Commentary on
William Logan’s ‘Malabar Manual’

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
It must be admitted that the book does have lot of nonsensical claims which are very evidently not the ideas or writings of William Logan. These insertion are the writing of the various native-officials who worked under William Logan, or of some other native scholars who collaborated and helped him in this work.
The nonsensical claims are basically spurred by some kind of inferiority complex in the writers in that they can understand that they have much more information about the social system than the native-Englishman has. Many of them are quite well-read. And almost all of them would posses much more leadership qualities than the average native-Englishman, when the various sections of populations who arrange themselves under them are counted. For the native languages are feudal. If properly enforced, they offer a leadership to the native-official, over the subordinated human beings, which the native-Englishman cannot dream of or even contemplate.
Yet, in spite of all this, the native-English side is to be more refined and attractive. It is basically not an individual deposition. For, as mentioned just now, the local native higher caste official might be able to compete with an Englishman at an individual level. However, when the native-Englishman is connected to his own native-Englishmen group, and the native of the subcontinent higher caste man is connected to his own native group, a very powerful difference will emerge. This is basically connected to the feudal content in the languages of the subcontinent.
Even though the skin-colour is different, that is not really the issue here. For if a single native-English white-skin colour man is born and bred in the subcontinent in the subordinate section of the local feudal language, he would not have any superior mien at all. At the same time, a native of the subcontinent born and bred in England would very definitely have personality and physical features shifting towards the native-English. However, it might take time and generations to display the huge difference that are in the offing in both cases.
See this quote from my own Commentary to the Travancore State Manual:
QUOTE: The tragedy that befell the life of the next king Rama Varma otherwise known as Swati Tirunal is there in these lines written by Col. Welsh who made it a point to observe the educational development of the young prince, who was being tutored by a Maharashtra Brahmin:
He then took up a book of mathematics, and selecting the 47th proposition of Euclid, sketched the figure on a country slate but what astonished me most, was his telling us in English, that Geometry was derived from the Sanscrit, which was Ja** ***ter to measure the earth, and that many of our mathematical terms, were also derived from the same source, such as hexagon, heptagon, octagon, decagon, duo-decagon, &c. END OF QUOTE.
It is possible that there are so many knowledge and information in the ancient cultures, including that of Egypt, Mayan, Inca, Hellenistic &c. However, even the Vedic culture has not much to do with the subcontinent, other than that some of the books have been found in certain households in the land. I am not sure if any evidence of any direct route to the ancient scripture is there in the populations here. Most of them come from various locations in the world.
The afore-mentioned Swathi Tirunal’s personal life seems to have been a failure due to some kind of personal inferiority complex. The Maharshtran Brahman teacher must have induced the idea in him that every knowledge in the world came from ‘India’. The basic information that there was no such ‘India’ as a nation or even as an interconnected geographical area was not mentioned to him. And that the Travancore kingdom had not much to do with these ancient information was also not much mentioned. This statement can be true with regard to all the castes including the Nayars, the Ezhavas, the Shanars, the Pulayas, the Pariahs &c.
As has been mentioned by certain travellers who came to the subcontinent, the ‘scholars’ of the land seems to have had the habit of forging old books to present totally fabricated idea. Even now such things are going on.
QOUTE: and even in genuinely ancient deeds it is frequently found that the facts to be gathered from them are unreliable owing to the deeds themselves having been forged at periods long subsequent to the facts which they pretend to state. END OF QUOTE.
For instance, it is known in current-day India that the British rule was literally driven out by Gandhi & co. However, the fact is that Gandhi had nothing to with this. It was just a foolish policy implementation of the British Labour Party.

There are claims that the Indian Navy is a continuation of the ancient Navies of old time kingdoms of the subcontinent, such as the Chola, Shivaji etc. These are all total lies. The Indian Navy is just a continuation of the Royal Indian Navy of British-India.
QUOTE: It is certain that Indian ideas and practices contributed largely to the form which orthodox Christianity in the West finally adopted. END OF QUOTE.
The above quote is certainly not the writing of William Logan. For, in the locations where it is certain that he has written the text there is no such emotion evident. Western Orthodox Christianity would have been affected and designed by the language of each nation where it spread. In England, the planar codes of the English language would have created a Christianity which is starkly different from that in Continental Europe. Even though the blame or the praise for disconnecting the English Christian Church from the Continental controls would be placed on King Henry the VIII, the underlying factor which led to it would be there in the English language itself.
Even the Kerala Christianity is totally against the system of human interactions as could be visualised in an English Christian area. However, that is a different area of discussion and cannot be taken up here. Readers who are interested in pursuing that logic can read the An Impressionistic History of the South Asian Subcontinent.
The above-quote seems to claim of a well-developed ‘India’ from where all kinds of information and culture, diffused to other nations or geographical locations. These kinds of claims are mere imaginations without any basis. Very few of the social, familial or public cultures of the subcontinent are worthy of being emulated by anyone. Culture is not what one read about in books. It is how people interact with each other and maintain quality relationships. There is no evidence in this book itself of any such thing in the subcontinent.
Even many of the family systems mentioned in this book, Malabar, are totally devoid of supporting a good family life. The relationships are more or less controlled by the feudal language of the place. Many things are quite contrary to what might appear through low-class logic.
For instance, the claim that the Marumakkathaya women had more liberty and social rights. This is not true. Most of them of the higher castes could not come out of their houses unless they had someone with them to display or disseminate their higher caste attributes. The profane glances and the profane words of the lower castes males and females would literally have the effect of a carnivorous animal bite.
QUOTE: And in return, the West seems to have given to the East arts and sciences, architecture, the art of coining money, and in particular the high ideal of religion contained in Christianity, as St. Chrysostom (who died A.D. 407) wrote: “The Syrians too, and Egyptians, and Indians, and Persians, and Ethiopians, and innumerable other nations, translating into their own tongues the doctrines derived from this man, barbarians though they were, learnt to philosophise.” END OF QUOTE.
The use of the word ‘Indian’ in the above quote is a misuse. There was no such a thing as an ‘Indian’. I am not sure if any other ancient books such as the Ramayana or Mahabharatha does mention that they are ‘Indians’. However, the probability that someone might insert this word in newly printed books is quite strong.
The word West also has many problems. If it is meant to mean Continental Europe, it might be good to say that it does not include England. For, the most powerful human designing tool, that is the language, in England was planar.
As to anyone giving anything to anyone is also a very much debatable point. None of the things mentioned, ‘sciences, architecture, the art of coining money’ seems to have come to the possession of the huge content of lower castes in the subcontinent. As to the others having all that, well, these things get diffused from various locations to various locations.
For instance, if one were go to the Amazon forests, one might see the forest-dwelling populations using bow and arrow. It would be quite a ludicrous claim that they got the art of archery from ‘Indians’ of the South Asian Subcontinent.
Another instance is the fact of people all over the world using dairy products, such as milk, buttermilk, curd, butter, yogurt, cheese &c. In a terrific fit of jingoistic fervour a current-day Indian can claim that these ideas all came from India. However, the fact remains that to the majority populations of the subcontinent, such things as yogurt, cheese etc. came into their purview only in very recent times.
There is a general tendency to be absolutely astounded by anything that is seen in the antiquity of the subcontinent. For instance, there is the martial arts known as Kalari which was part of the antiquity of north Malabar. I think that Travancore did not have the tradition of this very same martial arts, even though there was something known as Thekkan Kalari (southern Kalari) there.
In the neighbouring Tamilnadu, there are another martial arts known as Adithada and Silambam. Adithada was seen mentioned in Travancore area some thirty to forty years back. However, the Kalaripayattu of north Malabar was not generally known to the local people in Travancore.
Now, the northern Kalaripayattu is generally mentioned as the martial arts of Kerala, which itself is very cunning distortion of tradition.
Here what can be mentioned is that the northern Kalaripayattu is a very sophisticated martial arts form. However, this art form is in the stranglehold of the local feudal vernacular. This is its main defect. If this art form can be plucked out from the possession of the local feudal vernacular and relocated into English, it will be a very sophisticated martial arts form.
The problem when dealing with this martial arts from a historical perspective is that the moment anything is mentioned about this arts, the local people including its own exponents would start making tall claims. The very first claim would be that this martial arts originated here in Malabar. This is a very curious claim.
Being an expert in the arts and being the founder of the arts are entirely two different propositions. It is not known who brought this art into Malabar. This information is lost to antiquity in the same manner the arrival of Nayars and the two different castes of Thiyyas have been lost. If the locations from where the various different populations came to Malabar can be traced out, the location from where it came here might also come out. However, that alone would not reveal who founded this art system.
However, the general tendency in the subcontinent, as elsewhere in all feudal language social systems is to lay claims upon anything and everything that can add to one’s verbal code value.
In Keralolpathi, there is a mention, I understand, that Parasurama brought Kalari system to this geo-location. Keralolpathi can be a fake history book, written with some malicious interests. However, it might have picked up the tradition of Kalaripayattu from some place. If Parasurama had brought it, he must have come from some location where it was practised. It is not clear if it would be right to claim that he came and founded the martial arts system on his own.
QUOTE: 1. These quarrels arose from private feuds and were meant to wipe off stains cast upon an individual's honour.
2. Women were the chief origin of the quarrels which occasioned these combats. They were confined to the Nayars. END OF QUOTE
The true working area of the Kalari exponents. They remained the henchmen of the local landlords. They would not be the great ‘maharajas’, but merely the Inhi -ഇഞ്ഞി(lowest grade you) and oan ഓൻ (lowest grade he/him).
QUOTE: The subdivision and re-subdivision of the authority of government were perfectly marvellous and probably unparalleled in the history of any country in the world. The great families—the Zamorin, Kolattiri, Walluvanad, Palghat, Kottayam, Kadattanad, Kurumbranad, etc.—were petty suzerains, each with numbers of vassals, more or less independent, and more or less fluctuating in numbers, who again were suzerains to still pettier chiefs, also more or less independent and more or less fluctuating in numbers. The subdivisions of authority did not cease till the lowest stratum of agricultural society was reached END OF QUOTE.
The above-statement is some kind of extreme jingoism gone berserk. The utter nonsensical claims of a super low-quality land. The whole content of oppressive regimentation can be explained as the handiwork of the local feudal languages. If the reader has any doubt about the oppressiveness of the subcontinent, check the book: Slavery in the Indian subcontinent.
QUOTE: The society thus constituted was on a thoroughly sound basis, for the strongest men had opportunities of coming to the front (so to speak). END OF QUOTE.
And the mention is about the Nayars. However in the actual factual history part in this book, Malabar, there is no evidence that substantiate the Nayars as the strongest, bravest or intellectually the best. The best thing about them was they were subservient to their overlords and oppressive to the subordinate populations.
The above quote can be nonsense in Malabar.
QUOTE: In this way numberless petty chieftains arose, and the great families waxed or waned END OF QUOTE.
It is the shallow claims of a very minute landscape with practically nothing great to offer other than a history of various shackled populations. What ‘great families’ are being mentioned, other than the higher castes? Their greatness should be evident in their action of improving the other populations. There is no such evidence. Other than their right to use rude and outright impolite verbal usages such as Inhi / Nee, Ane, Ale, Eda, Edi etc. It is the English rule that saved the lower populations from the hammering of these verbal codes.
QUOTE: But with these material objects it will be observed were conveyed such things as “authority in the Desam,” “Battle wager” and “Rank” and “Customs” which are clearly outside the idea of dominium as understood by Roman lawyers. END OF QUOTE.
A very vain attempt to connect to Rome, in the mistaken belief that it was Rome that brought in greatness to human populations. It is a very wrong notion. The greatness in human beings was brought out by the native-English nation, and not by the Romans. Even animals got the relatively best deal in native-English systems.
Actually the very use of English words like Admiral, Commander, General, Officer, Soldier, King, Queen, County, Baron, Customs duties and such other words used with regard to seemingly corresponding items in the subcontinent stand on the very periphery of nonsense. None of these things in the feudal-language speaking subcontinent comes near to what is visualised or imagined in English. It is the like the fake Gandhi movie made by one irresponsible British film director. The Gandhi in that movie has English body features of those times, and English body-language. However, Gandhi really was a feudal language speaker, who was not liked inside the Congress.
Take the word ‘officer’ for instance. An officer is a Gentleman. However, in the feudal language ambience, what is translated as an ‘officer’ is literally a brute who uses terrible degrading lower indicant words to many others, with a solid feeling of right.
QUOTE: The chief things conveyed were the different kinds of authority attaching to a Desam, a Temple and a Tara, and not merely the lands and slaves END OF QUOTE.
It is just because English is a planar language this concept was not clearly understood. All authority is connected to verbal codes that encode honour and ‘respect’ on the person who has authority. All those who have to bear the thraldom of the persons in authority are necessarily assigned degrading verbal code definitions. This is the core issue. It cannot be understood in English, for there is such a concept of ‘indicant words’ in English.
QUOTE: The system was admirably conceived for binding the two classes together in harmonious interdependence. This excellent arrangement necessarily fell to pieces at once when the Civil Courts began to recognise the force of contract—the Western or European law— as superior to the force of custom—the Eastern or Indian law. END OF QUOTE
This is a theme I have oft heard in my childhood from those who saw the breaking down of age-old dominating-class – subordinate-class relationship. It is true that if this relationship is not replaced by quality English social relationship, the society does not have the exact feel of a culturally developed society. Yet, from the perspective of the traditionally lower classes, they have come out of their subordination.
These themes are highly complicated. For instance, I have seen students who have studied in reasonably good quality English schools moving into the government vernacular schools / colleges after completing their tenth class. The first feeling they get is that they are along with a more liberated students. For, they generally get to experience boisterous shouting, moving around in clusters, roaming around etc.
However, it takes time to understand that they are literally like a cattle-class gone under a more subordinating teacher-class. However, the oppressiveness will not be felt, even when they are addressed in the pejorative forms of You, and referred to in the pejorative forms of He, Him, His, She, Her, Hers etc. For, this is an experience that is commonly felt by all students.
It is like this: A common man in England goes to the police station on his own and sits down and narratives his problems to the concerned police official without any demur or subservience.
At the same time, a common in India goes to the police station along with some of his relatives or even with the support of his local political leaders, stands in a pose of subservience and gets addressed and referred in the pejorative. He has on complaints, for that is how every common man he knows are dealt with by the police.
However, to a person who has seen both the English systems as well as the Indian system, the latter would be seen as quite satanic and degrading.
QUOTE: This system—another necessary result of the Hindu social organisation— was evidently conceived in much wisdom for protecting the interests of the cultivating castes. Here again however ideas borrowed from the European law of property in the soil have come in to upset the well-conceived customary law of Malabar. END OF QUOTE.
The above statement is very obviously not the words of Logan. And the words ‘Hindu social organisation’ is highly mischievous. There is no such thing as a ‘Hindu social organisation’ if the Hindu religion is the context. The Hindu religion is actually the Brahmin religion. As to the social set-up in which the Brahmins are on top in a state of perpetual dominance, then there is nothing to praise in it. It is not like saying that the Lords of the England are perpetually on top. The difference is that the English language is planar, while the languages of the subcontinent are more or less terribly feudal. Without understanding what that is, it is more or less a waste of time to discuss this point.
Again, the words ‘European law of property in the soil’ is also a very foolish statement. The native-English administration was not trying to bring in the property system of England, let alone that of Continental Europe. There is indeed difference between the feudal systems of Continental Europe and that of England. Why such a difference is there can be understood only by understanding the basic coding difference between that of the Continental European languages and that of pristine-English.
For instance, the French feudal system was quite a tragic item, while the feudal system of England was not tragic for the social system, if that feudalism is compared with that of Asian, African and Continental European feudal systems.
The feudal systems of South Asia might not have any corresponding items with that of English or Continental European feudal systems.
As to the local customary laws going into disarray, well it was a good thing. However, what was bad was that English administration suddenly dropped everything and vanished, before a perfectly egalitarian social and communication systems had been enforced. That was due to the handiwork of the satan Clement Alee.
I can only say that each member of the British Labour Party who endeavoured to destroy the English Empire should suffer till eternity for the great sufferings they brought all around the world. In the subcontinent alone, in the northern parts, around 1million persons were killed in the immediate aftermath of the stopping of the English rule, and handing over the location to stark selfish low-class politicians.
QUOTE: The insecurity to the ryots thus occasioned has resulted in fanatical outrages by Mappillas and in a great increase of crime END OF QUOTE.

The writer of the above statement is trying to place the blame of the Mappilla outrages on the higher castes, on the English administration. All this fool has to do is to check the communication codes between the traditional higher castes and the newly socially improved Mappillas to find out the root cause of these outrages. Even in the US, at times native-Englishmen have gone berserk when these kinds of Satanic verbal codes are inflicted on them. Check what Adam Purinton did!
QUOTE: thinking that the idea hitherto generally received that in ancient times there was no such thing as a land assessment in Malabar is, after all, a mistaken one. Knowledge on this subject is at present extremely limited, and it is now doubtful whether the point, if it is eventually cleared up, will hereafter be of any other than antiquarian interest END OF QUOTE.
This is part of the tall claims that every modern items conceived and brought into the subcontinent was already there in the subcontinent. Even the current-day Indian navy is now being taught as being the development of the ancient naives of Cholas and other small-time kingdoms of South Asia. If this be so, what will Pakistan and Bangladesh teach in their schools could be a item for pondering.
It is possible that in some remote historical period, there might have been some kind of land assessment in the location currently mentioned as Malabar at some time or other. History does date backwards to millions of year. However, that kind of historical events do not have any connection with what was seen in Malabar by the English Company officials.
QUOTE: It will be seen from the paper on Tenures that custom - and not, as in these modern days, competition—ruled everything END OF QUOTE.
This is a very cunning complicated statement. There is no competition possible in a feudal-language based feudal social system. That is true. For, the slave cannot compete with his next higher caste. He will be crushed down, and even hacked into pieces, if he were to do something like that. And his demeanour will be terrible, due to the fact that he exists in a lower code area. His words will be of terrible degrading quality, if he is allowed any leeway to address the higher castes without ‘respect’.
However, when we look upon native-English systems, there is a totally different ambience that cannot be compared with the native systems of the subcontinent. The basic difference is that English entrepreneurship does not have any satanic aim of arriving at a higher verbal code location above the workers or labourers. This very concept is unknown in English. So, there is no way to compare an English entrepreneurship with that of an entrepreneurship of India, Pakistan or Bangladesh.
Because this factor is there in the subcontinent, everything has a satanic quality in them. When I say Satanic, I mean it. The people arrive at various levels of human degradation or ennoblement, just by the work they do. There is no such thing in English. The native-Englishman cannot understand how by doing any work, a human being can get differently defined as a dirty or gold, in every communication code.
QUOTE: From that date forward the land disputes and troubles began, and the views above described of the Joint Commissioners were not the only causes contributing to the anarchy which ensued. END OF QUOTE.
The rascality of the above statement is that this is being mentioned about a land in which almost all throughout history there was incessant fighting, killing, hacking and demonization of human beings. Just before the period in context here, Muslim raider came from Mysore and all the higher castes ran off for their lives. If the English administration was not there in Tellicherry, all the higher castes would have been made the lowest of the castes and made the servants of the lowest castes. The higher castes females would have been taken up by the lowest castes as their concubines or literally shared by the lowest caste males.

The anarchy that the fool has mentioned above was felt because of the relative serenity that had arrived in the social scene. Otherwise, there would be no time to think of these things. Every week there would be plans for attacking others, or for resisting the attacks of the others.
See this QUOTE from Travancore State Manual:
The Sivarathri was not good day for a Hindu to die in and the Maharajah, it is said, told his doctor and attendants on his death-bed: “Yes I know that to-day is Chuturdasi, but it is unavoidable considering the sins of war I have committed with Rama Iyan when we both conquered and annexed several petty States to Travancore. Going to hell is unavoidable under the circumstances. I can never forget the horrors to which we have been parties during those wars. How then do you expect me to die on a better day than Chaturdasi? May God forgive me all my sins” END OF QUOTES.
This quote is from a book which was an official document of the Travancore kingdom’s government. Just imagine what happened in all the small kingdoms around Travancore. Changacherry, Chengannur, Kayamkulam, Ambalapuzha, Attingal, Quilon, Kottayam and many more minute kingdoms?
QUOTE: But the Civil Courts, acting on the idea that the janmi was a dominus and as such entitled to take what he could get out of the land, viewed his pledges as pledges of the soil itself, and in this way they have almost completely upset the native system of customary sharing of the produce. END OF QUOTE.
This again is the words of some higher caste writer. That the bringing in of written codes of law in civil and property disputes was retrograde step! In a land where there was no conventions or systems worth mentioning, other than that of ‘might is right’, actually the coming in of the written laws were a great step forward. However, the whole thing was still in a mess due to the fact that all these things had to be filled into a feudal language ambience. Where every communication and human relationship was in varying routes and strings.
Nothing was straight forward.
QUOTE: This excellent arrangement necessarily fell to pieces at once when the Civil Courts began to recognise the force of contract—the Western or European law— as superior to the force of custom—the Eastern or Indian law. END OF QUOTE.
These are all very malicious lies. For, at hand is not a confrontation between Western or European and ‘Indian’ systems. It was a confrontation between what the native-English (not Western or European as is mentioned here) officials try to bring in and the attitude of the higher castes (Hindus and Nayars) to resist it. The force of custom in the subcontinent (not ‘India’. India was not yet born) was that of hierarchy in all relationship, which, if everyone in the hierarchy concedes to it, becomes a regimentation that accepts what the higher castes said or demanded. With the coming of the native-English rule, this oppressive hold on everyone was broken. However, it would take time to build up an egalitarian social system based on English. However, this route was stopped in 1947 by the crooks in the British Labour Party.
QUOTE: Under the native customary law the cultivator could not be ousted except by a decree of the tara, for the janmi was powerless unless be acted in strict accordance with the Nayar guild whose function was “to prevent the rights from being curtailed or suffered to fall into disuse” as the Keralolpatti expressly says. END OF QUOTE.
What a foolish writing! Nayar guilds are there to protect Hindu and Nayar interests from the competition of the lower castes. As to quoting from Keralolpathi, it is another foolish idea. It has been more or less proved in this very book, Malabar, that Keralolpathi is a forged document written with some sinister interests.
QUOTE: Mr. Graeme's proposals in regard to wet lands and diverted his attention away from points in regard to the position of subtenants, to which the Court of Directors had turned their earnest attention, but precipitated the collision between the parties interested in the land, and indirectly led to the Mappilla fanatical outrages and other evils END OF QUOTE.
It is true that the English administration was misled many times by their own native-officialdom, which was dominated by the Hindus (Brahmins) and Nayars. However to place the blame of the Mappilla outrages on the English administration is a deed of the devil. The Mappilla outrages were caused by various factors, and the land reforms of the English could be the least of the causes.
Check this QUOTE: There is no doubt whatever that Oodhut Roy, a Mysorean Mahratta Revenue officer, misled the Joint Commissioners END OF QUOTE.
This is one thing that the native-English could not understand. That people will look into the face and tell lies with total nonchalance.
QUOTE: Egypt then became not only the centre of literary cultivation and learning for the Hellenic world, but an emporium of trade and the centre of great commercial enterprises END OF QUOTE.
The above is just the kind of nonsense that was written by some native of the subcontinent scholar. He must be totally blind to the reality of what was happening all around him. The social system was changing for the better. But then, the higher castes did have much to grieve about it.
For in Tellicherry area, it was the lower caste Marumakkathaya Thiyyas who improved much due to English education. It had its tragic sides.
Now, with all this great changes in knowledge, dressing standards, social mobility, education, human rights etc. happening right in front of him, the writer is extolling some nonsense connecting to the Hellenic world and Egypt. The very profound mistake in these kinds of scholarly writings is the sterile understanding about trade and commerce. Trade and commerce are actually very dangerous things. In fact, they can bring in various problems to the people.
As a person who has had enough and more varied experiences in business, I can categorically mention that in a commercial location in a feudal language social ambience, only the bosses and their companions enjoy all the benefits. The others literally suffer.
Even for England and the US, unbridled entry of outsider businessmen can do damage to their own native citizens. Only in the case of English colonialism, did the entry of outsiders bring in goodness to the social environment. And again this was not due to trade, but due to the entry of various other social goodness. Including the egalitarian English language.
The positive benefits of English colonialisms cannot be replicated by any feudal language systems.
1. My aim
5. The first impressions about the contents
7. An acute sense of not understanding
8. Entering a terrible social system
9. The doctoring and the manipulations
10. What was missed or unmentioned, or even fallaciously defined
12. Nairs / Nayars
15. Content of current-day populations
16. Nairs / Nayars
18. The terror that perched upon the Nayars
20. Exertions of the converted Christian Church
23. Keralolpathi
24. About the language Malayalam
25. Superstitions
26. Misconnecting with English
27. Feudal language
29. Piracy
31. Slavery
32. The Portuguese
33. The DUTCH
34. The French
36. Kottayam
37. Mappillas
38. Mappilla outrages against the Nayars and the Hindus
40. What is repulsive about the Muslims?
41. Hyder Ali
42. Sultan Tippu
43. Women
45. Ali Raja
46. Kolathiri
47. Kadathanad
48. The Zamorin and other apparitions
49. The Jews
51. Hinduism
52. Christianity
53. Pestilence, famine etc.
54. British Malabar versus Travancore kingdom
55. Judicial
56. Revenue and administrative changes
57. Rajas
58. Forests
59. Henry Valentine Conolly
60. Miscellaneous notes
61. Culture of the land
62. The English efforts in developing the subcontinent
63. Famines
64. Oft-mentioned objections
65. Photos and pictures of the Colonial times
66. Payment for the Colonial deeds
67. Calculating the compensation