Feudal languages

What are they?
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
The major part of this book is taken from what had been published inside EVERIPEDIA on a page on Feudal languages.
So the writing here might be seen in the third person narrative form.
In his book, An Impressionistic History of the South Asian Subcontinent, each of the above points has been very carefully described by him in the form of an individual chapter, each.
For instance, take the very simple issue of two intimate persons being accosted by a third person. The third person evaluates the age, social position, financial acumen, professional status, family background, educational qualification or any other item which suits him or her mentally. Then he or she assigns a different indicant word level to them each. That is a different level of You, Your, Yours, He, His, Him (or She, Her, Hers) and a similarly different They, Their, Theirs to persons connected to them.
A lot of mental trauma or experiences can spring up in the two individuals, depending on who is placed where on the verbal ladder.
The issue is more in that the moment such a placing is done, the individual literally get thrown apart in the mental arena as well as in the social scene.
The issue becomes more acute in that, the pejorative form of the verbal usages is quite sharp and can pierce the individual quite deep. And can create mental as well as physical hurt.
In the southern parts of South Asia, the lowest form of the pejorative word for You is Nee / Neeu &c.
There is a slight complication in this, in that the lowest form of addressing is also the most intimate form of addressing. If it is mutually done, it creates a sort of camaraderie relationship that cannot be conceived in English. But it has certain defects, which might need a lot of words to explain.
In almost all human relationships in feudal languages, the lower-most pejorative verbal use is there, at least to one side. In the husband-wife relationship, the wife is the Nee, Inhi or Neenu (depending on the language). The husband is the higher positioned person.
In an interaction with the police in South India, the common man is invariably the Nee, Inhi or Neenu, unless the common man has some clout. The police constables and the higher officials have to be consistently ‘respected’.
This verbal ‘respect’ would connect powerfully to physical posture requirements and would very minutely decide various other things, like whether that man can sit down on a chair or on the floor, whether he has to get up in the presence of the police official, whether he has to stand with a bend head and clasped hands &c.
Once a common man is defined in pejorative verbal forms, he or she is literally very near to excrement. He or she can be slapped. No one would find any fault in he or she being addressed or referred to in the pejorative verbal forms.
Another illustrative item can be mentioned
Individuals who are used to being addressed and referred to in the pejorative forms do not have any sudden or cataclysmic mental upheaval or trauma. However, if that lower-positioned individual were to use the pejorative form of words on a higher – positioned person, the latter would literally go berserk. In feudal language nations, this is not a usual happening, in that the lower-positioned individuals do not usually dare to do this.
However, in the rare occasions that it is done, the other individual either bears the brunt mentally, or goes verbally or physically violent or homicidal.
These are information which the so-called mental sciences (psychology / psychiatry) do not have any information on.