Software codes of mantra,
tantra, witchcraft, black magic, evil eye, evil tongue &c

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
60 Sleeping positions
This is a theme that I had heard of from various other sources. However, each time I heard it there seems to be some disparity in the direction. I have seen this theme in some astrological almanac also.
However, it is mentioned by Thurston in this book, Omens and Superstitions of Southern India.
QUOTE: If a person places the head towards the east when sleeping, he will obtain wealth and health; if towards the south, a lengthening of life; if towards the west, fame; if towards the north, sickness. END OF QUOTE.
I do not know about the correctness of the above advices as per the occult art. I just quoted from his book.
In my youthful days, I have seen scientifically inclined persons trying to explain away the possible logic of these contentions thus.
That the direction you sleep does make a difference with regard to how the centrifugal force acts on the human body. If you are sleeping in an east-west direction, or west-east direction, your body moves in the direction of the rotation, or against it, in the same plane of rotation.
Going along with it, with the head first will definitely have an effect that is different from that of going along with it with the feet first.
If you sleep in the north-south or south-north direction, your body will rotate along the direction of rotation in a perpendicular manner, with either the left side or the right side of your body moving first; depending on whether your head is to the north or to the south.
There was another ‘scientific’ explanation that I had heard. It is connected in a similar manner, to the direction of the magnetic field of the earth.
There is no technology that I know of which can prove the credibility of the beliefs or ‘superstitions’ mentioned by Thurston.
With the tremendous powers of slight codes, touching etc. that emerging technology is bringing to limelight, it might be a quite a silly attitude to discard everything as mere ‘superstitions’ of the ignorant. For actually these so-called ‘ignorants’ were not that ignorant. In fact, this was a fact mentioned by the English colonial rulers of the subcontinent. They found it wonderful that traditional carpenters with no educational qualifications or training in any college of architecture could conceive and built huge architectural marvels. However, the problem faced by these technically skilled persons was that they were in a shackled state under the various layers of castes and repulsions of the subcontinent.
Speaking about the unbelievable powers encoded in touch, I can mention an incident. It is an incident which when mentioned now, will look quite a natural one, and nothing comment much upon.
After using the Whatsapp Messenger for a brief moment, I folded the Smartphone cover flap on the screen. Holding the Smartphone, I went in for some quite private conversation with someone. After sometime, just to check something, I opened the Smartphone flap, to see that the whole conversation of around 3 minutes had been recorded into the Whatsapp chat. When I was trying to understand what was happening, it got sent.
My silly private conversation of around 3 minute’s duration had gone to other people hearing. What I did wrong was that I was holding on to the Whatsapp’s recording button when conversing. The Wifi is in a switched on position most of the time.
It was an extremely coincidental incident. However, as I had mentioned elsewhere, coincidences have been a part of my life.
Now, this is an event if viewed from the times of Thurston, would have looked quite improbable. Just a touch doing so much mischief?
However, it was a series of machineries that did the mischief, when they acted in a systematic manner. The switched-on Wifi, the Whatsapp’s chat location, the flap cover which was soft, my holding exactly in the location of the recording button of the Whatsapp, the removal of my hands from the recording button, the time I took to understand what was happening, the efficiency of the Whatsapp in sending what is recorded within moments &c.
Another accomplice was the electric power. Over here, it regularly goes off, at times around 8 to 12 times a day. So, if it had been at a time when the power was off, the recording would not have moved. However, at this critical moment, the power-line stood steadfast.
When one conceives reality as the handiwork of some kind of supernatural software, then it might be wise to consider the possibility of all kinds of improbable things being possible.
Now coming back to the sleeping positions, well, it has to be solely investigated at the location of the supernatural software arena. All kinds of other investigations are mere beating around the bush.
01. Intro
02. The frill issues
04. Code view, design view & real view
05. The exact danger in social development
07. The machinery of disparaging
09. A hint of the codes behind solid reality
13. The code version view of human beings
14. An observation at a personal level
15. A very powerful experiment
16. Locating the Voodoo-acting location
19. Words that crush and those that stretch
20. Software codes of Shamanism
21. Other supernatural software items
22. The issue of touching and of un-touch-ability
23. A detour to English colonial administration
24. Back to repulsions in touch
25. A supernatural way to off-set negativity
26. Allusions to the anecdotal black-tongue
27. Metamorphosing into a hermit
28. Back to the eerie realm of Evil Eyes
29. A thing that can provoke the evil eye
30. From my personal experience
31. Detecting an inserted code
35. Issue of viewing
36. A clue from the epics of the landscape
37. What bodes ill for England
39. The slow rattling and the rearrangement
40. Astrology and other divinations
41. Hidden codes in spiritual scriptures
44. Nonsensical theories of communication
45. Continuing on the serpent theme
46. Jinxed buildings
47. Jinxed positions around a place of worship
48. The second item: the broken mirror
49. Supernatural codes of building design
50. The spoken word and the effect of pronunciation
51. The Pied-Piper-of-Hamelin capacity
52. The diffusion of numerical values
53. The litmus test of stature codes
54. The working of the breached codes
55. On to the attributes of ‘sensation’
58. Use of urine, hair, nail, blood etc. in black arts
59. Lucky stones
62. A software based disease treatment system
63. The power of indicant words to redesign
64. The other means to investigate
66. Yantram
67. A warm talisman
68. Computer coding in feudal languages
69. Commentary 1
70. Commentary 2
71. Commentary 3
72. Commentary 4