Feudal languages

What are they?
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
The major part of this book is taken from what had been published inside EVERIPEDIA on a page on Feudal languages.
So the writing here might be seen in the third person narrative form.
3-D Virtual Arena Languages and 2-D Virtual Arena Languages
VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS does mention that there can be various other features inside various languages. However, his focus has been totally on this aspect. That is, planar language codes versus feudal language codes.
However, over the years, he has gone beyond the peripheral areas of verbal codes. The larger idea was that both Reality as well as Life is the creation of some superior or supernatural software system or application. In this visualisation, it is mentioned that languages as well as verbal usages are also some kind of software application or codes. At this location, VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS has tried to redefine Feudal languages as 3-D Virtual Arena Languages. Planar languages are mentioned as 2-D Virtual Arena Languages.
However, for the basic level of understanding verbal codes, the terms ‘Feudal Languages’ and ‘Planar Languages’ are enough, and much more easy to assimilate.
Throughout his theorising, VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS has focused upon pristine-English, which he defines as an ideal planar language. However, he has mentioned that pristine-Arabic can also be a planar language.
There is this quote from MALABAR MANUAL written by William Logan, who had been the Collector of the Malabar district of the Madras Presidency of English East India Company ruled locations in South Asian Subcontinent. A commentary to this book has been written by VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS. Page 419 in Malabar Manual Digital book.
QUOTE: Genuine Arabs, of whom many families of pure blood are settled on the coast, despise the learning thus imparted and are themselves highly educated in the Arab sense. Their knowledge of their own books of science and of history is very often profound, and to a sympathetic listener who knows Malayalam they love to discourse on such subjects. They have a great regard for the truth, and in their finer feelings they approach nearer to the standard of English gentlemen than any other class of persons in Malabar. END OF QUOTE
from the Commentary: It more or less reflect a particular similarity between pristine-English and pristine-Arabic. That pristine-Arabic is also more or less a planar language to a great extent. However, as to whether anyone anymore speaks pristine-Arabic might be a debatable point.
However, VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS has admitted that he is not a scholar in languages, and does not know many languages other than English and one or two languages of South Asia.