Horrendous India!
A parade of façade in verbal codes!

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
11. What needs to be refined?
Now let me reach the aim of this write up, that is, Indian education:
The English education that was being propagated in India was to bring in quality in Indian people, and change many of their behavioural aspects. For example:
People spit on the road, courtyards, pathways, through the window, out of the door and such other places. Those who do it, do not feel anything awkward about it.
They stand invariably with an inclination or bent, leaning on to something, like a wall, a pillar, doorway etc.
They stand with their hands holding on to something like the windowsill, doorframe, car etc.
Many of them involuntarily shake their legs.
When they talk to their seniors, they go into a bent pose, with their hands on the table in front of them.
When they stand with a table or such other thing behind them, they invariably place their hip or bottoms on the table.
When talking to youngsters/inferiors/subordinates, their basic posture is to taunt them. It really goes beyond to the fact that seniors in the society see it as a right to taunt and tease everyone who they see as their subordinate, both male and female. For, the language codes bring in loss of dignity in the lower placed person.
There is a code for telling lies and being honest. People would be honest to those they revere. To those whom they treat as inferiors in the language codes, they wouldn’t have any qualms about telling a lie.
Punctuality is shown to those they respect. To those placed on the lower indicant codes, they are invariably unpunctual.
Bending to do something like picking up the litter etc. is easily connected to lower indicant words. People do not do things that they fear would enter the lower indicant words on to their features. Litter builds up; civic cleanliness goes down very fast.
People communicate as per the linking codes in the hierarchical pyramid in which they are a member. Speaking to persons who are not a member inside this pyramid is like talking to a person of unknown or unacknowledged level in the opposite camp. Social communication is not healthy, when people do not come under one single leadership. Dissenters are hated, and would need to be weeded out.
Forming queues is not easy. For, people can only communicate with persons whose level in the pyramid is known to them. When persons from varying pyramid gather around a counter, instead of forming a queue, people push, jostle and elbow each other to cram for a place around the counter. Forming a queue essentially requires a disposition to communicate with others. For, otherwise the fear that the unknown entity would force himself in front would be there. When this is done, there would be no way to bring him back to his entitled position, other than by elbowing him out.
Collective actions, even for such a small things like maintaining civic cleanliness around the township is not possible. For, it would require communication with different levels of persons, who occupy varying levels in the indicant codes, with no one really willing to accept the level accorded to him by others, unless it is higher.
People want to show off their prowess at all times. For, this is essentially connected to higher indicant words in the feudal languages. Loud shouting, unnecessary boisterous behaviour, rude disturbances of others, overbearing conduct, uncouth laughter and all such things may bring in higher indicant levels.
It is essentially different from the requirements of English, wherein such uncivilised actions do not give any advantage in the verbal codes, for there are no such differing levels of codes. All it does in English is the understanding that the person is uncivilised. In Malayalam, even the sound of one’s voice is also used a measure of your social worth. A soft voice is certainly a negative attribute. What can give a higher indicant value is a rough, uncouth sound.
Teachers are rude, rough and terribly uncouth in their attitude to children, as a group, and quite nice and soft to certain selected persons. This selection is also based on certain social attributes like high-level family, doctor’s son, government officer’s daughter etc. Rudeness is seen as a necessary part of disciplining and regimentation.
The feudal language insists that one should extend ‘respect’ to those one fears. So, to derive ‘respect’, it is a necessary to show a fearsome demeanour. Such words as ‘serious’ etc. are understood in the feudal languages as ‘tough, stony faced, rough, uncouth, overbearing’ etc. The other understanding that the word ‘serious’ is connected to seriousness of purpose, steadfastness, uprightness and having the attribute of rectitude etc. are not understood in feudal languages.
Next is the issue of social mingling. In many villages, women and children from the higher class families do not want to go to the nearby shops. For, they fear that they would quite fast lose their higher level indicant word ‘respect’ if they move around the small village township. They would go only to far off townships, where the briefness of the interaction necessarily garners them ‘respect’.
However, the casual moving of females and children as seen in an English social environment cannot be made in small-time village township. Unless the females bear the appendage of some words like ‘teacher’ etc.
0. Book profile
3. A heinous mental disposition
4. Why English?
5. Problems of developing the lower class
7. Education: Colonial British vs free Indian
8. Quality versus formal education
10. The cunning craftiness of the Indian leadership
12. The redesigning of human features
14. Current day Indian education
16. What happens in Indian schools?
17. Achieving equality downwards and upwards