. The real magnitude of the impact is connected to a particular aspect of human positioning, which may be defined here as Spatial Component. That is each person automatically gets encoded with a particular component which are akin to the trigonometric terms such as Sin, Cos, Tan etc.

For persons who do not know about such terms, I would give a simple explanation of them. When a stone is thrown down from a flying helicopter, the stone has different directions of motion, depending on the direction one is thinking of. The stone is falling down. It has a downward motion. The stone is also moving forward. It has a forward motion. What is the speed of its fall downward? What is its speed of motion towards the forward direction? Both these components are encoded into its motion. 

This direction component is very much connected to the relative angle of motion. Thus by using the concept of ‘angle’, one can calculate the motion (velocity) this stone is having in any particular direction. The power or force of impact of this stone in a particular direction and position depends on this component.

It is the same thing, when one is pushing sideways a car which is being driven to the forward direction. There are two forces acting on the car. One the engine is giving a forward force. The other is giving it a sideways force. Both these forces are encoded into the force acting on the car.

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