Commentary on
William Logan’s ‘Malabar Manual’

Claims to great antiquity
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
The tone and timbre of this book in various locations is not that of any British man, English or Celtic. In most of the locations, it is the voice of the Nayar population/s in their desperation. It is evidently a very terrible time for them. In that, they do understand the higher quality of the English administration. But have deep misgiving about what is going to happen.
The age-old social structure which had been designed by a feudal language system is going into disarray. However, what is going to take its place is not necessarily a planar-language English social system. The old system will break down and allow the total tumbling down of hierarchies. However, the social design will not change into that of England, as designed by a planar language. What will come about would be a levelled-up social structure in which all kinds of hierarchies and lowliness would exists in a hidden form, inside the communication code, with newer persons or groups of persons on top.
This is the total opposite of what was there in England. In England, there were class hierarchies in a statutory form. But still the language codes did not define anyone as a stinking dirt. That is there is no lesser-You than an ordinary-You.
Before going ahead, let me just have a look at the claims of the Nayar folks.
QUOTE: this “Parliament ”.....—-this all powerful influence tending always to the maintenance of customary observances—....... END OF QUOTE
Oh, the great Nayar Parliament which existed from times immemorial! The claims if accepted should re-route all Political Science studies to Malabar in seeking out how democracy was discovered in Malabar, much before Magna Carta was even contemplated upon.
QUOTE: But Mr. Graeme made the great mistake of thinking that the desam and the tara were synonymous, and so in his scheme of amsam establishments, the real civil organisation by the Karanavar or elders of the people was ignored, and in its place authority of various kinds was conferred on some only of the men who had been the local representatives of the ruling chieftains of Malabar. The mistake was of importance because it diverted attention away from, what had been the ancient organisation, and placed the real power in the hands of only one man out of several who had previously acted together in a body in the kuttam or assembly of the tara. END OF QUOTE.
The whole paragraph above is a pack of lies. No group of persons in the subcontinent were or are interested in the welfare of the sections which come under them. In fact the very concept of improving a lower section population means allowing them displace the population or individuals above them. That is the way the language codes are placed. When an Avan (lowest he /him) develops into the level of an Adheham (highest he / him), the Adheham goes down into the level of an Avan. This is the most dangerous information that has been very cunningly secluded from the native-English.
It was only the native-English rule that had no qualms about enhancing the mental and physical quality of the lower populations. However, they were foolish. They frankly did not know what they were doing. As of now, the very population/s which have improved through their intervention have no qualms about mentioning ideas to displace them, even from England.
Off course, it is a land where history is forged. There is this much mentioned opinion about Al Biruni: QUOTE from elsewhere: Al-Biruni was critical of Indian scribes who he believed carelessly corrupted Indian documents while making copies of older documents. END OF QUOTE.
The word ‘Indian’ itself is some kind of a corruption inserted by some ingenious genius. It would have been more appropriate to mention the exact word which Al Biruni mentioned. And even if the word ‘Indian’ is actually there, it is not about a nation or a country or even of a geopolitical region actually. It is only about a particular population/s, who existed in the midst of a number of populations inside the subcontinent. Brahmins do not represent any other population. In the same way, each caste of people represents only themselves.
QUOTE: Nothing strikes the fancy more strongly in the old Hindu world stories than the picture presented of fighting men killing each other in one field, while the husbandman peacefully tilled the one adjoining, and the Brahman sat silently contemplating creation under a neighbouring sacred tree. Busy each in their own spheres, it mattered very little to them how it fared with others having other and distinct functions. END OF QUOTE.
The words ‘Indian’, ‘India’, Indians’ &c. do not have any meaning, if the above quote is ratified. For, each population is not bothered about others, inside the subcontinent.
QUOTE: On the other hand, of course, the sharing system in a pure Hindu State is well known and exists to the present day, and extends to all classes of the community, no matter how humble or how despised their callings may be. END OF QUOTE.
This is a very cunning statement. There is no sharing of any goodness in the subcontinent or in any other feudal language society. Simply check the state of the people in Travancore. Check Slavery in the Indian Subcontinent (chapter excerpt from Native Life in Travancore by Rev. Samuel Mateer.
QUOTE: “By eating of this rice they all engage to burn themselves on the day the king dies, or is slain, and they punctually fulfil their promise.” END OF QUOTE.
These are claims which cannot withstand any kind of scrutiny. Check the Nayar courage in the various battles. Even in Travancore State Manual, it is mentioned as of dubious quality. It is quite obvious that all these words are not from Logan.
QUOTE: This festival was called the Mamakham or Maha Makham which means literally big sacrifice. It seems to have been originally the occasion for a kuttam or assembly of all Keralam, at which public affairs were discussed and settled. END OF QUOTE.
The above statement is an extremely ridiculous one. The Mamankam is seen described in detail as a very foolish amassing of people to witness some kind of barbarian ritual. Only utterly foolish people would indulge in these kinds of activity in which many people are simply hacked to pieces.
What kind of discussion of public affairs is supposed to take place there? The amassing of such a huge number of people (around 30,000 Nayars, it is claimed) would test the meagre infrastructural facilities at the temple premises. The place would stink due to the issue of low-quality toileting and sanitary facilities. Beyond that there would be huge issues of drinking water and food preparation. Beyond that there would issues connected to accommodation and sleeping. Apart from all this, there would be issue of security of the individual households in the locality and on the routes to this place.
And what about the hundreds of wounded persons?
Armed persons in groups moving through a path is generally considered totally dangerous to the household and females in households. These are known items. And there are locations in this book, Malabar, where such terrors are hinted at. However, it is quite funny that there is no direct mention of these things. The general atmosphere of molesting that happens during a raid or a pillaging party entering a village is mentioned in Travancore State Manual. The dying words of King Rama Rajah, the Dharma Rajah, who died on a believed to be inauspicious day. The barbarianism of wars, all wars is clear in them. Imagine a land that moves one war to another, with regular periodicity.
QUOTE from Travancore State Manual:
“Yes I know that to-day is Chuturdasi, but it is unavoidable considering the sins of war I have committed with Rama Iyan when we both conquered and annexed several petty States to Travancore. Going to hell is unavoidable under the circumstances. I can never forget the horrors to which we have been parties during those wars. How then do you expect me to die on a better day than Chaturdasi? May God forgive me all my sins” END OF QUOTE.
It might be true that all wars are horrible. However, think of the state of living in a land where these kinds of insecurities were frequent events over periodic intervals.
QUOTE: He is also credited with having introduced the study of sciences into the Malayali country, for the Malayali Brahmans were, it is said, ignorant of sciences up to this time. In this, he was assisted by a person styled Udkayatungan, also called the Chetty (foreign merchant), who endowed the teacher of science, Prabhakara Gurukkal, with land sowing 5,000 kalams (bushels) of seed. END OF QUOTE.
The wider problem with this claim is that there are very many information in the Shamanistic spiritual traditions (which the Brahmins abhor) and in the Vedic texts. Both these traditions are not native to Malabar or Travancore or even to the subcontinent. The Vedic scriptures are connected to some geographical locations in the north-central Asia. Whether it is owned by the north-Indian ‘Aaryans’ or by the German ‘Aryans’ is not known to me.
As to the Brahmins of Malabar, Tamilnadu, Canara, Travancore etc., it is quite doubtful if they also have any deep information on what the exact technological ideas are therein. Simply having the ability to chant a mantra does not mean that the chanting population created the technology or understands it’s working. It is simply like someone knowing to use a computer.
As to the bloodlines to the Vedic people, it would be very negligible and slim. If one calculates backwards, every living human being in Malabar or Tamilnadu or Travancore will be connected to literally millions of people who were alive some 7 to 8 thousand years back on this globe. Those people naturally, if they are technically skilled, would be connected to all the ancient populations in Asia, Africa, Continental Europe, South American Continent, North American Continent and even to Great Britain.
As to South Asia having special link to Sanskrit, it is actually very much less than the link this location has to English. In fact, in my own childhood, I do not remember knowing or hearing about anyone who was well-versed in Sanskrit. Naturally there would be such persons, but they were not the common crowd. Simply some scholars or others who strove to learn the language. That does not give them any Sanskrit antiquity.
Now, the claim in the above quote has certain other implications. The land is known for inserting claims into ancient documents. Even the Keralolpathi is very apparently a forgery. So, it is only a matter of time before all modern scientific knowledge would be very quaintly ‘found’ in ancient palm-leaf books! Just imagine a population who could not create a writable paper claiming various scientific skills and information.
However, in this regard there is this much also to be mentioned. Ancient knowledge is actually seen to be a diffused version of some grand knowledge repository. For instance, see the Zodiac sign names in Malabari and Travancore astrology. Both might be using the same names. And these names would in many cases be quite near in meaning to what is used in Western Astrology.
Kanni – Virgo
Thulam – Libra (Common balance is the symbol) etc.
May be if one were to check the astrology of the ancient Mayans also, there might be some similarities. Simply knowing astrology does not mean that it is the ancestor of that person who created the knowledge. These kind of senseless claims are those of total insipid low-quality populations. There is actually a very sensible caricaturing given to this attitude by a famous Malayalam writer, Vaikom Muhammad Basheer. One of his book characters had the name Ettukaali Mammoonhju. He had been featured as placing a claim on everything that he can.
Another thing worth mentioning is that it took a great lot of effort on the part of the English officials of the English East India Company to find out the various ancient textbooks in Sanskrit. They went on noting down books which had been hinted at or mentioned or referred to other ancient books. Most of these books were found out from various nook locations in the subcontinent in some ancient landlord household. In fact, if this endeavour had not been undertaken, the books would have been lost to posterity.
And now the cantankerous claim is that all these books are part of the antiquity of various populations who actually had not even an iota of connection with these.
QUOTE: In the country of Malabar are twelve kings, the greatest of whom has fifty thousand troops at his command ; the least five thousand or thereabouts END OF QUOTE.
Twelve kings in the minute geographical location of Malabar! Well, that itself should show that incessant daily confrontations between these tiny rulers.
And fifty thousand soldiers? Well, these kinds of claims from ancient records of some writers have been collected and prominently mentioned. However in all the wars and battles inside Malabar that the English Company has very carefully recorded, most of the fights had only a few hundred or thousand fighters on each side. Only when Hyder Ali and Sultan Tippu came into the picture did the attacking side seem to have higher number. Even then, they were confronted not by tens of thousands of Nayars! Tens of thousands of Nayars simply fled at the sight of the enemy.
QUOTE: "Just as Cabral was preparing to leave Cochin on 10th January 1501, a fleet belonging to the Zamorin, carrying one thousand five hundred men was descried off the harbour. END OF QUOTE.
See just one thousand five hundred men. Even this figure can be doubted. People tend to exaggerate. It is like this. Many years ago, one man told me, “Some five hundred women are working there.’ This is ‘five hundred’ is a usage to convey the meaning of ‘immense’. In my total naivety, I asked him, ‘Five hundred women?’
He then told me, ‘We simply say thus just to convey the idea that a lot of women are working there. There must be some thirty or thirty five women working there.’
QUOTE: “Now when the season for setting out had arrived, the Emperor of Hindustan appointed one of the junks of the thirteen that were in the port for our voyage. END OF QUOTE
lbn Batuta’s writings are generally very local information more or less what his mind was impressed with. As to an Emperor of Hindustan being there has to be taken with a pinch of salt. It is like the claim of an Emperor of Calicut. As a solitary traveller, his impressions are what he directly saw in a locality, I should presume.
See his words: QUOTE: Every vessel, therefore, is like an independent city. Of such ships as these, Chinese individuals will sometimes have large numbers; and, generally, the Chinese are the richest people in the world END OF QUOTE.
For the above statement to be of any credibility, he must have seen the world. I get a slight feeling from a cursory perusal of his book that he is a just a solitary traveller who made fabulous historical recordings. However, his adjectives should be taken from his background as a solitary traveller, who faced a lot of hardship on most of his journey.
As to the Chinese being the richest in the world, it is only about the rich Chinese man he is referring to. Not to the immensity of Chinese servants who worked for this rich man. Since China is presumably a feudal language nation of a very terrible kind, it is possible that even now, there would be a huge percent of population over then who live like the slaves of south Asia. Not like the Negro slaves of USA, who in those days, more or less, had the looks of the super rich of Asia.

Even lbn Batuta, despite his great wanderings, do not seem to be aware of the terrific issue of feudal languages, as opposed to planar languages. After all, he had never visited England, in spite of all the claims of his having great world knowledge and experience.
QUOTE: The greatest part of the Muhammadan merchants of this place are so wealthy, that one of them can purchase the whole freightage of such vessels as put in here, and fit out others like them. END OF QUOTE.
Even though there is no way to check the veracity of the above statement, it could be true. In feudal language social system, the rich are super-rich and the poor super poor. Apart from that, the statement seems to prove that the trading wares inside each ship were not of such fabulous value. For a single rich man is seen to be able to buy everything in all the ships in port.
QUOTE: “No one becomes king by force of arms,” he observed, and seemed astonished at the fact. END OF QUOTE.
It is all very local information connected to tiny locations and very small bits of time-period. All feudal language nations do have problems with setting up placid conventions, if there is a multitude of population groups. In a homogenous population, feudal languages will arrange all members in a very tight and immovable slots in varying layers.
QUOTE: The Raja exacted tribute from Ceylon, kept a corps of three hundred female archers, and it is said he had not hesitated to challenge to battle the Raja of Vijayanagar. END OF QUOTE.
Even though these female archers might look grand in both Hollywood as well as Bombay Film world films, what their exact demeanour would be depending on the level in the feudal languages codes. And what is the purpose they would serve which a set of male archers could not do is also a moot question.
It is like claiming that a woman can climb coconut trees. What is it that would be proved if this statement is mentioned as some kind of achievement? For, the men-folk who dared to do this endeavour ended up in depleted social status.
Usually in current-day India, females with some personal quality will not go and join as a police constable. An Englishman or woman would not really understand why this is so. It is something to do with the language codes which define not only men and women in any particular profession, but would also define their verbal relationships.
As to his daring to fight the kind of Vijayanagar, it is again a local bluff to impress his own people. In a different location in this book, Malabar, there is a QUOTE thus:
for it is said that the king of Bijanagar has 300 sea-ports, every one of which is equal to Kalikot, and that inland his cities and provinces extend over a journey of three months.”
The question here is how would the bluff be called? Only if the Vijayanagar king marches to Travancore, which he would only do if he is so egoistic and foolish. For Travancore is a small place at a considerable distance. As to Travancore marching to Vijayanagar, it would be a march with no prospects of return. For at that time, the English East India Company was not there to lend support to Travancore.
See this QUOTE: After that its decline was rapid owing to the interference of the Portuguese with the Muhammadan trade, and it has never since then recovered its position, as Cochin, its rival, under Portuguese and Dutch influence, has, with its greater natural facilities, always hitherto had an advantage. END OF QUOTE
Tiny Calicut was propped up by the Egyptian king. When the Egyptian trade was demolished by the Portuguese, Cochin went on to higher levels. However, it is funny that after the arrival of the English, there is no grand historical nonsense such as this one:
QUOTE: the Chinese even came from the far East in their gigantic floating hulks. END OF QUOTE.
May be the Chinese took fright!
These kind of insipid statements will be swallowed hook, line and sinker by many. However, the fact remains that a few shiploads of English sailors could defeat a city army in China, within a matter of a few hours, in what is now known as the Opium War. Technically China was very big compared to miniscule England and also much more powerful. Yet, when it came to human interaction, the Chinese ditched their own side. After all, who would like to be subordinated to feudal-language-speaking barbarians?
QUOTE: ! In the time (literally, year) of Perumal (Cō, king, or Gō) Sthanu Ravi Gupta, who now rules gloriously for many 100,000 years, treading under foot hostile heads, END OF QUOTE.
This is from a Deed connected to Travancore kingdom. Why a Travancore Deed has been mentioned in a book on Malabar has its own answers. I will not move into that. The claim that this king Sthanu Ravi Gupta, now rules gloriously for many 100,000 years is more or less quite evocative of the real standards of the local antiquity.
QUOTE: For, coming fresh from the country east of the ghats, where the ryots had been accustomed for generations to be a down-trodden race, he seems to have mistaken altogether the character of the people with whom he had to deal. END OF QUOTE.
This statement is meant to convey that the people of Madras area (current-day Tamilnadu) are quite docile and meek. It is all half-baked information. The fact is that Tamil is a very feudal language. People who get subordinated generally are made to exist as some kind of docile subservient persons. For, that is the way to manage the social communication issues.
In Malabar, the Nayars have a number of populations under them. So, they are not the subordinated population here. In the language codes, this will be a major factor for deciding various verbal codes in regard to both the populations.
QUOTE: There must have been considerable intercourse between Persia and India, for in the middle of the sixth century a learned Persian —perhaps a Christian—came to India to get a copy of the Panchatantram. END OF QUOTE.
There is a cunning insertion here. It is not an innocent one. A Christian came and collected a great book from ‘India’. Many persons would later on add on to it, and say the Christians, the Jesuits, the Missionaries etc. came and took out ‘our’ great ‘knowledges’ to the West.
The fact might remain that it was the English officials who worked hard to find the lost books of the subcontinent. It is doubtful if the present day populations have any historical link to the ancient books.
1. My aim
5. The first impressions about the contents
7. An acute sense of not understanding
8. Entering a terrible social system
9. The doctoring and the manipulations
10. What was missed or unmentioned, or even fallaciously defined
12. Nairs / Nayars
15. Content of current-day populations
16. Nairs / Nayars
18. The terror that perched upon the Nayars
20. Exertions of the converted Christian Church
23. Keralolpathi
24. About the language Malayalam
25. Superstitions
26. Misconnecting with English
27. Feudal language
29. Piracy
31. Slavery
32. The Portuguese
33. The DUTCH
34. The French
36. Kottayam
37. Mappillas
38. Mappilla outrages against the Nayars and the Hindus
40. What is repulsive about the Muslims?
41. Hyder Ali
42. Sultan Tippu
43. Women
45. Ali Raja
46. Kolathiri
47. Kadathanad
48. The Zamorin and other apparitions
49. The Jews
51. Hinduism
52. Christianity
53. Pestilence, famine etc.
54. British Malabar versus Travancore kingdom
55. Judicial
56. Revenue and administrative changes
57. Rajas
58. Forests
59. Henry Valentine Conolly
60. Miscellaneous notes
61. Culture of the land
62. The English efforts in developing the subcontinent
63. Famines
64. Oft-mentioned objections
65. Photos and pictures of the Colonial times
66. Payment for the Colonial deeds
67. Calculating the compensation