Commentary on
William Logan’s ‘Malabar Manual’

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
There is a general talk about the caste system prevalent in the South Asian Subcontinent. Actually it is a very clever technique to deflect all focus from a terrible content in the subcontinent. This terrible content is the feudal language codes in the communication software (language) over here. This is an open secret which is maintained in a huge bit of secrecy.
If this information comes out, then it would become very difficult to mention anything about the native-English racism. For, it would soon evolve that the native-English are still being gullible idiots. For, they are being degraded into some kind of abominable dirt by the immigrant sections, and still they are none the wiser.
There was a shooting of a Telugu speaker in the USA. I did try to explain the provocation. However, the Telugu side over there went on ridiculing my explanations. Some of the words they used were pure profanity and expletives. However, by the next morning their association had made a declaration that the Telugu people in the US should refrain from speaking in Telugu in the open areas. Yet, still the idea was not mentioned in detail. So that the understanding that came out was that the ‘racists’ in the US will not like another language there. However, that was not the real issue.
See my words in the comment: QUOTE: I think this move was provoked by my own conversation on Youtube with the Telugu people in the US.
My last posts was thus:
Since you have used a lot of insulting words, I am replying ignoring all them. I know you would feign not to understand what I am saying. However, may be some others might get to read the information.
A person in a feudal language, goes to a police station, and uses a lower grade You, Your, Yours, He, Him, His &s. to the police official therein. In Hindi, I understand it is Thoo, and in South Indian languages it is some kind of Nee word.
As far as I can understand the situation, the man who came in and used such words would be beaten to a pulp by the policemen. Not many persons in India would find fault with the policemen, for it is colloquially understood that other man had used provocations that cannot be humanly borne.
I am only saying that all the civil provocations in the US might need to be re-investigated from this angle.
When such provocative triggers are pulled, the persons who do it should understand that they are capable for igniting homicidal mania.
However, the excuse that the other side (Native-English) cannot understand the degrading would be a lame excuse. It is like saying that one can commit a bank robbery if one is not found out. END OF QUOTE
However, it is not correct to finish off the matter with a one-sided slyness. The issue of feudal languages spreading disarraying in a refined native-English nation has to be properly investigated.
All similar violence in the past in the US has to re-checked. If the feudal language speakers have actually pulled the verbal trigger in their hands, then the other side cannot be blamed for the violence they are seen to have done.
QUOTE: The Hindu Malayali is not a lover of towns and villages. His austere habits of caste purity and impurity made him in former days flee from places where pollution in the shape of men and women of low caste met him at every corner ; and even now the feeling is strong upon him and he loves not to dwell in cities. END OF QUOTE.
This pollution is connected to the feudal languages. And it is real. It is like a constable addressing an IPS officer as a Nee. There is no need to touch or come near. The harm is done.
QUOTE: Inferior castes, however, cannot thus speak of their houses in the presence of the autocratic Nambutiri. In lowliness and self-abasement they have, when talking to such an one, to style their houses “dungheaps,” and they and their doings can only be alluded to in phrases every one of which is an abasement and an insult END OF QUOTE
It is the English rule that brought in dignity to the lower castes. If the English rule had not come, there are many possibilities that could have happened. I will deal with that later.
QUOTE: Length of time has fossilised minute changes, and new castes have grown up. These also, from an ethnic and social point of view, remain one and the same caste.” END OF QUOTE.
Actually what has been fossilised is not caste per se. It is the fossilisation of the slots and layers designed and created by the feudal language codes. It is the fossilisation of verbal slots.
QUOTE: The committee (Madras Town Census Committee) accepted, without question, the divisions of the Hindu community into (1) Brahmans, (2) Kshairiyas, (3) Vaisyas, (4) Sudras, and (5) Out-castes END OF QUOTE.
May be this is the beginning point of the error. May be not. The first four castes might be from the Brahmanical religion.
However, the outcastes are what is what matters here in Malabar. The Sudras or the Nayars in Malabar might not also really be from the Brahmanical religion. However, in the case of Marumakkathaya Thiyyas of north Malabar, Makkathaya Thiyyas of south Malabar, Malayan, Vannaan, and such other lower castes, and Pariah, Pulaya etc. very low castes, they are definitely not from the Brahmanical religion. In most probability, they might be the populations enslaved by means of verbal codes by the Hindus.
The English Company naturally made a grievous error. They clubbed the enslaved populations along with the enslavers. However, the words enslaved and enslavers also do have problems. In many case, it might not be a case of enslavement. Instead it would be shackling of populations who if let loose would push out the others and occupy the commanding locations. This again is an information that has not arrived in England. The immigrant populations who are feudal language speakers have been let loose in England. It is a most dangerous situation over there.
QUOTE: These Brahmans had a monopoly of learning for many centuries, and doubtless this was one of the ways in which they managed to secure such commanding influence in the country. END OF QUOTE.
The above is also a foolish statement. It is not learning actually that helps maintain the commanding layer. It is the cunning use of verbal codes in such a way that the other side has no other go other than to go under. These are very powerful information, which all native-English nations have to bear in mind.
QUOTE: But it must not be supposed that the teaching which the Nambutiri Brahmans receive is wholly religious. The study of the different sciences seems to have descended in particular families, and astronomy in particular has had great attention paid to it, and the knowledge of it is fairly exact. END OF QUOTE
It might be true that the Brahmins might have had learning in the Sanskrit-based knowledge of yore. What exactly are there in the Sanskrit text is not known to me. It is possible that it might contain some hints of ancient mathematics etc. However, whether a complete construction of mathematics starting right from the fundamentals has reached into our times seems doubtful.
After-all, the Brahmins themselves do not seem have been the discovers of any of the ancient knowledge systems. At best, they were the people who had some ancient ancestral links with the people who created the Vedic textbooks. How who made it or the machineries they used, are not known as of now, I think. And whether these ancestors were the discoverers or the servants of the discoverers is also a moot point. For the staff members in any scientific organisation would naturally pick up a lot of information on what is going on in the organisation.
The Brahmins are merely the chanters of ancient verbal codes and software codes. It is like a computer professional using a Computer or writing a codes in any software language. He is not the creator of the computer or the software language. He can merely work on them. That is all.
QUOTE: There can hardly be a doubt that the high degree of civilisation to which the country had advanced at a comparatively early period was due to Aryan immigrants from the north, and these immigrants brought with them Aryan ideas of method and order in civil government which became the law of the land. END OF QUOTE.
This is an utter nonsensical statement. In this book, in the history section there is no location that can stand testimony to this nonsensical statement. Aaryan ideas, if at all they are great, have not sowed any kind of fabulous method and order in civil government. The state of the subcontinent till the advent of the English rule has been categorically mentioned by V Nagam Aiya in his Travancore State Manual.
QUOTE from Travancore State Manual: “It is the power of the British sword,” as has been well observed, “which secures to the people of India the great blessings of peace and order which were unknown through many weary centuries of turmoil, bloodshed and pillage before the advent of the Briton in India”. END OF QUOTE.
QUOTE: If this reasoning and the facts on which it is founded are correct, then it follows that the origin of the caste system is to be sought, not so much in any ethnic circumstances of blood connection as Dr. Cornish suggests, as in the ordinary every-day system of civil government imported into the country by Aryan immigrants, and readily adopted by the alien peoples among whom the immigrants came, not as conquerors, but as peaceful citizens, able by their extensive influence elsewhere to assist the people among whom they settled. END OF QUOTE.
This is a very cunning misrepresentation of events. The entry of feudal language speakers would be quite a peaceful one, if seen from the perspective of physical arms and munitions. However, they have one terrible powerful concealed weapon. That is the dangerous feudal language codes. Once they ensnare another human being inside these codes, he or she is as good as enslaved or imprisoned, with no other person seeing the chains that lock him or her. And when he or she dares to fight it out, his or her very countrymen will catch him or her as a criminal and put him or her in jail. It is a most perplexing and paradoxical situation. This is exactly what is happening in native-English nations.
QUOTE: There they saw each member of it told off to perform certain clear and distinct functions. END OF QUOTE.
It is a very foolish understanding of events. These kind of nonsensical statements come forth due to the fact that the native-English do not know what is inside feudal languages. The writer of the above statement is most probably a higher caste man of Malabar. Feudal languages see to it that a person enslaved as a toilet cleaner gets his whole soul, body and family tainted in dirt as defined by verbal codes. He cannot get rid of this enwrapping dirt, unless the native language changes to pristine-English.
This is the vital information that is not mentioned at all. This book Malabar is a repository of cunning misrepresentations and misinformation. Some of them are deliberate. Some are inadvertent. And yet, some are due to lack of understanding.
QUOTE: It is unfortunate, however, that such an essentially European classification of occupations has been adopted in the census returns, for it is only confusing to suppose (as the Madras Town Census Committee supposed) that castes naturally ranged themselves at first under the heads adopted in the census tables of Professional, Personal Service, Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial, and Non-productive.
Some of these divisions are right, but others are not merely wrong, but misleading. What ought to have been done was to have adopted the four great divisions into which the Hindus themselves say they were originally divided, viz.
(1) The sacrificers (God-compellers) and Men of Learning ;
(2) The protectors and governing classes ;
(3) The traders and agriculturists ;
(4) The servile classes ; and to have added to this a fifth class of apparently later origin— -
(5) The mechanics and handicraftsmen ; and all other classes now existing would have fallen under a separate class of—
(G) Miscellaneous. END OF QUOTE.
There is cunning mischief in the above words. And it is clear that the words are from the vested interests of the higher castes. For they were seeing in front of their eyes a new kind of classification of human beings, that did not connect or shackle them to their traditional castes. Beyond that the words ‘European’ is another attempt at creating confusion. What was being brought in were the social ideas of English. Not of Irish or Gaelic or Welsh. Or of Continental Europe.
QUOTE: In approaching a Nambutiri; low-caste people, male and female, must uncover to the waist as a token of respect. END OF QUOTE
Here comes the real power of the a social set-up designed by feudal languages. As of now, there other similar enforcements connected to current-day dressing standards.
QUOTE: And first it may be noticed that the Malayalis distinguished two kinds of pollutions, viz,., by people whose very approach within certain defined distances causes atmospheric pollution to those of the higher castes, and by people who only pollute by actual contact. END OF QUOTE.
There is nothing ‘Malayali’ about this. Modern Malayalis had not yet connected fully to Malabar. As to the pollution that is caused by proximity and contact, it is there in the feudal language codes. Even a mere seeing can cause dangerous shift in codes connected to reality and to human body, depending on the social level of the person who beholds.
QUOTE: Of the Malayali castes the most exclusive, and the most conservative, and in the European sense, nearly the most unenlightened is that of the indigenous Malayali Brahmans called Numbuthiris, If they did not introduce caste, as a political institution, into the country, they at least seem to have given to it its most recent development, and they are its staunchest upholders now. They seem to have embodied in the Sanskrit language rules of life regulating their most trivial actions, and at every step their conduct is hampered and restrained by what, appear to European eyes absurd customs. END OF QUOTE.
There is a cunningness that might easily escape notice. It is the word ‘European’. There is no ‘European eye’ here in this. It is only the English or British eye. Even the French language is feudal. While English is planar. It is from the English perspective that there are absurdities here. Not from French or German.
QUOTE: It is only the poorest of them who will consent to act as priests, and of these the highest functionary in a large temple is condemned to three years of celibacy while holding office END OF QUOTE
There evidently are many unsavoury items connected to being or installed on the top.
QUOTE: Nambutiri females conceal themselves from prying eyes in their walks abroad is usually styled the “mask umbrella” and is with them the outward sign of chastity. END OF QUOTE.
It is like a young lady IPS officer who walks on the streets in her civil dress. Even they constables, without knowing who it is can mention her as an Oal or Aval (lowest she / her). At this level of referring, their glances will be quite profane, and their words quite degrading. Here, again, the word ‘degrading’ cannot be understood in English. For, there is nothing in English by which one can find a corresponding levels of degrading.
QUOTE: In the latter also, in outlying parts, both men and women are still afraid to avail themselves of the privilege of using the public roads. In passing from one part of the country to another they tramp along through the marshes in mud, and wet often up to their waists, rather than risk the displeasure of their lords and masters by accidentally polluting them while using the public roads. They work very hard for the pittance they receive; in fact nearly all the rice-land cultivation used to be in former days carried on by them. The influx of European planters, who offer good wages, END OF QUOTE.
This is the real fact of the caste system which was crushed by the English administration in a very slow and steady manner. In Rev. Samuel Mateer’s Native Life in Travancore, there is a very detailed discussion on the slavery in Travancore. The slavery in Malabar and other locations in the subcontinent will not be much different.
As to the use of the word ‘European’, it is a mischievous use. In Native Life in Travancore, and such other books also, this erroneous usage is there. It might be true that the presence of such persons as Gundert etc. might have caused this. For, when the English administration became strong in the subcontinent, many Continental Europeans did sneak in, using their white-skin colour to establish a collaboration and equal status, which was actually just skin-deep.
QUOTE: It is said that the difficulty of providing for their woman is the chief obstacle to their complete release from their shackles. The women must have dwellings of some sort somewhere, and the masters provide the women with huts and allow their men to go to work on plantations on condition that they return in good time for the rice cultivation and hand over a considerable portion of their earnings. END OF QUOTE
It is a strategic technique used for shackling the lower caste males. They need a secure place to keep their women folk. However, there is no escape from this shackling. The moment they try to break free, their household becomes insecure. There is nothing to compare in this with the Negro slavery in the US. For, there the language is planar English. Here is it is feudal languages of the most terrible kind.
QUOTE: Conversion to Muhammadanism has also had a most marked effect in freeing the slave caste from their former burthens. By conversion, a Cheruman obtains a distinct rise in the social scale, and if he is in consequence bullied or beaten the influence of the whole Muhammadan community comes to his aid. With fanaticism still rampant, the most powerful of landlords dares not to disregard the possible consequences of making a martyr of his slave END OF QUOTE.
This is very significant statement. This statement contains more than one bit of information. Among the Muslims, there are no layers similar to that of castes. So the moment a Cheruman converts, he is on the one and only layer available. So the hammering effect of the lower indicant words is lessened to a very feeble level. It shows in his personality development.
Moreover the Islamic brotherhood that he has joined into would come to his protection when he is in need of it.
The other item is that this conversion would be a terrible item for the Nayars and their higher castes. For, individuals who traditionally had to display very visible ‘respect’ and reverence would be seen to be acting as if they are equals. The indicant words they use for You, He, She &c. would show marked lowering in ‘respect’. The higher caste would find it difficult to communicate with them without being hard and rough. There is enough inputs for the Mappilla outrages in South Malabar.
QUOTE: On this, nothing more was done just then, except that the Government issued orders on 12th March 1839 “to watch the subject of the improvement of the condition of the Cherumar with that interest which it evidently merits, and leave no available means untried for effecting that object.” END OF QUOTE.
The unmentioned greatness of the native-English rule.
QUOTE: The appointment of a Protector of the Cherumar was sanctioned but never carried out, and various industrial and educational schemes organised for their benefit failed because of their lack of industry in the one case, and their lack of application and adaptability in the other. END OF QUOTE.
Social engineering is not that easy as such. Improving the lower classes and castes is like trying to pull out people trapped in the lowest floors of a building that had fallen down in an earthquake.
Even though they are alive and healthy, pulling them would not be easy due to the huge weight of the various other floors above them. What is required is a lot of patience, effort and perseverance. Only the native-English had this. However, the pulled out persons were not of the kind who bore any gratitude.
QUOTE: But a partial crossing was effected at another point, and a curious incident, possible only in Indian warfare, occurred, for a band of Cherumar, who were there busy working in the fields, plucked up courage, seized their spades and attacked the men who had crossed.
These being, more afraid of being polluted by the too near approach of the low-caste men than by death at the hands of Pacheco’s men, fled precipitately.
Pacheco expressed strong admiration of the Cherumars’ courage and wished to have them raised to the rank of Nayars. He was much astonished when told that this could not be done. END OF QUOTE.
It is not easy to understand the hidden codes in the communication system which hold everything in tight containers. The non-tangible links and relationships encoded in the verbal codes can be disturbed only by very powerful and cataclysmic events, which are very difficult to happen. Like for instance, an IPS officer being demoted to a peon or police constable.
QUOTE: “Before he quitted the country, Hyder by a solemn edict, declared the Nayars deprived of all their privileges ; and ordained that their caste, which was the first after the Brahmans, should thereafter be the lowest of all the castes, subjecting them to salute the Parias and others of the lowest castes by ranging themselves before them as the other Mallabars had been obliged to do before the Nayars ; permitting all the other caste to bear arms and forbidding them to the Nayars, who till then had enjoyed the sole right of carrying them; at the same time allowing and commanding all persons to kill such Nayars as were found bearing arms. By this rigorous edict, Hyder expected to make all the other castes enemies of the Nayars, and that they would rejoice in the occasion of revenging themselves for the tyrannic oppression this nobility had till then exerted over them. END OF QUOTE.
This is a part of history which the birdbrain who is now in England campaigning for a reparation from Britain for ‘looting India’ should bear in mind. The question of what would have happened if England had not ruled ‘India’ is the query that is being asked. The simple answer to this birdbrain is that he and his family members would have been reduced to the lowest of the castes in the location. Pushing down a population is easily accomplished by the forced change of words of addressing and referring. This is a phenomenon about which the native-English have no idea at all.
See this illustration:
The Nayar man says to his slave caste man: You come here.
The slave caste man says: Why do you want me?
In this above conversation, there is nothing of note in English.
However, in Malabari (the original Malayalam), ‘You came here’ will be ‘Inhi come here’. Inhi is the lowest you.
The slave man ask: ‘Why do Ingal want me?’ Ingal is the highest You.
However, when the castes are flipped, the conversation would become:
You come here: Ingal come here. (Highest You come here.)
The slave caste man asks: Why do Inhi want me? (Inhi is the lowest you).
When the You word forms change, there is a full-scale flipping of positions. The lowest You would crush the other person. The highest You would make the other person exalted and powerful.
The birdbrain and his household would have been converted into some kind of stinking dirt.
QUOTE: About this time a hill tribe called Malasars (Mala—hill, and arasar - lords) in Palghat having inopportunely disturbed a Brahman festival by intruding into the circle for the relics of the feast, the Palghat Achchan caused the headman of the tribe to be decapitated. END OF QUOTE.
This was one of the terrible issues that the English administration faced. That of higher castes people taking law into their own hands, when it came to punishing the lower castes. They claimed it to be their traditional rights.
QUOTE: The second class or Malumis are sailors and are engaged in exporting the produce of the island to the mainland in the Karnavar's odams ; some of them also possess fishing boats and small odams of their own, in which they make voyages to the coast, and this has excited the jealousy of the Karnavar class, who look upon them as interlopers and rebels. There is thus ill-feeling between the two classes END OF QUOTE
This is with regard to one of the Laccadive Islands. The economic empowerment of the lower castes is a terror. Because it can lead to them becoming less ‘respectful’ and more rude in their use of verbal codes.
QUOTE: The upper classes do not seem to be wanting in intelligence, but they are very indifferent to education, whilst the lower classes from the state of the subjection in which they are held are rude and ignorant. END OF QUOTE.
This is again from the Laccadive Islands. Education per se has no meaning in this social system. What is essential is the higher position in the verbal codes. Technical skills and knowledge will not give this higher position. For instance, the carpenters are technically highly skilled. However, it is best to keep them in the lower slots in the verbal slots. Otherwise, they would overtake their social higher-ups.
Forbes, once an Angengo official, documented some of the local practices in his Oriental Memoirs. He writes that one Attingal queen ordered the breasts of a female servant be cut off because the woman had appeared before her dressed in a bodice given her by her English mistress, in defiance of the local custom. This was common on the entire Malabar coast. END OF QUOTE.
Actually in the verbal codes, it is like an Indian police constable wearing the uniform of the IPS officers. A great degrading in attire is good for imposing the lower grade words on the lower positioned persons. It helps in enforcing command and discipline in a feudal language. If the servant looks like a high quality person, it would be quite cumbersome to use the degrading verbal codes Inhi / Nee on him. Without this degrading, he cannot be allowed to continue as a servant.
1. My aim
5. The first impressions about the contents
7. An acute sense of not understanding
8. Entering a terrible social system
9. The doctoring and the manipulations
10. What was missed or unmentioned, or even fallaciously defined
12. Nairs / Nayars
15. Content of current-day populations
16. Nairs / Nayars
18. The terror that perched upon the Nayars
20. Exertions of the converted Christian Church
23. Keralolpathi
24. About the language Malayalam
25. Superstitions
26. Misconnecting with English
27. Feudal language
29. Piracy
31. Slavery
32. The Portuguese
33. The DUTCH
34. The French
36. Kottayam
37. Mappillas
38. Mappilla outrages against the Nayars and the Hindus
40. What is repulsive about the Muslims?
41. Hyder Ali
42. Sultan Tippu
43. Women
45. Ali Raja
46. Kolathiri
47. Kadathanad
48. The Zamorin and other apparitions
49. The Jews
51. Hinduism
52. Christianity
53. Pestilence, famine etc.
54. British Malabar versus Travancore kingdom
55. Judicial
56. Revenue and administrative changes
57. Rajas
58. Forests
59. Henry Valentine Conolly
60. Miscellaneous notes
61. Culture of the land
62. The English efforts in developing the subcontinent
63. Famines
64. Oft-mentioned objections
65. Photos and pictures of the Colonial times
66. Payment for the Colonial deeds
67. Calculating the compensation