Malabar Manual Vol 2
William Logan
No. 1
a. Hail ! Sri—The King who has taken the supreme rule, King (Perumal) Sri Bhaskara Ravi Varman, wielding the sceptre and ruling for many 100,000 years, in his time, in the thirty-sixth year against1 the second cycle (literally, year), on the day when he was pleased to sit in Muyirikodu, he was pleased to grant this favour.
[N.B. - The Jewish translation, particularly incorrect in the rendering of this sentence, deserves perhaps, to be listened to in its translation of Muyirikodu “residing in Kranganur or Kodungalur." Perhaps the Musiris of the ancients is to be sought so far south. The calculation of the thirty-sixth year against the second cycle, which Mr. Whish has attempted, guided by the authority of other documents of considerable age, I am not prepared to criticise, as I am doubtful of the signification of "Etir” against (before ?).]
b. We have given to Joseph Rabban (the principality) Anjuvannam, along with the 72 Janmi2 rights, such as (going) with elephants and (other) conveyances, tribute from subordinate landholders, and the possession (or revenue) of Anjuvannam, the light by day, the spreading cloth, the litter, the umbrella, the Vaduca drum (Jews' transl: "drum beaten with two sticks’’), the trumpet, the gateway with seats, ornamental arches, and similar awnings and garlands (charawu, i.e,, T.காவை) and the rest.
[N.B. - Here the name of Anjuvannam has been mistaken by the Jewish and other translators. The Jews translate it “five colours,” and the revenue of Anjuvannam is converted by them into a right to convert from the five castes. But the language of the document forbids to take “anju ” for the numeral 5 : it would have been “aintu” as in the later document, Ila3. The present translation of vidu peru, generally mistaken for a gift of houses, or even for a gift to 72 families is fully secured by document II3 m several places ; vidu (cf. II, k3) is the verbal noun of vidu, “ to leave,” signifies “remittance, freedom,” hence in ancient T. Synonymous with S. mocsha ; the derived meaning is “freehold, Janmam,” hence the modem signification “gardens house.” Some of the privileges are not quite determined ; pacudam (T.tribute) is, in the Jewish translation the right of calling from the corners of the street that low castes may retire. After “umbrella” the Jews have inserted a word of which they do not know the meaning.]
c. We have remitted to him the tribute to the Supreme Government (literally, the world-bearing-hire of II4 l),
[NB.— The Jews translate literally, but ungrammatically, "and the revenue of the land and balances their hires be remitted.”]
NOTEs: 1. Compare a similar use of the word “Etir” in Deed No. 4. “The date of this deed cannot be later than the eighth century A.D.” Nor can the deed be “older than the beginning of the eighth century.” Burnell in Ind, Ant, III, 334 : “Probably not later than the ninth century A.D., nor earlier than the seventh.” Caldwell, Grammar of Dravidian languages, Introdn., 89, Edn. 1875, “About 750.” Burnell, South Indian Palaeography, 2nd Edn 140.
2. See the note which follows: the word used is Viduper.
3. No. 3 in this collection.
4. Deed No. 3, Clause (I). END OF NOTEs
And we have enacted with this copper-deed that when the other town inhabitants pay taxes to the (Perumal's) palace, he shall not have to pay ; when they receive, he shall also receive.
[N.B.- Nothing of the Jewish version can here be of any use ; they are quite misled by the word Coyil, which they take for synagogues, and hence conclude the sense to be this : “and he shall be chief to the rest of the cities in which there are synagogues and Jewish inhabitants,” without any attention to the structure of the sentence. But the sentence is difficult on account of the (antiquated) double aru, which I take for “time, term;” of Beschi’s அனுவரி tax paid at fixed times;” and the derivative aru, used in. Malayalam and Canares for “when". From a comparison of this and the first1 document, it appears that the residence of the Jewish and Christian chieftains was not in the little principality given to them, but that they remained in the metropolis as the seat of commerce. The Jewish translation may give confirmation to the tradition that there were Jews and synagogues in many cities, and that naturally enough their naturalised Emir had jurisdiction over the whole nation, which he represented in the system of Government then established.]
d. (Given) to Joseph Rabban, the owner of Anjuvannam, and to his posterity, sons and daughters, nephews and sons-in-law—a hereditary appendage for the time that earth and moon exist—Anjuvannam, a hereditary appendage. Sri.
[NB. — Pracriti “what is natural, essential to.” I take it for synonymous with janmam, which also first signifies “birth,” then in Malayalam “ hereditary property”. Different is the use of pracriti in Ila2. The Jews translate it here with “standing.”]
e. Thus do I know Govardhana Marttandan, owner of Venadu (or Travancore). Thus do I know Kotei Sri Candan, owner of the Venavali province (perhaps Bembali, wherein now Cottayam. May it not be the older name of Odunadu, I1.)
[N.B.-These are the two southern vassals.]
f. Thus do I know, Mana Vepala Mana Viyan, owner of Erala province (the name of the Tamutiri, changed by the Jewish version, according to the current tradition, into Mana Vicrama, vulgo Mana Vikkiran), thus do I know Rayaran Chattan, owner of Valluwa province.
[N.B.—Thus are the two northern vassals, as1.]
g. Thus do I know, Cotei Ravi, owner of Nedumpureiyur district (Jewish version corrupted by the writers, but the tradition that this is the Palacadu Raja seems correct. Nedumpureiyur is an old temple on the Palghatcheri road, from which Mr. Whish obtained some inscriptions).
Thus do I know Murkhan Chattan, commanding the Eastern Army. The Jews take Kilpadei for a proper name. It seems these two are the great eastern vassals on the road which leads through the Coimbatoor gap to the old fields of battle between the Pandi, Chola and Chera princes. I conclude from Document1 I, that in a later period the Chera country, properly speaking, had been taken from the Cheramans).
[According to Ellis it was divided among the great vassals as early as A.D. 389, and finally, though at what period is uncertain, was reduced to a province of the Pandyan government. (Trans. Madras Lit. Society p. 19.).]
NOTEs: 1. No. 2 in this collection.
2. No. 3 in this collection. END OF NOTEs
h. Candan of Great Taleicheri Kil-way ("under-mouth, eastern commander or viceroy, i.e, dhalawa, "army-mouth" or general), mountain-splitter. The writing of Kelappa.
[N.B. - It is open to question whether these persons are two or three. The Jewish version has only the first and the last, leaving out the middle altogether. If Kil-way be the name of a place, we must render “the writing of Kil-way Kelappan, the mountain-splitter," and the latter appellation may be taken for a title given to the writer because he deals in metals (compare the grand-goldsmith of the I1 document). But as Buchanan says the Jews find in the names of the subscribing Rajas the Colattiri and the Curumbenadu rulers, we may find it possible to recognise m the Candan of Taleicheri a family member or vassal of Colattiri, who with this sea-town recognised the rule of the Perumal, and in the mountain-splitter the chieftain of the Curumbar or jungle-dwellers, so called either from his mines at Tamracheri or from a pass he opened through the ghats. It does not seem that in the time of these three documents the northern Malabar or Colatirri did belong to the Perumals, for if it did, its Rajas would certainly have obtained as high and conspicuous a place in the line of witnesses as their relations of Venadu, to whom in old times they appear certainly superior. They recognised2 perhaps a Tulu or Maisur dynasty as supreme lords.]
NOTEs: 1. No. 2 in this collection.
2. It is suggested in the text that Keralam was at this time more or less under the Western Chalukya kings and that the northern Kolattiri family had not at this time been founded. END OF NOTEs
["Perimpadappu, who is now the Raja of Cochin, is here not mentioned, because (the Perumal) made him his heir and successor.” There is certainly some truth in this remark, from what is said1 I, about the name Vira Kerala, now the standing appellation which the Perimpadappu assumes on his accession to the throne]
NOTEs: 1. No. 2 in this collection. END OF NOTEs
Note.—This translation of the Cochin Jews’ deed was published by Dr. Gundert in the Madras Journal Lit. Sc., XIII Part I, p. 137. Other translations by Ellis and Burnell are to be found in Madras J.L S. XIII. II, and Ind. Ant III, 34 ; also by K. Kelu Nayar in M.J., L.S., N S., V 42.
No. 2
Hari Sri. Adoration to Ganapati.
The blessed rule having devolved from the earth-ruler Man-lord Chacravarti Vira Kerala (the first of the line), through regular succession, upon Sri Vira Raghava Chacravarti, now wielding the sceptre for many 100,000 years (in the year), Jupiter4 in Capricornus, the 21st of the Mina month, Saturday, Rohani4 asterism, the following grant was made in the royal palace (of the Perumal). We have given to Iravi Corttan of Mahodeverpattnam [henceforth to be called Grand Merchant of the Cheraman world (Kerala)], the lordship of Manigramam. We also have given to him (the right of) the feast-cloth(?), house-pillars (or pictured rooms ?), all the, revenue, the curved5 sword (or dagger), and in (or with) the sword the sovereign merchant-ship, the right of proclamation, the privilege of having forerunners, the five musical instruments, the conch, the light (or torch burning) by day, the spreading cloth, litter, royal umbrella, Vaduca drum (drum of the Telugu’s or of Bhairava?), the gateway with seats and ornamental arches, and the sovereign merchant-ship over the four classes6 (or streets), also the oil-makers and the five kinds of artificers1 we have subjected to him (or given as slaves to him).
NOTEs: 2. It is suggested in the text that Keralam was at this time more or less under the Western Chalukya kings and that the northern Kolattiri family had not at this time been founded
3.This is, so far as known, the earliest instance of the use, within Malabar itself, of this dialectic (Canarese) form of the ancient name, Chera, of the country.
4.“A.D. 774 is the only possible year.”—Dr. Burnell in Indian Antiqary I, p. 229.
5.The knife variously styled the war knife, Nayar knife, Mappilla knife, etc., is probably referred to. See Kodungakatti in Glossary. The possession of this weapon is now illegal.
6. Cheri—probably foreign settlers— corporate bodies.
1. 1, Goldsmith ; 2, Carpenter ; 3, Founder ; 4, Irionsmith ; 5, Coppersmith. END OF NOTEs
We have given as eternal (literally, ‘‘water”2) possession to Iravi Corttan, the lord of the town, the brokerage and due customs of all that may be measured3 by the para, weighed3 by the balance, stretched3 by the line, of all that may be counted3 or carried, contained within salt sugar, musk, and lamp-oil, or whatever it be, viz., within the river-mouth of Codungalur and the tower, or between the four Talis (temples of the deputy Brahmans) and the gramams belonging to them. We have given it by an unreserved4 tenure to Iravi Corttan, Grand Merchant of the Cheraman world, and to his sons and sons' sons in proper succession.
NOTEs: 1. 1, Goldsmith ; 2, Carpenter ; 3, Founder ; 4, Ironsmith ; 5, Coppersmith.
2. In the case of the Jews' grant there was no transfer by "water". Did this part of the ceremony come into the country with the Vedic Brahmans? See Deed No. 38.
3. “Quoe pondere, numero, mensurave constant." Is there here a relic of the Roman trade with Muziris? i e., the Codungallur of this grant ?
4. This grant is chiefly of privileges and dignities of soils, though made with "water". END OF NOTEs
Witnesses are :—
With the knowledge of the two Brahman5 divisions of Panniyur and Chowaram village have we given it ; with the knowledge of the Venadu and Odunadu (rulers) have we given it ; with the knowledge of the Eranadu and Valluwanadu (rulers) have we given it ; given for the time that sun and moon shall last ; with the knowledge of the above, written by Nambi Chadayan, grand goldsmith of the Cheraman world.
Note.—The above is one of the deeds belonging to the Syrian Christians of the Cochin and Travancore States. This translation, by Dr. Gundert, appeared in the Madras "Journal of Literature, etc., Vol XIII, Part I p. 118.
NOTEs: 5. See pages 269—273 of the test.
No. 3.
The following is the translation, as far as it can be made out, with short remarks in brackets.
a. Hail! In the time (literally, year) of Perumal (Cō, king, or Gō) Sthanu Ravi Gupta, who now rules gloriously for many 100,000 years, treading under foot hostile heads, in his fifth6 year, this year under the concurrence of His Excellency the Ayyan Adigal, governing the Venadu (the Travancore king is still called Venad Adigal, "the adorable feet of Venadu") of Anjuwannam (the Jewish principality of Deed No. 1) and of Punnattala's Lord7 (the next neighbour, vide d), the following grant of a freehold8 has been given by His Excellency the Ayyan Adigal to the Tarisa9 church (and community), established (or built) by Isodata Virai of Curakkeni Collam. (The name Tarisa is perhaps to be recognised in the Dariaygal of the Syrian tradition).
NOTEs: 6 Probably fifty years later than Deed No. 2. “Ninth Century** (Haug).— Burnell in ind. Ant. Ill, 315.
7. பதி (pati).
8. பெறு (peru).
9. Dr. Burnell thinks Tarisa is of Semitic origin, signifying study. In modem Persian Tarsa means prayer. —Ind,. Ant. Ill, 310. Other scholars have found in this word the Biblical “Tarshish."— Madras Journal of Literature and Science, XIII, Part I. END OF NOTEs
b. (This sentence is the most difficult of the whole, first, on account of the many antiquated terms of country customs ; secondly, on account of the construction, perar being the negative verb which gives no plausible translation. I prefer to read perar and take it as the nominative for the genitive.) And I also (one of the above lords of Maruwan Sapir Iso or the church, vide n), who formerly had the possession of the share staff1 (வாரககொல், feudal tenure ?) of the four families of Ilawar (Simhalese, also Tiyar, Dwipar, Islanders,” now palm-tree cultivators), and of the eight families of Ilakeyar (Sihala low castes or slaves ?) belonging to them, and one family of washermen coming from the same stock as these—all these being entitled to the fetter-right2 (தளை the foot-rope for mounting coconut trees ?) and ladder-right2 (for reaping pepper ?), to the tax for the elephant feeder, and to the wash gold (‘‘eri, perhaps ari), which the Chandan (‘'‘great person ? sun ? ) is wont to get (mattu, “hook in” T., “get by ruse"), as well as to the harvest gold (“polipon,' gold of interest ? shining gold ?), to the nightly meal of rice and to the pot measure— I, possessed of this sharestaff, and of the Cavvan (or cappam ? “tribute”), and of those five Kandis (pieces of ground or shares ?), have given them by a free and unrestricted transfer.
NOTEs: 1.The shares of produce, etc., due to the Ko (king) and to the pati (over lord) were styled varam (see i). The possession of the varakkol probably gave the holder authority to collect those dues.
2. காணம் (kanam). END OF NOTEs
c. Maruwan Sapir Iso (Maruwan, the Syrian lord ?), who has received the water (hereditary possession) of this town, having arranged that these four families of Ilawar (with their servants and washerman), two families of—7, one family of carpenters, and four families of Vellalar (Tamil agriculturists)—the latter being Caralar (T. ploughmen, M. temple-servants, used. Clause m, for trustees, hence Clause i, the noun Caranmei “trusteeship”) of the Alave (or Aladeiya) land—that all these may do their duty8 to the God, the planter by planting (rice, etc.), the setter by setting (trees, or by building, offering ?), so that the required ceremonies, such as the oil for the church, suffer no diminution, has enacted and given to the Tarisa church the land now to be described.
NOTEs: 7. Sic.
8. The various members of the community were evidently told off to perform various functions ; those customary functions were hereditary : hence caste., See pages 108-112 of the text. The community was evidently organised on the model of a well-ordered household. END OF NOTEs
d. Decreed with the sanction of the Palace-major (Koyilatikarikal) Vyaraka Devar (probably Commissioner of the Perumal, since he is repeatedly mentioned before the Travancore vassal), and power given with (the ceremony of) water1 drops for seizing and possessing, under the concurrence of His Excellency the Ayyan Adigal, His Excellency the second Raja Rama (brother of the former and next heir), his officers and ministers, and of the 6002 (a local authority, vide f) ; also of the (neighbouring) lords of Punnattala (“place of Calophyllum trees”) and Pulacudi (“dwelling of silk cotton trees"), the land bounded so that the east border be Vayalcadu (open waste plain) and the backwater included ; the south-east border be the wall near the little door-gate? (Chiru watil cal matil) ; the west border the sea ; the north border the Torana garden ; the north-east border the garden of the unapproachable (andilan) of Punnattala ; the land enclosed within these four borders I have empowered to take, and by executing this copper-deed have given, for the days that earth, moon and sun exist.
NOTEs: 1. See note to Deed No. 2. In this case the transfer was of land and other things ; the things transferred by Deed No. 2, with "water,” were privileges of sorts.
2. Compare the notice of the “Six hundred" in Deed No, 4. It is almost certain that the Karanavar of all the Taras (Nayar villages) in the Nad constituted the "Six Hundred ;” but Dr. Gundert in the translation of Deed No. 4 says, though with some doubt, "Bodyguard." See pages 87—90 and 132-34 of the text and the word "Kuttam” in the Glossary, App, XIII. END OF NOTEs
e. And it has farther been settled with the concurrence of His Excellency the Ayyan Adigal, His Excellency Rama, and the Palace-major, that the church people (Palliyar, probably heads of the Tarisa citizens) alone have power to punish the (Heathen) families of this land for any offence1 whatsoever, and receive the fines, expenses, head-price and breast-price (probably the right of selling males and females for serious caste offences) ;
NOTEs: 1. Among the privileges' recited, in a “Malabar Jenmum” deed granted by the Kolattiri Raja to the Honourable Company’s linguist at Tellicherry in October 1758 are the following : “Penalties or condemnations and customs, beginning with one principal and ending with all other things,” which was explained to the Joint Commissioners (Diary 15th February 1793) as meaning “the power of administering justice, both civil and criminal, even to the cutting off the hands of a thief.” END OF NOTEs
f. mine own relations, whoever they be, whatever the charges be, shall never have the right there to speak as heads of the land dealing with subjects. Let the 6004 (see d), the Anjuwannam4 and Manigramam4 (Jewish and Christian principalities) be the protectors.
NOTEs: 4. The deed, it will be observed, makes no allusion here to the headman of the Jewish and Christian communities, although it is known from Deeds Nos. 1 and 2 that such headmen had been appointed. The conclusion is, therefore, that the power of protection here assumed resided not in the headmen, but in the communities as corporate bodies. This strengthens the view in the note to para (d) that the Six Hundred were really the Kuttom (see Appendix XIII) of the Karanavar of the Nad. END OF NOTEs
g. Let them, even Anjuwannam and Manigramam act both with the church and the land according to the manner detailed in this copper deed for the times that earth, moon and sun exist.
h. Ordered with the sanction of the Palace-major Vyaraka Devar, and with the sanction of His Excellency the Ayyan Adigal, and His Excellency Rama, and free3 tenure granted to these (Palliyar) as follows : —
NOTEs 3. Viduper. END OF NOTEs
i. (Again a difficult sentence. I take Ulaku i.e,, loka for the official name of the citizens, Christian freemen formed into a corporation4 and distinguished both from the Palliyar, who are their headmen, and from the Cudi or Heathen families, who live on their grounds as farmers or slaves.) There being 61 citizens, the number not to be increased nor to be diminished ; no personal tax to be received for the slaves they buy (or, the person tax to be received’’ if you read perar) ; for admitting any conveyances or letting them out they are to receive 8 coins (Kachuwayinam is vahanam, understand horses, waggons) ; in the case of (female) elephants and of boats, whether for letting in or letting out, they are to receive 4 coins ; merchandise belonging to the citizens to be disposed of (or removed) by them with the cognizance of the above (the Palliyar ? or the protecting lords ? ) ; and that they (the Palliyar) do all the business (rights and duties) of a lord (swami) on the place of packing the wares (or on spots where poles with leaves are set up as signs of prohibition) and elsewhere, only after deliberation with the above mentioned (Anjuwannam and Manigramam ?) ; that Anjuwannam and Manigramam protect the citizens in every coming generation1; that in the space within the four gates (or in the four public offices ?) and on the spot where land for sale (or “under prohibition") is given in trust, the palace (or Supreme Government) having received the king’s tithe2 (Ko-pata-waram), Anjuwannam and Manigramam receive the Lord’s tithe2 (Pati-ppata-waram).
NOTEs: 4. This and the succeeding para, (k) prove conclusively that Dr. Gundert’s position here is correct. The Jews and Syrians were in guilds or corporations precisely similar to the Nayars, the Palliyar corresponding to the Taravad (Tara-pad) Karanavar and Anjuwannam and Manigramam to the “600" of the Nad.
2. There is here the earliest intimation of what “Pattam” was originally. See the Glossary. The king (Ko-pad) and the over-lord (Pati-pad) had each a share (varam) of the produce, not necessarily of the land alone. Is it too far-fetched to derive pattam from patta-varam ? END OF NOTES
k. with the sanction of the Palace-major Vyaraka Devar, who has given to these (the Palliyar) the 72 janmi3 rights (viduperu), such as for marriages (or processions), the elephant's back, the earth, the water, etc. (or “earth and water on the elephant,” at all events, marks of nobility), and with the concurrence of His Excellency the Ayyan Adigal, His Excellency Rama, the ministers and officers, the 600, and the Lords of Punnattala and Pulacudi, let Anjuwannam and Manigramam carry out this unrestricted possession right in the manner described by this copper-deed for the time that earth, moon and sun exist.
NOTEs: 3. See note to Deed No. 1. END OF NOTEs
l. If any injustice be done to these (the Palliyar ? or Anjuwannam and Manigramam ?), they may withhold the tribute (“world-bearing hire”) and remedy themselves the injury done to them. Should they themselves commit a crime, they are themselves4 to have the investigation of it.
NOTEs: 4. The Muhammadan community in Malabar does not seem to have possessed this privilege - "Tahafut-ul-Mujahideen" by Rowlandson, pp. 72, 73. END OF NOTEs
m. And let whatever the two chieftains5 in Anjuwannam and Manigramam, who have taken the water (possession) as trustees for this town (Caralar, see c.), may do in unison be counted for one act.
NOTEs: 5. The allusion here to the headmen (see Deeds 1 and 2) shows that their respective corporate bodies or guilds acted through them, though the real power (see Note to paragraph f) rested with the community. So too must it have been in the Nayar organisation by Nads. END OF NOTEs
n. And let Maruwan Sapir Iso, who took the water for this town, since he acquired (or transferred ? peruttu) the share-staff (Varakol of b), and those5 pieces (or Anjacandi) which formerly were the property of the Palliyar, pay for it the full price to the church. This also I have given over by unrestricted transfer.
o. I have ceded to the Tarisa church people, by full and unrestricted tenure, every kind of revenue by this copper-deed for the time that earth, moon and sun do last.
p. Those Ilawar6 are permitted to follow out their occupations (?) in the bazar and on the wall. The washer-man may come and do his work in the bazar7 and on the wall.
NOTEs: 6. Presumably these were some of the families of the land conveyed along with it in paragraph (c).
7. Presumably outside the limits of the land conveyed by paragraph (d). END OF NOTEs
q. Nor have the Island1 ruler (or Tiyar headman) and the Wall office or whoever it be, any power to stop them on any charges whatsoever. Though they should commit a trespass, the Palliyar alone have to try them.
NOTEs: 1. See Glossary under Tiyan, &c. END OF NOTEs
r. I have given this in the manner detailed in the copper-deed, for the time that earth, moon, and sun do last, by full, free and unrestricted tenure.
s. The person who made this full, free and unrestricted transfer to the Tarisapalli through His Excellency the Ayyan Adigal, is Maruwan Sapir Iso.
t. To those who keep this and care to see it observed let God himself be gracious (what is anugramam or anucramam ?). The writing of Ayyan ; and may this benefit (vel, or is it a compound word ?) be equal to Cula Sundara's (Vishnu ?). Rule victoriously !
Note.—The above is one of the deeds belonging to the Syrian Christians of the Cochin and Travancore States. This translation, by Dr Gundert, appeared in the "Madras Journal of Literature, & c. Vol. XIII. Part I, p, 130.
No. 4
Svasti Sri.—In the year that runs for the Kolavalan2 (or Keralavalan ?) Ramar the fourth, opposed3 to the fourth year, in this year has the ruler of Rama-vala-nadu, Kannankandan of Vali (or Valiyattu), and his officers and the 6004 (body-guard ?), in concert with the house-gods (ancestors ? Brahmans?), performed the following act :—
Chellan, the father (or stay ? lord) of Kanayapalli, wanted to purchase Tirumunnur, the Padarar’s domain, and, finding the gold required for it not forthcoming, delayed the purchase. (Here the verb ചൊഴിയുക seems plain but its meaning is obscure. Can it be Tamil ചുഴിയുക, revolve in mind ?) The purchase of this domain5of the Padarar, with all6that belongs to it, has then been made by the ruler of Cheranadu (or Chara ? ) and his officers, and the image of the god of the Padarars, with their sovereignty (prabhutvam), has been subjected7to the 600, and is possession8 (Kanam or mortgage ?) held under8 the king (Iran). They may burn a lamp of joy (nanda vilakku, an old privilege, see (Curian s Essay, 1872, p. 12). The Uralan is to be the hand of the Padarar. The 600 ought to make the Padarar perform the service with one Nali rice. Let them also look after Tirukkunam, the property of these (or this) Padarar and protect9 (ilaxikka = raxikka) it for them, even the 600, and the agreeing party furnish them for this purpose with good liquor (madhu), fire and water (or holy ashes ?). When the agreeing party (mortgagor ?) maintains the temple offerings, then the Potuval has to go and hand to them what they order. It is not the 600 that have thus to serve (different meaning, if വീട്ടി should have to be read). (Follows something, which I cannot read, about the expense at the fane of Tirukkunam. The last line is readable, except the end. ) The Uralan, if he be guilty of embezzlement( ?), shall be fined 25 Kalanju gold.
Note —This translation of an inscription on stone in old Vatteluttu characters is by Dr. Gundert. The stone was found at Tiruvannur (the “Tirumunnur” of the inscription), one of the residences of the Zamorin Maharaja Bahadur in Calicut town.
NOTEs: 2. The first part of this word is not very clear in the original, but there is little doubt that it is not Keralavalan. It may be either Kolavalan or Cheravalan.
3. Etir, the same word that occurs in the Jews’ Deed No. 1 .
4. See notes to Deed No. 3.
5. Padarar mel.
6. Eppereppattatum.
7. Arunurruvarkkum Kilpaitu.
8. Iranukku Kilittu kanam. This is the earliest instance excepting Clause (6) of No. 3, of the use of this important word Kanam. The "600” were evidently appointed to be the Kanakkarar (overseers or protectors) of the Padarar’s estate. Conf. p. 133 of the text.
9. See note to paragraph (f) of Deed No. 3. This sentence, taken in connection with the use of the word Kanam above, shows that the duty [see note to paragraph (c) of Deed No. 3] of the Kanakkarar was to supervise and protect. The collection of the pattam [see notes to paragraphs (b) and (i) of Deed No. 3] on behalf of the Ko-pad would naturally be part of that duty. The share of the pattam due to the Patipad went into their own exchequer as a corporate body, or into the exchequer of their headman, or perhaps partly into the one and partly into the other. Compare notes to paragraphs (i) and (m) of Deed No. 3, and the word Kanam in the Glossary as to the derivation of the word Kanam. Conf. also p. 138 of the text. END OF NOTEs
No. 5
Kumbha Vyalam, on the 5th of Karkitakam solar month (ഞായർ), in the dignified presence (തിരുമുമ്പ്) of our Kalle Kulangare Emur Bhagavati, in the northern entrance of the temple (വടക്കെനട), Sekhari Varma alias Tekkunathan,1 with the knowledge (അറിയ) of the four immediate successors (നാലുകൂറവാഴ്ചയും) of the two Tamburattis (രണ്ട് തമ്പുരാട്ടിയും = two queens, ladies), of the two Anantiravars in the female line (രണ്ടു പെൺവഴി അനന്തിരവന്മാരും) of the Kurur Namburipad2 (കൂറൂരനമ്പൂരി പാടും), of the inhabitants (നഗരക്കാരും) of Rayirinallara and Kumarapuram (രായിരിനല്ലരകുമരപുരം), of townspeople (നഗരക്കാരും) of Yogakkar(യോഗകാരും) of Koppana Mannadi (കൊപ്പണമന്നാടി), and of two Kodakarttakkanmar3 (കൊടകർത്താക്കന്മാർ) our Emur Bhagavati Devasvam nilam, called Kottapadi (കൊട്ടപടി), and lands (ഉഭയം) sowing 242 kalams (കാലം =: a Tamil measure of 12 marcals) of seed, (comprised) in the 14 Cherikkal4 under (the place called) Kunnumpara കുന്നുംപാറ), with the parambas (പറമ്പു്) and tanks by their (lands) banks (തൻകര), and lands (ഉഭയം) sowing 1,200 kalams (കലം = 12 marcals) of seed, including nanja and punja (നഞ്ചപുഞ്ച), (comprised) in the 42 Cherikkal (ചേരിക്കൽ) (extending) from Chembana (ചെമ്പന) to Kachanada (കച്ചനട) at the ghat (മലയകം = literally, within the hill), and the Akamala5 (അകമല = valley), Puramala (പുറമല), Chiramala (ചറമല), and Kilamala5 (കീഴമല) of the ghat (മലയകം) ; these are given as Manyam6 (മാന്യംവിടുക), to last till stones (കല്ല), and Cavery (കാവേരി), and grass (പുല്ല) and the earth (ഭൂമി) exist, in order that with the income (വരുമാനം) derivable from them the expenses of Puja (പൂജ), of feeding (ഊട്ടു = generally feeding of Brahmans), and of songs (പാട്ട് = probably songs at temple), and of the subjects (പ്രജകൾ) may be met without any distinction (?)ഏറെവരികയും ഇല്ലാമൽ). Besides this, with the pattam1 (പാടും) 411 kalams4 (കലം) sowing seeds special ceremonies (വിശേഷ അടിയന്തരം) will go on (നടക്കും). Whoever does harm (ദോഷം) to these, will merge പോകുന്നവർ) in those who murder Brahmans (ബ്രഹ്മഹതി) on the banks of the Ganges (ഗംഗാകര). With the knowledge of the witnesses Vadakkunathan2 (വടക്കുംനാഥൻ) and Vilvadrinathan (വില്വാദ്രിനാഥൻ).
Note.—Translated from a copy received from Nellisseri Siva Ramayyan of Palghat town. The document is in places barely intelligible.
NOTE: 1. Tekku-nathan (literally, southern lord), that is, the Southern Nayakkan of Palghat, the ruler of Temmalapuram.
2. Kurvalcha, from kuru (= part, share) and Dravidian-valcha ( living prosperously, reigning, governing). The immediate successors of a Raja had share in the administration.
3. Probably intended for Kotta-Karttakkanmar = literally, fort lords. Perhaps the same as the Cotual (Kottavals) of the Portuguese.
4. Lands set apart for the support of Rajas.
5. These four words probably denote “the valleys and mountain spurs."
6. Manyam (Sanskrit) - deserving of honour or regard, and lands nearly or altogether exempt from tax. Note that this is the case of a Raja parting with a portion of the lands set apart for his own use (Cherikkal).
1. See note to paragraph (i) of Deed No. 3. It is to be inferred that this pattam was derived from other land than that conveyed as Manyam. Probably it was from land of which the temple had. already obtained the "water right" and the Pati-patta-varam or pattam of which was now also given up.
2. See above. This was the head (Northern Nayakkan) of the other branch of the Palghat Raja's family. END OF NOTEs
No. 6
Letter (തിട്ട്) from Kandan Damodaran. To be read over by Mangat Menon (മേനവൻ = accountant) and communicated (തിരുമനസ് ഉണർത്തിക്കൂ == awaken the blessed mind) to Trissivaperur (Trichur) Natuvile Matattil Kakkote Tirumanassu (തിരുമനസ് = blessed mind, a term applied to Nambutiris, etc.), who looks after the affairs of Tiruvalattur Bhagavati, our household goddess (പരദേവത) ; the object ((കാർയ്യം), than, is that, with a view that prosperity may come to us (നമുക്ക് ശ്രേയസ്സ് വരേണ്ടതിന്നു്) by removing the displeasure (തിരുവെളക്കേട contracted from തിരുഉള്ളക്കേട, a particular term for the displeasure of Nambutiris, Rajas, etc.), of the Bhagavati, incurred by our having done something ( ചിലകൈക്കാർയ്യംചെയ്തു== did some deeds by the hand) to Chuvath Nambi from Sanketam (സങ്കേതം = an asylum or holy refuge exempt from war and profanation), we have made a gift (ദത്തു് ചെയ്തു) by way of atonement (പ്രായശ്ചിത്തമായി), of our property (സ്വന്മ) Meletattakku, bounded on the east by Elayachchapara, Ariyampaka and Parakkatavu, on the south by river (പുഴ) on the west by Pantillottumakku, and on the north by Pantittodu (തോട്= canal), lands for 12 (പത്തിരു) kalams (കലം, a Tamil measure = 12 marcals) of seed, and parambas situated within these boundaries, Etavantikavil Ayyan (അയ്യൻ or അയ്യപ്പൻ == deity of hunting), the Ayyappan Variyam (വാരിയം = Variyar's house), Kambu kulam (കുളം = tank), Kula nilam (നിലം == land), and 20 paras of paddy as Melvaram (മേൽവാരം), out of the Micharam due to us on account of Oravan Kandam, 60 paras lands demised (ചാർത്തിയ) to Kottavali (Nambutiri). Thus Kartikanyayar (കാർത്തികഞ്ഞായറ്റിൽ == in the solar month of Kartika) of Bahudhaniya3 Varsham (ബഹുധാന്യവർഷം). May Kartiyayini (കാർത്ത്യായിനി = female deity) be pleased and become protectress. With the knowledge of Tiruvalattur Potuval Chutanarayanan Vadamuli Kumaran Kandan, the witness to this.
Note.—Translated from a copy received from Nellisseri Siva Ramayyan of Palghat town. The language of this deed is ordinary modern Malayalam. It is placed here in the list because its date is, like the dates of those that precede it, not referable to the Kollam or Putuveppu era, but it is an ordinary modern deed.
NOTEs: 3. The twelfth year in the Brihaspati (60 years) Cycle. END OF NOTEs
No. 7
In the month of Makaram of the year 4664, Vayalmanakkal Shangara Narayanan, the proprietor5 (ഉടയ) of Parayat Desam, has conveyed [എഴുതികൊടുത്തു = literally, wrote (and) gave] for 48,101 old fanams1 to Ayikkare, Ittikota, and Itichakki, by a copper-plate (ചെമ്പേടു്) executed by Shangara Narayanan in the blessed (തിരു) presence of Villiyar Vatta Svarupam2, his lands (ഉൽപറ്റികൾ) and parambas (പറമ്പുകൾ) in the Parayat Desam (which are) bounded on the east by Aynarikkal channel (തോടു്), on the south by Kotatha ferry, on the west by Kuttiruthi channel (തോടു്), and on the north by Kayanutti channel (തോടു്) as well as the Sthanamanangal സ്ഥാനമാനങ്ങൾ = literally, rank and honors ; but per Gundert ‘"rank and emoluments of office”), Yekku3 (യെക്കു sic ? ), Chollu (ചൊല്ലു = command), Kuttu (കുത്തു = probably authority over transactions, such as signing deeds), Vilakku4 (വിളക്കു = lamp), right of digging and splitting (വെട്ടുകയും പിളക്കുകയും), cow having five nipples to the udder (അഞ്ചു മുല), Chelli a sort of grass in the fields, = to stray as cattle. Gundert, Chelli (ചെല്ലി =? stray cattle), fighting bull (ചെങ്കൊമ്പു് ==: literally, red horn), dramatic ornaments or religious festival (വെലയാട്ടു സാധനം), enjoyment of crops (വിളപൊകങ്ങൾ)5, the fish known as Cannan6 in the tank (കുളത്തിൽ കണ്ണൻ), the hog that has fallen into a well (കിണത്തിൽ പന്നി), and civet cat (പെരു = probably മെരു) and tigress (പുലി), abnormal jackfruit (കൊമ്പചക്ക)7 and "bunch of plantains with tree (കുലവാഴ), and all similar rank and honours (സ്ഥാനമാനങ്ങൾ). Thus Ayikkare, Ittikota, and Itichakki have taken by writing (എഴുതിച്ചുകൊണ്ടാൻ) from Shangara Narayanan, in the blessed presence of Villiyar Vatta Svarupam, his lands (ഉൽപത്തികൾ) and parambas (പറമ്പുകൾ) specified in Parayat Desam, as well as the rank and honours (സ്ഥാനമാനങ്ങൾ)8 Yekku (യെക്കു sic), Chollu (ചൊല്ലു = command), Kuttu (കുത്തു, see notes above), Vilakku (lamp), the right of digging and splitting (വെട്ടുകയും പിളക്കുകയും), cows having five nipples to the udder (അഞ്ചു മുല), Chelli (ചെല്ലി, see above), the fighting bull (ചെങ്കൊമ്പു്), dramatic ornaments (വേലയാട്ടു സാധനം), see above), the fish known as Cannan in the tank (കുളത്തിൽ കണ്ണൻ), the hog that has fallen into a well (കിണത്തിൽ പന്നി), civet Cat (പെരു = probably മെരു), tigress (പുലി), abnormal jack (കൊമ്പചക്ക) and bunch of plantains with tree (കുലവാഴ), and all similar ranks. Thus Ittikota and Itichakki got by writing the Desam (ദേശം അടക്കി എഴുതിച്ചുകൊണ്ടാൻ), by paying 48,101 old fanams ; the witnesses who know this being Tiriwalu Patteri, Talappu of Palutinepalli, Vaykot Elamal and Katammat Menon.
Note.—It is not known whether the boundaries specified are the boundaries of the Desam, or only of a portion of it. The copy from which this translation was made was obtained from the Dewan of Cochin State.
NOTEs: 1. It will be seen in subsequent deeds that the price paid is never stated.
2.The "Beliartes" of the Portuguese, the Kodungallur (Cranganore) dynasty.
3.. എക്കം (Ekkam) means turning for fight. — Gundert.
4.കുത്തുവിളക്കു, if taken together, means “lamp with a long handle” used as insignia.
5. First-fruits would probably better express the meaning.
6. Varal—piral (North Malabar)—pral == Maral.
7. Jackfruit with a horn, abnormal growth.
8. Some of these “ranks" (Sthanam,) and "honours" (Manam) are (see Glossary under "Revenue”) privileges supposed to appertain exclusively to ruling Rajas. END OF NOTEs
No. 8
In the year 6401, Vrisohika Vyalam, solar month (ഞായർ) Kanni, under the orders of Ittikombi and Anantiravars (അനന്തിരവൻ), and of Kalpatti Mukhalvattams (മുക്കാൽവട്ടങ്ങൾ == the oracles of Velichapadu), the land bounded on the east by the paramba north of the Chira (ചിറ) = tank or embankment) and Tekka Telava, on the south by Maravalli Todu (തോട് = stream), on the west by patti Kadavu കടവ് = ferry), and on the north by the Kalpatti Kadavu (കടവ് = ferry), is made a gift of with water2 (ധാരാദത്ത) to the temple (കോവിൽ), with the very superior ( മെച്ചമെച്ച = superior and superior) use of protection3 (ക്ഷേമമുള്ള ഉപയോഗം), to the Brahmans living therein, and with the upper and lower produce (മേൽഫലവും കീഴ്ഫലവും) retainers and slaver, (ആളടിയാർ), cattle (ഏര) and iron (ഇരിമ്പ് = ploughshare), seed and valli (വിത്തും വല്ലിയും), oil-mill (ചക്കു), and Mukkalvattam (മുക്കാൽ വട്ടം = also applied to the temples of Bhagavati, where the oracles were consulted), 130 Brahman houses existing therein, 132 fanams given to Tiranda Mana with interest of 132 fanams, the gold, silver, and copper vessels belonging to the temple, and every such thing. Nephew4 (മരുമകൻ) Ittikombi and Anantiravars and these Mukkalvattam (മുക്കാൽവട്ടം), are witnesses5 (to this) (സാക്ഷി കടവർ) ; the support to this (ഇതിന്നു ആധാരമാകുന്നതു്) is Chokkanathan (Siva), Emur Bhagavati and Melkaranavan (chief administrator). Written to this effect by Rayiramkandatt Pangi.
Note.—The copy from which, this translation was made was obtained from Nellisseri Siva Ramayyan of Palghat town.
NOTEs: 1. A.D. 1464.
2. Transfers of the “water right” required formerly the sanction of the Perumal as well as of the local chief, and his heir, and the “six hundred,” and neighbouring lords (Deed 3). Here the transfer is made by the local chief with the concurrence, however, of the people, whose mouth-piece was the Velichapad or oracle. The Perumal or Kon-of Keralam was now extinct. Each ruling chief of a nad had probably set himself up as Kon.
3. This deed adheres to the old line of providing for the "protection" of the inhabitants. Compare Deed 3.
4. "Nephew,” that is of the Palghat Raja. He was probably at the time the ruling chief, for the head of the house did not always possess executive functions.
5.The copy is to this effect, but sakshi (witness) has probably been mistaken for sukshi, which gives the more intelligible meaning, that these individuals would “take care” the deed of gift was carried out.
No. 9
Attipettolakarunam (അട്ടിപെറ്റൊലകരണം), executed in Medam Nyayar (solar month), Makara Vyalam, of the year 6996, Pulavali Nakan Naranan7 has given, with water, the Attipper of his Chennapuram Desam (ദേശം), and Desadhipatyam (ദേശാധിപത്യം), and Chennapuratt8 Ambalam (അമ്പലം = temple), and Ambalapadi Urayma (അമ്പലപടി ഊരരായ്മ), and the Devasvam lands (ഉഭയങ്ങൾ), and parambas, and Cherumars (വല്ലിചാത്തന്മാർ), amd Kolapuratt Taravad9, and the lands and parambas, and Cherumars (വല്ലിചാത്തന്മാർ), and Kudiyiruppus (കടിയരുപ്പു്) belonging to the said Taravad, to Valayur1 Kuriyetat Viyatan Manichan, after receiving from his hands (കയ്യാൽ) and the current market value thereof (അന്നുപെരും അർത്ഥം)2 = literally, the then breeding money, i.e,, the then market value.
NOTEs: 6. A.D. 1523,
7. Both parties to this deed are Samandar, the caste of the Zamorin Rajas.
8. Also called Keitodik:, temple, situated in the Cheruppullasseri Amsam of Walluvanad Taluk.
9. See Glossary and Note to Deed No. 22.
1. Also called Vinakunnatt.
2. "The price it will then fetch ; so much as it is worth." — Gundert, Compare the second note to Deed No. 7. This phrase occurs frequently in subsequent deeds. END OF NOTEs
Thus Valayur Kuriyetat Viyatan Manchan has received, with water, the Attipper of the above-said Chennapuram Desam (ദേശം), and Desadhipatyam (ദേശാധിപത്യം), and Chennapuratt Ambalam (അമ്പലം = temple), and Ambalapadi Urayma (അമ്പലപ്പടി ഊരായ്മ), and the Devasvam lands (ഉഭയങ്ങൾ), and parambas, and Cherumars (വല്ലിആളർ), and Kolapuratt Taravad, and the lands (ഉല്പത്തി), and parambas, and Cherumars (വല്ലിആളർ), and Kudiyiruppus (കുടിയിരുപ്പു്) belonging to the said Taravad, after paying the current market value thereof അന്നുപെറും അർത്ഥം). Thus Pulavali Nakan Naranan has given, with water, the Attipper of the four boundaries (നലതിർ), and parambas, and nilams, and produce (ഫലം = fruit), and all of these, etc,, comprised in the said Desam (ദേശം), lands (ഉൽപത്തി), parambas and Kudiyiruppus (കുടിയിരുപ്പു്), as also everything, of whatever3 description (എപ്പെർപ്പെട്ടതു്) included in them, after receiving the current market value (അന്നുപെറും അർത്ഥം). Thus Viyatan Manichan has received, with water, the Attipper of the four boundaries, and parambas, and nilams, and phalams, and all of these and everything else included in the said Desam, and in the lands and parambas, and Kudiyiruppu after paying the market value (പെരും അർത്ഥം). That the Attipper is given with water and that the Attipper is received with water, is witnessed by Elandikundatt Nambutiri and Patinhare Kur.4 Written by Chattu.
Note.—The copy from which this translation was made was obtained from Kilepatt Teyyan Menon of Walluvanad Taluk, Malabar.
NOTEs: 3. The same phrase occurs in Deed No. 4.
4. The branch of the reigning family, probably Zamorin of Calicut. END OF NOTEs
No. 10
Veppolakarunam (വെപ്പോലകരുണം) executed in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Chingam, 7255, towards the end of Karkadaka Vyalam (കർക്കടകവ്യാഴം പോകുന്ന). Elaya Nambi Vittil Chattan Raman and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) received 111½ new fanams from (the hands of) Muttanambiar Vittil Kelan Kandan and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) in this manner. Now the object of receiving the above 111½ fanams is that Elaya Nambi Vittil Chattan Raman and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) grant (literally, write and give) Nambukkotil Kandam 2 plots, Pantarattil Kandam 1 plot, Kundu Kandam 1 plot, and Pulikkunnat compound (വളപ്പു്). Muttanambiar Vittil Kelan Kandan and Ananthavars accordingly obtain Veppu6 (വെപ്പു്) right on payment of the said sum. Thus written by the grantee, with the knowledge of Ayikltara Kandan Chattan, witness for the parties granting and obtaining Veppu (വെപ്പു്) right for the said amount.
Note.—Translated from a copy received from Kilepatt Teyyan Menon of Walluvanad Taluk.
NOTEs: 5. A.D. 1550
6. Veppu signifies a deposit, hence a pledge for the sum advanced. It is equivalent to Otti, See Glossary. END OF NOTEs
No. 11
Attippettolakaranam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റോലകരണം), executed in Kumbham Nyayar (ഞായർ = solar month) of the year (which has) advanced (ചെന്ന) to 7621, Kilakke Kuttattil2 Chandu of Kannanuriyatt Ur (ഊര് = village) granted Attipper and water (അട്ടിപ്പെരുംനീരുകൊടുത്താൻ) of his Nirattu house3, granted Attipper and water of Kannanuriyatt Kisaliyakat Nirattu house3, Kannanuriyatt Kisaliyakat Kuttattil4 Chandu granted Attipper and water of his Nirattu3 house by settling the price (വിലമുറിച്ച). Kisaliyatt Chandu granted Attipper and water by settling the price (വിലമുറിച്ച) and receiving the full value in gold (പൊന്നറ). In this way (ഇന്മാർക്കമെ) the Uralan, in the blessed name (തിരുനാമം) of Nallatat Perillatta5, fixed the price (വിലമുറിച്ച) and obtained Attipper and water (അട്ടിപ്പെറും നീരുംകൊണ്ടാം) of the said Nirattu house. In this way the witness6 (സാക്ഷി), knowing (this transaction) on behalf of the party who fixed the price and granted Attipper and water of the said house, and of the party who obtained (the same), is Talavattatt7 Kilakke Vittil Nambadi Kanakkampalli Kannan. Written in the hand of Kanakkam Valli.
Note.—Translated from a copy received from the Huzur Sheristadar, Malabar Collector’s Office.
NOTEs: 1. A.D. 1587.
2. Literally, Chandu of the Eastern Kuttam (see Appendix XIII), belonging to the village of Kannanuriyatt.
3. See note to Deed No. 20.
4. Literally Chandu of the Eastern Kuttam (see p. 132 of the text), belonging to the village of Kannanuriyatt.
5. Literally, nameless.
6. Neither Ko nor pati was present at the execution of this deed apparently. The circle of the Taras did, however, probably witness its execution. See following note.
7. Probably intended for Tara vattatt. See notes to Deeds Nos. 13, 14, and 20. END OF NOTEs
No. 12
Attippettolakaranam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റോലകരണം), executed in Tula Nyayar (ഞായർ = solar month) of the year (which has) advanced to (ചെന്ന) 7938. Kunimal Micheri Kunhamu of Putuppattanatt Ur (ഊര് = village) received the current market value (അന്നുപെറുവില അർത്ഥവും വാങ്ങി) of the Ottakandam land (ഒറ്റക്കണ്ടം) at the north-western extremity (മൂല) of Valayala land in a way extinguishing the water (right) (നീരറ) and extinguishing the price (വലിയറ). The Uralars of Nallatat Nerillat Tiru namam [തിരുനാമംവയരാ (?) = blessed name] joining the nearest Anantiravars for the time being, and with the knowledge of the neighbours and of the over-lord (പതി = lord, or master), and in the presence of the Kovil (കോവിൽ = literally, palace, hence king) of that Nad9, paid the full value in gold (പൊന്നെറകൊടുത്ത), settled the price (വിലമുറച്ചു്) and obtained Attipper with water for full value (അട്ടിപ്പെരുനീരുംകൊണ്ടാൻ). In the blessed name (തിരുനാമംവായ) of Urulleri Nallatat Perillatta paid the current market value (അന്നുപെരുവില അർത്ഥവുംകൊടുത്തു്) with the knowledge of the neighbours (അയാലു്) of the over-lord (പതി), and of the Kovil ((കോവിൽ = palace, hence king) of that Nad, settled the price (വിലമുറിച്ചു്) and obtained Attipper with water (അട്ടിപ്പെറുംനീരുംകൊണ്ടാൻ) of the Ottakandam1land (ഒറ്റകണ്ടം) for 602 Idangalis of paddy at the north-western extremity of Valayala Kandam (കണ്ടം == piece of land), belonging to the Putuppattanatt Kunimal Muvailacheri Kunhamu.
In this way written in the hand of Nallatat Perillat Taye Kanakkam3 Valli, witness knowing (this transaction) on behalf of parties who granted and who obtained Attipper with water of what is contained within these boundaries of the said piece of land— ദൈവത്തിന്റെ കണ്ടം (God’s land) on the east, Amat Kotta (കോട്ട = fortress) on the south, അടിയോടിന്റെ കണ്ടം (Adiyodi s land) on the west, and Akkamvittil Nayar’s Korappalli on the north.
Note.—Translated from a copy received from the Huzur Sheristadar, Malabar Collector’s Office.
NOTEs: 8. A.D. 1617,
9. In Deeds Nos. 1, 2 and 3 the Ko was the Perumal or Emperor (Chakravarti) of Malabar. Here the Ko is merely king of a nad. In fact the Naduvali has by this time become the Ko.
1. It should be noticed that though the usual modern meaning of Kandam is rice-field, its original meaning is a piece or fragment or share of anything. When the Nayar “60” were breaking up their communal rights in land, this word probably meant share.
2. This means the seed required to sow the land was 60 Idangalis.
3. Probably Kanakkapilla — writer, accountant of the temple. END OF NOTEs
No. 13
Attippettolakaranam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകരണം), executed in Chinga Nyayar (ഞായർ) == solar month) of the year (which has) advanced to (ചെന്ന) 7954. Putiyavittil Kunnummal Kandumalacheri Taye Chandu Kurup, Kora Kurup and Taye Kunhan Nurup of Puttuppattanatt5 Ur (ഊർ = village), received the current market value (അന്നുപെറുംവില അർത്ഥവും വാങ്ങി) of their Kunnummal house6, and having received the full value in gold (പെന്നെറ) in a way extinguishing the water (right) and extinguishing the price, granted the Attipper and water (അട്ടിപ്പെറു നീരും) after settling the price (വിലമുച്ചു), by joining the nearest Anantiravars for the time being (അന്നടുക്കും അനന്തിരവരെയുംകൂടി), and with the knowledge of the neighbours (അയല) and of the over-lord7 (പതി = lord or master). In this way (ഇവാർക്കമെ), in the blessed name (തിരുനാമം വയരാൽ) (?) of Nallatat Perillatta8 Taye, Kurulleri Uralars, sitting inside (കരള്ളെരി ഊരാളര ഉള്ളരിക്കെ), paid the current market value of the Kunnummal house belonging to (തങ്ങളുടെ), the said Kandumalacheri Taye Chandu Kurup Kora Kurup, and Kunhan Kurup, settled the price (വില മുറിച്ച) and obtained the Attipper and water (അട്ടിപ്പെറും നീരും കാണ്ടാൻ). In this way (ഇന്മാർക്കമെ) the good and bad stones (കല്ലും കരടു), stump of nux vomica (കാഞ്ഞിരകുറ്റി) the front side and back side (മുമ്പുംപിമ്പും) ? thorns (മുള്ളു), cobras (മൂർക്കൻപാമ്പു്), hidden treasure and the vessel in which it is secured (വെപ്പും ചെപ്പു), and water included in the four boundaries of the said house (വീടു്) are granted as Attipper and water by settling the price. In behalf of the grantor, and in behalf of the purchaser of Attipper with water, the witnesses (താച്ചി) knowing (this) are Taravattam1 Tekkmn Talasseri (തറവെട്ടം തെക്കും തലശ്ശേരി), Kelu Kurup and Kileriye Karunakara Kurup. Written by the god’s accountant (ദൈവത്തിന്റെ കണക്കപ്പിള്ള) with due publicity (കേട്ടുകേൾപ്പിച്ച = literally, heard and caused to be heard ) in the blessed name (തിരുനാമം വയരാം) (?) of Nallatat Perillatta (nameless) god, with the Uralars sitting inside (ഊരാളച്ചിരുന്നു ).
Note.—Translated from a copy received from the Huzur Sheristadar, Malabar Collector’s Office.
NOTEs: 4. A.D. 1620.
5. Puttuppattanam (new town) was at one time the seat of the Southern Regent of Kolattunad.
6. See note to Deed No. 20.
7. The Ko (king) is not here mentioned, but see Deed No. 14.
8. Literally, nameless.
1. Taravattam means “circle of Taras". The witnesses were evidently Karanavar of the Taras of the nad. See pp. 88 and 132 of the text. The Pati also knew of the transaction. See above. Who was this Pati ? Paragraph (i) to Deed No 3 seems to make it clear that at that time the Pati was the “600’’ of the nad, the body that corresponded in the Jews’ and Christians’ organisations to Anjuvannam and Manigramam in their corporate capacities. Whether the “600” had by this time divided the common property (the Pati-patta-varam) among all the Taravads represented in the “600” it is difficult to say. On the whole, it is probably correct that the Pati-pattam was divided among all the Taravad families (see the items included under Taravad in Deed No. 9) and that the individual known as the Pati was either the hereditary military commandant of the Desam or the Naduvali or perhaps some temporarily influential man in the nad. END OF NOTEs
No. 14
Attippettalakaranam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകരണം), executed in Chinga Nyayar (ഞായർ = solar month) of the year (which has) advanced (ചെന്ന) to7952 Kuruvayilatt Tayatt Puttalatt Nambiar of Putupattanatt Ur (ഊര് = village) received the current market value (അന്നുപെറും വിലഅർത്ഥം), and with the knowledge of the neighbours (അയൽ), and of the over-lord (പതി = lord3 or master), and in the presence (മമ്പാകെ) of the king4 (കോവിൽ = palace, put for king) ruling (വാഴും) that Nadu (അന്നാടു്), received full value in gold (പൊൻനിറിവാങ്ങി), and granted Attipper (അട്ടിപ്പെർ) and water (നീർ) by settling the price (വിലമുറിച്ച) in a way extinguishing the price (വിലയറ മുറിച്ച) of his share5 (ഒകതി) (corruption of ഓഹരി = share) of his Mittalapavuttil, house6, Pallikkara Vittil Uralan, in the blessed name (തിരുനാമം) of Perillatta7 Taya (god) of Nallatatt Ur (ഊര്=village), purchased Vayara and Nir (വയരും നീരും = perhaps, including grass and water (?) by settling the price (വിലമറിച്ച). In this way the boundaries of this house are, east Mekkombatt house south, as far as Mekkalam, west as far as Tayatt Puttillam and north as far as Tirinnatt Kandi ; the Kanynyra kuyi paramba and field (വയൽ), Chembu (ചെമ്പു) = inferior yellowish soil ?, and water (നീർ) included in the above four boundaries ; of these the Attipper and water are granted after settling the price (വിലമുറിച്ചു). In behalf of him who granted the Attipper and water (അട്ടിപ്പെരും നീരും വിലമുറിച്ചുകൊടുത്തമെയക്കും), and in behalf of him who purchased the Attipper and water (അട്ടിപ്പെരുംനീരും വിലവുറിച്ചുകൊണ്ടമെയക്കും), the witness (താച്ചി) corruption of (സാക്ഷി) who knows this is Talavattutt1 Putiya Pattanatt Nanikkott Nambiar. Written by Mekkanattokam Palli.
Note. — Translated from a copy received fiom the Huzur Sheristadar, Malabar Collector’s Office.
NOTEs: 4. A.D. 1620.
5. Puttuppattanam (new town) was at one time the seat of the Southern Regent of Kolattunad.
6. See note to Deed No. 20.
7. The Ko (king) is not here mentioned, but see Deed no. 14.
8. Literally, nameless.
1. Taravattatt (?). See note to No. 13. END OF NOTEs
No. 15
Attippettola Karyam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകാർയ്യം) executed in the month (മാസം) of Kanni, 281, Putuvaypa2 (പുതുവായ്പ). The Cochin Rajas (പെരുമ്പുടപ്പ) Gangadhara (ഗംഗാധര)3, Vira (വീര), Kerala (കേരള), Trikkovil (തൃക്കോവിൽ), Adhikarikal (അധികാരികൾ) = Sarvadhikaryakar), granted on receipt of the market Attipper value (പെറും വില അട്ടിപ്പേരാർത്ഥം), found then by four people (അന്നുനാലത് കണ്ട), a Nirmutaludakamare3 Attipper (നീർമതലുദകമറെ അട്ടിപ്പെർ) of their Desam (ദേശം) to the north of the bar4 (അഴി), and Paliyat Raman Iravi and heirs (നമ്പിമാർ) accordingly obtained on payment of the market Attipper value (പേറും വില അട്ടിപ്പേരർത്ഥം), found then by four people (അന്നുനാലർകണ്ട), a Nirmutaludakamare Attipper of the Desam to the north of the bar. The boundaries5 of the Desam included in the Attipper are Kalukutta6 (കഴുകത്ത = probably the depth of a pole) in the river (കായൽ) on the east, Kalukutta in the sea (കടൽ) on the west, the bar on the south, and the Captain’s Cross (കപ്പിത്താൻ കരിശികലെ) todu (channel) on the north. Everything7 contained within the said four boundaries (എന്നീനാല തൃക്കകത്തകപ്പെട്ട എപ്പേർപ്പതും), such as stones (കല്ല്), charcoal (കരിക്കട്ട), stumps of Strychnos nux vomica (കാഞ്ഞിരക്കുറ്റി), thorn-clump (മുള്ളമുരിട), cobras (മൂർക്കപാമ്പ്), holes (അള), mounds8 (തറ), treasure (നിധി), wells (കിണർ), skies (ആകാശം), underground (പാതാളം), watercourses (നീരുവീതി), boundaries (അതിര്), field ridges (വരമ്പ്), canals (തോടു്) washing places (തുറ), roads used by persons (ആൾപോകുംവഴി), streams (നീരുപോകു ചാൽ), forests having deer (മാൻപെടും കാടു്), shady places having honey (തേൻപെടും ചോല), Desam9 (ദേശം), Desadhipatyam9 (ദേശാധിപത്യം) Amsam10 (അംശം), Sthanam (സ്ഥാനം), battle wager (അങ്കം), customs duty (ചുങ്കം), and everything else (മറ്റു എപ്പേർപ്പെട്ടതും) sold and purchased respectively. Written in the hand of Itti.
Note —Translated from a copy received from the Dewan of Cochin.
NOTEs: 2. Putuvaypu or Putuveppu (literally, new deposit) is an island formed between the mouths of the Crangannore and Cochin rivers. The deposit was formed in A.D. 1341. The date of the deed is therefore A.D. 1622.
3. From Nir (Drav.)—water ; mutal (Drav.)—property ; udakam (Sansk.) water ; vare (Drav.)—as far as, up to.
4. Cochin bar.
5. The Desam must have formed the southern extremity of what is now called the Island of Vypeen, part of which is now British territory inherited from the Dutch.
6. Meaning the boundary extends so far into the river as can be sounded by a bambo pole used in propelling boats.
7. Compare Deed No. 21 and the note thereto.
8. Tara is probably correctly translated here as “mounds", its original meaning.
9. This deed is very interesting as it shows that Rajas were in the habit of occasionally selling the over-lordships (Pati) of territory. See note to Deed No. 13.
10. Amsam (Sansk).—share, part ; probably synonymous here with varam, i.e., the Ko's or Pati's share of produce. END OF NOTEs
No. 16
Attipettolakaranam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകരണം), executed in Karkadaka Nyayar (ഞായർ = solar mon) of the year which has) advanced to (ചെന്ന) 8001. The blessed name of Nallatat Uralan of Kuruvalleri Ur (ഊര് = village). The Uralan of the god paid the current market value (അന്നുപെറും വില അർത്ഥും കൊടുത്തു്), joined the nearest Anantiravars for the time being (അന്നടുക്കും അനന്തിരവാരെയുംകൂടി), paid the full value in gold (പൊന്നെരകൊടുത്തു്), settled the price (വിലറമുറിച്ച്), obtained Attipper and water (അട്ടിപ്പെറും നീരുംകൊണ്ടാൻ) of the Karumani house2 belonging to (തന്നുടെ) Perunkinillat Pilarat Chattu Nambiyar. In this way the boundaries are south as far as the fields (വയൽ), west as far as Katakandam, north as far as Aviyaram Kandi (eastern boundary not given) ; thorns (മുള്ളു്), good and bad stones (കല്ലും കരടും), the stump of nux vomica (കൈഞ്ഞിരകുറ്റി), thorns (മുള്ളു്), and cobras (മൂർക്കൻപാമ്പ്), included in the circle (വട്ടം) of the above four boundaries, are granted on Attipper and water, after fixing the price (വിലമുറിച്ചു്). The witness (താച്ചി) in behalf of the grantor and grantee is............ Written by Valli.
Note. - Translated from a copy received from the Huzar Sheristadar, Malabar Collector’s Office. The deed is incomplete, and to some extent, unintelligible.
NOTEs: 1. A. D. 1625.
2. See note to Deed No. 20. END OF NOTEs
No. 17
Pattolakarunam (പാട്ടൊല കരുണം), executed in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Kumbham of the year 8223. Mukkachattil Kandar Kandar and Karumattil Ponnan Chattu received 121 new fanams from Chembil, Parangodan Kandar ; the object, then, of receiving the said 121 fanams is that our Talappalli Tirutt Kandam4 6 plots (കണ്ടം), Pulakkura Kandam 2 plots, making a total of 8 plots, are a pattam5, together with the Kavalpalam (കാവൽപലം or കാവൽഫലം—remuneration for protection6 of land claimed by, the chief inhabitants), on an annual5 pattam of 5 potis (പൊതി) of paddy, as per the Edappal Peru-nali (പെരുനാഴി-big nali) ; out of this deduct 2 potis and 8 tunis (തുണി) as interest on the amoimt at 5 per cent, and commutable at 4 paras per fanam (നാല് പര വിലയും) and 12 tunis (തൂണി) Kavalpalam (കാവൽഫലം). May the balance of 2 potis (പൊതി) be paid annually. Thus written by Eledatt Elayad.
Note.-Translated from a copy received from Kilepatt Teyyan Menon of Walluvanad Taluk.
NOTEs: 3. A.D. 1627.
4. Here again Kandam occurs in a way to suggest that it originally meant the Taravad’s share of the communal rights. See Deed No. 12.
5. Pattamayi pattamandu.
6. The duty of the Kanakkars (Nayar headmen) was protection. See note to Deed No. 4. It is a significant fact that in this, the earliest Kanam deed, the duty of protection is thrown on the Kanakkar. END OF NOTEs
No. 18
Attippettolakarunam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകരണം), executed, at Nalleppalli Mannam7 (മന്നം), of Ankavenatkatavur (അങ്കവേണാട്ടു കടവൂർ) Keiretatt (കൈരെടത്തു്) in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Mithunam Edava vyalam, 8311. Chambattil Chattan Chattan and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) received the market value (പെറുമർത്ഥം) from Iswara Pattar, son of Ellappa Pattar, residing at Nalleppalli. Thus the object of the said market value is that Chambattil Chattan Chattan and heirs, by pouring water granted as Nirmutal (നീർമുതൽ = literally, water property) Nirattipper (നീരട്ടിപ്പേർ = Attipper with water) of 2 pieces of land sowing 20 paras and lying above the Vakappatat Arayakka Chira lands sowing 45 paras down from Eluvat Potta in Kalayam Kolumbu and above (മേപ്പെട്ടു്) Ankarat Nilam, others sowing 20 paras above Talatteturu Nilam, and others sowing 20 paras above Karakkatan Chira in Kosavan Kuli, making a total of (ആകെ) lands sowing 105 paras, and parambas on both sides, together with the upper and lower produce (മേൽഫലവും കീഴ്ഫലവും). Iswara Pattar and heirs accordingly paid the said market value (പെറുമർത്ഥം), and by receiving water poured out obtained as Nirmutal (നീർമുതൽ = water property) Nirattipper (നീരട്ടിപ്പേർ = Attipper with water) of the said lands sowIng 20 paras at Vakappatom, sowing 45 paras at Kalayam Kolumbil, 20 paras of Talatte, and 20 paras at Kosavankuli making a total of (ആകെ) lands sowing 105 paras, and the parambas on both sides, together wdth the upper and lower produce (മേൽഫലവുംകീഴ് ഫലവും). Written in the hand of Ponnachatat Pannochan, with the knowledge of Vettiyil Chattan Chattan and Tevur Teyyan Raman witnesses knowing this.
Note. — Translated from a copy received from Nallepalli Ankaratta Valiya Mannadiyar of Cochin State.
NOTEs: 7. Vide note to Deed 1 No. 24.
1. A.D. 1656 END OF NOTEs
No. 19
Tittu (തീട്ടു്) of Yogiyatiri (യോഗിയാതിരി), addressed to (കണ്ടുകാർയ്യം) our Elavathur Vanchi Tayamman and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ). In consideration of what we have enjoyed (നമുക്കുവേണ്ടി അനുഭവിച്ചതിന്നു്) from your Karnavan Chittalapalli Nambidi, we have given to you at the Rishabha Yogam (ഋഷഭയോഗം = council of that name), for your hereditary enjoyment (വംശപരമ്പരയായി അനുഭവിച്ചുകൊളളുമറ്റും) the following, the Pallipuratta pattam : (പാട്ടം)2 to be enjoyed as Karam pattam2? (കാരാംപാട്ട - കാരയ്മപാട്ടം = perpetual pattam), and the Velakkora land sowing 62 paras, and Karamata sowing 7 paras, which were given to you for 36 years, and 2 narayams of boiled rice at Pilakkod in Madilagam. From the solar month of Makaram 8423, what is here written under orders may be enjoyed in hereditary succession (വംശപരമ്പരയായി).
Note.—Translated from a copy of a copper-plate deed received from the Nallepalli Ankaratta Valiya Mannadiyar of Cochin State. The deed is barely intelligible in places.
NOTEs: 2. Compare note to paragraph (i) of Heed No. 3.
3. A.D. 1666. END OF NOTEs
No. 20
Attippettolakaranam (അട്ടിപെറ്റൊലകരണം), executed in Meta Nyayar (ഞായർ = solar month) of the year (which has) advanced to 8454. Putiyaparambatt Tachcholi5 Emma Kurup and Rayiru Kurap of Meppayil Ur (ഊർ == village) having received (വാങ്ങികൊണ്ട്) the current market value (അന്നുപെറുംവില അർത്ഥം) of thelr Malamal House1, and joining (with them) the nearest Anantiravars for the time being and having received (വാങ്ങി) full value in gold (പൊന്നിരവാങ്ങി), granted Attipper and water (അട്ടിപ്പെരുംനീരും), after settling the price (വിലമുറിച്ചു്) in a way to extinguish the price (വിലയറ) and water (right) (നീരറ), with the knowledge of the neighbours (അയൽ) and the over-lord (പതി = lord or master), and in the presence (മുമ്പാകെ) of the Kovil (കോവിൽ = palace, hence king) of that Nad. Putiyaparambatt Tachcholi Devan Yamma Kurup and Rayiru Kurup having paid the current market value (അന്നുപെറും വില അർത്ഥം), and having paid (കൊടുത്തു) the full value in gold (പൊന്നിറ), purchased the Attipper by settling the price (വിലമുറിച്ചു്) of his (തന്നുടെ) Malamal house, by joining (with them) the nearest Anantiravars for the time being (അന്നടുക്കും അനന്തിരവരെയുംകൂടി), and with the knowledge of the neighbours (അയൽ) and of the over-lord (പതി) = lord, master), and in the presence (മുമ്പെ) of the king of that Nad (അന്നാടുകോവിൽ), in a way extinguishing the water (right) (നീരറ) and extinguishing the price (വിലയറ). In the blessed name of Perillatta (പേരില്ലാത്ത തരിനാമംവയരാം) of Nalladath Ur (ഊർ = village), the Uralars, by sitting inside (ഊരാളർ ഉളളിരിക്കെ), got the Malamal house surrendered (വെപ്പിച്ചുകൊണ്ടാൻ == literally, caused to be laid down) by paying the current market value (അന്നപെറും വിലയർത്ഥം), and by joining the nearest Anantiravars for the time being (അന്നടുക്കും അനന്തിരവരെയും കൂടി), and with the knowledge of the neighbours and the over-lord (അയലും പതിയും അറിയ), the Attipper and water (അട്ടിപെറുംനീരും) were got surrendered (വെപ്പിച്ചുകൊണ്ടാൻ) in the blessed name of the god (ദൈവം തിരനാമം വയരാം ?) (by) the Uralars sitting inside (ഊരാളരുള്ളിരിക്കെ). In this way (ഇമ്മാർക്കമെ) the boundaries of the said house are east as far as the god’s swamp (പടന്ന), south as far as the river, west as far as the hill (മല) and north as far as the hill cultivated with cholam (ചൊളംവെച്ചു) by Kilalam Kurup, the good and bad stones (കല്ലും കരടും), the stump of Nux vomica (കാഞ്ഞിരകുറ്റി), thorns (മുള്ളു്), cobras (മൂർക്കൻപാമ്പ്), hidden treasure (വെപ്പു്), the vessel in which it is secured (ചെപ്പു്), water (നീർ), included (അടങ്ങിട്ടുള്ള) in these four boundaries (are) given as Attipper with water (നീരോടുകൂടി), by settling the price ; in behalf of the giver (കൊടുത്തമെയ്ക്കും) and in behalf of him who purchased the Attipper and water by settling the price, the witnesses (താച്ചി) knowing (this) are Taravattam2 Kaikanda (തറവാട്ടും കൈകണ്ട = literally, influential in the circle2 of Taras), Malachcheri Kunka Kurup and Chellattan Karunakara Kurap ; written by the god’s accountant (ദൈവത്തിന്റെ കണകുപിള്ള) with due publicity (കെട്ടു് കേൾപ്പിച്ചു = literally, heard and caused to be heard).
Note.— Translated from a copy received from the Huzur Sheristadar, Malabar Collector’s Office. The document is in one place very obscure. There is an apparent inconsistency in the beginning, where the vendors are first said to sell the house by receiving the price and then to buy the same house by paying the price.
NOTEs: 4. A.D. 1670.
5. Apparently the family of the hero of the തച്ചോളിപാട്ട്, the Robin Hood of North Malabar. - Conf. p- 96 of the next.
1. Vidu (Drav.) ordinarily means a house, but it had a meaning more ancient and more approximate to the verb [viduka (Drav.)—to part, let go, untie, discharge, abandon] from which it is derived. The viduper, 72 of which were conferred on the Jews by Deed No. 1, were items which were "given up” to them by the Perumal. The meaning of vidu in this deed would probably be more precisely represented by the word "manor". Compare the note on Taravad in Deed No. 22, and the note on Purayidam in Deed No. 26.
2. See note to Deed No, 13. END OF NOTEs
No. 21
Attippettola Karyam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകാരിയം), executed in the month (മാസം) of Dhanu, 8531. The Cochin Rajas (പെരുമ്പടപ്പു്) Lekshmikovil Adhikarikal (അധികാരികൾ = Sarvadhi-Karyakar), on receipt of the market Attipper value, then found by four people (അന്നുനാലർകണ്ട പെറുംവില അട്ടിപ്പെരർത്ഥം) granted an Attippera (അട്ടിപ്പെർ) of their Pilavattara paramba2 (പറമ്പു്), and Paliyat Raman Ittikkumaran and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) accordingly obtained, on payment of the market Attipper value, then found by four people, an Attippera of Pilavattara paramba. The boundaries of the paramba sold are Nambulikat paramba on the east, Vayikkat paramba on the south, Vayal on the west and Vatakkera paramba on the north. Everything3 of whatever description3, that is contained (അകപ്പെട്ടു് എപ്പേർപ്പെട്ടതും) within the said boundaries, including stones (കല്ലു്), charcoal (കരിക്കട്ട), stump of Strychnos nux vomica (കാഞ്ഞിരക്കുറ്റി), thorn-clumb (മുള്ളമുരിട), cobras (മൂർക്കപാമ്പു്), holes (അള), mounds (തറ), treasure (നിധി), wells (കിണർ) skies (ആകാശം), the underground (പാതാളം), water-course (നീരുവീധി)2 and everything else (മറ്റു് എപ്പെർപ്പെടുതും), were sold and purchased, as witness Kotamangalat Battatiri and Ulutaral Battatiri. Written in the hand of Vattakkumcheri Unikkumaran.
Note.—Translated from a copy received from the Dewan of Cochin.
NOTEs: 1. A.D. 1677-78.
2. By this deed the Cochin Baja, disposed of a piece of garden. Compare with this the Deed No. 15.
3. In No. 15 the following were also named :—1, Boundaries ; 2, Field ridges ; 3, Canals ; 4, Washing-places ; 5, Roads ; 6, Streams ; 7, Deer forests ; 8, Shady places for honey ; 9, Desam ; 10, Desadhipatyam ; 11, Amsam ; 12, Sthanam ; 13,. Angam ; and 14, Chungam. If all these important privileges had been conveyed by this deed, it is hardly possible that they would have been all lumped together under the general head at the end. Moreover, Deed No. 15 has likewise a general head for privileges not mentioned. END OF NOTEs
No. 22
Tittu (തീട്ടു = letter from a superior to an inferior) from Karunnukki Tattan Narayanan to the Fifteen4 (പതിനഞ്ച്) of Irinyalakuda4 and to the Muttatu (മൂത്തതു്) of Kolamanna. As the anger (ക്ഷോഭം) of Kudalmanikkam (കൂടൽമാണിക്കം) = probably an evil spirit was found in our Taravad, we have this day, according to the remedy suggested (ഒഴികണ്ടിരിക്കുന്ന പ്രകാരം) by an astrological calculation (വണ്ണം), surrendered (ഒഴിഞ്ഞു) by a document (എഴുതിവെച്ചു = literally, wrote and placed) laid on the blessed door (തൃപ്പടി = door of temple) the lands (നിലം) and parambas (പറമ്പു്) which are our Taravad5 Janmam6 (തറവാടുജന്മം) in Allur Desam in the country (നാടു) of Chundal, and Poymale temple (ക്ഷേത്രം), Turutti temple, and Alu Bhagavati temple out of (our) temples (ക്ഷേത്രം), and the property (വസ്തുവക), and retainers (ആൾ) and slaves (അടിയാർ) and others (മുതലായതും) of the above temples (ഈ ക്ഷേത്രങ്ങളിലെ), and in addition to this (ഇതുകൂടാതെ) the property (വസ്തുക്കൾ) in the interior Dessams (ഉൾദേശം) of Poravur, Perumannai and Kandiyur, and the Karayma and Samudayam (കാരായ്മസദുദായം) of the Kandiyur temple (ക്ഷേത്രം), as perpetual (ശാശ്വാത) enjoyment (അനുപോകും), with water (ഉദയമായി) in order that they may be enjoyed for ever and ever (എന്നെന്നേക്കും) as Devaswam (property): all the above-written property (മേലെഴുതിയവക സ്ഥലവും) may be enjoyed by the Devaswam in the same manner as we are enjoying them. (This is) executed voluntarily (മനപൂർവ്വമായി), with gift of water Janmam1 (ജന്മനീരുദകം), by Karumukka Illath Tattan Narayanan, Chumaran, and Saraswati and Nanganeli out of the females (അന്തർജ്ജനങ്ങൾ), on the 14th of Chittrai month, in the year 8562, on the auspicious day, (ശുഭദിനം) of Tuesday (മംകളവാരം) and written by Unikkandan Vittil Raman. Witness : Kovur Vasudevan and Nallurpilli Paramesvaran.
Note.—Translated from a copy received from the Dewan of Cochin.
NOTEs: 4. Irinyalakuda is one of the original 64 Nambutiri Gramams (villages). The "Fifteen” probably constituted the council of the Gramam, just as the Karanavar of the Nayar Tara represented the Tara in the Kuttam in the nad, or the Palliyar (literally, church people) the various communities of Christians under the protection of Manigramam. See Deed No. 3
5. The use of this word here by a Brahman family marks a change in the constitution of society. The Tara was the Nayar village or guild (so to speak) ; Taravad is Tara-padu, that is, authority in the Tara. How could a Nambutiri family have obtained authority in the Tara ? The answer seems to be supplied by Deed No. 9 and also by Deeds Nos. 11, 13, 14, 16 and 20. The vidu is, probably, equivalent to Taravad, and both alike, it will be seen, were frequently sold.
6. This deed was executed by a Nambutiri family in favour of the elders of a Nambutiri village. 4. Irinyalakuda is one of the original 64 Nambutiri Gramams (villages). The "Fifteen” probably constituted the council of the Gramam, just as the Karanavar of the Nayar Tara represented the Tara in the Kuttam in the nad, or the Palliyar (literally, church people) the various communities of Christians under the protection of Manigramam. See Deed No. 3
5. The use of this word here by a Brahman family marks a change in the constitution of society. The Tara was the Nayar village or guild (so to speak) ; Taravad is Tara-padtt, that is, authority in the Tara. How could a Nambutiri family have obtained authority in the Tara ? The answer seems to be supplied by Deed No. 9 and also by Deeds Nos. 11, 13, 14, 16 and 20. The vidu is, probably, equivalent to Taravad, and both alike, it will be seen, were frequently sold.
6. This deed was executed by a Nambutiri family in favour of the elders of a Nambutiri village. This is the earliest instance as yet found of the use of the Sanskrit word Janmam in a Malayali deed.
1. Vide note above. Compare the phrase frequently repeated in the preceding and subsequent deeds, namely, Attippernir, etc. Janma nir udakam is merely the Sanskritised form of the ancient phrase.
2.A.D. 1681.
No. 23
Pattolakarunam (പാട്ടൊലകരണം), executed in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Karkadakam, of the year 8683. Tirumalasseri Naranan Naranan having received 240 new fanams from (literally, from the hands of, കയ്യാൽ) Tekkat Raman Kumaran ; now the object (കാർയ്യം) of receiving the said 240 fanams is that the lands at the northern end of Potiyapuram are a pattam4 on a pattam of 24 paras of paddy, exclusive of an allowance for damage (കേടു) and inclusive of Vasi (വാശി = allowance for difference of measures) ; let the net pattam of 12 paras of paddy, after deducting 12 paras for interest on the amount (advanced) at 5 per cent, and commutable at 1 para per fanam, be paid annually to my Polattikkarar (പൊഴത്തിക്കാരർ = Pravarttikkar). Thus written by Ambalat Kelu.
Note—Translated from a copy received from Kilepatt Teyyan Menon of Walluvanad Taluk.
NOTEs. 3. A.D. 1693.
4. Pattamayi pattamandu. END OF NOTEs
NO. 24
Attipettolakaranam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകരണം), executed in Chingam Nyayar (ഞായർ = solar month), Karkidaka Vyalam, of the year 8815, at the Chittur Mannatt6 (മന്നത്തു് ഇരുന്ന = literally, sitting at the Mannatt) of the Kilappalayur Nad (നാടു്). Kotakare Kumaran Kandan received from (കയ്യാൽ == literally, from the hands of) Ambat Raman Manchu the market value (പെരുവർത്ഥം) ; thus the object (കാർയ്യം) of this market value (പെരുവർത്ഥം) is that Kotakare Kumaran Kandan has given, with water as Attipper, his land (തൊന്മ) sowing 80 paras, and bounded on the north by Otachirayil Matampalli Vatti Kandam (field), on the south by the high road (പെരുവഴി), on the east by Parikkat Paru Nilam, and on the west by the hill ; together with its upper produce (മേൽഫലം) and lower produce (കീഴ്ഫലം), as well as Vellayan and his two children, Kutti Kannan and his four childreii, and Tambi (തമ്പി) and his two children, making a total of five (adults) and six children, and making a grand total of eleven Cherumars (വല്ലിച്ചാത്തന്മാർ), out of his (Kumaran Kandan's) slave Cherumars (അടിയാൻ വല്ലിചാത്തന്മാർ). In this way Ambat Raman Manchu and heirs (തമ്പികൾ) have taken with water as Attipper after paying the above market value (പെരുവർത്ഥം), the abovesaid land sowing 80 paras, and bounded on the north by Otachirayal Matampalli Vatti Kandam (കണ്ടം = field), on the south by the high road (പെരുവഴി), on the east by Parikkat Paru Nilam, and on the west by the hill ; together with the jungles (കാടു്) and embankment (കര) on both sides (ഇരുകര), as also Vellayan and his children, Kutti Kannan and his children, Tambi and his children, making a total of five adults and six children, and making a grand total of eleven Cherumars out of the slave Cherumars (വല്ലിചാത്തന്മാർ). The witnesses who know this (transaction) are Ilamule Chennan Raman and Chennalikkote Chatta Raman. Written by Meledatt Menon.
Note.—Translated from a copy received from the Nallepalli Ankaratta Valiya Mannadiyar of Cochin State.
NOTEs: 5. A.D. 1706.
6. A place of judgment or assembly, or a place for transacting business. For the three kinds of Mannatt, vide Gundert*s Dictionary under മണat page 788. The Chittur Taluk of Cochin State lies east of Palghat. END OF NOTEs
NO. 25
Attippettolakaranam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകരണം), executed in Dhanu Nyayar (ഞായർ = solar month), Chinga Vyalam, of the year 8821, at the Chittur Mannatt2 (മന്നത്തഇരുന്ന = literally, sitting at the Mannatt) of the Kilpapalayur Nad (നാട്). Matampalli Korissan and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) received from the hands of (കയ്യാൽ) Eluvatt Chattan Malayan the market value (പെറുവർത്ഥം). The object (കാർയ്യം), then, of this market value is that the Otasara land (ഉഭയം) I obtained from Kotukare Nayar, and sowing 500 Nali (നാഴി) seeds, the boundaries whereof are these : below the Ambat Nilam and above the Porayattavar's Nilam, west of Annayi Kanam (അണ്ണായികാണം) east of the public road. The land comprised within these (boundaries), and sowing 50 paras seed, and Vellanan, son of Cheruman (വല്ലിചാത്തൻ) Tambi, obtained3 (നേടി) by me, and the original document (മുതൽകരണം) thereon, and the jungle (കാടു്), the hillock or margin (കര), channel (തോടു്), fees (ഇറ)4, and the upper and lower produce (മേൽഫലവും കീഴ്ഫലവും) comprised within the abovesaid boundaries, are given with water as Attipper by Matampalli Korissan and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ). Thus having paid the said market value (പെറുമർത്ഥം), the abovesaid Otasara land (നിലം), sowing 50 paras seed, and Cheruman (വല്ലിചാത്തൻ) Vellanan, with the original document (മുതൽകരണം) thereof, as well as the upper and lower produce comprised within the said boundaries, are taken with water as Attipper by Eluvatt Chattan Malayan and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ). Thus the witnesses who know this (transaction) are Ilamule Chennan Raman and Chennalikkote Chatta Raman. Written by Nerayath Teyan.
Note. - Translated from a copy received from the Nallepalli Ankaratta Valiya Mannadiyar of Cochin State.
NOTEs: 1. A.D. 1707.
2. Vide note to Deed No. 24.
3. Probably before this transaction regarding the land.
4. Ancient meaning, tribute, taxes. END OF NOTEs
No. 26
Attippettola Karyam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകാർയ്യം), executed in the Kanni Nyayar (solar month) of the year 8881. Kulikkat Karumukkil Naranan Memman and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) conveyed (എഴുതിക്കൊടുത്താൻ = literally, wrote and gave) as Nirmutalaruti2 Attipper (നീർമുതലറുതി അട്ടിപ്പെരാകെ), their Karumattara Desam (ദേശം) by receiving the market Attipper value (പെറും വില അട്ടിപ്പെരർത്ഥം), as then found by four people (നാലർകണ്ടു്), to Paliyatt Mannan Kommi, in the blessed name (തിരുനാമ) of Putiya (പുതിയ = new ; probably newly-built) Peruntiracovil Tevar (പെരുന്തിര കൊവിൽതേവർ) god of Peruntira temple, or god of that name). The boundaries of the Purayidam3 (പുരിയടം = the site of a habitation, compound) thus purchased on Attipper at Karumattara Desam, are Otikkam Todu (തോടു് = stream) on the east, the river on the south, Angadi Kadaivu (അങ്ങാടികടവ് = shop ferry) on the west, and Ramanchira (രാമൻചിറ = a tank or embankment of that name) on the north. Everything, of whatever4 description (എപ്പെർപ്പെടുതു്) included in the above four boundaries, has been purchased (എഴുതിച്ചുകൊണ്ടാൻ = literally, wrote and took or brought) by Paliyatt Mannan Kommi, as Nirmutalaruti Attipper (നീർമുതലറുതിഅട്ടിപ്പെറാകെ), in the blessed name of Putiya Peruntiracovil Tevar (പുതിയപെരുന്തിരകൊവിൽതേവർ). The witnesses who know this (transaction) are Chekolli Nambutiri and Kutampilli Nambidi.
Note: - Translated from a copy received from the Dewan of Cochin.
NOTEs: 1. A.D. 1712.
2. Nir (Drav.) = water ; mutal (Drav.) property ; aruti (Drav.) = end, utmost limit.
3. This word is probably used here in a wider sense than ordinary. As the sale was of a Desam, the proper rendering of pura ( = house), idam ( = place, mansion), should probably be manor. Compare the note on vidu in Deed 20.
4. It is impossible to say from this whether the official dignities of Desavali were included in the rights conveyed. END OF NOTEs
No. 27
Attippettolakarunam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകരുണം), executed in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Kumbham, 8885, Kumbha Vyalam. Matattil Otanyil Mukkan and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) received the current market value (അന്നുപെറും അർത്ഥം) from Nambale Naranan Chinnaran, and granted (വെച്ചുകൊടുത്താൻ) him the Attipper, with water (നീരുതകമായി), of the Adhipatyam (ആധിപത്യം = sovereignty) of his Kile Otani Taravad6 ..................7 in Vellott Kurissi Desam, along with the said Desam and Desadhipatyam (ദേശാധിപത്യം = supreme authority in the Desam), and Urayma (ഊരായ്മ), and Ama1 [ആമ = turtle (?)] and hill (മല), and Malapuram (മലപ്പുറം = hill side), and Nanya (നഞ്ഞ് = a poison used in fishing), and hunting (നായാട്ടു്) and everything, of whatever description (എപ്പെർപ്പെടുതും). Thus Naranan Chumaran and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) obtained (വെപ്പിച്ചുകൊണ്ടാൻ), by paying the current market value (പെറുംഅർത്ഥം), the Kile-Otani Taravad, Desam, Desadhipatyam, Ambalapadi2 (അമ്പലപ്പടി), Urayma, hill (മല), Malapuram (hill-side), Nanya (നഞ്ഞു്), and hunting. Mukkan and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) accordingly granted Attipper with water, after receiving the current market value, and Naranan Chumaran and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) obtained Attipper with water after paying the current market value, as witnessed on behalf of both grantor and grantee by the Sabhavattam (സഭവടം = circle of assembly). Written in the hand of Putiyetat Komunni.
Note.—The original is in Vatteluttu character. A clause near the end is imperfect, and has been omitted. The copy from which this translation has been made was obtained from Kileppatt Teyyan Menon of Walluvanad Taluk, Malabar.
5. 1713 AD
6. Here the word Taravad (Tara-padu, see Glossary) bears its original meaning. Compare notes on vidu in Deed No. 20 and on Purayidam in Deed No. 26.
7. Words gone here owing to age of docrunent.
1. Perhaps the scat shaped like a turtle, or perhaps Ambalapadi, the seat of honour in a temple. The Ama, however, was probably portable, while the Ambalapadi, was fixed in the outer side of the wall of the sanctuary.
2. Here Ambalapadi seems to be the equivalent of Ama, vide above. END OF NOTEs
No. 28
Attippettolakaranam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകരണം), executed in the month (മാസം) of Karkidakam of the year 8983. Samudayattiri Panikkar and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) have given, with water (നീരടി), the Attipper of the land (നിലം) called Vellatt oluva, sowing 12 paras and belonging to the three Panikkars of Vellatt Samudayam (വെള്ളാട്ടുസമുദായത്തിൽ പണിക്കർക്കാർക്കർമ്മമൂവ്വർക്കും), after receiving3 the market Attipper gold (പെറുംഅടുിപ്പെറ്റു പൊന്നു്) , then found by four people (അന്നനാലർകണ്ട. In this way Paliyatt Mannen Komi and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) have bought with water the land (നിലം) called Vellatt oluva, sowing 12 paras, after paying (മാവറമുതലറ്റ) the market Attipper gold then found by four people. The witnesses who know this are Mangalassa Nambutiri and Kilani Nambutiri. Written by Pattatt Raman.
Note.—Translated from a copy received from the Dewan of Cochin.
NOTEs:3. A.D. 1723 END OF NOTEs
No. 29
Attippettolakarunam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകരുണം), executed in the solar month of Karkidakam 8983, Dhanu Vyalam. Kolappurat Nokan Narayanan and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) received the current market value (അന്നുപെറുംഅർത്ഥം) from1 Palayur Viyatan Manichan, and granted him the Attipper with water of Murkankandi Nilam, Kodunga Nilam, Telakka Nilam, Atamban Nilam, Patinhare Vellakunnu paramba, and Namban Pallimanyayal (പള്ളിമഞായൽ), situated in Irimbalasseri Desam. Thus Palayur Viyatan Manichan paid the current market value and obtained the Attipper with water of the said Murkankandi Nilam, Kodunga Nilam, Telakka Nilam, Atamban Nilam, Patinhare Vellakunnu paramba and Namban Pallimanyayal (പള്ളിമഞായൽ). The boundaries (അതിരുകൾ) of the said lands are east Vellakunnu, south Nambankalam Nilam, west Ayyappantepanatiri Nilam, and north Vellarakku Nilam. Everything, of whatever description (എപ്പെർപ്പെട്ടതും), contained within the said boundaries is given (as) Attipper with water. The boundaries of Murkankandi Nilam are east Matana Nilam, south Atamari Nilam, west the embankment of the tank, and north the canal ; everything, of whatever description included within the said boundaries, including the planting space of seedlings (നുരി) and the interval between them (നുരിയിടപഴുതു്), was obtained on Attipper with water ; as witnessed on behalf of both grantor and grantee by neighbours (അയലും), the over-lord1a(പതിയും), and the Sabhavattam (circle of assembly). Written in the hand of Vellot Raman.
Note.—The original is in Vatteluttu character. The copy fiom which this translation was made was obtained from Kilepatt Teyyan Menon of Walluvanad Taluk, Malabar.
NOTEs: 3. A,D. 1723 .
1. Receiving and paying are qualified by the phrase മാവറമുതലറെ, which cannot be clearly made out. If മാവർ is a corruption of മൂവര, then the clause may mean “in a way extinguishing the right of the three,” i,e., three Panikkars. But if മാവര stands for മാവൻ, then the clause may mean “in a way extinguishing the right of Mavan, a deity of Nayars.” The Panikkars being called Samundayam favours this interpretation. Finally the word may mean that the right extinguished was "as far as the mango tree," i,e., the timber right. On this last point compare Deed No. 43.
1a. Here the Pati and the circle of assembly attest the deed. END OF NOTEs
No. 30
Attippettolakarunam (അട്ടിപെറ്റൊലകരുണം), executed in the solar mouth of Makaram of the year 8982, Dhanu Vyalam. The Uralars of Iswaramangalam sitting inside [ഉള്ളിരുന്ന = sitting inside (probably of temple] in the sacred name (തിരുനാൾപേരാൽ) of the god (തേവർ), received the current market value (annu perum artham) from Valayur Kuriyetat Viyatan Manichan, and granted him the Attipper with water, Nirudakamayi of their Vettan Nilam in Kilatrikkovil Desam. Thus Valayur Kuriyetat Viyatan Manichan paid the current market value (അന്നുപെറുംഅർത്ഥം) and obtained the Attipper with water of the Vettan Nilam in Kilatrikkovil Desam. The Uralars of Iswaramangalam sitting inside (ഉള്ളിരുന്ന = sitting inside, perhaps of temple), in the sacred name (തിരനാൾപേരാൽ) of the god (തേവർ), granted the Attipper with water, of everything, of whatever description (എപ്പെർപ്പെട്ടതും), comprised within the four boundaries of the said Vettan Nilam in Kilatrikkovil Desam. Thus witnessed by the Sabhavattam3 (സഭവട്ടം = circle of assembly) on behalf of the granting and obtaining, for current value, the Attipper with water of Vettan Nilam in Kilatrikkovil Desam, together with everything, of whatever description, contained within its four boundaries. Written in the hand of Panku.
Note.—The original is in Vettelutta charactors. The copy from which this transalation was made was obtained from Kilepatt Teyyan Menon of Walluvanad Taluk, Malabar. A clause near the end is imperfect and has been omitted.
NOTEs: 3. The circle of assembly represented authority. END OF NOTEs
No. 31
Pattolakarunam (പട്ടൊലകരണം), executed in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Kanni, 8991. Tirumalsseri Naranan Naranan received 840 new fanams from (the hands of) Mulayil Kummini Tayi ; the object (കാർയ്യം), then, of receiving the said 840 fanams is that the land called Ekaram in Iswaramangalam Pattam1a is a pattam2 on a pattam of 56 paras of paddy, as per my Narayappara3. Out of this deduct 11 paras on account of damage (കേടുപിഴ) and 42 paras on account of interest on the amount (advanced) ; let the balance of 3 paras of pattam, which with Vasi (വാശി == allowance for difference of measure) becomes 3 paras and 3 tunis (തുണി == a measure about 1½ Idangali), be paid to my Poluttikkarar (പൊഴുത്തിക്കാരർ = Pravarttikkar). Thus written by Atiyarat Krishnan.
Note.—Translated from a copy received from Kilepatt Teyyan Menon of Walluvanad Taluk.
NOTEs: 1. A.D. 1724.
1a. The sense in which the word pattam is here used, that is, as an aggregation of lands, points to yet another mode in which the "Six Hundred" broke up their communal rights. The Nad was assessed with a certain quantity of produce as the Ko's share, that is, as Ko-patta-varam, Note (i) to Deed No. 3. The Taravad Karanavar in distributing the land would have to assign liability to pay a certain portion of the Ko's pattam to each piece of land made over to each Taravad as its share of the common property. Each piece of land would then come to be known as so and so's or such and such pattam. The use of the word in this sense is still adhered to in British Cochin inherited from the Dutch.
2. Pattamayi pattamandu.
3. നാരായം = a certain measure. END OF NOTEs
No. 32
Pattolakaranam (പാട്ടലകരണം), executed in the solar month of Kanni, 8994. Tirumalasseri Naranan Naranan received 101 fanams and 125 paras of paddy from Mulayil Kummini Tayi ; the object, then, of receiving the said 101 fanams and 125 paras of paddy is that the land which formerly belonged to Kundanur Perumpilavil people of Cherumarutur Desam is a pattam2 on a pattam of 48 paras, as per my Narayappara (നാരായപറ), exclusive of an allowance for damage (കേടു്). Out of this deduct 10 paras as interest on the amount at 5 per cent, and commutable at 4 paras per fanam, and let the balance of 38 paras be paid to my Poluttikkarar (പൊഴുത്തിക്കാരർ) annually. Thus written by Atiyarat Teyyan.
Note .—Translated from a copy received from Kilepatt Teyyan Menon of Walluvanad Taluk.
NOTEs: 4. A D. 1724. END OF NOTEs
No. 33
Attippettolakaranam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകരണം), executed in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Mithunam of the year 9005. Having received from (കയ്യാൽ == from the hands of Atayur Raman, Samudayam (സമുദായം) (of) the Uralars who sit inside (ഉള്ളിരുന്ന = sitting within, perhaps the temple), in the blessed name (തിരുനാമം) of the Pallimal Tevar (തേവർ = god), the current market value (അന്നുപെറും അർത്ഥം), Patavarkote Narayanan Devan granted [എഴുതിവെച്ചുകൊടുത്താൻ === literally, wrote and gave by laying (on the ground)] Attipper (അട്ടിപേർ) with pouring of water (നീരുദകമായി), of Arangatodi land (നിലം) of 12 paras, Mutayan Chattamili of 12 paras, Pullanimuri of 6 paras, the land above it (അതിന്നുമേലെ), of 5 paras, and Kunnachcheri Kandam6 of 12 paras, aggregating (കൂടി) lands sowing 47 measures (വടിപ്പൻ — a measure) of seed, possessed by him (തിനക്കുള്ള) in Valia Kundanur Desam. Thus paying the current market value (അന്നുപെറും അർത്ഥം), Atayur Raman Samudayam (of) the Uralars who sit inside (ഉള്ളിരുന്ന — see note above), in the blessed name (തിരനാമം) of the Pallimal Tevar (തേവർ), obtained [എഴുതിവെപ്പിച്ചുകൊണ്ടാൻ = literally, wrote and caused to be laid (on the ground)] Attipper (അട്ടിപ്പെർ) with pouring of water (നീരുദകമായി), of Arangatodi land (നിലം) of 12 paras, Mutayan Chattamili of 12 paras, Pulanimuri of 6 paras, the land above it (അതിന് മേലെ) of 5 paras, and Kunnachcheri Kandam of 12 paras, aggregating lands sowing 47 measures (വടിപ്പൻ) of seed (situated) in Valia Kundanur Desam. Thus Patavarkote Narayanan Devan having received the current market value, granted (എഴുതിവെച്ചുകോടുത്താൻ) Attipper with pouring of water (നീരുദകമായി), of the lands sowing 47 paras of seed which he possesses (തനിക്കുള്ള) in Valia Kundanur Desam. Thus Atayur Raman obtained (എഴുതിവെപ്പിച്ചുകൊണ്ടാൻ == see note above) the said lands (as) Attipjoer with pouring of water (നീരുദകമായി). Thus the witness who knows this on behalf of the grantor (എഴുതിവെപ്പുകൊടുത്തമെയ്ക്കും) and grantee (എഴുതിവെച്ചുകൊണ്ടമെയ്ക്കും) is Raru Patteri (Bhattatiri). Written by Kelachchatil Paman.
Note —Translated from a copy received from the Dewan of Cochin.
NOTEs: 5. A.D. 1725.
6. See note to deed No. 12. END OF NOTEs
No. 34
Desapattolakarunam (ദേശപാട്ടൊലകരണം), executed in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Karkadakam 9061 Chinga Vyalam Kudallur Yogiyattiri Tiruvadi (കൂടല്ലൂർയോഗിയാതിരിതിരുവടി) in the name of Trisivaperur Appan (തൃശ്ശിവപേരൂർഅപ്പൻ = Trichur god (?) ] received 14,000 old fanams from Kuttale Anantanarayanan Tayamma. The object of receiving the above 14,000 faiiams is that subsequent to the former document, lands sowing 420 paras of Kanimangalam Cherikkal2 (ചേരിക്കൽ), 120 paras of Utiyal, 360 paras of Manniti Cherikkal (ചേരിക്കൽ), 620 paras of Mattur Cherikkal, 120 paras of Ayinampattam3, and 120 paras of Mangalur Vengattara and 18 Cherumars (--ല്ലിയാൾ) are a pattam to you4 on a Pattam of 5,000 paras of paddy including the 1,000 paras payable by Kayaradi5 Pattillattavar and the 120 paras payable from Vellamkur [വെള്ളാംകൂർ (?)]. The net annual purapad is 1,500 paras after deducting 1,050 paras for interest on the amount (advanced), 2,240 paras for Changngatam6 (ചങ്ങാതങ്ങളും) and Palisa [പലിശകളും == persons rendering service as guards bearing (palisa) shields] and 210 paras for (പ്രവർത്തികാരനു7(?) പ്രോർത്തിയാവന (different kinds of agents, servants), making a total deduction of 3,500. The above purapad of 1,500 paras with one Chotana (ചോതന = a measure) of oil should be annually8 paid regularly on the 1st of every Chingam, and you may enjoy വഴിപിഴ (fines) for infringing old customs. Written in the hand of Kuruppat Chennan.
Note.—Translated from a copy of a copper-plate deed received from the Nallopalli Ankaratta Valiya Mannadiyar of Cochin State.
NOTEs: 1. A.D. 1731.
2. Lands belonging to Rajas or temples.
3. See note to Deed No.31 on pattam used in this way.
4. Pattamayi pattamandu.
5. കയരാടിപത്തില്ലത്തവർ — the ten Illam people of Kayarati (?).
6. See Glossary.
7. Probably for പ്രവൃത്തിയാവൻ.
8. This deed cannot be clearly understood, as the previous deed is not forthcoming. So far as can be made out, it is a Kanam deed (see Glossary under “Kanam" and notes to Deed No.4 ) of a whole Desam or of the whole of the demisor’s interest in -- and, etc., in the Desam. It is of interest because the Kanakkar had evidently to take upon himself the protection of the territory. See Deed No.4. END OF NOTEs
No 35
Valiyolakaranam (വലിഒലകരണം, corruption of വിലയോലകരണം = bill of sale), executed in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Karkadakam of the year 9141. Kurikkalote Palakkal Mittalevittil Ummanga and Uchchira of Cherukunnatt village (ഊർ) sold as far as their share (തങ്ങൾക്കുളളഒപതിഒളവും) of the Tara2 (തറ) Kandam (കണ്ടം = field) and swamps (കൈപ്പാടു്) below their house (വീടു്). Tayatt Vittil Rairu Koran and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) purchased (the same) by paying the current market value3 (അന്നുപെറും അർത്ഥം). The boundary of the land (കണ്ടം) for which this price was paid is east as far as the river, south as far as the Palakkal paramba (പറമ്പു്), west as far as the Palakkal paramba, and north as far as the Patikkarante Kandam (land). The land (നിലം) produce (പലം = fruit) hidden treasure (വെപ്പു്) and the vessel in which it is secured (ചെപ്പു്) and thorns (മുള്ളു), and cobras (മൂർക്കൻപാമ്പ്) included in the said four boundaries are purchased (വിലകൊണ്ടാൻ) by paying the price (വിലകൊടുത്തു). The witness4 who knows this (transaction) is Kuppadakkal Kannan Kammaran and the witness5 who knows the house (കടിയറിയുംതാച്ചി) is Valliyotan Chingan Kelu. Written with the knowledge of the neighbours6 (കേട്ടുകേൾപ്പിച്ചു്) in the hand of Talavil Sankaran.
Note.—Translated from a copy received from the District Munsif of Kavai, Chirakkal Taluk. The original is in Tamil (Koleluttu) characters.
NOTEs: 1. A. D. 1739.
2. The fact that the vendors sold their share of the Tara hold or Tara portion (Kandam, see Deed No. 12) looks as if the Tara (Nayar village or guild) had held property in its corporate capacity in this part of the country (Northern Kolattunad). See Deed No. 4 and Deed No. 14.
3. Literally, Anna = that day ; Perum = which will produce : Artham = the money, wealth
4. The attestation of the neighbours and of two special witnesses was alone considered necessary in this case.
5. (?)
6. Literally “heard and caused to be heard” Kettu-Kelpichu. END OF NOTEs
No. 36
Attipettolakaranam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകരണം); executed in Edavam Nyayar (solar month) Karkadaka Vyalam of the year 9177 at the Chittur Mannatt8 (മന്നത്തു്) of the Kilappalayur Nad (നാടു്). Varikkot Raman and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) received the market value (പെറുവർത്ഥം) from the hands of Ambat Raman Manchu. The object of this market value is that Varikkat Raman and heirs have given with water as Attipper his (Raman’s) property (തൊന്മ) the field9 (കണ്ടം) sowing 10 paras (and situated) above the Ambatte field by the side (ഓരെ) of the hill (മല) and below the field belonging to the Ayam house, together with its adjoining hillock or margin (കര) and upper and lower produce (മേൽഫലവും കീഴ് ഫലവും). Thus having paid the said market value the above said land (നിലം) which is above the Ambat field by the side of the hill and below the field belonging to Ayam house, and sowing 10 paras, together with its adjoining hillock or margin and the upper and lower produce has been taken with water as Attipper by Ambat Manchu and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ). Thus the witnesses who know this (transaction) are Ilamule Chennan Raman and Chennalikkote Chatta Raman. Written by Kuttikat Itti Korappen.
Note. — Translated from a copy received from the Nallepalli Ankaratta Valiya Munnadiyar of Cochin State.
NOTEs: 7. A.D. 1742.
8. Vide note to Deed No. 24,
9. Kandam See note to deed No. 12. END OF NOTEs
No. 37
Attippetttolakaranam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകരണം), executed at Nallaypalli Mannatt1 (മന്നത്തു്) in Angavenat (അങ്കവേണാട്ടു്) (?) Kadavur (കടവൂർ) (?) Kayariyadath (കയരിയടത്തു്) (?) in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Tulam 9242 Makara Vyalam. Karutta Mannattil Iravi Itarachan and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) received from (the hands of) Tottatt Malayan Itti Chattar the current market value (പെരുവർത്ഥം). The object of receiving the market value is that Karuttamannattil Iravi Itarachan and heirs have given by pouring water as Nirmutal (നീർമുതൽ) = water property) the Nir Attipper (നീർഅട്ടിപ്പെർ) of his (Itaraohan’s) land (തൊന്മ)3 situated on the south of the Kalaparamba (കളപറമ്പു്) and Pula (പൂള = silk-cotton tree) which are above the embankment (ചി..) lying below that (land) demised on Kanam4 (കാണം ചാർത്തിയ) by them (Itarachan and heirs) at Kottamangalam (കൊറ്റമംഗലം) and (situated) on the north of the Kolaohira (കൊളചിറ = big tank) ; the plots (കണ്ടം) included within those (limits) sowing 70 paras and Kuli (കുഴി = an excavated ground) and the three Kuli parambas (കുഴിപറമ്പു്) with their upper and lower produce (മേൽഫലവുംകീഴ് ഫലവും) together with Atiyan Valli Chattanmar (അടയാൻവല്ലിചാത്തന്മാർ = slave Cherumars) Kannan’s son Karuttapulli and Rangayan. Thus Thodatt Malayan Itti Chattan and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) by giving the abovesaid market value (പെറുവർത്ഥം) obtained as water property (നീർമുതൽ) the Nir Attipper (നീർഅട്ടിപ്പെർ) of the abovesaid lands with their upper and lower produce (മേൽഫലവുംകീഴ് ഫലവും) and Kuli (കഴി) and the three Kuli parambas together with two Cherumars (വല്ലിയാൻ). Witnesses hereof are Vadavannur Vellalars (വടവന്നൂർ വെള്ളാളർ and Kilillatt Anantiravars (കീഴില്ലത്തു് അനന്തിരവർ). Written in the hands of the vendor (കൊണ്ടാൻ).
Note. - Translated from a copy received from the Nallopalli Ankaratta Valiya Mannadiyar of Cochin State.
NOTEs: 1. Vide note to Deed No. 24.
2. A.D. 1748.
3. Tonma, a corrupt form of Svanma, which occurs in Deed No. 6
4. The lane demised on Kanam was not sold. END OF NOTEs
No. 38
Baliyolaharanam (ബലിഓലകരണം, corruption of വിലയോലകരണം = sale deed), executed in the solar month (ഞായർ), of Makaram of the year 9255 Kaliyatt Vittil Kunyan Nambi and heirs (നമ്പിമാർ) having received (വാങ്ങി) the current market6 value (അന്നുപെറും പോൻകാണം വില) sold (വിലകൊടുത്താർ) the Kurikkalott Palakkal Koliyatt Putiyavittile Valappa (വളപ്പു = paramba) in Cherukunnatt village (ഊർ = village) Palakkal Mittalevittil Kammaran Otenan having paid (കൊടുത്ത) the current market6 value (അന്നുപെറും പൊൻകാണം വില) purchased (വിലകൊണ്ടാൻ) (the same). The boundaries of this paramba (പറമ്പ്) are, east as far as the canal (തോടു്), south as far as the Chettire Karanma Kandam7 (കണ്ടം = field), west as far as the eastern wall (മതിൽ) of Kaliyatt Mittale house, and north as far as the Bhagavathi Ammere Kandam7 (കണ്ടം = field). Kaliyatt Vittil Kunyan Nambi and heirs having received the current market value sold1 the lands (നിലം) and produce (പലം = fruit), including (അടക്കി) the hidden treasure (വെപ്പു്) and the vessel in which it is secured (ചെപ്പു്) comprised within the said four boundaries. Palakkal Mittalevittil Kammaran Otenan purchased (the same) by paying the current market value. The witness2 (താച്ചി) corruption of (സാക്ഷി) who knows this (transaction) is Kuppadakkai Kannan Kammaran and the witness who knows the house (?) [കടിഅറിയും താച്ചി (?)] is Vellyodan Chindan Koran. With the knowledge of these, written in the hand of Talavil Narayanan Sankaran.
Note.— Translated from a copy received from the District Munsif of Kavai, Chirakkal taluk. The original is in Tamil (Koleluttu) characters.
NOTEs: 6. Literally, Anna == that day ; Perum = which will produce ; Pon - gold, Kanam = kanam, possession ; Vila = price
7. See note to Deed No. 12.
1. The use of the word Kanam above proves, that what was sold was the Kanam right (compare Deed No. 4). If so, it is important to observe exactly the things so conveyed, viz., lands, produce and hidden treasure. Veppum Cheppum are two of the best known incidents of the water birthright.
2. It is suggested in a note to Deed No, 2 that possibly the transfer of freehold "by water” came into the country with the Vedic Brahmans, whose influence was never so great in this part of the country (North Kolattunad, Chirakkal taluk) as it was further south. Possibly, therefore, this deed and, perhaps, No. 35 also were meant to be freehold deeds. They were certainly handed in as copies of so-called Janmam deeds. END OF NOTEs
No. 39
Attippettolakaranam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റോലകരണം), executed in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Dhanu of the year 9323. Nechchikkot Raman Kittanan (കിട്ടണൻ = vulgar form of Krishnan) and heirs (നമ്പിമാർ) received from (കയ്യാൽ = from the hands of) Kuruppatt Chirukota and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) the current market value (അന്നുപെറും അർത്ഥം). Thus having received the current market value, Nechchikkot Raman Kittanan and heirs granted (എഴുതികൊടുത്താൻ = literally wrote and gave) the Attipper അട്ടിപെർ as water property (നീർമുതൽ) with water (.....) of his Kotumanna land (നിലം) sowing 6 paras in Kurichchikkare desam. Thus having paid the current market value, Kuruppat Chirukota and heirs obtained [എഴുതിച്ചകൊണ്ടാൻ = literally had or got (it) written] the Attipper as water property നീർമുതൽ with water of the Kotumanna land sowing 6 paras in Kurichchikkare desam. Thus Neehchikkot Raman Kittanan and heirs granted the Attipper as water property with water of the Kotumanna (land) of 6 paras. Thus having paid the current market value, Kuruppatt Chirukota and heirs obtained (എഴുതിച്ചുകൊണഅടാൻ), see note above) the Attipper as water property with water of Kotumanna (land) of 6 paras in Kurichchikkare desam. Thus Raman Kittanan and heirs granted (എഴുതികൊടുത്താൻ) the said land. Thus Chirukota and heirs obtained (എഴുതിച്ചുകൊണ്ടാൻ) the said land. The witnesses who know this in behalf of the grantor (എഴുതികൊടുത്തമെയ്ക്കും) and of the grantee (എഴുതിച്ചുകൊണ്ടമെയ്ക്കും) are Koravankuli Nayar and Attittre Kora Mappilla. Written in the hand of Chiraman.
Note.— Translated from a copy received from the the Dewan of Cochin.
NOTEs: 3. A.D. 1756-57. END OF NOTEs
No. 40
Attippettolakaranam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകരണം), executed in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Mithunam of the year 9344. Having received the current market value (അന്നുപെറും അർത്ഥം) from (കയ്യാൽ = from the hands of) the Uralar in the blessed name (തിരുനാൾപേരാൽ) of Kurichchikkare Tevar (തേവർ = god) Techchikkot Chakkan Ramar and heirs (നമ്പിമാർ) granted (എഴുതകൊടുത്താൻ = wrote and gave) the Attipper with pouring water (നീരുദകമായി) of his Pati paramba of 7 paras in the Muti desam. Thus having paid the current market value (the Uralars) obtained [എഴുതിച്ചുകൊണ്ടാൻ = literally had or got (it) written] the Attipper with pouring water of Pati paramba of 7 paras in the Muti desam. Thus Chakkan Ramar and heirs granted (എഴുതികൊടുത്താൻ, see note above) the said land. Thus having paid the current market value, the Uralar in the blessed name of Kurichchikkare Tevar obtained (എഴുതിച്ചുകൊണ്ടാൻ, see note above) the said land. The witnesses who know this in behalf of the grantor (എഴുതികൊടുത്തമെയ്ക്കും) and grantee (എഴുതിച്ചുകൊണ്ടമെയ്ക്കും) are Koravankuli Nayar and Malamavatiyil Makkachar. Written in the hand of Koyat Kondu.
Note. - Translated from a copy received from the Dewan of Cochin.
NOTEs: 4. A.D. 1759. END OF NOTEs
No. 41
Attippettolakaranam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റോലകരണം), executed at Chittur Mannatt1 (മന്നത്തു്) in Kilappalayur Nad in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Minam9282, Edavam Vyalam. Elluvatt Raman Chattan and heirs (നമ്പിമാർ) received from Ambat Manchu Raman the current market value (പെറുവർത്ഥം). The object of receiving the said market value is Eluvatt Raman Chattan and heirs give as water porperty (നീർമുതൽ) by pouring water the Nir Attipper (നീരട്ടിപ്പെർ) of the land (....ന്മ) called Otasera above the Porayatta Nilam and below the Alukkan Chira, comprising plots sowing 60 paras of paddy and the parambas (പറമ്പു്) on both sides (ഇരുകര) and the upper and lower produce (മേൽഫലവും കീഴ് ഫലവും) and the Nuri (നുരി = space required for planting seedlings) and the Nuriyida Paluta (നുരിയിടപഴുതു്— interval between the planting of seedlings). Thus Ambat Raman and Manchu and Raman and heirs (നമ്പിമാർ) by giving the current market value obtained as water property (നീർമുതൽ) the Nir Attipper with the pouring of water of the said land Otasera above the Porayatta Nilam and below the Alukkan Chira, comprising plots sowing 60 paras of seed and the parambas on both sides, and the Nuri (നുരി = the space required to plant seedlings) and Nuriyida Paluta (നുരിയിടപഴുതു് = interval between the planting of seedlings). Thus Raman Chattan and heirs receiving the current market value have executed this, and likewise Manchu Raman and heirs paying the current market value have got this executed. Thus the witnesses to this are Elamally Chenur Raman and Chennalikat Chattan Raman. Written in the hand of Achatt Kandu.
Note. — Translated from a copy received from the Nallopalli Ankaratta Valiya Mannadiyar of Cochin State.
NOTEs: 1. See note to Deed No. 24.
2. A.D. 1763. END OF NOTEs
No. 42
To the Adhikari (അധികാരി) of Tirumala Devara (ദേവര) in Cochin. Heard from Cochin Sangara Pillay that boundaries were fixed (അതൃത്തി തിരിച്ചു) to the compounds3 (പുരയിടങ്ങൾ = literally the site of a habitation) and lands4 (കണ്ടങ്ങൾ) belonging to Tirumala devasam in the tracts പ്രദേശങ്ങൾ) included in Turavur and Manakkottuttu (subject to) Cherttala Mandavattum1 Vatukkal1 and that copies were brought and deposited [അനുവവയ്പിച്ചു (?)] at the Mandavattum Vatukkal (മണ്ടവത്തും വാതുക്കൽ) of documents relating to property held on Erakkarayma2 (എറക്കാരായ്മ) and Janmam (ജന്മം). Therefore I have relinquished (ഒഴിഞ്ഞുതന്നു) in behalf of the devasvam of the Mupra3 (മുപ്ര) and 1/8 of what is Janmam (ജന്മം) and Erakarayma (എറകാരായ്മ) documents whereof have been found. Enjoying (them) thus the Michavaram4 of Erakarayma should be paid annually to the Mandavattum Vatukkal and receipts (ചീട്ടു്) taken. Thus to this effect written on the 10th of the month (മാസം) of Makaram of the year 9455 under the orders of His Highness (തിരുവുള്ളത്തുംപടിനിനവു) by Anancha Perumal Anancha Perumal, the Valia Meleluttu Kanakku (വലിയമേലെഴുത്തുകണക്ക് = an office of that name).
Note. — Translated from a copy received from the Dewan of Cochin State.
NOTEs: 1.Mandapam (Sansk.) = open shed or hall, and Vatil (Drav.) = door, gate, chief entrance. Taken together they mean a Tahsildar’s office.
2. A right by which a small purapad is paid to the janmi by the name of Era-Micharam. It is not generally renewed, but of late it is renewed on payment of Oppu and Tusi alone. It is now recognised as redeemable.
3. Literally, three (Munnu) paras (bushels), i.e., 3 paras per 10 paras, the State share of the net produce.
4. The Mupra assessment in the Native States of Travancore and Cochin is perhaps the relic of the ancient Ko-Pattavaram, [see note to paragraph (2) of Deed No. 3]. It is certainly noteworthy that if a Nambudiri in Travancore sells this freehold land to anyone but a Nambudiri, an obligation to pay Mupra (in the case of wet lands), and Ettayil onnu (1 in 8 in the case of garden lands) immediately attaches to the lands, —(Ward and Connor’s Survey Memo., p. 63. Trivandrum Ed.) The Brahman hierarchy had evidently prior to the execution of Deed No. 2 (A.D.774) been admitted to privileges equal or perhaps superior to those conferred on the Jews and Syrians. Those privileges were probably hereditary, but not assignable to any one but Nambudiris.
5. A.D. 1770. END OF NOTEs
No. 43
Attipper ola karanam (അട്ടിപ്പെറൊലകരണം), executed on the closing (പൊകുന്ന) solar month (ഞായർ) of the Chingam of the year 9516.
Pilaparambil Kelan Koman and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) having received the current market Attipper value (പെറുംവില അട്ടിപ്പെറർത്ഥം) as found at the time by four people (അന്നുനാലർകണ്ട.) granted (എഴുതികൊടുത്താൻ == literally wrote and gave) the Attipper with pouring of water (നീരുദകമായി) of the plot (കണ്ടം) lying east to west on the northern slope (വടക്കെ എറക്കിൽ) of the hill in the western Odi (ഒടി) = division or range of fields) of Karaka Akathutta belonging to them (തങ്ങൾക്കുള്ള) in Kutuvur desam, so as to extinguish the (right in) mango tree (മാവരെ)7 the (right in) sand (മണലരെ) and the right in water (ഉദകമരെ) and to convey the right of ceremony (കർമ്മം മടക്കി)8 without any dispute respecting this and touching that (ഒന്നതൊട്ടൊന്നചൊല്ലി ചൊതിയംകൂടാതെ). In this way Iluvan Tharayolil Kalavan Maman and heirs (നമ്പിമാർ) obtained the Attipper with pouring of water (നീരുദകമായി) of the plot (കണ്ടം) lying east to west on the northern slope of the western hill and belonging to Kelan Koman and heirs, in a manner to extinguish the (right in) mango tree (മാവറെ), the (right in) sand (മണലരെ), and the (right in) water (ഉദകമറെ), and to convey the right of ceremony (കർമ്മം മടക്കി) and without any dispute respecting this and touching that (ഓന്നതൊട്ടൊന്ന ചൊല്ലി ചൊതിയും കൂടാതെ). Thus the witness who knows this is Otaparambatt Kittanan Nayar. Written by Poringelil Chennan.
Note. — Translated from a copy received from the Subordinate Judge of British Cochin.
NOTEs: 6. A.D. 1776.
7. These seem to indicate that the timber-right, the earth-right, and the water right were given up.
8. It is not clear what this means. END OF NOTEs
No. 44
This is Attippettolakaranam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകരണം) written in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Tulam of the year 9541. Talikokkat Parameswaran Trivikraman and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) have given, by receiving the market (പെറും2 = literally, born2 or produced) Attipper2 value (അട്ടിപ്പേറർത്ഥം) as then found (കണ്ടു) by four people (നാലർ) the Attipper2 with pouring of water (നീരുദകമായി) and accompanied by Janmam2 right (ജന്മഫലം == literally born2 fruit) over their (lands) in Talikolangara Desam and bounded on the east by (the land called) Totu-pata, west of Pangolam and Kunnatotupata, on the west ................... on the south by Puli Kandam and Manakkattilavan’s dwelling compound (മണക്കാട്ടിലവൻ ഇരിക്കുന്നപറമ്പ്) ...... . . .north............ field and Pilakkat paramba on the west ......on the east by the Patinhare Devasvam Totuva, on the south by. . . . jungle (കാടു), (Note.— Here more boundaries follow which owing to omission of words are unintelligible) ; (the lands) included in the above four boundaries (നാലതിർ) and sowing 18 paras, Erinheri (lands) of 8 paras, Nalpatinam land, Karuvannur Punja (പുഞ്ച) (land) of 9 paras, making a total of punja lands (പുഞ്ചനിലം) of 38 paras and wet lands (ഉൽപത്തി) and parambas (പറമ്പു്) Netumpalli Tarana Nellur Narayanan Parameswaran" and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) take the abovesaid lands (ഉല്പത്തി) and parambas (പറമ്പു) and the waste (മുട) Chulliparamba in the east and west (കീഴ്മേൽ) with flowing water (നീരുദകമായി) and water caused to come into contact (നീരട്ടിക) along with the Janmam right (ജനമഫലം, see note above)......................... Witnesses knowing (this) are Ponnallur, Kuttampilli, Kataluramallur, Kilakkiniyeddatt Kokka.
Note. - Translated from a copy received from the Dewan of Cochin State.
NOTEs: 1. A.D. 1778
2. Here the close connection between the Drav. Peru and the Sanskritised form of it Janmam is sufficiently obvious. END OF NOTEs
No. 45
Attippettolakaranam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകരണം), executed at Tatta Mangalam Mannatta3 (മന്നത്തു്) in Palayur Nad (നാടു) in the solar month of Kumbham in the year 9574. Dhanu Vyalam Shippi Ammiyar, daughter of Thoppa Pattar5, a Paradesi (പരദേശി = foreigner) and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) residing at Kakurissi Akaram (അകരം = a Brahman house) received from Ambat Raman Ittunni Raman the current market value (പെരുവർത്ഥം). Thus the object of receiving the said market value is that Shippi Ammiyar and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) give by pouring water as water property (നീർമുതൽ) the Nir Attipper (നീർഅട്ടിപ്പെർ) of 2 kandams (plots) sowing 120 nalis (നാഴി) of paddy and situated below your land (തൊന്മ)1 called Otasira nilam of Chamba (?) and above our Parakkal Kandam (plot) and the parambas (പറമ്പു്) on both sides (ഇരുകര) of it together with the upper and lower produce (മേൽഫലവും കീഴ് ഫലവും). Thus Ambat Raman Ittunni Raman and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) obtained with the pouring of water as Nirmutal (നീർമുതൽ = water property) the Nir Attipper (നീരട്ടിപ്പെർ) of the abovesaid two plots of land below the Otasira land of Chambatt (ചമ്പത്തു്) and above the Parakkal Kandam and sowing 12 paras of seed, and the parambas on both sides of it with the upper and lower produce (മേൽഫലവും കീഴ് ഫലവും). Thus the witnesses who know this are Kilatti Arangan Chattan and Manikatt Kandan Teyyan. Written in the hand of Eluvatt Thoppu.
Note. - Translated from a copy received from the Nallepalli Ankaratta Valiya Mannadiyar of Cochin State.
NOTEs: 3. See note to deed No. 24.
4. A.D. 1781-82.
5. East Coast Brahman.
1. Tonma, See Note to Deed No. 37. END OF NOTEs
No. 46
Attippettolakarunam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകരുണം), executed at Chittur Mannatt2 in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Edavam in the year 9593 Kumbham Vyalam. Porayatt Raman and heirs (നമ്പിമാർ) received the current market value (പെറുവർത്ഥം) from Ambat Raman Ittunni Raman. The object (കാർയ്യം) of receiving the said market value is that Porayatt Raman and heirs give (കൊടുത്താർ) with pouring water as water property (നീർമുതൽ) the Nir Attipper (നീരട്ടിപ്പെർ) of the Kandams (കണ്ടം == plot) sowing 12 paras seed, bounded on the north by your (തന്റെ) land (തൊന്മ) called Otasira Annakonath (ഒടാശിര അണ്ണാകൊണത്തു്) and on the south by our (തങ്ങടെ) Nilam, east by Tiruttillatt Nilam, and on the west by the slope (വെള്ളചരു) of the paramba, together with the (right of) guarding3 (പരോവു or പാറാവു = sentry or guard) and Karayma4 (കാരായ്മ) as well as the upper and lower produce (മേൽഫലവും കീഴ് ഫലവും) and everything of whatever description (എപ്പെർപ്പെട്ടതും) comprised within these four boundaries. Ambat Raman Ittunni Raman and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) obtain with the pouring of water as water property (നീർമുതൽ) the Nir Attipper (നീരട്ടിപ്പെർ) by giving the said market value of the Kandam (plot) sowing 12 paras and bounded on the north by the Otasira Annakonath Nilam, on the south by their (തങ്ങടെ) Nilam, on the east by Tiruttillatt Nilam, and on the west by the slope of the paramba together with the right of guarding (പാരാവും) and Karayma as well as the upper and lower produce and everything of whatever description (എപ്പെർപ്പെട്ടതും) comprised within these four boundaries. Thus the witnesses who know this are Chattan Raman and Chennalikot Teyyan Raman. Written in the hand of Tatchat Kandu.
Note.—Translated from a copy received from the Nallopaili Ankaratta Valiya Mannadiyar of Cochin State.
NOTEs: 2. See note to deed No 24.
3. A D. 1784
4. Compare notes to paragraphs (c) and (f) and (m) of Deed No. 3 ; also notes to Deed No. 4. END OF NOTEs
No. 47
Attippettolakaranarn (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകരണം), executed in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Karkadakam of the year 9635. Chirakkal Panayanullil Narayanan Chumaran and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) having received the market Attipper value (പെറും അട്ടിപ്പെറർത്ഥം) as found at the time by four people (അന്നുനാലപെർകണ്ടു) granted (എഴുതികൊടുത്താൻ) the Attipper with water flowing (നീരദകമായി) and water coining into contact (നീരട്ടിച്ചു) of their (തങ്ങൾക്കുള്ള) Kalimpuram Desam (കഴിമ്പുറം ദേശം). Thus Ayirur Narayana Rama Varma Avatiri Kovilatikarikal and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) having paid the market Attipper value (പെറും അട്ടിപ്പെറർത്ഥം) as found then by four people (അന്നുനാലുപേർ കണ്ടു) obtained (എഴുതിച്ചുകൊണ്ടാൻ) the Attipper with water flowing (നീരുദകമായി) and water coming into contact (നീരട്ടിക) of the said Kalimpuram desam. Thus the boundaries of this desam are east Edamuttam Desam, south Ramallur desam, west Meppuratta Paramba (which is) west of Tirunilam, and north Kuruvetti Paramba. The lands (ഉൽപത്തികൾ) and parambas (പറമ്പുകൾ) and everything else of whatever description (മറ്റും എപ്പെർപ്പെട്ടതും) included (അകപ്പെട്ട) within the above four boundaries and the Desam1 Desadhipatyam, Amabalappadi1 and Urayma1 have been given and received with water flowing (നിരുദകം). The witnesses who know this are Kuttumpilli Mutta Nambutiri, Kunampilli Nambutiri, Edatiruttu Pattali, and Kutaykkal Sankaran Kammal. Written by Chemmappallil Sankaran Shollampenambiyath Sankaran.
Note: Translated from a copy received from the Subordinate Judge of British Cochin.
NOTEs: 5. A. D. 1788.
1. Incidents attached to the rank of a Desavali. See Glossary. END OF NOTEs
No. 48
Vilayolakaranam (വിലയൊലകരണം = deed of sale), executed in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Mithunam of the year 9832. Palakkal Patinhare Vittil Rayiru Chandu and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) of Cherukunnatt village (ഊർ) sold by receiving the current market value (അന്നുപെറും വിലയറുത്തം) the paramba (പരമ്പ്) known as Kallinga Valappa which is the janmam (ജെന്മം corruption of ജന്മം) of Payangote Palakkal Patinhare Vittil Chandu of Cherukunnatt village. The said paramba was purchased by payihg the current market value3 (അന്നുപെറും വിലയറുത്തം) by Karippatt Palli Kulakatt Chirakkal Kulakkat Ravi Varma Raja (രാച). The boundary of this paramba (പറമ്പു്) is east as far as the Cherukunnatt Devasvam (തേവാത്തം) Kandam (field), south as far as Kalattil Kolangakote Paramba, west as far as Udayammadatt Palakkal Kandam (land), and north as far as the land (കണ്ടം) of Chirakkal Kovilakam and Cherukunnu Devasvam (തേവത്തം). The lands (നിലം) produce (ഫലം = fruit), stones (കല്ല്), thorns (മുള്ളു), hidden treasure (നിതി), and other things of whatever description (എപ്പെർപ്പെട്ടതും) included in the said boundaries were purchased by paying the current market value by Karippatt Palli Kulakattil Chirakkal Kulakatt Ravi Varma Raja Tamburan to Palakkal Patinhare Vittil Rayiru Chandu and heirs. Thus the witnesses (താക്കി corruption of സാക്ഷി) are Chenicheri Chattu and (കൂടി അറിയും ?) Puliyankotan Kannan. Written in the hand of Katankotan Chandu Koran with the knowledge of the neighbours (കേട്ടുകേൾപ്പിച്ചു)4.
Note .—Translated from a copy received from the District Munsif of Kavai, Chirakkal taluk.
NOTEs: 2. A.D. 1808.
3. No mention here of water, through Janmam would seem to mean the water birthright. The deed is called merely a deed of sale—not an Attipper. There are only three deeds in this collection. Nos. 35, 38 and 48, in proof of the fact, but it is not improbable that neither Attipper nor Janmam was in general use in North Kolattunad (Chirakkal Taluk until after the British occupation).
4. Kettu Kelpichu = heard and caused to be heard. END OF NOTE
No. 49
Attippettolakaryyam (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊലകാർയ്യം), executed in the solar month (ഞായർ) of Makaram of the year 9851. Medabyalam at Mitranannapuram Mukkalvattam (മുക്കാൽവാട്ടം = temple of Bhagavati). Payyur Parameswaran Narayanan and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) granted (എഴുതിക്കൊടുത്താൻ = literally wrote and gave to Ennur Nandiyar Valli Narayanan Narayanan and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) by receiving the current market value (പെറു വിലഅർത്ഥം) as then found by four people (അന്നനാലർകണ്ടു്) the Attipper (അട്ടിപ്പേർ) with pouring of water (ഉദകപൂർവ്വം) in such a manner that (the transaction) might not in future (മേലിൽ) be questioned (ചോത്യയം) by us, our heirs (ശേഷക്കാർ == descendants) or anybody else (മറ്റൊരത്തരാലും), their Putturdesam2 (പുത്തൂർദേശം) Desadhipatyam2 (ദേശാധിപത്യം) two temples (ഇതുരണ്ടും) (called) Mitranannapuram (മിത്രാനന്ദപുരം) and Tekkiniyammakava, the Ambalappadi2 (അമ്പലപ്പടി) Urayma2 (ഊരായ്മ) and other temple dignities (മറ്റും ക്ഷേത്രാധിപത്യങ്ങളും) the lands (ഉല്പത്തി) and parambas (പറമ്പു) the retainers3 (ആളു്) and slaves (അടിയാർ) the dues (പോകങ്ങൾ corruption of ഭോഗങ്ങൾ = enjoyments) of Desavali (ദേശവാഴി) and everything else of whatever description (മറ്റുമെപ്പേർപ്പെട്ടതും) included (അകപ്പെട്ട) within this desam. Thus Ennur Nandiyar Valli Narayanan and Anantiravars obtained (എഴുതിച്ചുകൊണ്ടാർ = literally, had or got written) by paying the current market value (പെറുവില അർത്ഥം) as then found by four people (അന്നുനാലർകണ്ടു്) the Attipper with pouring of water (ഉദകപൂർവ്വം) in such a manner that (the transaction) might not in future (മേലിൽ) be questioned (ചോത്യയം) by Parameswaran Narayanan, heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) descendants (ശേഷക്കാർ) or anybody else, (മറ്റൊരുത്തരാലും) Parameswaran Narayanan’s and heirs (തമ്പിമാർ) Puttur desam4, Desadhipatyam4, the two temples (called) Mitranannapuram and Tekkiniyammakava, the Ambalappadi4 and Urayma4 and other temple dignities (മറ്റും ക്ഷേത്രാധിപത്യങ്ങൾ), the lands and parambas (ഉല്പത്തികളും പറമ്പുകളും), the retainers and slaves (ആളടിയാർ), the dues (പോകങ്ങൾ, see note above) of Desavali, and everything else of whatever description included within this desam. Thus the witnesses for this Attippettola (അട്ടിപ്പെറ്റൊല) in behalf of the grantors (എഴുതിക്കൊടുത്തമെയ്ക്കും) and the grantees (എഴുതികൊണ്ടമെയ്ക്കും) Vennarattur Okki, Tekkiniyetam and Nantiyarvalli. Written in the hand of Kollikandara Govindan.
Note. - Translated from a copy received from Mr. H. Wigram, District Judge of South Malabar.
NOTEs: 1. A.D. 1810
2. Incidents attached to the dignity of a Desavali. See Glossary.
3. The conveyance of rights in free retainers after the introduction of British rule is to be noted as it explains the relations which have all along subsisted between the Janmi and those beneath him.
4. "C.D. was anciently Desavali of the Desams of --------in your division, but as the present family is disqualified from poverty (or want of respectability or other cause) you will exercise in these Desams the duties of head of Police, of Village Munsif, and of Tax-Collector, but you will not interfere with the Desavali Sthanamnana Avakasam (or such ancient privileges belonging to him as Desavali) as the Government may deem it advisable to permit to be enjoyed, and as the inhabitants may voluntarily offer in conformity with old customs.” Extract from Mr. Græme’s form of sanad appointing Adhikaris of Amsams. Special Commissioner to Principal Collector 20th May 1823. Conf. p. 89 of the text. END OF NOTEs
No. 50
Royal letter addressed to Cheruvattur Nambutiri. Eletat Ullannur lllam in Perumpillesseri Desam of Urakam Pravirtti having become extinct that Taravad1 together with the property (വസ്തു) rice-lands (ഉല്പത്തി), persons (ആൾ = probably retainers, guards), slaves (അടിയാർ), chest of documents (പെട്ടിപ്രമാണം) and all Ambalapadi and Urayma rights and everything of whatever description (എപ്പെർപ്പെട്ടതും) with the exception of the Urayma of Changarayil Kshetram (temple), are hereby granted2 to you Cheruvattur Nambutiri for exclusive enjoyment (മറ്റൊരുത്തരാലും ചോദ്യംകൂടാതെ = literally without any question from any one). Written in the month of Vrischikam 10203 M.E. in the hand of Pavvattil Krishnan, in the presence and under the orders of Kanayannur Kovilakam Raja.
Note. — Translated from a copy received from Nellisseri Siva Ramayyan of Palghat Town.
NOTEs: 1.See note to Deed No. 22.
2.This illustrates one mode in which Nambutiri inheritances are passed on in the Native States.
3. A.D. 1844. END OF NOTEs
No. 51
Whereas there being no male members in the two Illams of Kandiyur Natuvattunnu Natuvat and Kandanasseri Palaykat in Alur Muri of Chundal Pravirtti, Sridevi and Savitri, two females of Natuvat Illam4, have executed a document authorising4 Otalur Nambutiri to marry5 in the said Taravad4, to hold and enjoy the property, movable and immovable (വസ്തുമതുൽ), including the slaves and the Ambalapadi, Urayma and other titles and honours (സ്ഥാനമാനങ്ങൾ) attached to the pagodas of Ariyannur, Kandiyur and Plakkat, and to maintain the females : and whereas that document has now been presented before us, we hereby direct that Otalur (Nambutiri) do marry in the said Taravad, hold and enjoy the property, movable and immovable, slaves and chest of documents (പെട്ടിപ്രമാണം) belonging to the two Illams of Natuvat and Palaykat, and the Ambalapadi, Urayma, titles and honours, and everything else pertaining to the abovementioned three pagodas and maintain the females. Written in the month of Mithunam 10266 M.E. in the hand of Pavvattil Krishnan, in the presence and under the orders of Trichur Vatakkechira Kovilakam Raja.
Note. — Translated from a copy received from Nellisseri Siva Ramayyan of Palghat Town.
NOTEs: 4. Illam is a Dravidian, not a Sanskrit word. It is now almost exclusively applied to Nambutiri family houses, but anciently the il was the king’s house. See the use of Kovil (properly Koyil) in Deed No. 12 and others. The Nambutiris, in right of the princely privileges which seem to have been conferred on them, in common with Jews and Syrians, probably assumed the right, among their other privileges, of styling their dwellings royal houses. There is a strong contrast in this deed between lllam and Taravad—See note to Deed No. 22.
5. This illustrates another mode in which Nambutiri inheritances are passed on in the Native States.
6. A.D. 1851. END OF NOTEs
No. 52
Whereas the document executed on the 8th Mithunam 991 by Tamarasseri Nambutiri of Kariyannur Muri, in Chengalikkot Pravirtti, authorising1 Cholaykara Nambutiri to hold and1 enjoy, in the capacity of Anantiravan1, the Tamarasseri Taravad and the property, movable and immovable, slaves, chest of documents (പെട്ടിപ്രമാണം), Desam, Desadhipatyam, Ambalapadi, Urayma, and everything else belonging to that Taravad2 has been produced before us ; and whereas Tamarasseri Nambutiri and the female members are dead and Cholaykara has married in that Taravad and has been enjoying the property and titles pertaining to the same ; and whereas Cholaykara has communicated the matter to us by a letter, we hereby direct that Cholaykara do hold and enjoy the said Tamarasseri Taravad and the property, movable and immovable, slaves, chest of documents (പെട്ടിപ്രമാണം) Desam, Desadhipatyam, Ambalapadi, Urayma, and everything else attached to the Taravad. Written in the month of Vrischikam 10313 M.E. in the hand of Pavvattil Krishnan, in the presence and under the orders of Kanayannur Kovilakat Tamburan.
Note. — Translated from a copy received from Nellisseri Siva Ramayyan of Palghat Town.
NOTEs: 1. This illustrates another mode of passing on Nambutiri inheritances in the Native States.
2. See note to Deed No. 22.
3. A.D. 1855. END OF NOTEs
No. 53
Whereas the document executed by Nangayya and Nangeli, the only members (female) of Pattallur Illam in Etakkulam Muri of Arippalam Pravirtti, authorising4 Patiyur Nambutiri to hold and4 enjoy the property, movable and immovable, slaves, chest of documents (പെട്ടിപ്രമാണം), Ambalapadi, Urayma, titles and honours attached to Vellinattan Pagoda, Desam, Desadhipatyam, and everything else belonging to that Taravad1 has been produced before us and Pattallur Nangeli is dead, we hereby direct that Patiyur Nambutiri do hold and enjoy, as he has hitherto done, by virtue of the document aforesaid, the Pattallur Taravad, and the property, movable and immovable, slaves, chest of documents (പെട്ടിപ്രമാണം), belonging to the same, Ambalapadi and Urayma of Vellittat Pagoda, Desam and Desadhipatyam, and everything else connected with the said Taravad, and maintain the female Nangayya. Written in the month of Dhanu 10315 M.E. in the hand of Pavyattil Krishnan, in the presence and under the orders of Iringatakkute Kovilakat Tamburan.
Note. - Translated from a copy received from Nellisseri Siva Ramayyan of Palghat Town.
NOTEs: 1. This illustrates another mode of passing on Nambutiri inheritances in the Native States.
NOTEs: 4. Illustrative of another mode of passing on Nambutiri inheritances in the Native States.
5. A.D. 1855-56. END OF NOTEs
No. 54
Jamnam1 deed (ജന്മാധാരം) executed by 1, Erechchan alias Chekkunni Nayar ; 2, Chandu Nayar ; 3, Chattu Nayar, sons of Koletuttakuriyettina Cheratamma ; and 4, Erechchan Nayar, son of Pennutti Amma in Nedungottur Desam, Kottuli Amsam, Calicut Taluk, to Rama alias Unnippera Kurup, son of Matiravana Cherukotta Cherunni Amma of the above Desam, on the 12th Chingam of the year (കൊല്ലം) 1056, corresponding to 26th August 1881. Whereas Rs. 300 was fixed (നിശ്ചയിച്ച) as the Janmam value (ജന്മവില) of 1, Vadakkemulakkandam (വടക്കെമൂലകണ്ടം == northern comer land) in the eastern division (ഒടി) of Kilakke (eastern), Mantayar Nilam (നിലം == land) ; and 2, Vadakku Padinyare Mulakkandam Paramba (north-western corner portion of the paramba) in Veluttur Paramba, specified in the schedule below, which are our Janmam, we have this day granted (തന്നിരിക്കുന്നു) the Janmam of the property (വകകൾ), with everything of whatever description (എപ്പേർപ്പെട്ടതോടുകൂടി) 2; out of the Janmam value of Rs. 300 due to us (ഞങ്ങൾക്കുവരെണ്ടും = literally, that ought to come to us) we have reserved (നിർത്തി) Rs.103, being the Kanam and loan (കടംവായ്പ), including interest (പലിശകൂടി), due by us the first and second executants to Chemmalasseri Patinyarayil Koru Kurup on land No. 1, and Rs. 166-10-0, being the Kanam and loan (കടംവായ്പ), including interest (പലിശകൂടി), due to you on the paramba No. 2, making under the two heads (വകരണ്ടിൽ) Rs. 270-10-0, and the balance of Rs. 29-6-0 we have received in cash (റൊക്കം) from you, and we are satisfied as to the Janmam value of Rs. 300; we have therefore no claim (അവകാശം) and concern (ചേർച്ച) about your possessing (അടക്കി) and enjoying (അനുഭവിക്ക) the property (വകകൾ) as Janmam under this (deed) (ഇതിനാൽ).
NOTEs: 1. This phrase has come into general use throughout the district within the last few years only.
2. Epperpettatu - the same word used in Deed No.4
Written in the hand of Kakkalan Imbichchi Andi with Matirapanapennapurat Ittirarappa Kurup and Mannil Arikkotparambat Kelu Adiyodi as witnesses to this —
1. CHEKKUNNI NAYAR (signed).
Note.—Translated from a copy received from the Registrar of Malabar.
No. 55
KOVILAKAM No. 10 of 1057.
Royal letter (തീട്ടു്) written jointly by Walluvanattudaya1 Kadannamuttayil Walluvanattukare Mankadakovilakat Vedapuratti Valiya Tamburatti of Mankada Amsam, Walluvanad Taluk, and Srivallabhan Valiya Tamburan Avarkal of the said Kovilakam, to Mambee Ali, son of Moidu of Valambur Amsam, of the said taluk. The object (കാർയ്യം) is that, whereas one item of Kudiyirippu (കുടിയിരിപ്പ), being the Janmam of Mankada Kovilakam Cherikkal, purchased (തീരു്വാങ്ങി) on the 13th Vrischikam 1052 from Avarankutti and his brother Said Ali, sons of Kalattiltodiyil Pari, and specified in the schedule below, has this day been demised to you on a pattam of 3 fanams and a Kanam2 of Rs.4-9-2, equal to 16 new fanams, you should pay within the 30th Makaram of each year from 1057, Annas 6, being the michcharam payable annually, after deducting the interest on the Kanam amount and the Government assessment from the aforesaid pattam, as well as 2 annas for Onavalakkula (ഓണവാഴക്കുല = bunch of plantains presented during the Onam festival) and Annas 2 on account of Nei Vilakku (നെയിവിളക്കു = lamp lighted with ghee) in Mankada temple from your pocket (കയ്യാൽ = literally, from the hand) and obtain receipt (നേർമറി) ; and if the michcharam is left in arrears without being paid at the prescribed time, you should pay the same, with interest at 12 per cent ; you should also surrender, on receipt of the Kanam, the Kudiyirippu mentioned in the schedule on demand3.
NOTEs: 1. One of the families which attested Deeds Nos. 1 and 2,
2. There is here no mention of any fine on entry. It is not usual to mention it or state its amount,
3. This is the innovating clause which is so much objected to by tenants, particularly by those who have paid fines on entry or renewal fees. See Mr. Holloway’s decision in South Malabar Subordinate Court case No. 398 of 1854 in Glossary under 'Kanam’. END OF NOTEs
Written in the hand of Pulappillimadattil Venkideswara Pattar on the 6th December 1881, corresponding to the 22nd Vrischikam 1057, with the undersigned witnesses.
Note.—Translated from a copy furnished by the District Registrar.
No. 56
Panaya patta kulikkana1 kudiyirippu deed (പണയപ്പാട്ട കുഴിക്കാണ കുടിയിരിപ്പു്) executed on the 9th Dhanu 1057 by Nadavilakat Mamukkoya, son of Mayan Koya of Nagaram Amsam, Calicut Taluk, to Ayyappan, Mundakkutti Imbichchi and Sami, sons of Puvvattinkal Tannikunnat Chekku, residing in Valappil Paramba in Veliyancheri Desam, Kasba Amsam of the said taluk. Whereas I have this day granted you a renewed lease (പൊളിച്ചെഴുതിചാർത്തിരുന്നു) of the Valappil Paramba, the boundaries and extent of which are specified in the schedule below, being my Janmam, and included in the property assigned to me as my share in execution of the Appeal decree No. 282 of 1880, against the decree of the Subordinate Court of South Malabar in Regular Suit No. 329 of 1879 of the District Munsif’s Court of Calicut, which was transferred to the former Court, on an annual pattam of Rs. 17—8—0, equal to 70 fanams, on a Kanam of 144 fanams and 12 visams (വീശം), the Kanam already due to your father Chekku, plus 38 fanams and 8 visams, the improvement value with Ali (അഴി) = customary deduction in paying for improvements under Kulikkanam when the Janmi has not to pay for the tenth plant) of 15 coconut and 8 areca trees, this day paid for, plus 516 fanams and 12 visams, equal to Rs. 129—3—0, received this day in cash (ഇന്നുറൊക്കംവാങ്ങിയ), making under the three heads a total Kanam of 700 fanams, equal to Rs. 175, and on a Purappad pattam of Rs. 8-12-0, deducting Rs. 8-12-0 for interest on the money advanced (അർത്ഥംപലിശ) ; you should enjoy the lease (പാട്ടംനടുന്നു) of the paramba and pay annually from Vrischikam 1058 Rs. 8-12-0, being the Purappad pattam after deducting the interest on the Kanam amount, and obtain receipt (മുറി). Keikkuli Avakkasam (കൈക്കൂലിഅവകാശം == fine upon a lease and its renewal) equal to the amount of the pattam has been collected. Alikulikkanam (അഴികുഴിക്കാണം = customary improvement value subject to Ali), according to local custom (ദേശമർയ്യാദ) for trees already planted but not paid for, and for those that may be planted hereafter, excepting the 38 coconut and 8 areca trees and miscellaneous trees (പടുമരം) included in the lease, along with those which have been paid for, and the Kanam amount of Rs. 175 will be paid on eviction when the term expires. It has also been stipulated that if the paramba is not properly taken care of, or if the pattam is allowed to fall into arrears, the property should be surrendered on demand after settlement of accounts, irrespective of the term of the lease (കാലനിയമംപറയാതെ = literally without speaking about the term), and that as the Government tax (ശീമനികുതി) and the Municipal tax, if paid by you, will be allowed out of the pattam payable by you; but the Municipal tax must be paid by you. Written in the hand of Putiyakovilakam Parambil Sankaralinkam Pilla on the 21st December 1881 with the undersigned as witnesses to this :
Note.—Translated from a copy furnished by the District Registrar.
NOTEs: 1. Panayam = pIedge : pattam = rent ; kuli = pit, excavation ; Kanam = money claim ; kudiyiruppu = house-site, meaning a deed embracing in its conditions some elements of a mortgage, a lease, an improving lease, and a building lease. END OF NOTEs
No. 57
Kanam1 deed, executed by Chekku Panikkar, son of Puliyosseri Mittaie Vittil Ittu Amma of Cheruvannur Amsam and Desam, Calicut Taluk, to Govindan Nayar, son of Chellat Imbichchi Amma of the above Desam. Whereas I have granted you, for the period included within 12 years (12 കൊല്ലത്തിന്നകമായ) Dharm Nyayar (ഞായർ = solar month) of this year 1057, a renewal of Kulikkanakudiyirippu (കുഴിക്കാണ കുടിയിരിപ്പിന്ന പൊളിച്ചെഴുതിചാർത്തി)2 of Vattakandi Paramba and two others items of property, which are my Taravad Janmam3 in the above Desam, and the boundaries and extent of which are described in the schedule below, on a pattam of 14 fanams for Parambas 1 and 2, and 4 paras of paddy per Nanaliyan para (നാനാഴിയൻപറ), worth 10 annas, for land No.3, and on a Kanam of 12 fanams, being the amount for which a lease was granted in 1046 after payment of the improvement value of (കഴിക്കൂർ തീർത്തുചാർത്തിയ) 2 coconut and 1 jack tree in Paramba No. 2 plus 4 fanams, being the improvement value with Ali (അഴി or ....= customary deduction in paying for improvements under കഴിക്കാണം when the Janmi has not to pay for the tenth plant) of two coconut trees now grown in the said paramba, making a total under the two heads of 16 fanams, from which deduct fanams 5 for arrears of rent, leaving a balance of 11 fanams as present Kanam and on a Purappad pattam of 13 1/2 fanams and 4 paras of paddy, half a fanam being deducted for interest on the Kanam1 amount ; you should from this (day) ഇതുമുതൽ enjoy the lease (പാട്ടംനടന്നു) of these lands annually (കാലംതോറും), and pay me annually 13½ fanams and 4 paras of paddy, being the Purappad pattam (പുറപ്പാടുപാട്ടം) due to me after deducting the interest on your Kanam (amount) and obtain receipt (പുകമുറി).
NOTES: 1. This is quite a modern phrase. The proper term for a Kanam deed is Pattamola or Patola. See Glosssary and Deeds 17, 23, 31, etc.
2. Kulikkana kudiyirippina polichcheluti chartti. Literally, for an improving (Kuli) Kannam dwelling-house site, having cancelled (polichchu) and renewed (eluti = written) and written (chartti).
3. Taravad Janmam has now come to signify merely "family property,” but the retention of the word Taravad before Janmam points out the direction in which modern ideas on the subjet have been derived. All Janmam land has descended to the present owners through the ancient Nayar Taravads (Tara = Nayar village, and padu = authority).
1. Here Kanam signifies simply money advanced and secured on the land. Compare the use made of the word in Deed No. 4. END OF NOTEs
Customary improvement value, subject to Ali (അഴി,see above) ദൈശമർയ്യാദ അഴീകുഴിക്കാണwill be paid2 for young trees (എളംഫലം) already planted but not paid for (മുമ്പുവെച്ചതിൽതീരാതതെയുള്ള), and for trees which may be planted hereafter (ഇതുമുതലായി), excepting two old jack trees (മുതുഫലംപിലാവു്) previously existing in Paramba No. 1, and four coconut and one jack tree in Paramba No. 2, of which the improvement value has been paid (കുഴിക്കൂറുതീർത്ത), although a premium3 (പാട്ടകൈക്കൂലി)of Rs. 5—8—0 for 12 years is now collected, if the Purappad pattam payable annually be not paid at stated periods but be allowed to fall into arrears, the same should be paid in one lump (ഒന്നായി), with interest at 12 per cent, whenever I demand it. Written in the hand of Katakkat Pappu Nayar on the 19thDhanu Nyayar (ഞായർ = solar month) of the year 1057, corresponding to 1stJanuary 1882, with Kuttitalat Cherunni Nayar and Kannyingat Appunni as witnesses (സാക്ഷിയാകെ).
Note.—Translated from a copy received from the Registrar of Malabar.
NOTEs: 2. The incorporation in the deed of clauses relating to the valuation of improvements is quite a modern practice.
No. 58
Karipanayam deed (കരിപണയം = mortgage with possession), executed by Mangngalasseri Tekkinkattil Narayanan Nayar, son of Kunchiamma of Mundur Amsam and Desam, Palghat Taluk, to Anappara Purakkal Pachchi, daughter of Iluvan Velu, of Nechchippalli Desam, Kavalpad Amsam, of the said taluk. One item of land sowing 5 paras and specified in the subjoined schedule being given to (your) possession (കയ്വശംതന്നു) as Karipanayam (കരിപണയമായി) (I have) this day received 360 fanams, which, with 40 fanams already due, makes under two heads (വകരണ്ടിൽ) a total of 400 fanams, equal to Rs. 114-4-7. For this sum of Rs. 114-4-7 you should, by cultivating (കൃഷിനടന്നു) the land mentioned in the schedule, measure out (പടികേണ്ടും) a pattam of 33 paras and 5 Idangalis of paddy, out of which, deducting 22 paras 5 Idangalis as interest on the money advanced (അർത്ഥപലിശ), (there is left) a balance inclusive of assessment of a pattam of 11 paras of paddy, which must be annually measured out at my house in my para from 1058 (M.E.) within the 30th Makaram, after being dried and cleaned (വെടിപ്പുവരുത്തി), and a receipt should be taken (by you). Moreover, you should quit and give possession of the land (to me) when the 400 fanams is returned on the day following any Uchchar (ഉച്ചാർ or ഉചാചരൽ is the season when leases of land are generally granted and cancelled ; festival in honour of Bhudevi’s (ഭൂദേവി goddess of earth) menstruation on Makara Sankaranthi (end of January)]. Written in the hand of Narayanan, the receiver (കൊണ്ടാൻ of the the money) on the 29th January 1882, corresponding to 17th Makaram of the year 1057, with the undersigned as witnesses.
1. Appendices 1
2. Appendices 2
3. Port rules
4. Proverbs
6. Mr. Græme’s Glossary 1
7. Mr. Græme’s Glossary 2
8. Mr. Græme’s Glossary 3
10. Proclamation
12. Chirakkal Taluk
13. Chirakkal Taluk – Cannanore Municipality
14. Chirakkal Taluk - Anjarakandi Amsam
15. Chirakkal Taluk - Cannanore - Kirar Territory
17. The Laccadive Islands - Agatti Island
18. The Laccadive Islands - Kavaratti Island
19. The Laccadive Islands - Androth Island
20. The Laccadive Islands - Kalpeni Island
21. The Laccadive Islands - Minicoy Island
22. Kottayam Taluk
24. Mahe and the adjoining Aldees
25. Wynad Taluk
27. Kottayam taluk - Kanoth Forest
28. Calicut Taluk
29. Ernad Taluk
30. Memorandum on Conolly Teak Plantations
32. Walluvanad Taluk
33. Palghat Taluk
34. Palghat Forest
35. Ponnani Taluk
36. Cochin Taluk
37. Tangasseri
38. Anjengo