Feudal languages

What are they?
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
The major part of this book is taken from what had been published inside EVERIPEDIA on a page on Feudal languages.
So the writing here might be seen in the third person narrative form.
Technological disasters
Inside native-English nations, the spread of feudal language verbal codes will slowly bring in a lot of technological disasters. It would not be easy to trace these disasters to this issue, because of the total lack of information on what is happening.
What happens is something that cannot be foreseen in English. When a group of feudal language speakers are appointed inside a business organisation, they will naturally oscillate between an English conversation ambience and a feudal language one.
Individuals in the various sections and work positions would get to feel a movement in stature, up or down, depending on verbal codes used. When the verbal codes used are pejorative forms of You, Your, Yours, He, His, Him, She, Her, Hers &c., the adversely affected persons would experience a mental trauma that is not defined in English.
At the same time, when certain persons are assigned the ennobling verbal codes, they would feel an extra-elation or some other emotions. At the same time, the others would feel some kind of belittling.
Again, the effect is magnified if the words are used in the presence of others who can understand the speech.
No information on this terrific mental whirlwind is known in English.
An illustrative example was when VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS inserted this idea into the talk page on BP Oil leak in Wikipedia
See the response that came almost immediately:
I question the supposed superiority of the English language for command and control situations: French, or Attic Greek would be more precise and less ambiguous, for instance. Not the place for that discussion, alas. In any case, this incident would not be suitable for Joseph Conrad to use as a model for one of his explorations of the failures of intercultural communications.
The disagreements between the drillers and the BP company man were stated quite clearly, in crisp American English, and the BP company man simply asserted his authority, in equally clear American English. The article cites the source: first sentence, third paragraph of Investigations. Nothing else need be said, really. BP representative overruled drillers, insisted on displacing mud with seawater Times-Picayune, May 26 Paulscrawl (talk) 16:06, 24 June 2010 (UTC) END OF QUOTE
Actually, the person who wrote the lines is simply writing from his own shallow imagination. English language does not have any kind of superiority for command or control. Actually feudal languages have command and control of the astronomical levels. The subordinated persons are literally shackled up by verbal codes.
In any case, this incident would not be suitable for Joseph Conrad to use as a model for one of his explorations of the failures of intercultural communications.
Intercultural communication is not actually intercultural communication. It is trying to communicate across differently coded languages or communication software.
The disagreements between the drillers and the BP company man were stated quite clearly, in crisp American English, and the BP company man simply asserted his authority, in equally clear American English.
The explanation has nothing to do with the truculent emotions that feudal language verbal codes can trigger. The issue has nothing to do with crisp American English (which is actually a low-class erroneous English). And nothing to do with clearly understandable English word.
The issue is connected to feudal language conversation and communication that takes place. The native-English side has no information on what is going on.
A simple change of You from Aap to Thoo or from Thangal/Saar to Nee, can literally create terrific homicidal anger in a person who is not willing to accept that level of subordination.
These kinds of emotional imbalances which feudal languages can create can slowly bring in all kinds of disasters in native-English nations. However, inside feudal language nations, these will not create much of similar problems. For individuals are more or less mentally tuned to these kinds of verbal subordination and ennoblement.
If they find a location wherein they will not get the correct indicant word code levels, they will not go there or would keep a distance from such persons.