Feudal languages

What are they?
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
The major part of this book is taken from what had been published inside EVERIPEDIA on a page on Feudal languages.
So the writing here might be seen in the third person narrative form.
Illustrative case in point: Adam W. Purinton
Adam W. Purinton shooting an IT worker / businessman (Telugu-language native) from South Asia domiciled in the US.
When investigating this incident, the most pertinent question should be: Did the Telugu man or his companions use the word Avan/Avana/ Avanu (all lowest indicant word for He, Him, His &c.) about Adam W. Purinton?
If they have used such a word, only a total imbecile would remain calm. There are many aspects to this issue.
One is that only a minor percent of the IT cheap-labour force that entered the US from Third world were from the higher levels of English. Most others were from the no-English to slightly knowledge in English. These higher percentage are at home in feudal languages. They know the powerful degradation and subordination that they can create in others by mere replacing of an Avaru to Avanu.
When this simple change of verbal codes is done, a huge number of other words also fall into a deep hole. The affected man can literally feel it in his vital that some terrible kind of evilness has pushed him into some kind of enslavement which has no visible shackles.
The logical retort to this argument would be that feudal language speakers do use these words among themselves. So what is the issue?
If this is the explanation, then it is a very cunning withholding of certain vital information.
Native-English speakers cannot be equated with feudal-language speakers. For, there is no way to equate a feudal language speaker with a native-English speaker.
A single You in English is split into two or more You. A single He, Him, His, Her, Hers, They, Their, Theirs would get split into two or more of words of widely different levels.
So, a native-English speaker will get equated to any one of the varying levels. However, any different level feudal-language speaker will get levelled into one single level of You, Your, Yours, He, His, Him, She, Her, Hers &c. in pristine-English.
Second point is that feudal language speakers use the lower-level pejorative form of verbal use only to their own level companions. Or to those who they view as lower-grade.
They will not dare to use these words on those who are superior to them (at least not in their presence). Nor would they dare to use it on those who have any kind of positional or physical power over them.
For instance, no individual in South Asia would dare to use it on a local policeman. If he does use words like Nee /Thoo (lowest You) or Avan/ Uss on them, it is going to provoke homicidal mania in them.
Without seeking out this information, all investigation on this shooting would be very shallow investigation.
In this case of this shooting incident, VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS did engage in some verbal debates on YouTube, with some Telugu native-speakers in the US. Even though, the Telugu-side used acrimonious words to browbeat the arguments, the very next day, the Telangana American Telugu Association (TATA) in the US came out with an appeal to the native-Telugu speakers in the US, that they are to refrain from using their native language in public places in the US. However, they did not categorically mention what was the provocative item in their speech.