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Commentary on
William Logan’s ‘Malabar Manual’
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Photos and pictures of the Colonial times

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!


There are many pictures in circulation as of now, depicting scenes from the English Colonial times. In most of them, the natives are seen in very wretched conditions. This is then taken as a proof that under the English rule, the natives of the subcontinent were in wretched conditions.

Actually the analysis of the pictures is done in a totally erroneous manner. The pictures that is thus shown are the real conditions of the lower-placed populations of the subcontinent as seen by the English officials. It is these persons who were slowly placed on a platform for improvement. However, when doing this, the English officials had to face the wrath and antipathy of the higher classes of the subcontinent.

The next mischievous pictures are those that show good quality households and other buildings owned by the English officials in British-India, and the missionary buildings in the native kingdoms.

Actually the great quality seen in them is the natural quality of the English language ambience. The English dressing standards, though simple, was beyond the conceptions of a lower caste man or women in the subcontinent. For, they stood under the weight of a number of social layers pressing down from above.

What is missing in all these kinds of pictorial depictions were the pictures of the higher castes and classes of the subcontinent. Their supreme position in the land cannot be understood by merely looking at their dresses. For instance, when a big man wears a mundu or dothi, there are hidden social codes of ‘respect’ and derogation encrypted in them. Just by looking at a man wearing a Mundu, one cannot take up the understanding that he is a non-entity or a nondescript man. He would very well be a most powerful feudal lord.

And by looking at a tiled house of a landlord, it would be quite foolish to say that he is poor. For, there would be an immensity of dependents of his who live in thatched huts, with bare conveniences.

The fact is that if an English household were living near them, the whole social system would change, by the very sight of the Englishmen and women standing, conversing, walking &c. with a totally different bearing. For, such a higher stature human body-language was not commonly seen in the subcontinent. Just viewing the English native of those times was a high-content education in human potential enhancement.

These are things which insipid history textbooks written by equally dullard Indian academicians would not dare to mention.

Now, we come to the various picture of White men and women in forest scenes showing them having killed or shot dead some wild animal.

There are multiple issues in these pictures. For one thing, there might not be enough evidence that these men and women in a specific picture were from England or Great Britain. For, there were other White populations from Continental Europe also nicely enjoying the secure conditions provided the English rule.

Even before the secure installing of the English rule, the French, Italians, Portuguese etc. did also do all these things. These white people did fight on the side of the ‘freedom fighters of India’ against the English.

Next items for scrutiny would, did these shootings take place inside British-India or in the native-kingdoms. The native kings and other ‘Indian princes’ were involved in the shady business of inviting native-Brits to their kingdoms and conducting wildlife shooting expeditions.

There is another wider aspect to the inspected. Some rich people from India go to Britain and take their guns and go in for shooting the animals and birds there. What would happen?

It is very much possible that they would be arrested or restrained or taken into custody and sent back home. However, instead of that, if the native officials in Britain invite such people from outside and give them all encouragement to shoot any animal they like, then the blame cannot be placed on the outsiders.

Now, this was what was restrained in British-India. The forest department in British-India would have stood for protecting the forests and its resources, while in the native-kingdoms, it would have been scene of inducing the foreign guests to take part in such forest parties, as a sort of native entertainment. And in later years, the whole blame would be placed on England. And not on the native kingdoms.


Commentary                MMVol 1               MMVol 2

Book Profile

1. My aim

2. The information divide

3. The layout of the book

4. My own insertions

5. The first impressions about the contents

6. India and Indians

7. An acute sense of not understanding

8. Entering a terrible social system

9. The doctoring and the manipulations

10. What was missed or unmentioned, or even fallaciously defined


12. Nairs / Nayars

13. A digression to Thiyyas

14. Designing the background

15. Content of current-day populations

16. Nairs / Nayars

17. The Thiyya quandary

18. The terror that perched upon the Nayars

19. The entry of the Ezhavas

20. Exertions of the converted Christian Church

21. Ezhava-side interests

22. The takeover of Malabar

23. Keralolpathi

24. About the language Malayalam

25. Superstitions

26. Misconnecting with English

27. Feudal language

28. Claims to great antiquity

29. Piracy


31. Slavery

32. The Portuguese

33. The DUTCH

34. The French


36. Kottayam

37. Mappillas

38. Mappilla outrages against the Nayars and the Hindus

39. Mappilla outrage list

40. What is repulsive about the Muslims?

41. Hyder Ali

42. Sultan Tippu

43. Women

44. Laccadive Islands

45. Ali Raja

46. Kolathiri

47. Kadathanad

48. The Zamorin and other apparitions

49. The Jews


51. Hinduism

52. Christianity

53. Pestilence, famine etc.

54. British Malabar versus Travancore kingdom

55. Judicial

56. Revenue and administrative changes

57. Rajas

58. Forests

59. Henry Valentine Conolly

60. Miscellaneous notes

61. Culture of the land

62. The English efforts in developing the subcontinent

63. Famines

64. Oft-mentioned objections

65. Photos and pictures of the Colonial times

66. Payment for the Colonial deeds

67. Calculating the compensation

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