Commentary on
William Logan’s ‘Malabar Manual’

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
QUOTE: But it very soon transpired that all that the Zamorin wanted was to get assistance against the Portuguese for the conquest of Cranganore and Cochin, and when the English ships left without assisting him, very scant courtesy was shown to the ten persons left behind, who were to have founded a factory at Calicut END OF QUOTE
The fact of the matter was that there was a general feeling among the various small-time rulers and those who mutinied against them, that a new set of mutually competing mercenaries had arrived from Continental Europe. However, when it came to connecting to the English, they were found to be of a very different mettle. First of all, they were not from Continental Europe. Second, their native language was planar. In every aspect they stood apart from the Continental Europeans, other than in their skin colour. However, on the English side, there were the Celtic language speakers also. Those who remained loyal to their Celtic tongue remained a chink in the English armour. Even William Logan was from this Celtic language group. Possibly Gaelic. However, it is not known as to how much he remained at home in this language.
QUOTE: From a very early period in its history the English Company had set its face against martial enterprises. END OF QUOTE
This is a very important information, which is totally ignored by formal historians. The English Company did not go develop a policy of belligerence.
QUOTE: So far indeed did the English Company carry this policy that they even forbade at times an appeal to arms by the factors for their own defence ; and the annoyances experienced in consequence of this were occasionally almost intolerable. But the strength of the Company lay in the admirable arrangements whereby they encouraged trade at their fortified settlements. END OF QUOTE
As a policy inside a semi-barbarian land which functioned on feudal languages, a soft approach was a very vulnerable one. For, in this language system, there is no premium value attached to politeness and good manners. For rude, cantankerous and ill-mannered behaviour was considered as of high social value. The pejorative forms of all words for You, He, She &c. were used to those who were seen as weak or polite. In fact, politeness itself was seen as weakness.
QUOTE: They established manufactures ; they attracted spinners and weavers and wealthy men to settle in their limits ; the settlers were liberally treated and their religious prejudices were tolerated ; the privacy of houses were respected by all classes and creeds; settlers were allowed to burn their dead and to observe their peculiar wedding ceremonies ; no compulsory efforts were made to spread Christianity, nor were the settlers set to uncongenial tasks ; shipping facilities were afforded ; armed vessels protected the shipping ; all manufactured goods were at first exempted from payment of duty ; the Company coined their own money ; and courts of justice were established ; security for life and property in short reigned within their limits END OF QUOTE
The above words more or less denote what was some of the major differences that the English Company had from the others who were seen as from the same genre. But then the greatest of difference was that the English language was planar.
QUOTE: for the factors had perforce to study native character and to adapt themselves to it ; and in doing this they were unconsciously fitting themselves to become the future rulers of the empire. END OF QUOTE.
There is great foolishness in the above statement. And it is historically inaccurate. The English Company, to a great extent, did not compromise its standards to make it in sync with the local native character and systems. The native systems were connected to feudal languages, which view the whole social system in a hierarchical design. The native character was treachery, back-stabbing, rudeness, cheating, breaking of words etc. to those who were defined as lower in the verbal codes of the feudal languages.
The English Company took a most opposite standards in everything. In fact, as the Company became more established as a sovereign power in a major part of the subcontinent, it strove to make English the language of commerce, administration and education. The greatness of this attitude was that it naturally and spontaneously aims for the erasing of the rudeness in the native social cultures. These are things that formal historians miss out altogether.
QUOTE: Louis XIV had to publish an edict telling his courtiers it was not derogatory for a man of noble birth to trade to India. Men who had thus to be reminded of what "was or was not fitting to their position were not the men to push French interests successfully, and the English Company’s servants soon saw that the French men were poor men of business and not likely to prove successful rivals in trade. END OF TRADE
There is a great information in the above statement. It first of all gives an evidence that the French language was feudal. This is a great hindrance to the higher classes to interact with the lower classes. For, it would make them vulnerable to the insidious degrading the lower classes would force upon them.
However, in the case of the English also, the nobility would have some slight issues. But then, there is only one single You, Your, Yours, He, His, Him, She, Her, Hers etc. in English. So at this level of functioning there would be not much of a traumatic problem.
But then, when dealing with the natives of the South Asian subcontinent, the French would become more conscious of these issues than would the English. However, the Celtic persons in the English Company would be conscious of this. However, since the English Company was in supreme command of the subcontinent, they would exist as the personnel of the ‘honourable’ Company. So the chance of being attacked by the lower indicant words would be negligible.
However, there is a wider perspective to be mentioned. When the people from the subcontinent arrive inside England, they would set up an attack on the native-English system by using these very evil codes. They would splinter up the social system and all relationships by these verbal codes. Actually just looking into the eyes of a person who has degraded him or her by verbal codes can create terrible mutations inside the codes of human body and personality designs. [Check my books: 1. Codes of reality; What is language? 2. Software codes of mantra, tantra, witchcraft, black magic, evil eye, evil tongue &c.].
Actually even a minor conversation with a feudal language speaker who does not concede the adequate forms of verbal ‘respect’ can be a degrading experience. England currently has no information on these things. Instead of taking very concrete steps to push out these extremely dangerous language-speaking populations from their land, they are made to reel under the accusations of being ‘racist’.
QUOTE: The English system of sending factors to various points on the coast to test the value of the trade at those places seems to have enabled the Company to decide where it would be best for their interests to plant factories for the defence of the trade END OF QUOTE
No Comment.
QUOTE: the presence of the English in Travancore was gradually leading to a revolution in that State. END OF QUOTE
The truth is that wherever the native-English system was experienced in feudal language social systems, great social changes and reformation would spring forth. However, if this change is set-off without an entry of the English language, it would be a most painful experience for the higher classes. For, the rude lower classes would become overbearing and snubbing towards them. In fact, the higher classes would find it difficult to come out of their houses, once the lower classes are allowed the freedom to move anywhere they wanted. It would be like the Indian soldier and his family and relatives being allowed entry into the exclusive areas of the Indian army officers. And the right and freedom to address them in the pejorative word forms. That is, words such as Thoo / Nee, Avan/ Aval/ Uss etc. all of which are the lowest of the word forms for the words You, He, She &c.
QUOTE: It would be out of place here to set forth the grounds of quarrel between the rival East India Companies, but in passing it requires to be noted that, English interests suffered severely in consequence of the disputes, whereby piracy was encouraged. The Mogul made the Surat factors pay heavy damages, and even went the length of ordering the factories to be destroyed. END OF QUOTE.
There is indeed a very saying in the Malayalam language that says thus: ‘If you cannot catch the person who actually robbed, then make the person who you could catch, the robber.’ [കട്ടവനെ കിട്ടിയില്ലെങ്കിൽ, കിട്ടിയവനെ കള്ളനാക്കുക.]
The northern parts of the subcontinent were in the hands of the mogul kings for quite some time. They, as in the case of all others, simply ‘ruled’ the land. It is doubtful if any people quality enhancement programme was done by them other than enslaving many of them for labouring on their grandiose architectural agenda, including the Taj Mahal.
The other point worth mentioning here is that there were a few English companies doing trading activities inside the subcontinent. They were naturally on business rivalry. However, it is a testimony of the quality of the English land that all these mutual rivalries could be brought to a halt. See this QUOTE:
It took a year or two more, however, to adjust all their differences ; and it was not till September 29, 1708, that the Earl of Godolphin, Lord High Treasurer of England, who had been appointed arbiter in the disputes, made his famous award, and from that date the style of the association was altered to that of “The United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies.” END OF QUOTE
QUOTE: And, it is said, that one of the rival Kolattiri princes of the Udayamangalam branch, in combination with the neighbouring Nayar chieftain of Iruvalinad, the Kurangoth Nayar, entered the Company’s warehouse one day about 1704-05 and committed certain regularities, which were duly reported to the Northern Regent, and it was at the same time pointed out to him that such events would recur unless the place were fortified. END OF QUOTE.
This could be a major turning point in the history of English colonialism in Malabar. There was no policing mechanism, no security and no courts of justice in the semi-barbarian land.
QUOTE: Jealousies between the Kolattiri chiefs had probably more to do with it than the reasons assigned by Hamilton. END OF QUOTE.
It would be quite well to mention that Hamilton literally did not understand anything. All human logic was controlled by the various trigger switches inside the native feudal-languages. And yet, there is nothing to denote that he did even sense that there is anything amiss in the language codes.
QUOTE: It appears they (English Company) also had the privilege of protecting debtors who took refuge in their Calicut factory, to the disadvantage occasionally of interlopers like Hamilton. END OF QUOTE.
No Comment.
QUOTE: early Tellicherry records show that the Company took great exception to the loans which Mr. Adams had made out of their money to the Zamorin, the Punnattur Raja, the Prince Regent of the Kolattiri dominions and others END OF QUOTE.
The native kingdoms did actually parasite on the English trading company for quite some time.
QUOTE: In April 1721 the Anjengo factors were applied to for their usual annual present due to the Rani of Attingal, of the Travancore family. “Those who demanded it assured him (the Chief of the Factory) that they came to demand it by the Queen’s order, and offered their Receit of it in her Name.”
The chief appears to have had reason to expect that if the present were sent it would never reach Her Highness as the Ettuvittil Pillamar were just then in the ascendant, so he refused to pay it into any hands but those of the Rani. On this the Rani invited him to bring it to Attingal himself.
“And he to appear great there, carried two of his Council, and some others of the Factory with most Part off the Military belonging to the Garrison, and by Stratagem they were all cut off, except a few black Servants whose heels and language saved them from the Massacre, and they brought the sad news of the tragedy.” END OF QUOTE
This was actually the handiwork of the Nayars and other higher castes in Travancore. They had to deal with a new terror that was been set loose in Travancore. The lower castes were seeing the English ways and manners of dealing with them, and were slowly escaping from their age-old shackles. Naturally the lower castes would be very, very rude and ill-mannered in all ways, including words, actions, posture, eye language &c.
It is a very funny situation in Travancore, that recently some persons have made a demand that this barbarian action of killing the Englishmen should be declared as the first fight for ‘Indian’ freedom. What a lot of nonsense! Travancore was not even part of British-India. And to support cunning barbarians!
The second part of the issue is this: ‘he to appear great there’. It is obviously the words of the interloper Hamilton. The fact is that in the subcontinent, everyone takes someone as an attendant to introduce him or her with a higher indicant value. However, neither this interloper nor the English side really understood what is supposed to happen with the presence of supporters. However, someone must have advised them to use this technique without carefully explaining what the supporters are supposed to do.
QUOTE: Secondly, of the English Company’s resolution in 1723 to “subject the country to the king” and so facilitate their trade ; END OF QUOTE.
There is an information in the above sentence. The English Company did face a terrible issue in the subcontinent. In almost all locations, there was no great law and order. In Travancore, the king was powerless to control the various Madampis (landlords) and other powerful people who had money and social status. The English Company decided to support the king and to help him crush all kinds of lawlessness. This policy led to the creation of an enduring kingdom of Travancore, with King Marthanda Varma more or less setting up the foundations of modern Travancore.
If the English Company had not supported him, Travancore would have remained as one of the many small-time kingdoms in the locations, same as Kayamkulam, Attingal, Quilon, Ambalapuzha, Kottayam, Chengannur, Changanacherry &c.
The creation of one single kingdom help the English Company to do their trade with more ease as they had to negotiate with only one entity, instead of a lot many others. However, it must be remembered here that Travancore was not Malabar. It was a different kingdom in the far south, approachable conveniently by sea.
QUOTE: The Kottayam Raja shortly after this gave in his adhesion to the Chief’s project. But jealousies were rife and the others all held aloof. The French too had professed their willingness to strike in, but when the Chief visited Mahe on 31st March to arrange the matter, the French, much to the disgust of the country powers, backed out of it. The negotiations for a combination did not make much progress under such circumstances. END OF QUOTE.
the Chief set himself to the still more difficult task of trying to form a combination of the petty country chieftains against the Canarese. END OF QUOTE
It was not easy at all to unite the small-time kingdoms of the subcontinent. Each one of them were insecure about the others’ intentions. Moreover, each relationship of others were viewed with envy and terror.
As to the French, they had the history of going back on their word. That is mainly due to the fact that their language had feudal features. So, they could very easily get emotionally distracted when the indicant word-levels shifted.
See these words of King Marthanda Varma about his opinion of the French QUOTE from Travancore State Manual:
QUOTE: In the next year the Rajah of Travancore wrote to the King of Colastria ‘advising him not to put any confidence in the French, but to assist the English as much as he could’. END OF QUOTE.
QUOTE: 6 soldiers and 1 sepoy were killed, 13 soldiers and 12 sepoys were wounded END OF QUOTE.
Here an item which the modern Indian patriot would find as ‘racist’ would be there. It is ‘racism’ which the sepoys of the English Company did not feel. However the modern India who has improved much beyond the wildest dreams of this people of yore of this subcontinent will find the word ‘Sepoy’ totally unwelcome. For, the English or British soldiers are mentioned as soldiers, while the natives of the subcontinent soldiers are mentioned as Shipai.
Actually the problem is not in the word Shipai, but in what the Shipai represents. If the English soldiers of those time are mentioned as Shipais, and the subcontinent soldiers of those times are mentioned as Soldiers, the word Shipai would have more stature. And the word ‘soldier’ would have been seen as a ‘pejorative’ now.
QUOTE: 1st January 1738 the Chief received a peremptory order from him to proceed forthwith to the camp to talk of important matters, whereupon the diary records the following remarks : “The Board naturally remark the haughtiness of the precited Ragonatt and how base is his disposition. END OF QUOTE.
Ragonatt is the new Canarese Governor Mangalore. There is an information in the above statement which might escape the notice of the native-English. It is the word ‘haughtiness’. What is this ‘haughtiness’? Well, the new native-land Governor would see himself as a high official and the English Company as a team of employees of a merchant group of England. His addressing will most probably be with the ‘Nee’ word. That is the lowest You in the native languages here. In fact, this local tradition has been enduring in the nation, when the English administrative systems fell into disuse with the creation of a very people-degrading nation called India.
The officialdom and the police generally use the lowest indicant words for the common people, and the small-time traders. For them, the people are the Nee, Avan, Avan &c. In the low-quality language of Hindi, the common man is the Thoo and the Uss. The common man is trained to bear this degrading by the vernacular schools, where they are invariable addressed and referred to by these lower grade words. At the same time, the officials and the teachers are to be consistently addressed and referred to with the highest of the verbal codes.
The wider issue is that these kind of dangerous verbal codes are being exported to native-English nations as of now. The native-English populations have no information on what is entering into the vital locations.
QUOTE: 4th January the deputation returned and reported that the Canarese wished the Company to remain neutral in the war about to be commenced against “the Mallabars”. END OF QUOTE.
It was by now an established fact that the English Company was a sort of protective force for the small-time kingdoms, which had been incessantly in a state of warfare from times immemorial.
QUOTE: In October 1738 the Prince Regent appears to have been so far pressed that he actually delivered Rs. 30,000 to the factors to prosecute the war, and the agreement come to with the factors at this juncture “to make war against the insolence of Canara” and “to drive out Canara” is still on record END OF QUOTE.
The small-time kingdom has not a bit of chance to withstand the might of larger armies, which literally came on a pillaging and plunder agenda.
QUOTE: To keep down the price of pepper “which rises daily” the merchants of the respective factories were not to be permitted to monopolise the product and the factors were to consult how to keep it down. END OF QUOTE.
Even though the English Company did give much freedom of trade to the native-traders, the native-traders were quite cunning. They could speak among themselves and plan things which could not be understood by the English Company officials.
QUOTE: “The intent of the above ola is to give the Honourable Company authority over the Achanmars as also, to interpose with the prince if he should oppress them by extravagant taxes, which has heretofore happened.”
But the temples had not been taken into account in the bond, and it became necessary to include them formally. This did not, however, work well, and the Brahmans appear to have been jealous of English interference in their affairs. END OF QUOTE.
Even when the English Company acted in the best interest of everyone, the issue was that the population was not one group. It was a hierarchical layers of populations. Each layer had it own selfish interests to see that certain other layers do not gather any benefit.
QUOTE: On March 23rd, 1765, after a period of disturbance during which the management of the district was conducted by the Kolattiri, the Prince Regent finally ceded the protection of Randattara to the Honourable Company, and from that year the Honourable Company became the virtual sovereigns of that district and began to levy a regular land revenue from it. END OF QUOTE.
Even though shallow-minded jingoists can always say that this was how the nation was slowly taken up by the English Company, the truth was not fully that. The English Company had honourable intentions which cannot be understood from a native feudal-language perspective.
The basic issue is that all entrepreneurship in feudal-languages do have a factor that is not know in English. That is all businessmen aim at gathering a lot of subordinates who they can address as Nee or Thoo. This is a very powerful gathering of social leadership. It affects everything about everyone concerned. There is even an affect of words acting as aphrodisiacs, when such words can be hammered on the subordinates and they in turn are forced to mention deeply reverential words back.
The English Company did not have any such intentions of suppression or oppression or even gathering reverences other than what was necessary to function in a land which runs on the terrible codes of feudal languages.
However, in the above case there was another reason that the Company took up the administration of the location. See the Quote below:
QUOTE: Hyder’s impending invasion of Malabar at this latter time also weighed with the factors in accepting this charge. Hyder at first respected the Honourable Company’s rights in the district. END OF QUOTE
It was not very easy to unite the various small-time petty kingdoms, whose rulers were all very easily affected and perturbed by minutes variations in the verbal codes. A very minute sound difference in the native language words would set them on a very dangerous homicidal frenzy.
QUOTE: The French at Mahe enlisted 1,500 Mappillas, and the Mudaliyar (chief man) of the Valarpattanam Mappillas joined the English. END OF QUOTE.
In the earlier days, locations which are now seen as quite small were great distances. The same caste or religious groups would be seen to be supporting mutually antagonistic sides in different locations. Such was the state of even minute Malabar. Then imagine the complexity of the whole subcontinent.
QUOTE: In August and September 1748 matters came to a crisis by the Prince Regent “laying an impediment” on one of the Company’s merchants, on mulcting him heavily. On being remonstrated with for this and other similar behaviour, he strenuously asserted his right to take the half of every man’s property, and the whole of it if he committed a fault. END OF QUOTE.
Actually the attitude of the various small-time rulers was quite similar to the small-time officials of current-day India, such as the peons and the clerks in the government service. However, in recent times, even some of the higher officials also are similar to the peons and the clerks. This is due to the fact that as of now, all government officials learn the same indoctrinated stuff and as such there is not much difference intellectually between a peon and an ‘officer’ in the government service.
QUOTE: In November 1748 he had, it seems, portioned out his country to certain headmen in order that they might plunder his subjects, and the Commandant at Madakkara reported that soon the country would be ruined END OF QUOTE.
This is the typical callousness of the person in power in current-day India. However, this trait is what has been inherited from olden days, it is seen here.
QUOTE: He was present at an affecting interview with a very old and bed-ridden lady, described as the prince’s mother ; she expressed her satisfaction on being informed that everything had been amicably accommodated, and enjoined her son as her last parental counsel and advice never to give umbrage to the Chiefs of Tellicherry, who had protected the Palli branch of their family in its utmost distress. END OF QUOTE.
It is very, very curious that almost the very same command was give by Raja Marthanda Varma of Travancore kingdom as his last words from his deathbed to the heir to the throne.
See this QUOTE from Travancore State Manual:
Marthanda Varma’s words: “That, above all, the friendship existing between the English East India Company and Travancore should be maintained at any risk, and that full confidence should always be placed in the support and aid of that honourable association.” END OF QUOTE.
QUOTE: The Chief was warned from the Presidency not to allow the Company to be dragged in as principals in any of the country quarrels, but he blindly took the steps best calculated to bring this about END OF QUOTE.

There were at times, senior officials in the English Company who did really understand realities of the social system. It was best to keep a distance and a detachment from social systems which cannot be understood in English. This is the reality now also, as native-English nations have entered into belligerences inside low-quality nations, wherein such things are part of the local social psyche. And the English nations have ended up as the principals in the fights. What a foolish situation!
QUOTE: On 21st October Tirimalla, another outpost on the Tellicherry limits was taken by surprise, and (it was alleged) treachery. The garrison resisted, bravely headed by their corporal, but being taken unawares, they had not time to fix their bayonets and were all slain and their bodies placed on the chevaux de frise. Ponolla Malla was also hotly attacked. A panic ensued among the inhabitants, who all flocked into the limits commanded by the Tellicherry fort. END OF QUOTE.
It was very carefully understood that some kind of security of life and person was available in a location which was administered by the native-English. In all other locations, there is no guarantee as to how the leaders would react or behave at the very next moment.
QUOTE: Next day came the crisis, and it fortunately took a favourable turn, for Captain Cameron, in command at Mailan fort, succeeded in destroying the opposing battery on Putinha hill, END OF QUOTE.
Even though these kinds of English victories were increasingly natural and more numerous, it was not always due to any English ingenuity that the English side invariably won the critical battle. It was more to the dissipation that would set inside the opposite side due to issues connected to ‘respect’, both in the verbal form as well as in the physical posture form. These minute codes would go on terrorising many persons into a state of mental disarray.
QUOTE: And finally the Tellicherry linguist (Pedro Rodrigues) and his family were not to be employed in any transactions between the parties END OF QUOTE.
This dependence on a translator was a terrible thing that the English-side always faced all over the world. In fact, the translator could literally decide on which side the native-English lent support. They could manage and mismanage any situation as per their own internal animosities, repulsions and partialities.
However, there is the other side to this. When a native-Englishman gets to learn the barbarian languages of the subcontinent, he will be invariably affected to some extent by the varying ‘respect’ versus degrading codes inside the language.
QUOTE: The records for some time after this are full of the charges brought against, the Company’s linguist, Pedro Rodrigues. Mr. Dorril and the factors endeavoured to make a scapegoat of him, but although he fled to Mahe and the factors gave out that, his property was going to be seized, no serious steps were really taken against him, and on 16th September 1752 the Bombay President and Council sent orders forbidding the seizure of his effects, “this family having been so remarkably distinguished by the Honourable Company.” And the despatch continued : “We peremptorily order you not to do it.” END OF QUOTE.
In the above case, it does appear that the local Company officials at Tellicherry were in the error. However the above statement is illustrative of how the Company administration was controlled from Bombay. It had its good points.
QUOTE: At this interview it is noted that Messrs. Johnson and Taylor, from the progress they had made in “Mallabars,” were able to understand the Prince without the aid of an interpreter, so that the linguist, Pedro Rodrigues, had not to be called in. A very important step had consequently been taken towards freeing the Chief from underhand intrigues of the linguist. END OF QUOTE.
Even though the capacity to understand and speak the native feudal language is mentioned here as a great positive step, it had its own negativities. For one, the Company officials would slowly change into the people whose language they speak. It is always better to keep a corridor or wall between a feudal language and planar English.
QUOTE: This was followed up on 8th February 1758 by a formal examination, the first of its kind no doubt ever held in Malabar, conducted by the Chief in person, in which Messrs. Johnson, Taylor, and Samuel Crocs were tested as to their proficiency “in Mallabars." END OF QUOTE.
The hidden dangers in this action are not easy to explain. It is like installing a virus program into a nicely running computer. Feudal languages are virus programs when attached to Pristine-English. And vice versa.
QUOTE: For on 19th August 1757 the diary records that “Cotiote (Kottayam) demised of a bile in his arm” and of course the agreement with him became mere waste paper unless ratified by his successor. END OF QUOTE.
This was the state of the location. There was nothing to enforce an agreement. Even the concept of word of honour does not work, when the other side goes down in social stature. No word of honour or commitment is honoured by the higher stature group, when it is seen that it is towards an entity that has no ‘respect’ or honour in the social system. Only the native-English side viewed the various levels of populations as human beings with equal rights to dignity.
QUOTE: The Chief even found time to devote to such petty matters as the “cloathing of our irregulars.” The sepoys had “scarlet coats faced with green perpets” and a belt “covered with green perpets.” The Calli-Quiloners (Mappillas) had “blue coats faced with green perpets ” and thin bolts like those of the sepoys. The artillery lascars had blue coats faced and bound with red, and no belts. The coats were made to reach just below the knees. END OF QUOTE.
These were minor beginnings that slowly led to the current-day dressing standards of Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi armies.
See this QUOTE from the Travancore State Manual:
The visit of His Excellency the Governor gave the Maharajah an opportunity to see the British forces in full parade. He was struck with their dress and drill and made arrangements for the improvement of his own forces after the British model. New accoutrements were ordered and the commanding officer was asked to train the sepoys after the model of the British troops. The dress of the mounted troopers was improved and fresh horses were got down; and the appellation of the “Nayar Brigade” was first given to the Travancore forces. The Tovala stables were removed to Trivandrum and improved. On the advice of the Court of Directors, the European officers of the Nayar Brigade were relieved from attendance at the Hindu religious ceremonies END OF QUOTE.
However, if one were to see current-day patriotic films depicting fake stories connected to the English rule in the subcontinent, it is possible that the old time native land soldiers might be seen in attires which might match that of the Roman soldiers as depicted in Hollywood films!
QUOTE: the Court of Directors’ orders were peremptory and forbade the factors from interfering, except as mediators, in the disputes among the country powers END OF QUOTE
It is too bad that there is no one to give such a sound advice to the current-day administrators of Native-English nations.
QUOTE: After this the Mappilla picked a quarrel with a Nayar and was subsequently shot by the Tiyar guard. His body was “spitted” along with those of the others, and then thrown into the sea, to prevent their caste men from worshipping them as saints for killing Christians. Such outrages became frequent, and on July 9th 1765 the Chief was obliged to issue a stringent order to disarm them within factory limits. END OF QUOTE.
The Mappilla outrages were against the Nayars and higher castes. However the English Company inadvertently got connected due to the fact that they were in charge and committed to enforce law and order.
There are a few curious issues here. The first and the foremost is that the lower castes such as the Cherumar and also castes little bit above them, the Makkathaya Thiyyas of South Malabar received the social freedom to convert to Islam due to the spread of the English rule in the locality.
This more or less improved the stature of these converted persons. These kinds of sudden uplifting of certain individuals will not go easy with the language codes.
Apart from all that, in the very Codes of reality, which more or less stands behind the scenes of both in the worldly life as well as in the human mind and body, there will be drastic changes. These all will spread terror in the higher castes and hatred in the lower castes who had converted to Islam.
The English Company administration more or less stood as naive individuals who really did not understand the provocations in the verbal codes.
QUOTE: The Resident at Tellicherry had in August 1782 submitted to Bombay proposals from Kottayam and Kaddattanud and the Iruvalinad Nambiars to pay annual tribute to the extent of Rs. 1,00,000, Rs. 50,000, and Rs. 25,000, respectively, in “consideration of the countenance and protection” of the Honourable Company END OF QUOTE.
In fact, they wanted protection not only from other enemies, but also from each other. The question of why the English Company became more powerful was due to two powerful reasons. One was that they were functioning in Planar language English. The second was that they were not connected to the various nefarious links in the feudal language social system.
Now, the same issue can be taken up for discussion about business enterprises in England and other native-English nations. How do they fare? Well, the answer is that they are functioning in the wonderful soft social and administrative ambience of native-English nations. Second, among themselves, they would use their native land feudal languages to regiment their own folks and to belittle and degrade the native-English.
When the English Company became powerful in the subcontinent, a lot of social negativities were erased. When the enterprises owned by the feudal language speakers spread inside England, a lot of outlandish negativities would be unloaded into the placid English social systems.
QUOTE: But the Bombay Government were not yet prepared to undertake such responsibilities, and on the 30th September of the same year the Resident was informed that “we do not think it advisable to enter into engagements for taking them (Malabar powers) under our protection." The country powers had fully realised by this time that the traders could fight as well as trade, and were eager to have their protection as tributaries. The empire of India was being forced on the acceptance of a humble company of foreign traders, whose only object was to buy pepper, ginger, cardamoms and piece goods as cheaply as they could. END OF QUOTE.
Now here comes out a most formidable secret. It was the sly aim of the local native small-time kingdoms to force the English Company to take them under its protection. For, it was a foregone conclusion that if the English Company did not take them under its protection as tributaries, they would go back to their innate state of continual warfare, backstabbing, mutual molesting etc.
It is like the crooked nations like Japan, South Korea, Middle-East nations and much else wishing to be under the US military umbrella. They can simply make use of US capabilities to their best advantage. If at any time, the US capabilities go awry, it is a most foolish thought that these creepy nations would come to the aid of the US. At that time what would come out would all kinds of outrageous claims of US having exploited them all those years. However, as of now, the US is not much a native-English nation. It is full out non-English folks.
QUOTE: The effect of this on the country powers became speedily apparent, for, on the 27th August, the factors received identical notes from the Kottayam and Kadattanad Rajas saying they could no longer trust Tippu, and beseeching the factors in the most earnest way "to take the Brahmans, the poor, and the whole kingdom under their protection. END OF QUOTE.
When the English Company refused to take up their leadership, it was days of pure terror for the small-time ‘great’ kingdoms. See the typical use of the words ‘Brahmins, the poor and the whole kingdom’. It is all very shallow, cunning, self-serving words used in the desperate situation. It is like the immigrant crowds who rush into native-English nations, displaying pictures of children in pathetic shapes. However, the larger understanding that even if the pictures are true, they are being used for the purpose of fooling the native-English populations, should be there.
QUOTE: These orders were subsequently modified by further orders from Bombay, ordering the factors when it was too late—the orders were received only on the 17th April—to repel force by force if the invaders attempted to pass the Tellicherry limits, or to invade the Company’s immediate property. END OF QUOTE.
However, the English Company was forced to take up the protection when Tippu’s force started the mass slaughter of the higher castes in the location.
QUOTE: Lieutenant Bryant and his sepoys, being well apprised of treachery within their own lines, left Palghat by night, and marching south-west into Cochin territory eventually reached Madras by way of Travancore and Cape Comorin. END OF QUOTE.
In feudal language social set ups, treachery is one of the most usable tools for offence and onslaught.
QUOTE: On 12th March 1772 the factors began to levy a regular land revenue assessment. Private gardens were taxed at “25 per cent, of the produce,” rice lands belonging to the Honourable Company paid 40 percent, of the gross produce, and the factors were at a loss to know what to impose on other lands of that description. END OF QUOTE.
The English Company had come as a trading company. However, the local people and the local kings forced them to take up the administration of the localities. This forced them to think of ways to finance their administration, which was going to be quite different from the administration of all the local kings. Various kinds of social welfare infrastructure were going to be created in a land which had none of these things.
The English Company followed the age-old agriculture taxation system. However, it was a very strange endeavour for them. They had to very carefully survey the land, count the trees, estimate the produce and mention a specific tax amount on each land. In the earlier days, the whole idea was a mess. More so, because they had to function their administrative departments using the native-land officials. The local land officials were often rude and crude to the common people, and also very corrupt. Beyond all that they would use the lower indicant word codes on persons who were vulnerable and had no social protection.
QUOTE: The officer charged with collecting the revenue of Randattara was styled “Inspector of Randattara.” END OF QUOTE
The English Company officials may not be aware of the astronomical social elevation that would come to perch upon that native-official and his family. They would slowly become social leaders in the native society. In fact, in the local society of Tellicherry, there were many who rose to social highest by various verbal suffixes to their names. Butler, Vakil, Doctor, Tahsildar, Sub Magistrate &c. These words become sort of social titles suffixed to their names.
Then it is these persons who then take steps to suppress the others in the social set up. For, they demand ‘respect’ from the lower placed persons. They become sort of the new ‘Nayars’, even if they are from the Thiyya caste. Verbal oppressors of their own people.
QUOTE: At this juncture the principal inhabitants of all classes came forward voluntarily and presented a petition, “ representing the deplorable situation they will be reduced to in case the Honourable Company withdraw their protection from them, and as they learn that the great expense of this settlement is the cause of the Honourable Company’s resolution to withdraw their troops, they have agreed to raise a sum sufficient, with the present revenues, to maintain a force for their protection by a tax on their oarts and houses as specified at the foot of their petition. END OF QUOTE.
This is the real history of how the English Company was forced to become the sovereign head of a nation they were going to create. The fact is that even now, if a choice is offered between living in a land ruled by the ‘Indian’ leaders and another land ruled by the English East India Company administration, the vast majority of the people would opt for the latter. If indeed there are two police stations, one run by the ‘Indians’ and another run by the native-English, all sane people would only approach the English police station for any help. After all who would like to go to a police station where they would be addressed in the dirty pejoratives which are reserved for the common man in India?
QUOTE: Kadattanad, however, inclined to the English alliance, and so did the Zamorin and Kottayam END OF QUOTE
This was when Hyder Ali attacked Malabar.
QUOTE: Prior to these events the state of siege was maintained ostensibly by the Kolattunad and Kadattanad Princes ; for Kottayam was throughout the siege firmly attached to the Honourable Company’s interests, and helped materially, with a body of from 1,000 to 1,300 of his Nayars, to enable them to hold the town successfully. END OF QUOTE
QUOTE: Into this small and insufficiently protected area flocked every one who had property to lose. Hyder Ali’s “Buxy” (Bakshi — paymaster) at Mahe, in a letter of May 29th, 1780, to the Resident put the matter very forcibly thus : “I know perfectly well that you have been guilty of giving an asylum to people that ought to pay to the Nabob lacks and lacks of rupees, and given assistance to the vassals of the Nabob. You also keep in your protection thieves, who ought to pay lacks and lacks of rupees.” END OF QUOTE.
Both the kings as well as the people of the location ran to get the protection inside the Tellicherry location where the English Company protected them. Even the king of the minute Kottayam kingdom is seen protected. This minute kingdom has been currently repeatedly been mentioned as waging a ‘freedom struggle’ against the English rule. The whole story is nonsense.
QUOTE: This security of property and perfect trust in the Company’s officers probably did more than anything else to bring the siege to a successful issue, for there was no other spot on the coast, not excepting the Dutch settlement at Cochin, where such perfect security to person and property could be found. The persons who flocked into Tellicherry from all the country round accordingly fought and watched with the courage and vigilance of despair, and every effort of the enemy to break through the slender line of scattered outworks was defeated. END OF QUOTE.
It was the Tellicherry factory location alone that stood as a bulwark against the forces of Hyder Ali, which was on a butchering campaign against the higher castes.
QUOTE: When the news of Bailey’s defeat by Hyder Ali arrived on November 1st, matters assumed a very serious aspect, as it was supposed the Madras troops under Major Cotgrave would be withdrawn, and the evacuation of two redoubts called Whippey’s and Connor’s created shortly after this quite a panic in the town. END OF QUOTE.
When the people heard rumours that the English forces would be relocated to Madras, they went into deep terror.
QUOTE: Mr. Firth, one of the factors, proceeded by sea to Cochin to endeavour to get a supply from the Dutch. A day or two after he had gone (August 27th), the news arrived that England was at war with the Dutch. END OF QUOTE
The Dutch were more or less the only nation from Continental Europe who could have come to the side of the English. However, that hope was gone.
QUOTE: “That officer, confident in superior numbers, estimated at 7,000, waited the result of an action in a strong but most injudicious position, with a deep and difficult river in the rear of his right ; from this position he was dislodged, and the retreat of the left being interrupted by a judicious movement of the English troops, a large portion of the Mysorean right was driven into the river with a loss, in killed alone, estimated by Colonel Humberstone at between three and four hundred men, and among that number Mukhdum Ali, their commander ; END OF QUOTE.
In a feudal language ambience, the issue of ‘respect’ will stand as a very powerful burden over all kinds of intelligent action. If this issue of ‘respect’ is placed in a very immovable position, that is oppressive hierarchy is powerfully in place, then also, the varying layers would not act intelligently. For, they are connected to strings of subservience as well as that of oppression.
QUOTE: On the morning of the 29th, before day, the field works being still unfinished, Tippu attempted the strong, but weakly occupied position of Colonel MacLeod by a well-designed attack in four columns, one of them headed by Lally’s corps; but such was the vigilance, discipline and energy of the English troops that the more advanced picquets were merely driven in on the out-posts, not one of which was actually forced ; support to the most vulnerable having been skilfully provided and M. Lally’s corps having fortunately been met by the strongest, each column before it could penetrate further was impetuously charged with the bayonet. END OF QUOTE.
Even though the English side was fighting with Sultan Tipu to protect the kingdoms of Malabar, in actual fact, the fight could also be mentioned as a fight between a French Commander and an English Commander. After all the French can have the dubious reputation of having been the foremost ‘freedom fighters’ of ‘India’.
The English side consistently won and in the cases where they initially lost, they were able to reassemble in a very intelligent manner. That was due to the planar nature of their language.
QUOTE: His (Colonel Fullarton’s) own account of his Palghaut campaign is thus related : - “Palghautcherry held forth every advantage; it was a place of the first strength in India, while its territory afforded a superabundance of provisions. END OF QUOTE.
Even though the words are from a native-Brit, the words do reflect a lack of information on the extent of the subcontinent. For, it is inconceivable how he could use the words, ‘a place of the first strength in India’.
QUOTE: The disposition of the inhabitants towards us, and their means of supply, exceeded our most sanguine expectations. END OF QUOTE.
This was the fact of the reputation that the English had in the subcontinent.
QUOTE: “The Zamoria’s vakeel informed the Brahmans that we were friends to their cause, and eager to deliver them from the yoke of Hyder ; that we only wished to receive the public proportion of grain, but none from individuals, and that any person belonging to the camp who should attempt to plunder, would be hanged in front of the lines. On hearing these declarations they testified the strongest satisfaction, and their confidence increased when they found that the first offenders were executed. END OF QUOTE.
This contains an information worth pursuing. It is that all the local fights and warfare were a period of terror for any local populace. For, the armed collection of men would do all kinds of molestations on the people they accost. However, on the English side, slowly a new kind of military discipline was slowly developing.
QUOTE: Accompanied by them we frequently rode through the adjacent villages, assembled the head people, and assured them of protection.” END OF QUOTE.
This must have been a most novel experience for the people. However, public memory in the subcontinent is very short-lived.
QUOTE: Sir A. Campbell, the Governor, had intimated to Tippu that aggression against Travancore would be viewed as equivalent to a declaration of war against the English. END OF QUOTE.
Even though this is a statement that can stand testimony to the sense of commitment and honouring of word, of the English side, there is another issue also in this. It is that the English Company had been seduced and lured into these kinds of commitments by the cunning and wily rulers of the various small-time kingdoms in the South Asian Subcontinent. But then, the English side did built up a reputation for fair-play and honourable actions. It was this reputation that sort of did them in. For all the kingdoms tried to attach themselves to the English Company, once it was seen that they were not mere nitwit traders, who had to bend and bow to all the small-time officials.
QUOTE: And on August 6th, a letter from General Medows arrived stating that he was at Coimbatore, that nearly all the south of Tippu’s dominions was in his hands almost without the loss of a man, END OF QUOTE.
This ‘almost without the loss of a man’ was a sort of regular reputation of the English side, in most their military engagements in the subcontinent.
QUOTE: On September 24th, Mr. Taylor found it necessary to take another step, for the misunderstanding between Hindu and Mappilla was becoming very apparent, and the Chief to quiet the fears of the latter, had to issue a proclamation that he would secure both parties on their ancient footing. END OF QUOTE.
There is no going back to anyone’s ancient footing. With the arrival of the English Company, a new kind of liberation was spreading throughout the location. Many of the lower castes had become less ‘respectful’ and converted into Islam. The very character of Islam had changed. Now, it was full of people who had powerful urges for revenge on their ancient oppressor classes, the Nairs and the Hindus (Brahmins). This hatred actually had nothing to do with Islamic theology or Prophet Muhammed. It was just that they had been at the butt-end of receiving the hammering of the lower indicant words, ‘Inhi ഇഞ്ഞി’, ‘Oan ഓൻ’, ‘Oal ഓള്’, ‘Eda എടാ’, ‘Edi എടി’, ‘Ane അനെ’, ‘Ale അളെ’, ‘Aiyttingal ഐറ്റിങ്ങൾ’ etc. for centuries.
It was the English Company that stood there as the catalyst for this enormous social change. Yet, there is no mention of this anywhere in the crass idiotic Indian academic histories.
QUOTE: Soon after the conclusion of the peace Lord Cornwallis, the Governor-General, instructed General R. Abercromby, Governor of Bombay, under date the 23rd March 1792, to enquire into the present state of the country and to establish a system for its future government, ........................ Such of the friendly Rajas whose territories were not included in the cession were to be allowed the option of returning to them under the protection of the 8th article of the Treaty, or of remaining within the limits of the Company’s territories END OF QUOTE
It is very easily seen that the English Company wanted to do the right thing. For taking over the rule of the land had not really been in their agenda. However, the subcontinent was a political mess. There was not even one really dependable system or group of people or family that could be entrusted with the rule of the land. All people were totally selfish and more or less controlled by the codes in the feudal language.
See this QUOTE from the Travancore State Manual about what the Queen of Travancore mentions about the people with her:
QUOTE: When the Dewan’s dismissal was resolved upon, and the question was as to who should succeed him, the Rani wrote that “there was no person in Travancore that she wished to elevate to the office of Dewan and that her own wishes were that the Resident (Col. Munro) should superintend the affairs of the country as she had a degree of confidence in his justice, judgement and integrity which she could not place in the conduct of any other person”. END OF QUOTE.

Actually, it was not a case of no one having ability. Persons of extreme abilities were there. However, they were all tied to strings of non-tangible strings of relationships that more or less controlled them. The basic negativity was that these strings were in the feudal languages. Every link goes through a choice of two to three different levels of verbal codes. This is what makes everything different from pristine-English.
QUOTE: In pursuance of these orders the General arrived at Cannanore and appointed Mr. Farmer, a Senior Merchant, and Major Dow, the Military Commandant of Tellicherry, as Commissioners, and issued instructions to them under date the 20th April 1792, to preserve the peace of the country, and after settling the amount of tribute to be paid by the native princes and chiefs, to direct their attention to collecting materials to form a report on the most eligible system of establishing the Company’s authority on the coast. END OF QUOTE.
The precise nature of these kinds of work is quite refreshing. When it is native-Englishmen who do the work, the verbal oscillations and consequent mood swings which feudal language can bring in would not be there. What then comes are systems which are remarkably refined, precise and clean.
QUOTE: Owing to the terms of the cowls they held, the three northern Rajas did not immediately acquiesce in the Company’s sovereignty over them, but after some hesitation they soon found the necessity of relaxing their pretensions, and the Kadattanad Raja was the first to agree to a settlement on 25th April 1792, stipulating as follows : —
1st - The Raja to remain in the exercise of all his rights and authority subject only to the control of the Company in case of oppressing the inhabitants.
2ndly—A Resident or Dewan to reside with him to enquire into any complaints of oppression.
3rdly —Two persons on the part of the Company and two on that of the Raja to make a valuation of the revenues of each district. END OF QUOTE
There are lots of jingoist writings about how the English Company took over the ‘nation’. The fact is that which sane person in this country would love to be under the rule of these insipid kings and queens who could very easily become quite jealous of their own subjects?
QUOTE: The Padinyaru Kovilakam branch of the Zamorin’s family, already noticed, possessing great influence in the country, was entrusted with the collection of the district of Nedunganad by the Eralpad Raja, the managing heir apparent of the Zamorin. On the strength of this the Padinyaru K. Raja attempted to render himself independent of the Zamorin. The dispute was carried on to such lengths that Captain Burchall was obliged to seize his person at Cherupullasseri. He died there a day or two afterwards, and at the instance of the Zamorin his brother and nephew were put under restraint, and released only upon the Kilakka Kovilakam Raja standing security for their good behaviour and payment of arrears of revenue amounting to one lakh of rupees. END OF QUOTE.

The above is the state of the unity inside the ruling house of tiny Calicut. There is no need to understand that the mutinous side was in the wrong and the other side correct. It is just a continual struggle to keep one’s head above the swirling waters of ‘no respect’. When one person goes up in ‘respect’, the other person necessarily goes down in ‘respect’. And it is more or less impossible to live in a feudal language society without ‘respect’, for the social seniors.
This concept of ‘respect’ which is encoded in the feudal language code has no corresponding item in pristine-English.
The other issue of how come he died within a matter of two or three days in custody. There are all possibilities that the native-soldiers who had custody of him would bear upon him with the Nee and Eda word, which he would quite naturally oppose. They would thrash him terrifically. These things happen on an everyday basis in most police stations in India today.
QUOTE: Extract from the Governor-General's instructions to the Commissioners deputed to the Malabar Coast: - ..... together with the particulars of their interior and foreign trade, on which subject you will form and report your opinion as to the best means of improving both, in such manner as shall have the greatest tendency to conciliate the Commercial Interests of the Company with those of the natives, and best promote the internal prosperity of the Country at large. END OF QUOTE
These are original words of the administrators of the English Company. It is easy to mention that these are mere words. It is like speaking about Bio-data/ CV /Resume. Someone writes an original Bio-data containing the best version of his capabilities and personal dispositions. Others look at the wordings and simply copy them.
This is the same issue with the above words. These words are original and correct in intent. In the newly created nation of India, the officials simply write similar words as the government policy. No one really believes that the government machinery will at any time focus on these aims. It is not just a matter of some high level political leader being focused on these aims. It is just that only he would be with that focus. All others simply stand with focus in different direction. For, that is how feudal language brings in disarray.
QUOTE: The establishment of a Plan for the administration of Justice in the several Districts being a point the effectual attainment of which we have above all others at heart, we rely with confidence on your experience acquired on this side of India for your being able to determine in a satisfactory manlier on the number and constitution of the several Courts of Justice that will be necessary to ensure to the utmost possible degree (as far as the state of society there will permit) the dispensation of equal Justice to all classes of the society ; END OF QUOTE
The reader can very well see the spirit that led to the creation of the judiciary in the subcontinent. It had been a location where there was no equality before the law. Because the wordings in the feudal languages insist that people are of different levels. A few are of gold levels. A few of medium levels. And a big percent of the people at the stinking excrement levels.
The setting-up of a judiciary based on written codes in pristine-English, more or less, spontaneously and automatically insisted that the all persons are equal before the law and administration.
It is a very curious sight to see various low-class websites including the Wikipedia India pages simply refusing to mention the creation of the judiciary by the English Company as the real foundation of the Indian judicial apparatus. If one reads such low-class writings, one would get to feel that the Supreme Court of India simply was born on its own one fine morning.
As of now, with the Constitution of India and the written codes of law being translated into the feudal vernaculars, the majority people, the low financial and social classes are again being pushed into the levels of the stinking excrement. This is what a newly created nation is doing to its own people. And the people themselves cannot understand this cunning reality. For, they know no other language system. For, English has been cunningly denied to them, right from their primary school education. Their teachers use these very same degrading words to them. And they are trained to fall in love to those who thus degrade them.
QUOTE: Seventh.—The pepper produced on the Coast of Malabar constituting (as already intimated) a very material Branch of Commerce to the Honourable Company, it is our wish that a Provision on terms of perfect fairness to the natives may be effected in all the settlements for the Revenue payable to Government, so that as far as possible it may be made good in the natural pepper produce, taken at a fair market valuation instead of money payments, leaving whatever proportion cannot be secured in this way to be purchased by the Company’s commercial Agents on the spot on the footing END OF QUOTE.
The greatness of this rule might not be understood by the stupid arm-chair academic historians of India. For, this made commercial activity quite attractive and free of corruption and dependence on the low-class government clerks and peons. The difference was that in independent native kingdoms, the people were fleeced by the local officialdom and terrorised.
For instance in Travancore, trade in many of these commercial items were monopolised by the government. The farmers could sell them only to government warehouses. They were not paid in cash. They were given some other item in barter, unless they bribed the official. And the items given in barter were in most case of very low quality.
See these QUOTEs from Travancore State Manual:
1. The monopoly rates being abnormally high, there was a great temptation for smuggling. Again the abolition of the monopoly system in Malabar dealt a serious blow at the Sirkar monopoly and greatly facilitated the operations of the smugglers from Cochin, Anjengo and Tangasseri
2. By Act VI of 1848 the coasting trade of British India was freed from all duties
3. It was therefore more advantageous for a merchant to take Travancore goods by land to British Cochin in the first place and thence transport them to other parts of British India. The same was the case with the imports also.
The freedom of trade in British-India was of fabulous quality. Indeed there is no record of any sales tax department in British India, till almost the very end of the English rule. That too, I have heard was in Madras Presidency, when the Congress ministry in rule decided to impose a very miniscule duty on sales. Now this miniscule percent has developed into a huge monster in charge of a lot of corrupt officials.
QUOTE: One of the first measures of the United or Joint Commission was to proclaim on 20th December 1792 the general freedom of trade in all articles except pepper which was hold as a monopoly, and the Institution of “two separate courts of Equity and Justice” at Calicut on 1st January 1793, the first court to be presided over by the members in rotation, in which revenue and litigated landed claims were to be investigated, and the second to take notice “of all other subjects of claim and litigation not relating to the revenue or landed property.” END OF QUOTE.
Wonder of wonders! Way back in 1792, a very liberal measure. Under an English rule.
QUOTE: They further, on 9th January 1793, sent round a circular to all the chieftains charged with the collection of the Revenue of their Districts, forbidding the collection, on any pretence whatever, of any presents or cesses such as had been customarily prevalent END OF QUOTE.
Slowly the English administration was crushing down the traditional officialdom of the land. The jingoistic patriots of India would naturally boil with fury. ‘Who gave them the right to crush our corrupt officials’ That would be the point boiling in their minds.
QUOTE: While these Commissioners were engaged with the above-mentioned enquiries, the remaining members issued a proclamation of general amnesty for acts of homicide, maiming, robbery or theft committed prior to 1st February 1793 as a means of inducing the lawless among the population to resort to honest courses. END OF QUOTE.
Slowly a peaceful and secure social life was being introduced in a location where massacres and brutal hacking of individuals were a routine event.
QUOTE: “Phouzdarry oath. “I, William Gamull Farmer, Supravisor of the Province of Malabar and entrusted as the Chief Magistrate with Phouzdarry jurisdiction, do solemnly promise and swear that I will exert my best abilities for the preservation of the peace of the District over which my authority extends, and will act with impartiality and integrity, neither exacting or receiving, directly or indirectly, any fee or reward in the execution of the duties of my office other than such as the orders of Government do or may authorise me to receive. “So help me God !
Thus was an honest administration being set up, in a land wherein lies and cheating and bribes and corruption were an indispensable way of life.
QUOTE: All interior customs were to be abolished END OF QUOTE
One has to experience the travails of trading in India as a small-time businessman to understand huge relief the above-statement conveys. As of now, the country is littered with check posts. Low quality, crooks man these check posts. The great Indian officialdom!
QUOTE: further to institute a canongoe establishment throughout the country to bring into and keep in order the accounts of each district, and to act as local assistants, guides and intelligencers to the servants of Government in the discharge of their duties, and to serve as checks upon undue exactions on the part of the Rajas. END OF QUOTE.
When a good system of government comes into the picture, the local rulers who try to fleece the populace will have to be kept in control. For, they can use powerful lower indicant word codes to inflict oppression on anyone.
QUOTE: Itta Punga Achchan, who had settled with the Bombay Commissioners for the first year’s lease, had shot himself and had been succeeded by his nephew Itta Kombi Achchan. The latter had imprisoned a rival claimant to the raj, by name Kunji Achchan, but on the arrival at Palghat of the deputed Commissioner, the latter was set free. END OF QUOTE.
A typical issue which the English administration had to face in its formative years.
QUOTE: Similar terms to those arranged with the aforesaid Rajas had been made on 21st June 1793 with the managing Achchan, but with an additional clause restricting him from the exercise of any judicial authority in consequence of the beheading of the Malasar already alluded to. END OF QUOTE
The irascible powers of the local chiefs had to be cut down. For, they could literally murder anyone as matter of traditional right.
QUOTE: The Roman Catholic padre of Calicut, however objected to the “infidel tribunal” of the Darogas, and claimed the ancient privilege of the Portuguese Factory of jurisdiction over Christians. This claim being incompatible with the principles of British rule was rejected, but the padre was allowed to attend the Fouzdarry Court to explain the law at the trial of Christians. END OF QUOTE.
There is indeed a slight amount of duplicity in the English Company’s side. Even though from a very slender perspective, the English side is seen to be establishing a rule of law in which all citizens are equal. However, that is not the truth in the subcontinent. The subcontinent runs on feudal languages. Individuals are not the same in these satanic languages.
So the very fact that the natives of the land have been given judicial powers was a very great negation of the essential quality of the English rule. For, it is a very clearly understood idea that the natives of the land would not see the people in an equal manner, with rights to equal dignity. Such persons should never be given any statutory powers.
Indeed this issue came to the fore for the English side also.
See this incident mentioned in Travancore State Manual:
QUOTE: It had been declared by the Government of India so early as 1837 that “Europeans residing in the territories of Native States not being servants of the British Government, were in all respects and in all cases, civil or criminal, subject to the law of the country in which they reside.”
But the question as to the liability of European British subjects had long remained unsettled. It came up for discussion in 1866 in connection with the trial of John Liddel, Commercial Agent at Alleppey, who stood charged with having embezzled a large sum of Sirkar money.
The Travancore Government tried him by a special Commission which found him guilty of the offence and sentenced him to two years’ imprisonment. The trial was declared by the Madras Government as illegal and as contrary to the provisions of the Proclamation of the Government of India dated 10th January 1867, issued under, and in conformity with,, with the result that Liddel’s immediate release was ordered. END OF QUOTE.
In this context, the imprisonment given to the British Sailors who landed on the Madras coast a few years back can be taken up. Grave miscarriage of justice was done in this case. The spirit of the law was not taken up. Instead the crude ego issues of the lowly Indian officials was what came into prominence.
It is not good to give power to Indians over other Indians. It has been mentioned even during the Colonial days that if such power is given, it will be misused. It is very difficult for feudal language speakers to think in a free manner. Their world and social vision will be corrupted by the feudal language codes.
QUOTE: But the erroneous idea thus authoritatively promulgated was accepted without question in all further proceedings both in the Administrative Department and in that of Civil Justice, and the question as to whether the Commissioners’ action was correct or not was not raised until so recently as 1881. END OF QUOTE.

The English administration had to deal with the attitude of the native officials also. These native officials had their own vested interests. It was to see that the lower castes were not developed, if the officials were from the higher castes. If the officials were from the lower castes, they had huge fury and vengeance against the higher castes. Both of them had fury towards the Mappillas who were the Muslims. The above-quote is one such mood of the native-officials finding fault with the English official actions. The attitude is that the native officials know better. It is just a creepy claim.
QUOTE: and the old Tellicherry Factory, which had exercised, as these pages show, such abundant influence for good in the annals of the Malayalis for over a century, and which had existed as oasis of peace and security and good government during all those troublous times, ceased to exist as such on the 27th July 1794. END OF QUOTE.
The fact mentioned about the Old Tellicherry Factory is true. However, the word ‘Malayalis’ is suspect. The Malayalis of those times were the Malabari language speakers. They do not include Travancoreans. The above-statement should be about north Malabar and to a slight degree about south Malabar. Words have to perfectly defined and used. Otherwise, they will be misused later.
QUOTE: With Cochin there passed also into the hands of the British the Dutch, formerly Portuguese, settlement of Tangasseri on the point of land lying west of Quilon bay, and the various petty places named in paragraph 299 of section (6), Chapter IV, lying to the north and south of Cochin in the territories of the Cochin and Travancore Rajas, which now, with Cochin itself, constitute the British taluk of Cochin. END OF QUOTE.
That was about British-Cochin. Tangasseri is also mentioned.
QUOTE: at the same time charges of corruption and bribery were brought before the Governor, Mr. Duncan, by the Zamorin against Messers. Stevens, Senior J. Agnew, and Dewan Ayan Aya, a Palghat Brahman for extorting one lakh of rupees. END OF QUOTE.
This must have been more revealing incident. That a local small-time ruler can place accusations on the officials of the ruling power. And they were put into prison after a trial in Great Britain.
QUOTE: The Raja, however, persisted in his assertion that the district was fairly assessed, and as the Nambiar had meanwhile allied himself with certain of the young Rajas of the Kolattiri family who were inclined to question the right of the Raja to the position he had acquired from the English, the Supravisor, after taking the orders from the Bombay Government, finally decided on 10th May 1796 to despatch a body of troops into the district under Major Murray to enforce the Raja's demands. The troops succeeded in driving the chieftain and his followers into the jungles, and Major Murray further succeeded in detaching from their alliance with the Nambiar the junior Rajas of the Kolattiri family who had taken refuge there.
The Nambiar on the 18th August then forwarded to the Commissioners a full statement of his claims, and particularly insisted on the excessiveness of the demand made against him by the Raja, and on the motives which had induced the Raja to misrepresent his actions to the Honourable Company with a view to acquiring the district for himself END OF QUOTE.
The English side was forced to deal with the issue of everyone wanting a title. The issue of ‘respect’ was not really understood by them.
On the other side, there was desperation to misrepresent, misquote, and misinterpret each of the competing persons / groups to the English side. This is how a typical feudal language social system works. For, each verbal code pulls along with it a lot of other verbal codes and set in motion various kinds of social machineries.
QUOTE: The Governor-General, Lord Mornington, after full consideration of the matter, came to the conclusion that “Wynad was not ceded to the Company by the late Treaty of Peace, and that it belongs by right to his said Highness the Nawaub Tippu Sultan Bahadur,” who was to be permitted “consequently to occupy the said district whenever it may suit his pleasure.” END OF QUOTE.
This is a very powerful illustration of how the English side consistently tried their fair-play policy. Instead of aiming to gain a small profit, they were focused on creating powerful social systems and conventions of fair-play. However, on the other side there were very few persons who could appreciate these gestures. For over there, everyone of them were terribly preoccupied with the issues of maintaining ‘respect’ under all costs.
QUOTE: The Malabar militia, an irregular force and undisciplined, serving under their own native chiefs, was then (June 10th, 1801) disbanded. END OF QUOTE.
It is good that such an irregular and undisciplined force, functioning top to bottom on feudal languages should be disbanded, and a new force which was focused upon planar language English come up.
QUOTE: The superseded chiefs were continued in the enjoyment of the allowance of one-fifth (in some cases) and of one-tenth (in others) of the revenue of their respective districts which had been allotted to them for their maintenance. These allowances continue to be paid to them down to the present day under the designation of Malikhana. END OF QUOTE.
May be this is how the Privy Purse system (pension system for the old time rulers and their descendents) came into being. It was a good policy of the English rulers. For the royal houses were not forced into penury. However, when India was created one of the Prime Ministers suddenly stopped this, as a display of some shallow populism. This literally led to some of the small-scale kingly houses falling into deep financial distress.
QUOTE: In 1857 the Government agreed with the Revenue Board and the Acting Collector that the allowances are perpetual during good conduct and are not revocable at pleasure.” END OF QUOTE.
If this be so, how come the Indian Prime Minister stopped the allowance all of a sudden? May be a reparation case can be filed.
QUOTE: The Coorg war in 1834 did not affect Malabar beyond that “an old and faithful servant of the Company,” Kalpalli Karunakara Menon, the Head Sherishtadar of the district, was sent for the purpose of opening a friendly negotiation with the Raja, and was imprisoned by the latter. This outrage led directly to the war. END OF QUOTE.
Despite all great talk of great heritage and such nonsense, the fact remains that in any scene the powerful side would use the degrading verbal codes on the weaker section. Once this done, the weaker section has no right to any kind of decent behaviour from the other side.
QUOTE: with a view not only to exhibit the difficulties with which the district officers have had to deal, but to elucidate the causes from which such difficulties have sprung. END OF QUOTE.
Each of the minor localities had a lot of problems. For, the systems were changing. In the earlier times, there is no location for appeal. The local chief took terrific decisions including that of decapitation or impaling. Now, the focus of social power was shifting towards written codes of law.
QUOTE: Kavalappara under its own Nayar chief owed a sort of nominal allegiance both to the Cochin Raja and to the Zamorin. The Commissioners eventually decided in favour of his independence. END OF QUOTE.
The king of Calicut is a tiny ruler. However, he has smaller-than-him rulers under him. He will not allow them to go independent. For, their subordination is his pathway to leadership. In fact, this remains a fact of social life in the subcontinent even to this day. Conversion to another religion is tried to be forestalled. For, it is like undermining a leadership. The lower castes declaring that they are not Hindus, but actually different religions will not be allowed. For, that will be decimate the Hindu leadership.
Even in the case of India-occupied-Kashmir, India will not allow the people there to do decide what they want to be.
QUOTE: they were careful in their despatch of the December following to caution the Government against introducing into Malabar “an intermediate class of persons (call them Zemindars, Mootahdars, or what we may) between the Government and the Jelmkaars or hereditary proprietors of the soil END OF QUOTE.
The insight and the foresight are extremely admirable. However, who is there on the other side to understand the calibre of the native-English administrators? The native intellectuals are bothered only about their own ‘respect’ and nothing else.
QUOTE: not to create, but to restore, landed property, gradually to convert the bad farms of the Tamil country into good estates, and the land-property holders into land-owners, etc." END OF QUOTE.
Extremely great ideas. However, these great ideas are being put forward for an ungrateful population, who the moment they get more power will only try to pull down the very people who had helped them come up.
I am reminded of the biblical words:
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." –Matthew 7:6 Bible - King James Version
QUOTE: "The Board of Revenue declare that our knowledge with respect to the ancient state of things in Malabar is extremely defective. To us it appears so defective that many things which have been stated and re-stated as matters of fact are but objects of conjecture, conjecture founded upon hardly anything to which with propriety the term evidence can be applied. END OF QUOTE.
This is the truth about almost all antique claims currently made by India. All things that have been traced out in some ancient Sanskrit palm-leaf books in some remote households, are now claimed as the heritage of India. The actual fact remains that most of these books were unearthed by the officials of the English Company. See this quote from the preface to the English translation of Kama Sutra:
QUOTE: While translating with the pundits the ‘Anunga runga, or the stage of love,’ reference was frequently found to be made to one Vatsya. The sage Vatsya was of this opinion, or of that opinion. The sage Vatsya said this, and so on. Naturally questions were asked who the sage was, and the pundits replied that Vatsya was the author of the standard work on love in Sanscrit literature, that no Sanscrit library was complete without his work, and that it was most difficult now to obtain in its entire state. The copy of the manuscript obtained in Bombay was defective, and so the pundits wrote to Benares, Calcutta and Jeypoor for copies of the manuscript from Sanscrit libraries in those places. Copies having been obtained, they were then compared with each other, and with the aid of a Commentary called ‘Jayamangla’ a revised copy of the entire manuscript was prepared, and from this copy the English translation was made. END OF QUOTE.
The fortitude displayed by the pristine-English officials in those days is of fabulous standards.
QUOTE: “We observe with dissatisfaction that when you have assumed the existence of any peculiar ownership in the land as that of Moorassidars or Jelmkars, you afford us little information with regard to the condition of any other class of the agricultural population. In Malabar the number of occupants who pay the assessment on the land, mortgagees and lessees included is estimated by the Collector at 150,000. The number of persons employed in the cultivation must exceed this number to an extent of which we have no means of forming an accurate judgment.”
Nothing known of the great body of actual cultivators, nor of the slaves. END OF QUOTE.

It is a great point to note here that the people of the subcontinent do not notice the poverty around them, or the fact that their own servants sit on the floor, sleep on the floor, are made to dress in the old shabby dresses of their masters, have to enter the household through the back door, have to use a shabby eastern-toilet while the householders can use a western-toilet, and are addressed and referred to in the pejorative form of word codes. But then these very same affluent class of India, do notice the terrible racism in native-English nations, where well-groomed blacks and Asians are still clamouring for more rights, after all the fabulous improvements they have had in native-English nations.
These people are not really bothered about anyone else other than their own right to encroach into native-English locations. Even the Continental Europeans have this complaint that they are kept apart from the native-English.
1. My aim
5. The first impressions about the contents
7. An acute sense of not understanding
8. Entering a terrible social system
9. The doctoring and the manipulations
10. What was missed or unmentioned, or even fallaciously defined
12. Nairs / Nayars
15. Content of current-day populations
16. Nairs / Nayars
18. The terror that perched upon the Nayars
20. Exertions of the converted Christian Church
23. Keralolpathi
24. About the language Malayalam
25. Superstitions
26. Misconnecting with English
27. Feudal language
29. Piracy
31. Slavery
32. The Portuguese
33. The DUTCH
34. The French
36. Kottayam
37. Mappillas
38. Mappilla outrages against the Nayars and the Hindus
40. What is repulsive about the Muslims?
41. Hyder Ali
42. Sultan Tippu
43. Women
45. Ali Raja
46. Kolathiri
47. Kadathanad
48. The Zamorin and other apparitions
49. The Jews
51. Hinduism
52. Christianity
53. Pestilence, famine etc.
54. British Malabar versus Travancore kingdom
55. Judicial
56. Revenue and administrative changes
57. Rajas
58. Forests
59. Henry Valentine Conolly
60. Miscellaneous notes
61. Culture of the land
62. The English efforts in developing the subcontinent
63. Famines
64. Oft-mentioned objections
65. Photos and pictures of the Colonial times
66. Payment for the Colonial deeds
67. Calculating the compensation