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Commentary on
William Logan’s ‘Malabar Manual’
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Calculating the compensation

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!


a. Bringing in peace and civility to the location

b. Emancipation of slaves

c. Educating the peoples

d. Creating a huge egalitarian administrative system

e. Postal Department

f. Railways

g. Hospitals and public healthcare

h. Judiciary

i. Land Registration Department

j. Police department

k. Public Service Commissions

l. Free trade routes

m. Sanitation

n. Public Conveniences

o. Forest Department

p. Indian army

q. Miscellaneous

r. Various statutory councils, civil aviation, rules, decorum &c.

s. Now, let us speak about concepts.

t. Roadside trees

u. Freedom of press

v. Overrunning independent kingdoms

w. People quality enhancement

Complete list of Compensation dues

Calculating the compensation

The first part of the compensation has naturally to go to the kingdoms which were forcefully attached to the nations of Pakistan and India. And also to the people who were subjects therein. Naturally both Pakistan as well as India stands complicit in this piece of rascality.

The second part of the Compensation can be taken up on the huge infrastructure building done in the land.

Before going ahead on this route, let me take up the location of Malabar. It is a miniscule location when seen from a subcontinent perspective. This book, Malabar, deals with North Malabar and South Malabar. These two locations are socially disconnected locations. The people of the north view the southern sections as demeaned. What is the perspective from the other side is not known to me.

Inside each of these sections, there are numerous kingdoms, many small, and the others miniscule. They are all incessantly fighting against each other, via frequent plundering, and molesting raids.

Inside each king family, there are various mutinous groups who would be quite happy to decapitate the head of their king.

Then there is the Hindu (Brahmin) social leadership who hold a very powerful grip over a number of layers of human populations, by means of very terrible feudal languages.

Below the Brahmins are the various layers of the Ambalavasis, who might also be Hindus.

Below this comes the Nayars, who were in days of yore some kind of fake Sudras or something else. However, by submitting themselves fully to the Brahmin superiors, their bloodline became more or less totally Brahmin. It was their job to uphold the ‘respect’ of the Hindus and to keep down the lower populations by means of the powerful verbal codes in the feudal language. The language was something called Malayalam, but not the current-day Malayalam. The name Malayalam was usurped by the Travancore group as they took over some parts of the Malayalam of Malabar and mixed it up with their traditional language Tamil and inserted Sanskrit words in immensity. It has come to a state that the original language of Malabar had to be renamed as Malabari.

Each one of the lower castes themselves were brutal to those who came under each one of them.

The Hindus (Brahmins) naturally had the learning in Sanskrit. However, the technical skills were with the various lower class populations. However, only in native-English nations would the technically skilled persons be allowed to function freely in the social set up. In a feudal language set up, it is very clearly known that if the technically skilled persons are given any leeway to go up in the social ladder, they would take-over the social system.

Now, into this highly cantankerous social system of a very miniscule geopolitical location, the English East India Company officials are under duress to create a functioning and enduring political system. And they succeeded in doing this.

What can be the compensation for this? How does one calculate the stopping of all kinds of warfare and battles in the location that had been going on incessantly from times immemorial, in terms of monetary compensation?

This is item no 1.

2. Emancipation of slaves:

The majority populations were in various levels of slavery. Even though the subservience to the higher-placed populations starts directly from the Brahmins, it is actually from the ranks below the Nayars that the real enslavement commences.

It is like this: Nayars are below the Ambalavasis. The Ambalavasis have several layers. Ambalavasis, Unni, Nambishan, Pisharadi, Variyar, Chakkiyaar, Nambiyaar &c.

They all come under the Brahmins.

Among the Brahmins also there are layers. Thamburans, Nambhoothiripad, ‘special’ (Vishistar), Bhattathirpad, Saamaanya Brahmins, Nambi, Shanthikkaar / Embraan, Namboori (Sapagrasthan), Papista Brahmins &c.

It should be noted that the above-mentioned lists might not be very authentic. I have simply gathered them from one or two old time books. I have no direct information on these castes and how they relate to each other.

Nayars could have been mentioned as an enslaved caste. However, they stood rock-solidly loyal and subservient to the Hindus (Brahmans) to the extent that they made a policy that the Nambhuthiri Brahmins could have close alliance with their womenfolk.

Even though this might look a bit awkward from current-day shallow understandings of reality, the fact is that offering the household women to the divine levels of personages is one of the highest levels of offering an individual or household or population can offer. It is an act of pious offering. This is an item that can be understood only in a feudal-language social system.

It is an offering to the higher indicant word defined personage. It is not to the lower-indicant word defined persons.

The higher indicant word personage can relocate the worshipper and his family to the height of the social layers.

In other words, the Sudras were being placed above the various other populations. They can address them as Inhi/Nee/Thoo, and refer to them as Oan/Avan/Chekkan, Olu/Aval/Pennu etc. This positioning in the verbal codes is something that cannot be understood in English.

It is a great blessing that is being bestowed on the complete family members. They literally rise high above the various other populations, who might exhibit dignity, mental stature etc. However, in feudal languages, those who exhibit dignity, mental stature, high bearing etc. are crushed down and the place of prominence is offered to those who cringe, and shower feudal ‘respect’.

It is like a common soldier in a feudal-language based army offering his wife or sister to the army officer/s. The officer/s helps him to slowly rise above his rank and become a Commissioned Officer. What has happened is the total rising of the status of his complete family members. They all are now part of the officer class. They can address the common soldiers and their family members with the lower indicant words for You, Your, Yours, He, His, Him, She, Her, Hers &c. It is a very powerful endowment that has been received.

It might be seen that both the Syrian Christians as well as the Jews did very powerfully grab the higher social positions more or less equal to the Nayars from the contemporary Tamil kings of Travancore area. What they offered in return for getting this kind of astronomical levels of social heights is not known.

Coming back to Malabar, it is seen that many populations who were not willing to concede such offerings or were not even asked for such offerings, were pushed down to the levels of various levels of slaves. The Hindus and the Nayars literally lived on the centuries of enslavement of these unfortunate populations. Many of the extremely lower classes literally lived like animals or domestic cattle. They were more or less tied to the small bit of land where they had to work from the beginning of their working life to the end of it. The working life would start when they were about four or five years old.

They were sold or lent, or hired out to other land-owners. Even though the higher classes saw them almost every day, no one really bothered to think of them as human beings. It is like this in current-day India. People see the household servants treated like some kind of low quality human beings. They are made to sit on the floor and addressed in the pejorative part of the verbal codes. To become friendly with them is also quite dangerous. For, if they feel that the other person is an equal, the verbal codes they use to him would become quite carnivorous. That is, it will bite. They are made to live like carnivorous animals.

It is true that if these people are allowed to go to any native-English nation, their individuality would rise up sky-high. However, after a few years, they would start complaining about native-English racism. That is the most funny part. That, persons who would be made to sit and sleep on the floor in India and addressed as ‘dirt’, when they go to native-English nations would find the native-English, ‘racist.

It was the native-English administration in the subcontinent, starting with the English East India Company that took the most vigorous steps to stamp out human slavery. Many of these erstwhile slaves rose up to the social heights. Many other escaped to other nations where English colonialism was in existence, and started their lives as labourers. It is quite funny that idiot academic historians have taken this as proof that the English were ‘exporting slaves from India’.

The fact is that the slave populations in Travancore, which was not part of British-India, could not interact with the local social system with dignity. They could not come on the roads. They would not get good government jobs. Their only option to become part of any human society was to escape from this land to other lands, where their manual labour skills could be given for wages. Not as slaves.

The slave populations who improved in Travancore was mainly due to the handiwork of the members of the London Missionary Society. However, they escaped to Malabar forests and became reasonably very rich. Today they will not admit that they by ancestry were from the slave populations.

Actually no one would like to mention such a thing. None of the lower castes would like to mention their caste name. They would prefer to be known as Hindus and thus connected to the much-described Vedic culture of some 7000 years back in some part of Central Asia. Actually none of these populations are Hindus. They all had their own traditional deities and Shamanistic rituals. However, many of them are quite ashamed to mention these links. Instead they all want to mention their links to Hindu/Brahmanical traditions and antiquity.

On this account also, the English East India Company has lost much in terms of gratitude. For, if no one claims to have come from the slave ancestry, there is no meaning in seeking any appreciation for the great deeds of the English Company.

But then, historical facts should stand indelible. The vast majority population/s of Malabar consists of those who were emancipated from social slavery by the English East India Company. If compensation claims are to be put up, how much it would run up to. An emancipation of millions of human beings across the generations, whose ancestors were the human beast of labour for centuries and beyond.

This is item no 2.

However, that is the compensation that the emancipated populations have to offer to pristine-England. Not to Multi-culture demon England.

But then what about the Hindus and the Nayars? They would have also to pay a very huge astronomical sum as compensation to their erstwhile slaves’ descendents.

In which case, the birdbrain campaigning in England for compensation for ‘colonial looting’ would find his family fortunes completely wiped out. He himself would find himself doing some wiping job to make ends meet.

3. Educating the peoples

There was practically no formal education for the people of Malabar. However, it does not mean that they were without skills or capabilities. In fact, most of the lower-positioned castes were experts in some kind of skilled work. Furniture carpentry, architecture carpentry, pottery, herbal medicine, various kinds of cultivation, coconut-tree climbing, making oil, making lime for use as building mortar, and much else were there as skill and knowledge among the various population groups, which were identified by specific caste names.

But then, it might be true that the higher kind of information on engineering, architecture, allopathic medical treatment, etc. had to be inserted into the social system by the English administrators. It was not easy for them. For, it is seen that when they tried to open a Medical College at Calcutta, for teaching medical studies to the native students, there was indeed a huge hue and cry against it, from the local social leaders.

As to Sanskrit literary education, it is sure that the Brahmins did have this as part of their traditional legacy. When the English administrators set up schools, there was a concerted effort on the part of the local feudal landlords also to set up a parallel vernacular education system. It is easy to understand their urges.

For, in a feudal language social system, education has some other ulterior aims. It is an easy way to assemble young children under oneself. The children can then be addressed by powerful demeaning lower indicant words like Inhi, Nee etc. and other lower grade indicant words can be used to refer to them. When this kind of demeaning is done, what takes place is the exact opposite of what would happen in English. In English, a person with some dignity would react with vehemence at this Satanic degrading. (Currently in Multi-culture England, this degrading of students might be going on in the sly. Feudal languages would raise their monstrous heads only when they have gained a lot power).

In a feudal language ambience, the degraded students would fall in love with their degrading teacher, shower him with respect, and hold him up as a very honoured individual. This is the real secret for the inducement to become a teacher in the subcontinent.

What was great about the education that was truly supported wholeheartedly by the English administrators was education in English. It may be noted that the Christian Missionaries who worked in the native-kingdoms did not support education in English, even though they did run many English schools. One of the reasons could be that in the subcontinent, the Christian religion was only very slightly connected to English and England. For most of its components were from non-English nations. And there were persons like Gundert etc. who were actually some kind of interlopers, acting as silent agents for a larger agenda.

It was the presence of such white-skinned Continental Europeans that messed up the definition of the English rule. They also managed to confuse both the English administrators as well as the native populations as to who was really ruling the land. Actually the colonialism in the subcontinent was not a ‘White-man colonialism’, but an English colonialism. The term ‘White’ can encompass a number of nationalities in Continental Europe. At least some of them were the early days ‘freedom fighters’ of ‘India’, in that they collaborated heavily with the native kings to destroy the English East India Company administration.

The greatest of English contribution in the field of education, actually all kinds of education, was the setting up of very high quality systems, procedures, protocols, codes of ethics, grooming standards, hierarchies not based on feudal language codes and much else in all fields that had connection to education and professional studies.

For instance, the Allopathic Medical education. The very refined systems, based on pristine-English were taught and enforced by them. This is where all other systems including the native-herbal treatment systems and even formidable Homoeopathy went behind. For instance, even though Homoeopathy is a very effective disease treatment system, just because it was never part of the English educational system, it continues to lag behind with low-quality systems, conventions, behavioural pattern etc. and at the same time, more or less trying to imitate Allopathic conventions. Even the word ‘doctor’ is a creation of the English system in this land. It continues to hold a brand image of an honoured person, due to the feudal languages of the land.

However, the Homoeopath has not been able to gather a similar ‘honourable’ stance for the word ‘Homoeopath’. So, he or she is highly bent on claiming a ‘doctor’ prefix to his or her name.

It is undeniable that the English administration did try to use formal education to improve the standards of the common people. However, they did make one mistake in that, there were not insistent enough on stressing the importance of good-quality English, and English only, in education.

Formal education without good-quality English was more or less a waste of time, unless every kind of statutory jobs were reserved for this useless vernacular -educated students. Vernacular education does not do anything to erase the huge and totally encompassing feudal language emotions and triggers from a student’s mind.

Vernacular education in India as of now, is the forceful enslavement of children under low-class under-informed individuals who address the children as Thoo/Nee, and refer to them as Avan/Aval/Uss etc. All of these words are of the lower indicant levels and meant to degrade the individual.

It may be seen that two persons were given the Noble Prize for aiding these ‘teachers’. They cannot be blamed. However, the Nobel Prize Committee which decided to give the awards to these cunning crooks might need to be taken up for scrutiny by both Providence as well as Nemesis.

As of now, teaching is a business. Compulsory teaching has its business aims. A teacher’s job in a government-aided school in Malabar can be bought by ‘teachers’ for around 20 lakh (200 million) rupees and more. It is the school management’s profit. The teachers who literally do not know anything are paid an astronomical salary, plus huge pension benefits.

The textbook industry also has a very great vested interest in this.

I will give a list of educational systems that were introduced or supported or sponsored by the native-English rulers:

1. Medical Colleges

2. Engineering Colleges

3. Dental Colleges

4. Veterinary Colleges

5. Agricultural Colleges

6. Science Colleges

7. Humanities Colleges

8. English Nursery Schools (some run by good-quality Anglo-Indians)

9. English Lower Primary Schools (some run by good-quality Anglo-Indians)

10. English Higher Primary Schools (some run by good-quality Anglo-Indians)

11. English High Schools (some run by good-quality Anglo-Indians)

12. English Intermediate Colleges

13. English Degree Colleges

14. Vernacular Schools

15. Various kinds of technical teaching institutes

However, what needs to be mentioned here is that among all the above-mentioned items, actually the best item was the English Nursery, Lower Primary, Higher Primary and English High School education. It was in these locations that the native children got to get educated in the egalitarian emotions of the English language. Moreover, many of them became good in English Classical literature.

Actually a good reading experience in English Classical literature is the greatest of education that an individual can get to totally erase his native-land barbarian and semi-barbarian mentality.

In the English-rule times, only a person who has traversed the English Classical literature track successfully could get to become a Government officer, a doctor, an engineer, a teacher and such.

Because it was this English Classical literature which was the towering Himalayan heights that should first be climbed, before any individual could aspire for any higher quality profession. For, once he or she has climbed this, he or she becomes a great individual with profound egalitarian principles in his or her mind.

An individual who has not climbed in the English Classical literature route remains more or less, the same old feudal language mentality person. He or she should never be given any quality professional status. For, if he or she occupies such positions, everyone who works under him or her gets despoiled. From this despoilment, the members of the public also get dirtied.

As of now, in India, persons who do not have any connection to English Classical literature are becoming IAS/IPS officers, Doctors, Engineers, Political leaders etc. And the quality derangement induced by them on the people is quite obvious.

It might be mentioned in passing that if current-day ‘officers’ of the Indian government were to write a Civil Service exam of the English rule times, only very few of them would get in. Most of the others would be assignable only menial jobs in the government offices. Such persons are now in charge of the government offices.

However, the government official content is only representative of the people content.

Again, speaking of the Nursery-level education, in good-quality English schools, it was done by good quality individuals who were good in English and English Classics. They would never use a pejorative word to the students. However, as of now, the servant-maid type of persons is in charge of Nursery school education. There is a general feeling that Nursery school education is of the least importance. Actually it is of the greatest importance.

Hopefully, the Nobel Prize Committee would get its just desserts before long from Nemesis.

Every kind of educational item, which are all currently in their most dirtied form, including the Professors, Lectures, Research fellows, University Convocation, Graduate and Post Graduate degree Certificates, and much else are what has been bequeathed to a most ungrateful population by the native-English rulers.

Now, speaking of Compensation, what can be the total valuation of the huge and gigantic educational system that has grown up on the foundations made by the native-English rulers? It might be noted in passing that the native-land feudal landlord classes never seems to have pondered on these kinds of infrastructure building for the common man. But then, they cannot be blamed. For, it was a common knowledge that if the lower classes are improved, they would push out the benefactors and make all kinds of attempts to take-over their assets and other possessions.

Actually this is going on in England as of now. The immigrant folks are hell-bent on over-running England and enslaving the native-English people. They are creating fractures in the social fabric and acting as if they are the healers to the malady. Actually they are the malady.

The foundation for mass education in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh was the legacy of the English Colonial rule. It is true that as of now, this public education has been deliberately made sterile by the exclusion of English in the education.

This is item no. 3.

What amount of compensation should be paid to England for this fabulous legacy of educational infrastructure? It is true that jingoists can speak of Taxila and Nalanda &c. But then what do they have to do with the Nambhuthiris, Ambalavasis, Marumakkathaya Thiyya, Makkathaya Thiyyas, Nayar, Malayans, Vedans, Chaliyars, Pulayars, Pariahs, Converted Christians, Shanar and other immensity of populations here?

4. Creating a huge egalitarian administrative system

In Travancore State Manual written by V Nagam Iyya, there is this statement:

QUOTE: “It is the power of the British sword,” as has been well observed, “which secures to the people of India the great blessings of peace and order which were unknown through many weary centuries of turmoil, bloodshed and pillage before the advent of the Briton in India”. END OF QUOTE.

Actually the British sword is not of a different breed that it is more sharp, more lengthier or more piercing. And the word ‘India’ is not the apt word. The apt word would have been Subcontinent. As to the word ‘people’, it should have been ‘peoples’.

Yet, what the statement defines is quite true. The lands had been ‘through many weary centuries of turmoil, bloodshed and pillage before the advent of the Briton in India’. However, the apt word here would have been ‘the English’ rather than ‘the Briton’.

QUOTE from the Travancore State Manual:

It is quite possible that in the never-ending wars of those days between neighbouring powers, Chera, Chola and Pandya Kings might have by turns appointed Viceroys of their own to rule over the different divisions of Chera, one of whom might have stuck to the southernmost portion, ....................... subsequently as an independent ruler himself. This is the history of the whole of India during the time of the early Hindu kings or under the Moghul Empire. END OF QUOTE.

See the words ‘never-ending wars of those days between neighbouring powers, Chera, Chola and Pandya Kings’.

QUOTE from Travancore State Manual: collecting their own taxes, building their own forts, levying and drilling their own troops of war, their chief recreation consisting in the plundering of innocent ryots all over the country or molesting their neighbouring Poligars. The same story was repeated throughout all the States under the Great Moghul. In fact never before in the history of India has there been one dominion for the whole of the Indian continent from the Himalayas to the Cape, guided by one policy, owing allegiance to one sovereign-power and animated by one feeling of patriotism to a common country, as has been seen since the consolidation of the British power in India a hundred years ago. END OF QUOTE.

Actually, Nagam Iyya seems to have gone berserk with his affection for the English rule in the Subcontinent. For, there is an error. The native-kingdoms were not actually part of British-India. This has been mentioned in ample words in that very book itself, when a question about the legal rights over native-British citizens living inside Travancore, came up for scrutiny.

QUOTE from Travancore State Manual: As a natural consequence anarchy and confusion in their worst forms stalked the land. The neighbouring chiefs came with armed marauders and committed dacoities from time to time plundering the people wholesale, not sparing even the tali on their necks and the jewels on the ears of women. The headman of each village in his turn similarly treated his inferiors END OF QUOTE.

This was the experience of a place called Nanjanad. Actually, this was the infrequent experience of very many places in the subcontinent, as far as the common people were concerned. When a similar terrible time came for Malabar, the kings and princes and other higher caste people who had the amenities, ran off to Travancore kingdom seeking safety.

So what was the state of the subcontinent before the advent of the English rule?

1. turmoil, bloodshed and pillage

2. never-ending wars

3. plundering of innocent ryots all over the country or molesting their neighbouring Poligars

4. anarchy and confusion in their worst forms

5. plundering the people wholesale, not sparing even the tali on their necks and the jewels on the ears of women

6. Slavery, and getting sold or rented out as slaves

Sitting inside some cosy air-conditioned building and writing a false history comes easy for the Indian academicians. However, the realities of the subcontinent were terrible. Even the forced burning of young widows was of unmentionable horror. I have seen one joker sitting in the US and claims that it was burned women’s human right to get decide to get burned. That fool has forgotten that in his native land in India, people cannot think or decide beyond what is allowed in the verbal codes. There are quite powerful strangleholds that the family as a whole has on an individual.

The insecurity on the trading roads due to the presence of the Thugges was another unfathomable horror. They would use the vile strategy of affableness and unwavering friendship to corner an unwary trader. This use of affableness and friendliness to subdue an adversary is a national pastime in all feudal language nations. Native-English populations cannot even imagine the satanic pleasure that is derived in using backstabbing methods to overpower them.

As to people’s safety and welfare, one only needs to see how an ordinary worker or some other kind of lower-placed labourer gets treated in an Indian police station or village office. The words used are invariably ‘Nee’, ‘Thoo’, ‘Inhi’ etc. Once this hammering via words is placed on the person, the person is more or less in a debilitated form. In fact, most of the ‘Indians’ are these kinds of ‘debilitated’ citizens. The other non- debilitated citizens of India are happy to see them in such a condition. For, they then pose no competition to them. Feudal languages create a terrific mood for competition in each and every verbal dialogue, unless there is acknowledged servility on one side.

It is these kinds of an immensity of minute populations, and lands that were amalgamated to form British-India. British-India had its own national sovereignty, and focus of sovereignty for the people/s. For the first time in recorded history, the Nambhuthiris, Ambalavasis, Makkathaya Thiyyas, Malayans, Vedans, Chaliyars, Pulayars, Pariahs, Cherumars, Converted Christian, converted Mappillas, Shanar, Nayar, Marumakkathaya Thiyya, Arabian-blood-mix Mappillas, Rawuther Muslim and other immensity of populations here, felt that they were part of a single large human population group that consisted of Rajputs, Moguls, Gujaratis, Sindhis, Bengalis, Telugus, Kannadigas, Biharis, Pathans, Tamilians &c.

However, there is also a much wider complication in this national affiliation. For, inside each of these afore-mentioned ethnic groups, there would be a huge number of castes who traditionally looked downwards with unconcealed distaste and repulsion.

That the native-English could create a nation out of them, in around the half of the geopolitical location of the subcontinent actually points to a very high calibre communication-capability population


In such a very complicated social system, it would not be possible for any of the local populations to create anything like this. For, no communication will go forward without some powerful backing in it.

It is like this:

One leader tells another person to go and tell another person to do such and such a thing. The first person would first assess if the order has been given by an adequate UNN/ Adheham/ Avar (highest He/Him). If the assessment is that the person is not of enough heights, he will not do what has been asked of him.

Now, if he does go and give the request to the third person, the third person would scrutinise both the first person as well as the second person. If either of them are not of acceptable heights and lowliness respectively, he would dither on the information and request.

This is how communication works in a feudal language. However, if the command comes from a very terrorising and powerful entity, it is conceded to.

However, for the first time in recorded history in the subcontinent, a new system of communication based on logic, pleasant words, good manners, non-degrading and non-servile verbal codes entered into the social system. It actually took some time for the local people and the local kings to understand that the English systems had some kind of terrific difference from their own traditional systems.

It was this information that a very decent and honourable new entity, something like a very decent alien population, had come into the subcontinent that more or less united the people and the kings under the English East India Company standard (flag).

See this QUOTE from Travancore State Manual:

Marthanda Varma’s words on his deathbed to his heir: “That, above all, the friendship existing between the English East India Company and Travancore should be maintained at any risk, and that full confidence should always be placed in the support and aid of that honourable association. END OF QUOTE.

I have already listed out the great administrative apparatus that was created in each every Taluk in miniscule Malabar. I will list them here again of Manantody Taluk:


(1) The Deputy Collector and Magistrate located at Manantoddy.

(2) The Tahsildar and Sub-Magistrate located at Manantoddy.

(3) The Police Inspector located at Manantoddy.

(4) The Deputy Tahsildar and Sub-Magistrate located at Vayitiri.

(6) The Police Inspector located at Vayitiri.

(6) The District Munsif located at Vayitiri.

(7) The Sub-Registrar, Manantoddy, under the District Registrar. Tellicherry.

(8) The Sub-Registrar, Vayitiri, under the District Registrar, Calicut.

(9) Combined Postal and Telegraph office at Vayitiri.

(10) Other Post offices at Manantoddy, Kalpetta. Tariyott, Sultan’s Battery and Mepadi.

(11) Police stations at Manantoddy, Oliyot, Koroth, Panamaram, Kalpetta, Vayitiri, Mepadi, Tariyott, Sultan’s Battery and Periah.

(12) Sub-Assistant Conservator at Manantoddy and his subordinates,

(13) Local Fund Supervisors and Sub-Overseers at Vayitiri and Manantoddy.

(14) Local Fund Middle School at Manantoddy.

(15) Vaccine staff for North and South Wynad under the control of the Deputy Inspectors of Tellicherry and Calicut circles respectively.

(16) Hospitals at Vayitiri and Manantoddy in charge of Apothecaries ; the latter being supervised till August 1886 by a European medical officer, who drew a special allowance of Rs. 150 per mensem from Government.

(17) Bench of Magistrates, North Wynad.

(18) Do. South Wynad.


This is a minor list of social and administrative infrastructure created by the English rule in the remote forest areas of Wynad. Wynad was actually a forest-filled Taluk north of Calicut and east of Tellicherry. Just imagine, the English Company setting up all these things and more in around half the location of the subcontinent. In other areas, like the seaports, they did create wonderful harbours and seaport. It is not the infrastructure of the ports and harbours that should create wonder in our minds. It is the port rules and other decorum, and codes of formal functioning that are incredible. For these very decent codes of actions are being introduced in a semi to fully barbarian land. Check the Port Rules section in the book, Malabar.

The main point here to be mentioned powerfully is that it is not that a native leadership of the Subcontinent cannot visualise all these kinds of administrative set ups. It is just that the moment he or she talks in the feudal languages social system, it would create problems of communication. As to who is bigger and who is smaller.

Beyond that, inside the administrative set-up, everyone would be first and foremost concerned about their own social stature and ‘respect’. The quality of everything would be compromised upon this item.

This is item no. 4.

When speaking about Compensation, how much amount should the nations of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh give to pristine-England (not to Multi-culture demon England) for the setting up of an immensity of administrative set-ups in the whole of the subcontinent? Remember that in India alone, there are around 238617 panchayats and around 649481 villages. (I am not sure if the mentioned numbers are correct).

Let the birdbrain start calculating.

5. Postal Department

The concept of posts and courier is not difficult to conceive. It is just a matter of telling someone to take some article, go to the place where it has to be given and deliver it.

The idea is quite simple.

However, in a feudal language social systems only if a powerful entity gives the order would the thing move forward. Otherwise, even if the other person has promised that he would do it, he would not do it.

It is like this. In India, one man is told to take one letter to another man, who has to do its bidding and then take the assigned item to another man.

Both the persons agree to do their part of the work. However, when the first man is called in the morning, he admits that he has not done it. Why? His uncle called him for another work. He cannot disobey his uncle. However, he will do it the next day.

The next day also some other excuse.

Ultimately, the first man goes and gives it to the other man’s wife, who informs him that her husband had waited for the article on the first day.

The next day the second man is called. He says his wife had received the item, but then she had to go to her aunt’s house. And he has not received the article in his hands.

Ultimately he receives the article. However, he is now called for some family affairs and cannot tend to the instructions in the letter. The real reason is that he finds that he has to go to a location wherein he might not be ‘respected’ adequately.

This is how these things work in a feudal language ambiance. For, very powerful indicant word-codes do influence all human actions and emotions.

But then the higher castes and the rulers did have various kinds of letter and other article delivery systems. The arrangement is not for the people to use. It is just simply a system of people organised to send, forward and deliver letters and other articles from their social leaders to others. It has nothing like a pre-paid stamp and such.

The very idea of a postal department which can be utilised by everyone came from an English mind. It is not that a Malabari man cannot imagine this up. It is just that, in Malabar, who would want to give this facility to the ‘low-class’ others in the society? No sane man would do this. For, the ‘low-classes’ would then tend to show-off their grandeur!

As of now, the traditional postal and telegraph systems are going rapidly into oblivion or obscurity.

But then, in their heydays, they were wonderful creations of a most egalitarian population’s mind. There was actually no need for the English rulers to set up a postal department which all people could make use of.

No other king or queen or ruler in the subcontinent had even pondered on giving such facilities to the downtrodden populations.

In my childhood, I was quite easily impressed by what it meant. I post a One-paise stamp postcard in a small letterbox in some remote corner of some remote village. It is addressed to a location in Assam, some 3500 kilometres away, in an equally remote village. The exact location is a small hut on the other side of a water-filled agricultural plantation.

The wonder of wonder is that this tiny bit of paper, with a stamp value of extremely negligible amount, is delivered to the hut with supernatural precision.

The amount of written codes, rules, by-laws, systems, routing, authentications, enforcement of discipline etc. in a land which had nothing of this can be understood only by those who know what is what. For, each individual in the string of individuals has to placed in a very controlled corridor, that moves only in the pre-set route. No command, appeal, emotion, frustration, anger, enmity, laziness, procrastination &c. should be able to create a disruption in this route.

The people here received this fabulous set-up on a silver platter.

Ibn Batuta does mention about a courier system among the Muslim kings of the northern parts of the subcontinent. In Travancore, there was a Anjal ottam (mail-runner) courier service. These are all sort of expensive services for the privileged classes.

These kinds of things would be found in all the ancient kingdoms of the world. This has nothing to do with the English built up postal system based on prepaid stamps. Even if such a system did exist in some per-historic times, it does not affect the truth that in the South Asian Subcontinent, it was the English administration that set up the postal department that exists today.

It is easy to say that a very professional set-up can be created very easily. The fact is that to ensure the delivery of the mail article at the precisely correct location requires the setting of a very fabulous organisational machinery.

When we speak about the British-Indian postal system, it would be a satanic intention to confuse this system with the courier systems for the rulers and the other privileged classes, which would be found in existence thousands-of-years back in all continents.

QUOTE from the insipid Wikipedia: By 1861, there were 889 post offices handling nearly 43 million letters and over 4.5 million newspapers annually. The first superintendent of the post office was appointed in 1870 and based in Allahabad END OF QUOTE.

Can this postal department be compared with the courier system for the privileged classes of the subcontinent? An academic mind especially of India will naturally have the genius to find a comparison.

The British-Indian postal rates were quite low. However, around 2000, the government of India gave it very great patriotic push that all the lower financial classes went out its purview. As of now, the Indian postal department caters to the financially higher classes of the land. Mainly as a courier service for Online buying.

The postal department is a huge money-maker for the government of India, as well as a treasure pot for its employees. However, there must be some thought about paying the price of the company. Simply taking over a company when some nut was ruling England cannot be mentioned as a great antiquity and heritage of a newly formed nation. Or is its nations? Three of them are there.

This is item no. 5.

6. Railways

There is a very cunning scene of the ‘father of the nation’ being pushed out a South African train in the Gandhi movie. The ostensible reason being that he was not White. However, how come a feudal language-speaking person, who discriminates others and degrades a lot of them, on each and every aspect of a human being was allowed into the train is the moot question.

The British-Indian railway was a wonder in the subcontinent in those days. It traversed a lot of small and minor locations. The fact that all the people in the various locations inside British-India were all under the same sovereign tended give an impression that they were all one people, which actually they were not. The peoples of the various locations viewed the various others as despicable entities. Even now this is true.

See the way one native of middle India, where the common population is of relatively lower social quality mentions the people of the south. He was working in a Continental European nation as an employee there in one of the firms there.

Being under the same sovereign can give an impression that all the subjects are same. For instance, the group of Travancore and Malabar into one political entity tended to give power to the Ezhava political leaderships’ contention that both the Thiyyas populations are Ezhavas. The easiest logic is that all three come directly under the Nayar caste in the social hierarchy of yore.

Actually both the Thiyyas populations are not one caste.

Even though in these times, when almost all the technical skills and knowledge of England has been download into India, it might not seem to be a great thing to build a Railway system in India, the truth is that the creation of the British-Indian railways was a marvellous event in the history of the subcontinent.

However, the marvel does not stop at that. The huge content of systematic actions that can allow the trains to run on time, and safely across the distances really required a lot of mental exertion. It is quite easy to improve upon something another man has created. However, that does not come anywhere near to the effort of the first creation.

In my own professional writing works, which I used to do a few years back, I had occasions wherein I would be compelled to finish a work in an extra hurry, with some unknown client demanding that the work be given overnight. The work naturally might not be of high quality standards due to this hurry. Later, actually weeks later, the client would have someone else improve the text and give a comment that the original was not up to the mark. The fact is that if I had been asked to do an improvement of my own hurried work, I would have created a much better product. As for the other person, he or she was simply improving a lot of verbal usages, on the translations I had given, of the extremely complicated text.

However, in the case of the Indian Railways, still it has not come anywhere near to the egalitarian aims of the British-Indian administration. That is, to provide quality travelling convenience for the downtrodden populations. However, this is not a standalone issue. It is connected to the various other aspects of the administration.

For instance, look at the suburban railways in Bombay. It is a nightmare. However, this issue is connected to the fact that the Bombay city has itself become a nightmare for the lower populations of the city. Moreover, an immensity of others rush into Bombay to escape the feudal language terrors of their own native places. For inside Bombay, the presence of huge crowds everywhere can give anyone an anonymity which is not possible to get in one’s own native place.

The quaint English-built railway stations were a natural beauty. There would be trees in the railway platforms. There would be seats for all people to sit down. I mean for even the lowest-class ticket holders.

This point requires a clarification. When I used to move from Malabar to Travancore in the 1980s, I used to find the difference very stark. In the newly-built Indian railways station of Travancore, in those days, sitting convenience for the lower-class ticket holders was not very much obvious.

In those days, the railways were slowly changing from an easy-going English system to that of rude feudal language systems. Actually brutish Hindi was spreading throughout Malabar and Travancore Railways, in the same way it was doing all over the nation.

The terrible replacement of English with a feudal language did create a lot of efficiency problems around the 1980s. However, as of now, things have more or less settled into the feudal language system. Feudal language systems are efficient inside their own systems. However, if an outsider comes in, who does not display the expected subservience, it would rankle.

Actually this is the real reason that I did not go to the Cannanore Railway station to check the Railway archive records on how more than 20 railway stations in the north Malabar area got a Muthappan Temple attached to them during the English rule period. It simply is not easy to converse with an officialdom which speaks in feudal languages, unless one is ready to bent and bow and cringe, and use words of ‘respect’ or has an uncanny ability to drop powerful names of connections, inadvertently. The various officials in the system are tied to a very powerful stream of feudal subservience or domination. An outsider has to fit into that stream to be able to move with that stream.

It is a different world from that of English altogether. From a feudal language perspective this would be the best possible official system possible. However, once a person gets acquainted with any pristine-English official systems, the stark difference would be visible. However, it must still be admitted that the very system of bureaucracy has a formal positioning and hierarchy in it, be it feudal language or English. However, in feudal languages, this hierarchy become quite heavy and totally a one-way valve system for the flow of communication and ideas. In fact, more than one extraneous hierarchy gets overloaded into the official hierarchy.

The huge railway network with all kinds of textual guidance, procedures, protocols, signal systems, precautions, cautions, railway gates, bridges, guards, periodic and timely inspections, water supply, fuel storage, a huge number of auxiliary businesses and such other things working, well, it all required a huge quality personnel to set it up first. It is not all things cannot be imagined or created by others. It is simply that there should be first such a people’s organisation that can work it out.

If it is a single feudal language system as in Japan, it can be done without much hassles, even though they might have to first rob the initial idea from elsewhere. In a nation where different human hierarchies work in close proximity in mutual competition, it is very near impossible to first create the huge human organisation from scratch. I do not mean the railway organisation, but the totality of all the things that were gathered together by the pristine-English administration.

It is nation where even now a common man cannot communicate with a policeman from a stature of dignity and self-respect. The policeman simply would not allow it. His very words of addressing Inhi / Nee/ Thoo will erase any attempt by the common man to communicate from a stature of dignity.

What is the Indian railway valued at? Well, the people who created it cannot simply be shooed away just like that. A valuation has to be done, and a proper value has to be given to the population that created it.

Simply using such words as ‘looters’ etc. on quality people will not help the scene.

This is item no. 6.

7. Hospitals and public healthcare

It took a lot of efforts on the part of the English administration to set up hospitals and other healthcare infrastructure for the common people. For such a concept of providing for the common man was not there in the subcontinent. However, if by people one were to mean only the Hindus (Brahmins) and the Nayars, there would be ample people to come to their houses and treat them with whatever traditional treatment knowledge they had. However, for the lower populations below the Nayars, the quantity of such services they received would decrease rapidly as their caste level goes down.

I am quoting three different paragraphs from Edgar Thurston’s Castes and Tribes of Southern India Vol 1.

QUOTE: 1. Adutton (a bystander).—A synonym for Kavutiyan, a caste of Malayalam barbers. In like manner, the name Ambattan for Tamil barbers is said to be derived from the Sanskrit amba (near), s'tha (to stand), indicating that they stand near to shave their clients or treat their patients.................. Not improbably the name refers to the original occupation of medicine-man, to which were added later the professions of village barber and musician............. His medicines consist of pills made from indigenous drugs, the nature of which he does not reveal. His surgical instrument is the razor which he uses for shaving, and he does not resort to it until local applications, e.g., in a case of carbuncle, have failed. In return for his multifarious services to the villagers, the Ambattan was given a free grant of land, for which he has even now to pay only a nominal tax.

2. In 1891 the live inmates of a single hut were murdered, and their hut burnt to ashes, because, it was said, one of them who had been treating a sick Badaga child failed to cure it.

3. A local tradition describes the Travancore Kshaurakans as pursuing their present occupation owing to the curse of Surabhi, the divine calf. Whatever their origin, they have faithfully followed their traditional occupation, and, in addition, many study medicine in their youth, and attend to the ailments of the villagers, while the women act as midwives.


This is a sample of a treatment system at certain caste levels. However, the higher castes seems to have access to a particular standard of Herbal treatment, which is locally known as Ayurveda. The moment the name Ayurveda is mentioned, the current-day jingoists in India would spring up with very tall claims of having huge medical treatment systems in ‘ancient India’. Names such as Charaka, Danvanthari, Shustrutha etc. would be mentioned rapidly.

There is no denying that such medical experts were there in the ancient times in some parts of the globe, which might even be inside the subcontinent. However, what is their bloodline, or genetic or caste-based connections to the Nambhuthiris, Ambalavasis, Nayars, Marumakkathaya Thiyya, Makkathaya Thiyyas, Malayans, Vedans, Chaliyars, Pulayars, Pariahs, Converted Christians, Arab blood-mix Mappillas, lower caste Converted Mappillas, Tangal Muslims and other immensity of populations of North and South Malabar?

Or with the Nambhuthiris, Ambalavasis, Nayars, Shanars, Ezhavas, Pulayas, Pariahs, Vedars, Nadars, Converted Christians, Syrian Christians, Methan Muslims, Mukkuvars &c. of Travancore?

Or with the vast number of varying populations in Canara, Madras Presidency, Hyderabad kingdom, Kashmir, Mushidabad, Assam, Sind?

There is this much more to be added about the English Company rule public healthcare system. If the medical professionals are native-English, the members of the public would get to feel a very vibrant egalitarian feeling, even though the native-officials in the hospital would try their best to induce all kinds of inferiority complexes in the socially lower-placed individuals.

But then, if the medical professionals themselves are feudal language speakers, then the effect is again like being under the thraldom of an affable tyrant.

It is simply that the native medical professionals would use the lower indicant words of addressing and referring. Such words as Inhi / Nee/ Thoo, and Oan / Avan / Uss and Oalu / Avalu / Uss etc. These words do the pressing down action on a human dignity, personality and stature.

Now think of the immense number of public healthcare institutions, and their command wings created all over the subcontinent; catering to the people of around 649481 villages in current-day India alone. (I am not sure if the mentioned numbers are correct).

Then there is Pakistan and Bangladesh also.

Now, let us calculate the total cost of the healthcare infrastructure that was handed over to the politicians in Pakistan and India. This would include the huge training set-up for the various categories of medical professionals. The medical literature, the textbooks, the class rooms, the awareness programmes for the common people, the decorum of functioning, the uniforms of the personnel, the medical teachers, the medicines, the drug manufacturing professional knowledge, the pharmacy colleges, and off course the British Pharmacopeia.

Naturally the jingoist in Indian have copied the idea and created an Indian Pharmacopeia. It is quite possible that they would claim that the complete drug standards mentioned in the Indian Pharmacopeia was copied by the British from some ancient Vedic textbook dating some 8000 years back!

It is quite a wonder that Clement Atlee had the nerve to simply throw out all of these priceless legacies of English antiquity to competing rank outsiders.

This is item no. 7.

8. Judiciary

As of now, the Internet is full of lies and misinformation. It was the English East India Company that set-up a totally new form of judiciary in the subcontinent, in which before the law all citizens were as they appeared in English. That is, a single You, Your, Yours; a single He, His, Him; and a single She, Her, Hers; &c.

Before the entry of the English judicial systems, judicial verdicts were the whims and fancies of some low-quality village-Adhikari or some other feudal landlord who would dispense justice on the basis of the verbal definition of an individual. That is, it depends on whether the individual is an Adheham, or Ayyal or Avan. And in the case of belligerence between two individuals, the higher He/Him will naturally be liable to get a favourable verdict in his favour.

For, it is like this: He beat him.

If Aheham (highest He) beat Avan (lowest him), then it is a condonable action.

However, if, Avan (lowest he) beat Adheham (highest him), then it is a terrible crime.

If one were to search for the details of the Indian judiciary, it is quite possible that there will be claims of ‘Indian’ judicial apparatus appearing in ancient textbooks of various kingdoms.

But what is all of them to do with the meticulously worked-out Judicial apparatus of the English East India Company. The most wonderful aspect of this is that the common man would even place a complaint against the very officials of the Company, if need be. And it would be enquired into and if the complaint is found correct, action would be taken on the accused.

Imagine a common man trying to place a complaint on any of the officials in the various kingdoms of the subcontinent! The individual will end up with his limbs broken.

Some of the native-kingdoms, tried to replicate the judicial system set-up in British-India inside their own kingdoms. However, they functioned in the native feudal language.

See this statement from the Native Life in Travancore by Rev. Samuel Mateer:

QUOTE: but cases of complaint rarely succeeded in those days, as the subordinate magistracy were so deeply prejudiced and naturally partial to their own intimates and caste connections. END OF QUOTE

See this statement from the Travancore State Manual written by V Nagam Iyya:

QUOTE: When Col Munro took up the Diwanship for a brief period, this was what he saw:

“No description can produce an adequate impression of the tyranny, corruption and abuses of the system, full of activity and energy in everything mischievous, oppressive and infamous, but slow and dilatory to effect any purpose of humanity, mercy and justice. This body of public officers, united with each other on fixed principles of combination and mutual support, resented a complaint against one of their number, as an attack upon the whole. END OF QUOTE

If this be the state of a judiciary in one native kingdom, imagine the condition in the hundreds of similar kingdoms in the subcontinent, over the centuries. The majority people lived like slaughter-animals, with absolutely no human or animals rights for them.

Into this inglorious land, the English Company brought in written codes of law and an egalitarian language to define human beings before the judicial courts. However, as of now, this tremendous and wonderful insertion of an egalitarian language has been reversed. In many places in the northern parts of India, the judiciary functions in Hindi. Hindi is a language that can quite easily define a human as a piece of dirt (a Thoo and a Uss) and another man as a divinity (An Aap and a UNN).

In Kerala, that is, the sly amalgamation of Malabar with Travancore, the Judicial courts have started to function in Malayalam. Malayalam is another satanic language that can do more or less the same evil discrimination with more effectiveness. The common man can be quite easily be defined as Nee/ Ningal and Avan/Ayaal, and the officialdom can stand as the Saar and Adheham or Avar. What kind of a stupid judiciary is this? The whole idea stands directly against the sacred tenets of the Constitution of India, which proudly proclaims that all citizens of India are equal before the law. The translated-into-Hindi Constitution does support an idea that the common people are dirt and the officialdom and other higher persons are gold.

The Constitution of India is a great document written in English. Its original concepts and precepts are based on the unwritten conventions and egalitarianism of pristine-English.

Translating this golden document into satanic languages is a deed of the devil.

There is one more thing that needs to be mentioned about the British-Indian judiciary. It tried to enhance the personal stature of the people here. However, the people here have to deal with the judiciary through the advocates / lawyers. It is doubtful if these lawyers / advocates would treat the people with dignity. It is a common knowledge in feudal language systems, the if you treat a lower entity with ‘respect’, he would withdraw his ‘respect’.

So, it is only natural to expect that the lawyers would use only the Inhi/Oan or Nee-Avan (lower indicant words) on the lower-class people who come to them seeking judicial solace. This is again a failure of the English East India Company. They should have understood this issue and should have given stern advice to the lawyers that they were under obligation to protect the stature of the individual who comes to them.

However, it is a hopeless situation. For the society at large would not concede to this. So, at least the judges should have been native-English. At least at that level, human beings would be seen as of equal stature.

Now, let us start calculating the Compensation:

A wonderful judiciary (which as of now has atrophied into feudal language systems)

A Constitution based on the egalitarian conventions of pristine-English.

A huge set of written codes of law and judicial procedures.

A huge array of Judicial courts across the country. A Supreme Court of India, High Courts in the States. District Courts in each district. Sub-district Courts.

Judicial officers including Justices, Judges, Magistrates, Sub-Magistrates, Arbitrators &c.

Lawyers / Advocates.

Statutory uniforms for the judicial officers including the lawyers.

Various kinds of writ petitions in the Supreme Court and High Courts, such as Mandamus, Habeas corpus etc.

Various indelible rights to the citizens.

Well, this all for the total population of India. Pakistan and Bangladesh liability can be calculated later, if need be.

What Compensation from India will suffice for the astronomical levels of efforts placed in this subcontinent by the ordinary persons from England?

This is item no. 8.

9. Land Registration Department

Imagine the efforts that created a complete registered documentation for around half of the subcontinent. This was actually a corollary of another great social reform created by the English rulers. That the age-old slave and semi-slave class of people could become land-owners. Actually, this is where the birdbrains, who are campaigning for Reparation for British-rule deeds did face their tragedy. They lost their lands, and the slaves escaped from their clutches. They want compensation for this! What a funny demand!!

What is the total value of the Land Registration department? Its creators should be paid. Simply scooting with some other persons’ creation is not a good action.

This is item no. 9.

10. Police department

The Thugges were crushed. They had menaced the northern parts of the subcontinent for centuries. It was Henry Sleeman who created the police force. He crushed the Thuggees.

The roadways were made safe. There was a police station functioning in some level of English, for the people to appeal for help. In a land, where there was actually nothing like that at all. Functioning in English is great. Because the officials can interact with other officials without being hindered by the feudal language limitation of ‘respect’ and pejoratives.

As of now, it is very difficult for the citizens of India to go to a police station and demand a service. The very word ‘demand’ can get them thrashed. They can only beg. They have to stand. They cannot sit. The police man or woman will use terrible pejoratives to them. They people have to speak in hushed tones with great ‘respect’ for the very officials who will use terrific pejoratives on them. The great Indian patriots are not bothered. For, they have one foot in England.

It will not be correct to blame the policemen for this. For, this is the way the low-quality vernacular education teaches the people to behave. The policemen simply have to go along with this system.

What is the valuation that can be assigned for the Indian police departments?

During the English rule time, the Imperial Police (IP) officers were in charge. At that time, British-Indian police was an English organisation, even though there were many natives of the subcontinent also in this cadre. Now, the police departments are in the charge of the Indian Police Service (IPS)officers. These are natives of India, who have written a most illogical exam and got posted into positions which had been created by the English rulers. It does not means that all of them are misfits. Actually many of them are of very good quality. However, the systems are in feudal languages. There is not much they can do individually to run the service with any kind of quality.

The IPS officers are the Director General of Police, Inspector General of Police, the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Superintendent of Police, and the Assistant Superintendent of Police.

Below the IPS are the Deputy Superintendent of Police, the Circle Inspector Police, and the Sub Inspector of police. This is the middle level executive cadre in the police department.

Below them comes, the Assistant Sub Inspector, Head Constable and the Constables.

Majority of the common people of India, as per the verbal codes in the feudal languages come under the constables. That is, the constable can and will address them as Nee / Thoo. No idiot patriot in India has any problem with this. For, they are rich and many of them have relatives in England or USA.

Look at the huge personnel structure of the Indian Police system. It is in all the Indian states. Apart from that there are police departments under the central government also.

There are armed police forces also.

What would be the monetary value of the total of these police departments? Off course, the England will have to be duly compensated for all this. It would be quite an unwise things to stand with politicians who advice running off with other people’s creations.

This is item no. 10

Fire Force. I do not know who actually commenced this department, which is seen in many states in India. The current level of personnel would be totally feudal language content.

This is an auxiliary to item no. 10

11. Public Service Commissions

Before the advent of the English rule in the subcontinent, the local kings simply appointed anyone they liked to any post. The problem with this kind of posting was that the persons were mostly from a low-individual quality. Their most immediate aim would be to amass money and to terrorise the people, so as to gather ‘respect’.

The English rule brought in the concept of Civil Service Exams. It was one of the greatest changes in the social system. Even lower caste persons who acquired good standards in English could become even senior officers in the Civil administration (Imperial Civil Service – ICS), Police service (Imperial Police), Railway department, British-Indian army, Healthcare etc. In fact, there are incidences of lower caste individual becoming Royal Air Force (RAF) pilots.

At the same time in native kingdoms, the lower castes were merely menial class workers who had to do the office cleaning in the government offices.

This concept and infrastructure for Civil Service exams has, as of now spread all over the nation. May be it is there in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

There is a huge and monumental value for this activity and system. How much should the nations of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh give to England as the price of this? Simply confusing the issue by mentioning that there was a similar Civil Service Exam in the Vedic times some 8000 years ago will not be enough.

After all when the nation steals, the citizens automatically become accomplices, and complicit.

This is item no. 11

12. Free trade routes.

There was no sales tax and many other vexatious taxes. The terror of these taxes is due to the utterly rude native-officials who would come and use lower indicant words on the small-time traders. The very fact these creeps had been removed by the East India Company rule deserves a huge appreciation. It may be mentioned in passing that these rogues are back in business, under the Indian rule in the subcontinent, under various official titles.

This is item no. 12

13. Sanitation.

A huge set of official machinery focused on maintaining a high level of cleanliness in private as well as public places. It is a great thing indeed. For, in the native feudal languages, all things connected with sanitary work are considered to be dirt and dirty. In spite of this, the English officials used to personally come and check the cleanliness of the various public and private conveniences. In times of epidemics, they would personally visit the houses in the affected areas and check for deficiencies.

This is item no. 13

14. Public Conveniences.

It might good to say that that even the very concept of public toilets might have been promoted in the subcontinent by the English rulers. However, I do not have any records as proof of this. But then, it might be possible to find some records of public rest houses and such things created by this administration. Apart from this, there was another thing that might be mentionable. The concept that when a common man comes to a government office, that there should be use-able toilets, drinking water, place to sit and wait etc. were seen in the old time government offices in Malabar. As of now, these things are slowly coming into the notice of the government employees.

This is item no. 14

15. Forest Department.

The forest department of the English rule time had preserved the forest resources in their pristine condition in most of the places. However, the moment the subcontinent was handed over to the politicians of Pakistan and India, the looting of the forests started. In fact, it was seen mentioned many years ago that only around 16% of the forest cover of India in 1947 is remaining. However, that was many years ago. As to what is the condition now cannot be said. I am daily seeing the looting of forests in Wynad district, as lorries loaded with huge-sized lumber move right in front of my house.

I was once privy to a conspiracy by a group of rich persons, who were manipulating the official records to convert around 230 acres of pristine forest land into a private land. All the connected officials were to share a huge amount. Each tree would cost in 100s of thousands of rupees. Who will Compensate for this loss?

And what about the value of the various Forest departments, the various forestry colleges, and such?

This is item no. 15

16. Indian army

British-Indian army was divided into two. One piece was given to India. The other to Pakistan. Both armies use the cunning strategy of mutual belligerences to get their respective government to allow them huge cash funds to buy expensive toys like fighter planes, submarines, warships, armoured vehicles, guns, revolvers, bombs, and other ammunitions. Imagine the amount of money that is wasted in a land where actually there was only one government. Now, there are three. Each of them wary of the other two.

British-Indian army was an English-based army. All the systems were based on pristine-English conventions. And this army, including the Royal Indian Navy and the Royal Indian Air Force were modelled upon the British army systems.

It would be quite foolish to imagine that the various kings of the subcontinent would have been able to create such a professional army in their kingdoms. Even the mogul army was mentioned as just a huge content of various feudal lords who come with their serving folks, dancing girls, slaves for building toilets and setting up canopies &c. There were elephants and such things to convey grandeur.

In all the major battles between the English East India Company and the native kings, the French and the Portuguese fought on the side of the native kings. At times, there were even Italian regiments also. However, at the end of all wars, it was the English side that won.

Moreover, the casualties on the English side (most of the soldiers were the natives of the subcontinent) were very negligible in most confrontations.

It was this army with a very glorious record that was divided into two mutually antagonistic groups.

The Commissioned officers in the Indian army are thus: Field Marshal, General, Lieutenant General, Major General, Brigadier, Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, Major, Captain and Lieutenant. Below them is the huge number of soldiers who are currently of the Thoo / Uss level.

What would be the monetary value of this army? That is how much money should be spent to create such an army? Monetary value will not convert into quality value. For, the army is run on feudal languages. It will be quite a brutal army. However, at the level of commitment and loyalty, the moment the tide seems to be going wrong, there would be mass desertions. For, no person with some sense of self-dignity will allow himself to be thus desecrated by the officers of an army that is going down. This is true for Pakistani and Bangladesh armies also.

The officer-soldier relationship will be uneasy at many levels. For, a soldier with higher capabilities will be a distraction for the officer. For the language is feudal.

This is item no. 16

17. Miscellaneous

There is no need to elaborate on the various other items handed over to ungrateful populations in the subcontinent. I will simply list them out here.

1. Roadways – literally a huge network of roads in a land with very little good quality roadways.

2. Waterways, canals, dams, agricultural water supplies

3. Warehouses, and other food storage place

4. Museums

5. Census department

This is item no. 17

18. Various statutory councils, civial aviation, rules, decorums &c.

Now look at the list given below:

1. Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority

2. Apparel Export Promotion Council

3. Carpet Export Promotion Council

4. Cashew Export Promotion Council of India

5. Basic Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Export Promotion Council

6. Coffee Board of India

7. Cotton Textile Export Promotion Council

8. Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council

9. Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts

10. Handloom Export Promotion Council

11. Council for Leather Exports

12. Pharmaceutical Export Promotion Council

13. Shellac and Forest Products Export Promotion Council

14. Indian Silk Export Promotion Council

15. Spices Board of India

16. Sports Goods Export Promotion Council

17. Tea Board of India

18. Tobacco Board

19. Wool & Woollens Export Promotion Council

20. Wool Industry Export Promotion Council

It is quite possible that most of the above-mentioned Councils were formed after the formation of India. For, there are very many vested-interests who would like to form a statutory Council and get appointed as its senior person.

However, would it be too foolish to mention that most of the above Council’s do have some connection to the groundwork laid by the native-English administration?

When speaking of Compensation, these items would also require to be mentioned.

Then there is Civil Aviation, aviation rules, airports.

Harbours, Port rules &c.

It is possible that the original quality of the people of the subcontinent could never create any of these things. For, they (the Nayars) were ‘valorous’ fighters, ready to die for their king; that is the way they are variously described in this book, Malabar.

This is item no. 18

19. Now, let us speak about concepts.

The concept of Copyright, Patent, Brand name, Technical words, Technical terminologies &c. might have come into the subcontinent via the English rule. Off course, the natives of the subcontinents who have lived in the native-English nations would get to see all these things as of their own ownership.

Beyond all this, look at the immense content of books currently available in the Public Domain. I do not think that there was any such contribution from the subcontinent in anything.

Even though people say Yoga is from India, it is not the truth. It was there in the Asian culture in the exclusive social circles, that is true. However, as to how many ‘Indians’ knew about Yoga in the earlier days is doubtful. There is no mention of Yoga in the various book of the southern parts that I had gone through.

For instance, check these books:

Travancore State Manual Vol 1 (I have read only Vol 1)

Native Life in Travancore

Castes and tribes of Southern India Vol 1 (I have read only Vol 1 fully)

Omens and Superstitions of Southern India

In none of these books did I find a mention of Yoga. However, it is quite possible that the Hindus (Brahmins) would be aware of it. But then, the Hindus (Brahmins) form only a very small percentage of the population in India. And they would not teach this to others, in the ancient times.

As to the oft-mentioned huge treasure-trove of contents in Sanskrit, it was the English officials of the English East India Company who made Sanskrit scholars go and search them out, and bring them to the notice of the world. Otherwise, in most probability they would have gone into oblivion over the centuries.

This is item no. 19

20. Roadside trees

Trees, everywhere trees, was a hallmark of the English rule. The roadsides were lined with shade-giving trees. However, with the birth of India, trees have vanished from the roadsides. For, each tree is worth a lot of money for all the people concerned.

Only in certain posh localities, are avenue trees being planted artificially.

In other locations, the common man has to endure the burning sun when walking on the roadsides in the afternoon hours. However, these are not the things that birdbrains who have one foot in native-English have to suffer.

This is item no. 20

21. Freedom of press

It was a very powerful urge among the English administrators that all the books and other knowledges of the land should be preserved. Nothing should be lost to posterity.

Along with that, there was a very special kind of freedom given to the citizens. That of right to publish newspapers and magazines. It is off course true that the super rich individuals like Gandhi &c. did misuse these freedoms to promote themselves as the leaders of the peoples.

However, this freedom was given to the people.

As of now, this freedom is in the statute books. But then when anyone desires to publish a newspaper or a magazine, the government of India has a very cunning technique to bridle that aim. That is, the intending publisher has to get the name of the publication verified as not being in the possession of another publisher. On this, the intended publisher can be made to literally wander through various government offices, including the utterly low-class village offices.

It is true that the people of India are not of the quality as of the natives of pristine-England. However, to bring them to that level, the feudal languages of the location have to be thrown out into the Arabian Sea.

Talking about compensation, well, the nation does owe a huge compensation to the English rulers for setting this right for the citizens. It may be remembered that such rights were not given to any persons in any of the kingdoms of the subcontinent by their local kings and queens. In fact, for a very minute error in the display of feudal ‘respect’, Pazhassiraja had a person, who had come to give him presents, killed.

This is item no. 21

22. Overrunning independent kingdoms

When the British-Indian army was divided and handed over to Pakistan and India, both sides went ahead and captured all the independent kingdoms within their respective proximity.

No referendum on the people’s wish was taken. No consideration was given to such thoughts. However, simply conquering kingdoms which were not captured by

British-India was an act of rascality.

When thoughts are going ahead on compensations, it might be good to put in some thoughts to compensating the royal families of those captured kingdoms. Along with that a tidy sum for the subjects of those kingdoms.

For instance, a sum like 10 crores to the royal family of Travancore. And around Rs. 10,000 to each individual whose ancestors were subjects of the Travancore kingdom, when the kingdom was captured by India. This amount need not be taken from the national coffers. Instead, it can be collected from the private properties of the various national and regional political party leadership. After all, it was they who did the mischief.

This is item no. 22

23. People quality enhancement

People from the subcontinent who go and live in native-English nations improve their physical stature and mental features. This is mainly due to the fact that they live in a planar language world. The very air of a planar language world would create positive changes in a human being. In fact, English language can actually create positive mutations in a feudal language person, over the years and over the generations.

The English administration did bring in a human quality enhancement in the people who were in close proximity to it. For instance, at Tellicherry, around the years 1960s, when I was a very young individual, I remember seeing a section of the lower caste Thiyya community having quite fabulous looks, which Edgar Thurston, seems to have mentioned as quite near to that of the ‘Europeans’, who themselves were having a looks quite near to that of the native-English. The truth of the matter was that a close proximity to the native-English population will set in personality enhancement in people.

The very bearing of standing with the straight back, without it seeming to be impertinence, is not possible for most Indians. For, they have to practise a sort of ambivalent stance. That of being servile to the social higher ups so as to cajole them, and stand with the chest-pushed-to-the-front stance to those whom they have to subordinate.

In fact, when Indians try to imitate the English stance of standing with a straight back, it can easily get misinterpreted as impertinence if it done in front of someone who demands servility. For instance, if a common man stands thus in front of a low-class Indian official or police official, it most cases, this posture would be understood as rank insult.

The English-speaking Thiyyas of Tellicherry of yesteryears were starkly different from the low-caste Malabari-speaking Thiyya who lived among them and were in full strength within a few kilometres from Tellicherry. With the departure of the English rule, the Travancorean Ezhava leadership came in with full strength and ‘converted’ the whole lot of Thiyyas to ‘Ezhavas’. It did not give any kind of quality enhancement to the Thiyyas, other than a feeling that they were ‘low-caste’.

I have taken up the Thiyyas issue to focus on the wider aspect of the departure of the English rule from the subcontinent. The people have again come under the low quality, people degrading local leadership of yore. British-Malabar has been converted into Hindi-Malabar, if the newer geopolitical connection is taken into account.

By all means, a link to England was a million times better than a link to the low-quality populations of the Hindi hinterland. After all when the low-quality Hindi-speakers mention the Malabaris as Thoo, it does have a degrading effect, which can only be erased by a disconnection.

The English connection of yesteryears was a connection to English Classics, and pristine-England. As of now, that England has also vanished, with the tumultuous arrival of the low-quality immigrant crowds in England. It is true that people improve tremendously in England. Even if a servant maid from India goes to England and stays there in close proximity to the native-English, she will display personality enhancement of the highest order.

However, only total idiots would try to find the greatness in her and not in the English ambience that promoted her individuality.

English racism is utter nonsense and useless. It cannot stop people from running into England to experience it. In fact, English racism is totally useless to repel populations who are the speakers of terrible feudal languages.

Feudal languages can desecrate any good quality native-English land.

Immense people in India and Pakistan speak English. But not everyone. The individuals who did get English naturally have some advantage. It might be good on their part to pay something like Rs. 10 every year to England.

It is like this. One very smart looking man is in the US. He is a company leader. He speaks good English. He is groomed in an attire which would have been identified as English dress in the colonial days. He is from India. His ancesters do not look like him. They do no wear English attire.

Now where did he get all this? Naturally, from his school days, and others in his society. However, where did they get all these kinds of ideas and language skills? If the route is searched backwards, it would be found that it all commenced from the untiring efforts of the English colonial officials. Well, everything is on record, if one can search it out.

It would only be an act of expressing gratitude to them to decide to pay a yearly sum, quite small let it be, to the native-English folks of England.

Well, he would not like to do that? It is his will and wish. Everything comes back in a circle.

Look at the huge content of books printed all over the world in English. It is only right that a very small percent of the book profit should be given to pristine-England. Not to Multi-culture England. The percentage need not be big. Something like .0001%.

They will not do that? Well, that is their will and wish. Bear in mind everything is on record.

This is item no. 23

24. Reparation for the daylight heist done to cater to the selfish interests of the vested-interests here.

Next item is the immensity of English/British owned companies forced to be sold to the cunning rich folks of subcontinent in the immediate aftermath of the departure of the English-rule. Parrys of Madras is just one name that comes to my mind. There are many more. It was all part of the ‘Indianisation’ drive by the rich vested interests over here.

If that action can be condoned, a more justifiable action would be to Britianise all the Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi owned firms in Great Britain one fine morning.

Maybe a calculation of the monetary value of the British-owned companies stolen by the rich-folks here should be done. And an appropriate reparation amount decided.

This is item no. 24

Complete list of Compensation dues

1. Creation of a single nation by gathering together a lot of barbarian and semi-barbarian geopolitical locations.

2. Emancipation of slaves

3. Setting up the huge number of infrastructure for Eduction and educating the peoples

4. Creating a huge egalitarian administrative system

5. Postal Department

6. Railways

7. Hospitals

8. Judiciary

9. Land Registration Department

10. Police department

11. Public Service Commissions

12. Free trade routes

13. Sanitation.

14. Public Conveniences

15. Forest Department.

16. Indian army

17. Miscellaneous

18. Various statutory councils, civial aviation, rules, decorums &c.

19. Concepts, civil aviation, rules, decorum &c.

20. Roadside trees

21. Freedom of press

22. Overrunning independent kingdoms

23. People quality enhancement

24. Indianisation under duress – practically pirating

Maybe the birdbrain currently campaigning in England might need to be told that trade is not looting, when it is done by the native-English. Only when trade is done by the ancient enslavers of the subcontinent does it, does it become a deed of rascality. Naturally, the birdbrain does belong to the enslaver class and caste of the subcontinent.

The foolish idiots in England who give a platform for these ancient enslavers also should be taken to task.

End of Commentary


Commentary                MMVol 1               MMVol 2

Book Profile

1. My aim

2. The information divide

3. The layout of the book

4. My own insertions

5. The first impressions about the contents

6. India and Indians

7. An acute sense of not understanding

8. Entering a terrible social system

9. The doctoring and the manipulations

10. What was missed or unmentioned, or even fallaciously defined


12. Nairs / Nayars

13. A digression to Thiyyas

14. Designing the background

15. Content of current-day populations

16. Nairs / Nayars

17. The Thiyya quandary

18. The terror that perched upon the Nayars

19. The entry of the Ezhavas

20. Exertions of the converted Christian Church

21. Ezhava-side interests

22. The takeover of Malabar

23. Keralolpathi

24. About the language Malayalam

25. Superstitions

26. Misconnecting with English

27. Feudal language

28. Claims to great antiquity

29. Piracy


31. Slavery

32. The Portuguese

33. The DUTCH

34. The French


36. Kottayam

37. Mappillas

38. Mappilla outrages against the Nayars and the Hindus

39. Mappilla outrage list

40. What is repulsive about the Muslims?

41. Hyder Ali

42. Sultan Tippu

43. Women

44. Laccadive Islands

45. Ali Raja

46. Kolathiri

47. Kadathanad

48. The Zamorin and other apparitions

49. The Jews


51. Hinduism

52. Christianity

53. Pestilence, famine etc.

54. British Malabar versus Travancore kingdom

55. Judicial

56. Revenue and administrative changes

57. Rajas

58. Forests

59. Henry Valentine Conolly

60. Miscellaneous notes

61. Culture of the land

62. The English efforts in developing the subcontinent

63. Famines

64. Oft-mentioned objections

65. Photos and pictures of the Colonial times

66. Payment for the Colonial deeds

67. Calculating the compensation

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