An urgent appeal for ENGLISH RACISM
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

2. A novel social experience in England
The reader might feel that this is a long-winding writing. However, a lot of frill information has to be mentioned to convey the gravity of an emerging tragedy in England.
Youngsters, students, subordinate staff members, other members of the society who are doing jobs which are mentioned as lowly in Indian peninsular languages would start feeling a eerie creepiness that is not definable. But quite disturbing mentally. The only way to understand this quite quirky emotion that can even set off violent moods would be to say that it is a racist attitude. The funny part is that other side would quite easily know that they have been impolite, indecent, disrespectful, degrading, divisive, clawing and gnawing on the individuality of some of the native English citizens. Yet, in spite of all this wickedness of their actions, there is no way for an Englishman to say that they have done any of these things. This is indeed a situation of quaint entertainment for the diabolic side. They insert the dirt into a picturesque social scene, and watch the fireworks it is bound to spark, with juicy disdain. And others gather the blame.
The issue is that almost all the words that they would have used, could create violence, homicide, suicide, communal violence, police beating, public thrashing, offensive actions from government officials etc. if done by a common man in India to a deemed superior, in each and every social interaction. In fact, in India, what these swarmed-into-England Indians are doing can create a million episodes of communal and social violence. Yet, in England, none are wiser about all this. The attacked side is seen and mentioned as the sinister side. It is quite a foolish situation.
Here I am forced to take up the issue of the term ‘deemed superior’. In every feudal language communication, unless it is a formal one, one side is inferior and the other superior. This issue has nothing to do with a King or Queen, or noble man versus the common man etc.
However, in the case of the native English citizen, there is a great issue connected to the word ‘superior’. I need to explain this. It can be explained only by first taking the colonial experience.
Robert Clive
When the English trading centre in Arcot near Madras was surrounded by the French and the clamouring soldiery of the local raja, the option that was seriously taken up for execution was to jump into the sailing ships beyond the seaside wall and to escape. However, it was Robert Clive who insisted that in the peninsula ‘respect’ is the most powerful motive force, shield of protection and a rallying point. Running from the scene is connected to negative ‘respect’. So, he argued for a spirited offensive stance. His sheer audacity of action when he was given the command to execute his plan, and the ‘respect’ he could induce in his Tamil soldiery, carried the day. Or maybe I should say ‘the night’.
It goes without saying that the rest of the colonial days for the English in the peninsula, was that of being on the pedestal of ‘respect’ in the native languages. However, on their part, the English brought in English education for the lower classes. In every way, this was to remove the English constantly and continuously from the pedestal, to that of equality. For, in English words, there is no pedestal of superiority in ordinary conversation.
However, the English must have been aware that in the local native languages, they would fall below the platform of equality, if they became too close to the local populace. There was a complication here. In that, there are various levels of equality. One: Being equal to the various levels of higher classes. Two: Being equal to the various lower classes. Even though, what I mentioned now might seem as sterile academic points for debate, the truth is that these things come to the fore, the moment a conversation is opened up with anyone. There is no way out, to circumnavigate the issue. One has to find a specific location: higher or lower, in each sentence. The lower position is that of the damned, the dirty, the useless, the stifled, the inefficient, the taunted &c.
Unknown & unmentioned disgusting side of a ‘Mahatma’
This is a very powerful information. For instance, one might read a quote from Gandhi, from one of his speeches in Hindi. One reads it in English. In English, one cannot get to see the rank rascality used by Gandhi, as he dismantles any English officials or individuals, and places him or her in a dirt level.
Now, in England what is happening is the very opposite of what was maintained by the English East India Company. Even though the Company maintained itself and its native-English staff on the higher ‘respect’ platform in local languages of the peninsula, it also gave the chance and opportunity to the lower and higher class natives to rise above the hugging squalor of the no-respect/degraded level by means of allowing them to communicate in English.
In current times, in England, the native-English citizens are now at the butt end of a new historical experience. They are now being consistently placed on the dirt/squalor levels of the feudal language codes. The tragedy is that there is no means to understand this powerful denuding of innate human right to dignity going on, under the cover of very affable demeanour and words.
Most dangerous when most affable
Actually, during the colonial times, the English officials did come to understand (mostly belatedly) that natives of the peninsula are most dangerous when they are most pleasing and accommodative. Actually this is a known behaviour even in the modern nation of India. When anyone wants to get any favour or help from another person, they lend the higher words of ‘respect’ lavishly. And they are willing to act out any kind of obsequiousness. However, the moment they get what they want, and they see that there is nothing more to be gained from the other person, all kinds of ‘respect’ simply vanishes.
See the arrogance and the sense of being unassailable when immigrants feel that they cannot be removed. {Comments taken from a YouTube comment section, in which I had put in a few words}

In fact, the capacity to act out such an ambivalent posture is seen and mentioned as a great feature of mental and social smartness. Historically this behaviour feature has been the hallmark of the Thuggees of the northern parts of the Indian peninsula.
They would use charming words, helpful attitude, affable behaviour, respectful attitude etc. to overcome the deep distrust shown by merchants, on long distance travel, to unknown persons who they meet on the way. Once they break through the barrier of distrust, they wait for an opportune moment to sling a silk rope over the neck of the merchant, and to tighten it. I am sure that if I propose that this is what native feudal language speaking outsiders who have swarmed into England is waiting to do, my words would be branded as hate speech and my writings banned from this site*. [* Incidentally, something similar was to happen. Telegraph.UK inexplicably removed the whole blogsite.] So, I refrain from doing so, categorically. However, I would propose that if this be hate speech, then mentioning such themes about the Thuggee population of the Indian peninsula should also be categorised as hate speech. And most websites, including the Wikipedia should be appropriately penalised.

However, neither hate speech nor branding impartial writings as hate speech is going to help. What is needed is the daring to examine what is wrong with feudal language nations, that the natives therein are desperate to run out.
This reaches us to the question of what was the exact content of English Colonialism. I should refrain from using the term British Colonialism, because British colonialism as experienced in the Indian peninsula was mainly English colonialism. I do not see any attempts to set up any Celtic language education, culture or system inside the peninsula area ruled by the English colonialists. It is true that there had been many officials among them who were from the Celtic language background. I might not be able to vouch for the altruistic nature of their actions.
A most benevolent rule
However, if one were to speak of English colonialism in the Indian peninsula, I would most spiritedly say that it was a most benevolent one. Especially for the lower classes, especially during the period of East India Company rule that ended in 1858.
During my school days, English colonialism was taught in the Indian schools in two different versions. In the higher quality, English medium academic curriculum, the textbooks mentioned the English rulers as those who had modernised the peninsula and improved the people quality. However, in the state board and central government board (CBSE) curriculum (both low quality), the English rulers were depicted as looters, exploiters, killers, destroyers of ‘Indian’ ‘culture’, and much other deprecatory items. The state and central board schools were fooling the common man’s children by these kinds of ideas. This is the definition that is spreading out now.
If I am to mention that the English rulers were actually a mix of both the good and the bad, mentioned in the opposing curriculums, it might seem that I am taking an impartial stance. However, I would only be taking a stupid stance then. For, in most parts, when taking the total populations of these vast and totally unconnected miniscule pieces of areas in this region, English rule, especially that by the East India Company was a wonderful one.
A commercial organisation that went in for social reforms
Now, this contention of mine is in total opposition to all contentions that one might see in any Indian history textbook. The very argument that East India Company was not suppressive, or bent on looting the nation (British-India), might seem to be quite farfetched to be true. However, that is the truth. Even though from the perspective of stay-at-home, half-baked academic British potatoes, it might seem quite untenable that the officials and owners of the East India Company were not aiming to loot the peninsula. Yet, this is just a feeling that enters one mind, when one reads the academic writings of modern day Indian academics who cannot envisage anyone who cannot be thief. For, the whole nation of India now is in an age wherein everyone will take an economic advantage if an opportunity arrives. No one can imagine a government official who will not demand and extract a bribe if there is any chance to demand one.
A story of the real looters
Here I am forced to mention what is the level of the government officials/teachers who sponsor such deviant histories. I am not in a position to mention what are the average monthly earnings of a citizen of India. In many states, it can be around 2000 rupees per month. However, in a few states where foreign money gets converted into huge amounts, the average monthly earnings of a construction worker might come to around 12000 to 18000 per month. That is, if he is doesn’t take any leave from the work.
However, in this nation, the government babus earn from 20000 rupees per month (lowest) to that of 125000 rupees per month. They get 13 months pay in a year. Apart from that, they get a huge number of other monetary benefits, like bonus, dearness allowance, leave travel allowance, discounts for buying items like computers/mobile phones/home gadgets, bank loans for any kind of buying & expenditure. Apart from all this, they all get huge amounts as pension. This pension itself is of the astronomical kind. In a nation where there is no social security scheme for the common folks, all these kinds of financial benefits cornered by the officialdom is a real looting. Over the years, they scheme together and gather newer and newer benefits. Apart from all this, there is another loot. That is, a government employee can collect 7½ years’ total pension amount together in one lot at the time of retirement. This is known as commutation of pension. This is apart from other huge financial benefits known as Gratuity and Provident Fund. + bribes!
A common man never gets anything. At the same time, he is also totally unaware of these looting going on. For, these things are never discussed by the media, which collude with the officialdom which has the cash. The only reason why I am aware of all these things is that my family is well-linked to the higher echelons of the Indian bureaucracy. Outsiders never get to see what are the ways and manners inside the Indian officialdom. In my childhood, I was privy to many such scheming, including one that wanted to rise the retirement age of the officials to quite a high age. This would have an additional benefit. That is, when the official dies in harness (while in service), his or her son or daughter can get a government job. This in practise means that the government job is more or less hereditary.
The common man as a donkey
Inside the private conversation of the officials, the common man is quite candidly mentioned as a donkey. I have heard this many times. The common man is a donkey due to a very powerful code in the Indian feudal languages. He can be addressed in the pejorative by the officialdom. At the same time, the common man has to consistently use the respectful words of address and words like YOU, He, SHE, HIS, HER, HERS etc. about the officialdom. If he dares to use a pejorative word back, it can be taken as an abusive word. Police can be called. In most such cases, the low-class Indian police constables would beat him to a pulp, right in front of his wife and children, if need be. And made to beg for mercy.
Recently someone send me this text:
Misbehave with the bank staff
Misbehaving / abusing / assaulting with a bank employee comes under Indian penal code (IPC) section 332 and 352 which may attract 2-3 years of IMPRISONMENT and is a NON-BAILABLE CRIME. If any person found performing any of the above activities he/she will be punished which may extend to 3 years or with fine or with both.
When one sees the above words, there is nothing wrong in it. Misbehaving, abusing or assaulting a bank staff is punishable. However, the moot point is that misbehaving with, abusing or assaulting anyone should be a crime; which it is not. Apart from that, this is not a solitary rule. All government officials are given much protection. In a nation where the government officials use abusive words to the common man and who is taunted and teased to give a bribe for each and everything, these kinds of laws are just the continuation of the age old suppressive codes used by the dominant class in the peninsula. I used to know of Sales Tax rules which did give the powers to the low-class sales tax officials to do a body search. The mentionable issue is that the officials do not have the quality to be officials. In fact, most of the current-day officials in India, could at best be the menial class employees or the peons in the government offices during the English rule times.
The outlandishness of the Indian Constitution and a mediocre judiciary
This brings us to the Constitution of India. It is a huge and bulky book. Most of the statutes first say one thing, and then says the opposite as an exception to the rule. In that sense, it is not quite intelligent. However, the spirit of the original unaltered Constitution of India might be good. I do not know who did the real writing of this huge book. May be it was done by some content developers. It is claimed that it is based on the Constitution of Ireland. This claim might be wrong.
For, most of the liberties, freedoms, right to dignity, right to articulation, right of expression etc. are what is naturally present in pristine English. When one speaks in pristine English, all these rights naturally come into place, even without anyone knowing if there is a specific statute for any of this. However, the moment the communication is translated into any feudal language, each and every sentence will have issues of hierarchies, precedence, rights of articulation and expression, direction of communication, respect/pejorative etc. So it goes without saying that the Constitution of India is based on the innate codes of pristine English. Due to this very reason, till date there was no requirement for a written constitution for England. However, things are changing rapidly. In England, pristine English is being edged out. May be if this trend is allowed to continue, pristine English would become a sort of cocky way of speaking in a social area which would have a feel of a clutter culture.
Now the issue is that the Constitution of India is not enforceable inside India. When compared to the officialdom and to the socially dominating persons, the common man has no right to dignity, right to equality before the law, and no right of articulation or expression. For, in the local feudal languages, there is no provision or location whereby this can be given. To add to this, when the common man is taken into custody by any of the uniformed forces of India, he or she is invariably beaten up as a sort of right of the uniformed personnel. The judicial courts of India see and experience all this everyday. However not even one judicial official has had the courage to mention that this type of behaviour is a contravention of the rights given to the citizens of the nation. I do not want to add an adjective to the term ‘Indian judge’, as I am not sure if the Indian judiciary would define it as a Contempt of Court. However, I am more or less sure that even if I use any bad word, no one would take it up as a Contempt of Court issue. For, if is done, this article would get publicity. Which I am sure that no one would want. I had been informed that none of my writings would create a controversy. For controversies are mere marketing strategies, to garner attention. Much money is required for that. There have been much sly actions everywhere to see that my writings do not gather any publicity.
Now, this is the kind of officialdom in India and elsewhere which is writing and rewriting English colonial histories, depicting English colonialists as crooks and looters. These kinds of contentions have no basis.
The roots of terror thoughts
Here I would like to insert the issue of Islamic terrorism. It would be quite interesting to note that anti-English terror mood is being created in all the schools in India. The children blindly believe that the Englishmen were a group of rascals, who went around looting, burning and molesting. Most writings in Wikipedia also reflect this mood. I have heard youngsters more or less swear that they will have their revenge on England. If England doesn’t understand that the Indian school textbooks are one of the sprouting locations of antipathy for England, then it a very sad thing. It is a terrible thing to view England simply engaging in friendly conversation with such regimes. The so-called Commonwealth of nation is a just a pedestal for the leaders of these inimical nations to share the same platform with England and to showcase their equality with English leaders. It doesn’t improve the stature of England, while it lends grandeur to the other side (especially inside their own nations).
Islamic antipathy to English nations initiates from this indoctrinated idea that England looted their nations. However, this antipathy is there not only in Muslims. Most other Asians and Africans do have this antipathy, gathered from their compulsory education. Among Continental Europeans also, there is enough anti-English attitude to be wary of.