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Codes of reality!

What is language!

The hint of the spectrum or array of indicant words

In Malayalam, You is: Nee (lowest), Ningal (middle), Thangal (highest), Sar (highest).

He is: Avan (oan) (lowest), Ayaal (middle), Adheham (highest), Avar (highest), Sar (highest)

She is: Aval (oal) (lowest), Avar (highest), Sar, Madam etc. (highest).

Depending on the dialect, there can be many other in-between words.

Now to place the idea in very clear perspective, let me use a very silly example:

A person arrives by bus: He is Avan.

He arrives by autorickshaw: He is Ayaal.

He arrives by car: He is avar.

This is a basic idea, but then many other inputs like a person’s dressing standards, his looks of prosperity and otherwise, he coming with an adjutant or not, and many other frill elements can also interfere with the wordings. But the basic philosophy of the indicant word selection is based on such a type of evaluation.

The idea can be dealt again like this:

A man with two coconut trees is an Avan (lowest he), when introduced. A man with a hundred coconut trees is an Ayaal (middle he), when introduced. A man with a thousand coconut trees is an Avar (highest he). This typical type of introductions was common many years back, when village folks introduced a person as per his financial acumen.

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