Software codes of mantra,
tantra, witchcraft, black magic, evil eye, evil tongue &c

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
33. QUOTE: It is recorded by Canter Visscherf that, in the building of a house in Malabar, the carpenters open three or four cocoanuts, spilling the juice as little as possible, and put some tips of betel leaves into them. END OF QUOTE
This ritual is still in practise. Actually I have seen the use of betel leaves etc. also used for various other predictions. People trust the messages that are decoded. There might be some location that sends the messages.
34. QUOTE: The Nomad Bauris or Bawariyas, who commit robberies and manufacture counterfeit coin, ........... which they call devakadana or god's grain, and a tuft of peacock's feathers. They are very superstitious, and do not embark on any enterprise without first ascertaining by omens whether it will be attended with success or not. END OF QUOTE
QUOTE: A gang of Donga Dasaris, before starting on a thieving expedition, proceed to the jungle near their village in the early part of the night, worship their favourite goddesses, Huligavva and Ellamma, and sacrifice a sheep or fowl before them. END OF QUOTE
Even though the above lines were written by Thurston with regard to Omens and Superstitions, they also can be seen as ample evidence of the state of the subcontinent as seen by the English colonial rulers. It is quite funny that the new nations of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh are calling the English colonialists as thieves. They feel that others should necessarily be similar to them.
35. QUOTE: Eclipses are regarded as precursors of evil, which must, if possible, be averted. Concerning the origin thereof, according to tradition in Malabar END OF QUOTE
Most of these beliefs are there in many of the old time cultures. I do not know how all over the world, the people mention about ancient belief and rites and rituals. However, from my personal experience, when speaking to an average ‘Indian’, especially the formally ‘educated’ persons, the immediate words would be that everything is from ancient India, which was a great nation thousands of years ago. In fact, the claim is about everything. The very little fact that there was no India before the English rule is not there in any Indian textbooks. I do not know what is there in Pakistani and Bangladeshi textbooks.
The very simple fact that even in the southern parts of the subcontinent, the various locations had very little contact with each other till the advent of the English rule is not understood.
Then how come that there is a general commonality of cultures?
There is no way for me to mention anything about this. However, there is a lower caste culture everywhere, which is indeed different from the ‘Hindu’ culture of the Brahmin religion, which is also wide spread. But then, the craving to get connected to the Brahmin religion is seen in many places. In fact, even the Shamanistic deities are seen to be quite frankly mentioned as an avatar (manifestation) of one of the gods in the Hindu Trinity.
Apart from all this, there is an issue of different castes or populations from different locations in the subcontinent claiming connection to the same purana (Sanskrit epics) history. In fact, there are, very much distant from each other places, each one of which claim to be the same spot mentioned in the puranas. It might indicate the relocation of some branches of the same people across far distances.
When I mention the word ‘trinity’, there is a problem again. The word ‘Trinity’ was understood by me as something innate to the Christian religion. How and when this word was adapted into Hinduism is not known to me. Even though there are three main Gods currently mentioned as the supreme Gods in the Brahmanical religion, the concept doesn’t seem to be the same as mentioned in Christian theology.
36. QUOTE: On the day of the capture of Seringaptam, which, being the last day of a lunar month, was inauspicious, the astrologer repeated the unfavourable omen to Tipu Sultan, who was slain in the course of the battle. It is recorded that “to different Bramins he gave a black buffalo, a milch buffalo, a male buffalo, a black she‐goat, a jacket of coarse black cloth, a cap of the same material, ninety rupees, and an iron pot filled with oil; and, previous to the delivery of this last article, he held his head over the pot for the purpose of seeing the image of his face; a ceremony used in Hindostan to avert misfortune. END OF QUOTE
Sultan Tipu was the son of a father, who usurped the throne of a native kingdom. He was a Muslim. The offerings he made do not seem to have averted the ill-luck foreboded by the Omens.
37. QUOTE: If a Brahman woman loses her tali (marriage badge), it is regarded as a bad omen for her husband. As a Deva‐dasi (dancing‐girl) can never become a widow, the beads in her tali are considered to bring good luck to those who wear them END OF QUOTE
Devadasis are females given up to the temples. The name literally means ‘the maids of the gods or devas’. Incidentally, there is some confusion about the word deva itself. There is a contention that it does not mean almighty god, but some kind of superior beings or people who live in some superior celestial spheres.
As to the Devadasis, there is a lot of hype among the modern Indian nationalists. That they were highly enlightened and trained females, who lived in the temples as the servants of the deities. If the native languages of the subcontinent it clearly understood, women who are forced to face the brunt of social communication without the protection of any barriers will not get any ‘respect’. It is more or less quite easy to understand that the men-folk who run the temples would use them for sexual activities.
Once a female is addressed a Thoo or Nee by outsider males or females, they get a powerful hold on her. The devadasi system was more or less suppressed by the English colonial officials after understanding that it is literally a terrible thing for women to endure. However, in the newer jingoist writings done by highly paid Indian academic classes, whatever the English rulers did was looting and suppression. However, the truth is that what the English rulers did was something which the gods would appreciate. Nothing about the how subcontinent really was as is being mentioned in the jingoistic textbooks.
QUOTE: It was unanimously decided, in 1905, by the Executive Committee of the Prince and Princess of Wales' reception committee, that there should be no performance by nautch girls at the entertainment to their Royal Highnesses at Madras. END OF QUOTE
38. QUOTE: The Devanga weavers, before settling the marriage of a girl, consult some village goddess or the tribal goddess Chaudeswari, and watch the omens. A lizard chirping on the right is good, and on the left bad. END OF QUOTE
The lizard giving the omens, sounds quite outlandish! But there was no Internet, and no other gadgetry for the people to do any checking anywhere about anything. Maybe the brains of other beings had some processing capacity for knowing things that were undetectable to the human mind.
If one were to think about this, if human beings are without the capacity to speak, most of their capacities would have been withheld. If they did not have the capacity to use hands as we currently do, their human capacity would be very near zero. If the ability to stand straight was not there, human beings are literally animals. At this level, animals have better capacities than human beings. How, many of them communicate with each other still remains a mystery.
The truth is that most of animal capacities are not there in human beings. As to what the technology offers, well, it all started with the English colonialisms in most areas of the world, with regard to the lower classes.
39. QUOTE: At a Palli (Tamil cultivator) wedding, two lamps, called kuda vilakku (pot light) and alankara vilakku (ornamental light), are placed by the side of the milk‐post. The former consists of a lighted wick in an earthenware tray placed on a pot. It is considered an unlucky omen if it goes out before the conclusion of the ceremonial. END OF QUOTE
There is something about a lamp that might be good to ponder upon. I did notice on one occasion that the light going off at a very particular moment did seem to augur a negative indication.
Another thing is that I have noticed the looking into the lamp by the Shamanistic deity to foresee the future or to see present and even the past.
40. QUOTE: A curious mock marriage ceremony is celebrated among Brahmans, when an individual marries a third wife. It is believed that a third marriage is very inauspicious ... END OF QUOTE
I have personally noted that as per the codes of the feudal languages of the subcontinent, the number three has certain negativity attributes when used as the number of partners and such. It literally has the ability to create at least three groups.
I am not in a position to say more about this. For, I do have only very rudimentary information on how the codes exactly work at the code view level.

41. QUOTE: There is a Tamil proverb relating to the selection of a wife, to the effect that curly hair gives food, thick hair brings milk, and very stiff hair destroys a family END OF QUOTE.
I have noted that there is one particular item that Thurston has missed in recording the occult and omen related observations of his. That is an occult science known as Samudrikam in the subcontinent. It is quite possible that the same system might be available in all other ancient cultures.
It is a series of signs and details found on a human body by which the person’s various dispositions can be found out.
However, when studying this item, it might be wise to understand that human nature varies as per the social and personal input that is received. For instance, people behave in a particular manner in south Indian languages. Again, the stature of the person also comes into account. For, different levels of words connect to different levels of people differently.
The same human behaviour cannot be expected in a native-English person, who lives only among native-English speakers. Again, this native-English individual will be different from a native-English speaker who lives among lower stature Indians. Again, this person would be different from an English native-speaker who lives among Indians of higher stature. All of them would be different from a native-English individual who lives in England in a community of mixed people, both native-English as well as feudal languages speakers.
Well, people change as per the reactions and retorts they receive from the others. I cannot go into that here. It is a slightly long theme.
The laws of Samudrikam might change according to the language of the native social system.
42. QUOTE: In some places, when a woman is in labour, her relations keep on measuring out rice into a measure close to the lying‐in room, in the belief that delivery will be accelerated thereby. END OF QUOTE
It would be quite interesting to know how this practise arrived. The source is always important. For, rituals can change from what was the original theme. Or it might even be a case of a lower stature group imitating a higher stature group. Whatever it is, the original understanding of how both items are connected is not known.
All superstitions could be taken back to their origin. The origins are not in the Brahmanical textbooks. That is what I understand. The Brahmanical scriptures at best would only contain the procedure of the rituals. To know the exact machinery of the rituals, one might need to go further back. Or study the items from an understanding that many of the blind beliefs might have an original version or at least a logical location, which could be traced out from the supernatural software code location.
43. QUOTE: it would be unlucky for a newly‐married couple to visit the museum, as their offspring would be deformed as the result of the mother having gazed on the skeletons and stuffed animals. END OF QUOTE
The above is not exactly a superstition. It is a known item that when the infant is in the mother’s womb, the mother should not be stressed by anything. In fact, I am of the opinion that if music is played near to the mother, it would have a soothing effect on the child in her womb. If she does mathematics at the time, it might give the child’s mind a boost.
Well, the child is living in an environment wherein very powerful software codes are working day and night to monitor each and every event. A slight elevation of one item or a sight going down of another item in the mother’s blood or elsewhere is immediately noted down and corrective actions ordered.
Human body and life are both the creation of supernatural software codes.
44. QUOTE: The birth of a Korava child on a new moon night is believed to augur a notorious thieving future for the infant. END OF QUOTE
The most noteworthy item about these kinds of writings found all over the book is that, Thurston is mentioning about the lower castes from a location of great proximity. No native person, in his or her right sense would approach the lower castes, in those days. They were actually dreaded as one might dread the wild animals.
Even now, people are wary of too much proximity to lower stature populations. For, the lower populations are loaded with negativity. However, this negativity is the creation of the feudal languages, and its imposition is by the higher castes.
From this perspective, English colonial writings are of superb content.
45. QUOTE: I have heard of a superstitious European police officer, who would not start in search of a criminal, because he came across a cat END OF QUOTE.
Two problems here. One is the term ‘European’. Thurston should have mentioned the nationality or language of the White skin. Celtic populations are different from English. And the British are different from some of the main Continental European nationalities.
The second item to be noted is that British colonial officials also did get to fear or believe in the local traditions and belief. It is actually an affect of being attuned to the local language codes. Once one gets to understand the local languages, it would be quite difficult to extricate oneself from its clutches.
46. QUOTE: ........... After the spirit had been thus propitiated, there was peace in the house. END OF QUOTE
Thurston here narrates an incident in which it purports that sorcery does work. He seems to take a most disinterested stand in his words.
47. QUOTE: "Throughout India," Mr J. D. E. Holmes writes, "but more especially in the Southern Presidency, among the native population, the value of a horse or ox principally depends on the existence and situation of certain hairmarks on the body of the animal. END OF QUOTE.
The words ‘throughout India’ should have been avoided by Holmes. It has created a noisy mess in the history of the subcontinent. The word ‘India’ used in the context of the subcontinent as known from outside has given rise to a very jingoist mood that has spread all over the new nation of India. That this nation was a continuation of some ancient culture called ‘India’ or ‘Bharath’ or Vedic culture etc.
The India that was created by the English colonial rule was British-India. Actually confined to three Presidencies and a little more. It was not created by England or Great Britain, but by a few officials of the East India Company, with the absolute support of the lower classes of the subcontinent.
The next point is that the above line points to a Samudrika-like system for the animals also. I do not know much about it. However, Thurston does mention what Mr. Holmes had recorded with regard to the Omen marks on horses and cattle.
QUOTE: I have heard of a Eurasian police officer, who attributed the theft of five hundred rupees, his official transfer to an unhealthy district, and other strokes of bad luck, to the purchase of a horse with unlucky curls. END OF QUOTE
Eurasians, if they are from a mix of English and native blood, lived in a world of oscillating verbal codes. One was planar, while the other was feudal. Thurston, in his Castes and Tribes of Southern India have noted that they are more prone to mental imbalance statistically. This is a point that all native-English nation should note. When native-English speakers get mixed up with feudal (discriminatory) language systems, mental balance will get affected.
48. QUOTE: One screech forebodes death; two screeches forebode ..................... END OF QUOTE.
Omens are decrypted from the screeches of the owls. Certain other birds’ sounds are also believed to herald imminent happenings. Fowls, pigeons, sparrows &c. are mentioned in connection with various omens and beliefs.
QUOTE: A species of owl, called pullu, is a highly dreaded bird. END OF QUOTE
QUOTE: Should a crow come near the house, and caw in its usual rapid raucous tones, it means that calamity is impending. But, should the bird indulge in its peculiar prolonged guttural note, happiness will ensue.......... END OF QUOTE
In fact, about both owls and crows, there is a number of Omens mentioned in the book. In so much so that if there is anything of a fact in this, it might be quite interesting to study the code view of this aspect. People believe in such things. Whether the people are fools to believe in such things is a debatable point.
49. A number of rituals and customary actions, and also beliefs are mentioned in the book. Here it might be good to note that in the issue of death also, there are some verbal issues. In at least some of the feudal languages, the word ‘died’ has two different levels. If an animal or lower man dies, the lower grade word is used for ‘has died’ or ‘have died’. If it is a person of ordinary standards who has died, a more normal grade word is used. If it is a person who has to be extended great ‘respect’, there are higher words for that also.
So, in short, in feudal languages, even the dead face discrimination.
There is no concept of a ‘refined elite’ in feudal languages. The so-called elites in feudal languages are basically the crude suppressive upper classes who bestow rotten definitions on the lower classes. This in turn creates a terrible accumulation of negativity in the suppressed classes that it becomes quite healthy to avoid them.
50. Expertise is required to decode the chirping of lizards. Thurston mentions of such persons. Iguana (Varanus), tortoise, snakes in sexual union etc. are said to give specific indications. The presence of a rat‐snake (Zamenis inucosus) in a house is believed to bring good fortune!
51. There are many beliefs that Thurston has mentioned, which might be mere hearsay. The problem is that he did depend upon some native scholars also. The native scholars are from the upper castes. It is quite a debatable point as to how much they knew the intimate details of the lower castes who they viewed with rank disgust.
Beyond that there is also the issue of repulsion towards the lower castes. In so much so that a bit of the repulsion might also enter into the details. As Thurston himself has admitted, there were many occasions wherein he had to depend upon the writings and other records of others including the ‘Indians’.
52. QUOTE: I am informed by Mr A. F. Martin, that he has seen a Muduvar on the Travancore hills much pulled down by fever seize an expiring black monkey (Semnopithecus johni), and suck the blood from its jugular vein END OF QUOTE
The black monkey (locally known as the Karinggurang) suffered terribly from this reputation. When the newly converted-to-Christianity settler classes arrived in the forest lands of Malabar, and occupied it immediately with the departure of the English rule, one of the most frequently killed animals were the black monkeys.
Beyond that there was its unfortunate reputation that its meat was of medicinal value. So, in the terrible melee that followed the departure of the English rule, there was a highly profitable business in Karinggurannu rasayanam (ayurvedic essence) (black monkey rasayana).
I vaguely remember a monkey thus killed being brought to my house for the purpose of selling when I was quite young (circa 1965). I am told that it had the looks of a small human baby.
53. QUOTE: It is noted by Mr F. Fawcett that the Savaras have names for numerals up to twelve only. END OF QUOTE
It is a very revealing information.
54. There is mention of the use of the bones of tigers, leopards, hyænas etc. and deer antlers in medicinal preparations. Black buck’s testicles are taken as an aphrodisiac. Pig fat is smeared on the body to ward off cholera. The fat of dugong was believed to be effective in the treatment of dysentery. The fat of peacock is believed to cure stiff joints.
However, the hill Kondhs considered leopards as sacred.
There is a caste, Jogi (Telugu mendicant) who ate cats. And also, there were people who objected to any harm to any cats.
QUOTE: On one occasion, I saw a Madiga (Telugu Pariah) carrying home a bag full of kittens, which he said he was going to eat. END OF QUOTE.
Thurston mentions that hyæna incisor teeth were tied round the loins of a woman in labour, to lessen the pains.
The flesh of the jackals is mentioned as a remedy for asthma. The reason why the people believed this is also given.
55. Thurston mentions Karadi panchamritham or what he defines as bear delicacy.
The belief is thus: the bears collect ripe wood-apples and store them. When a large quantity is ready, they bring honey, and petals of fragrant flowers, and heap them on the wood-apples. Then with their feet and sticks they thresh them.
What is produced is a very sweet eatable. The story goes that the Vedans (forest dwelling hunter caste) enter into the scene at this very moment, and drive the bears off. The delicacy is robbed by them, which they sell as Karadi Panchamritham.
It is quite possible that the story is just a marketing ploy of the Vedans.
Thurston does mention the ingredients of the ordinary Panchamritham.

56. The Koyis of the Godavari district are mentioned to claim descent from Bhima of the Pandava brothers, by his marriage with a wild woman of the woods. I wonder if this is a reference to Hidimbi, who was to marry Bhima in the forests.
Hidimbi brother was killed by Bhima. He is described as an asura. The asura word might not have an English equivalent. The general translation is demon. However, from an English perspective, the word demon does not mean asura. As per the Sanskrit antiquity, asuras are the opponents of the devas. Here again there is a meaning problem. The word deva is usually translated as god. However, it is doubtful if the deva word used for the opponents of the asuras were almighty gods.
At best, devas are some kind of super beings. And the asuras their opponents, even though there are incidences where they did collaborate on a mutual benefit scheme.
However, it must also be mentioned that the devas were offered prayers by the ordinary mortals. Over the ages, there do seem to be some kind of change in the hierarchy of the devas. The devas that are mentioned in the early Rig-Veda text do not really seem to figure in the Brahmanical religion’s trinity concept.
I am told that the Rig Vedic gods were Varuna, Indra, Mitra &c.
As to the Brahmanical religion of later years, the top gods are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
So there is something more that I do seem to have missed. However, I am not an expert in any of the things that I am commenting on here.
Coming back to the Bhima story, Hidimbi forces Bhima to marry her. I will leave that story here.
Locally the asuras are generally conceptualised as dark in skin-colour, while the devas are visualised as fair in complexion. If this theme is considered from the nonsensical US social framework, the theme is utterly racist. However, racism is actually a very small item. Only in English nations does it sound so great a problem.
In feudal language nations, a mere indicant word can paste stinking dirt on a person’s attributes. The native-English nations are not even aware of this terrible content.
57. It is mentioned that those of the Brahmanical religion use panchagavyam, i.e. the five products from a cow viz. milk, curd, butter, urine and dung to remove all pollution including that caused by a voyage across the seas.
The concept of ‘pollution’ is something to do with a negativity that has entered into the innate software codes.
58. There is this mention of the beautiful blue and white tiles, which adorn the floor of the synagogue of the White Jews in Cochin. They were actually for an old King of Cochin:
QUOTE: a wily Jew declared that bullock's blood must have been used in the preparation of the glaze, and offered to take them off the hands of the Raja, who was only too glad to get rid of them END OF QUOTE
59. Gadabas of Vizagapatam and Malai Vellala of Coimbatore have objections to touching a horse. In the case of the former, it is a sort of professional rivalry. For, they are palanquin-bearers.
60. Jungle Kadirs worship the wild elephants. Tamed elephants are seen by them as having lost their divine element. There might be some substance in the latter part. Being tamed means being on the lower indicant word codes of the servants of the natives landlords. It is a location where even the most divine personage will lose his or her divinity.
It is very much worse than a senior Indian government official being addressed as Nee or Thoo, by the servants in some rich household.
61. Brahmani kite (Haliastur Indus, Garuda pakshi) is revered by many. But the Kondhs will kill it. As per the Brahmanical traditions, Garuda is a divinity, and a vahana (vehicle) of Lord Vishnu. Garuda feeds on snakes, and hence the serpents regard Garuda as their enemy. Garudi Vidya is a mantra against snake poison. There are two Brahmanical scriptures, viz. Garudopanishad and Garuda Purana, wherein Garuda name is in the title.
62. QUOTE: There is a legend in the Kavarathi Island of the Laccadives, that a Mappilla tangal (Muhammadan priest) once cursed the crows for dropping their excrement on his person, and now there is not a crow on the island. END OF QUOTE.
As per my understanding, Tangals are not Islamic priests. They are considered to be the direct descendents of Prophet Muhammad. Some of them do practise a particular kind of occult art.
There is a curious issue connected to them in the local Malabari language. This issue is now in the Malayalam language also, which has displaced Malabari in Malabar. The Sunnis Muslims forbid the use of the lower indicant word Nee on them. However, in current-day times of mass compulsory education, this is an item that would be quite difficult to maintain. For, as per the current mass education policy, the teachers are the Brahmins and the students are the lower castes as per the indicant word codes.
63. QUOTE: there is a legend that the Kapus were once in chains, and the sparrows set them at liberty, and took the bondage on themselves.
So, some Kapu (Telugu cultivator) houses hang up food for sparrows who they revere. . END OF QUOTE
Seen from this perspective, the African blacks who reached the US as ‘slaves’ should really be offering similar things to the Whites of the confederate states. For saving them from the terrible tyrannies of their native lands and making them reach the levels of developed human populations. But then, due to the nonsensical indoctrination that they receive from insipid academic textbooks, they seem to believe that they lost their liberty in the US. What a wonderful understanding of Africa and Asia!
64. There is a mention of Jatayu. The ‘Chalk Hills’ of Salem district is belived to be the bones of Jatayu. When Sita, the consort of Rama was being kidnapped by Ravana and taken away in his flying vehicle, it was Jatayu who tried to stop him.
I think I will mention something about the Rama story. It is a story told or retold in Ramayana, which is mentioned as authored by Valmiki. My allusion would be about the verbal codes affects that can be seen in the story. I am more or less copying the text from my book: Shrouded Satanism in feudal languages:
QUOTE: There is the story of Rama, narrated in the Sanskrit epic Ramayana which is geographically connected to the area currently connected variously to current day north-west India, north India, Middle India, East India, Nepal, and South India, and even to Sri Lanka. Ramayana is in Sanskrit. It is said to be a great book with a lot of insights into human social and spiritual living. I have not read it, but do know a few of the stories in its vast canvas. I do not know anyone who has read it in the original.
Rama was sort of duped to marry a female who was said to be a princess, but actually was not. Looking from the spiritual point of view, what I am saying could be painful. However, seeing Rama as a person who lived in a feudal language nation, this could be a real havoc in his life. For, when he takes his wife to his household, the servants there wouldn’t treat her as a superior person.
It is a great problem. In the subcontinent, if a person from a powerful and socially superior family marries a female of lowly or doubtful family links, the most terrible danger is from the servant class of the family. The family members may or may not treat her with higher indicant words, depending on her husband’s stature. However, to make the servants associated to the family to use the higher indicant words would be quite difficult. They might do it perfunctorily. However, in the privacy of their own households, they would only mention her as an Aval (oal) or USS, instead of Avar (oar) or UNN. The husband’s social stature would get mighty affected.
Rama’s father, the king had three wives. Now, when the prospect of an un-acknowledgeable female becoming the queen becomes a real possibility, the main servant of the third wife spurs her mistress to stake her claims to crown her son as the next king, instead of Rama, who should actually become the next king, as per the codes of primogeniture.
In this incident, the power of the servant class is evident, which is not really visible otherwise. They stand as the pivot on which the higher persons rotate. They can literally change an indicant code word and tangibly swing superior persons on to any positional angle in the society. Very dangerous and diabolical power, indeed.
I understand that the Sanskrit epics Ramayana and Mahabharata may indeed contain a lot of social insights. Even in the behaviour of Sita, which required a Lakshman Reka to contain itself within acceptable norms, there are great insights about the powers inside a feudal language software. I do not want to go into that here, for it may take my writing into far-off locations.

A wife who the servants do not respect and see as a social senior can bring in disaster on the familial discipline over the servants. A wife whom the servants believe is one among them can be a problem to a limited extent even in England, when the family is from the nobility. However, the issue of a powerful indicant words dwarfing the wife and through her of her husband is not there in English. It is powerfully there in feudal languages. A servant’s husband is not an avar or adheham, but a mere avan. Even though, such words may not be openly spoken, the numerical values in the codes would sink to that level, even if the husband is perfunctorily mentioned as Avar or Ayaal.
In the case of Sita, she was an adopted daughter of a King. Naturally, it is obvious that at least some of the servants of her husband’s household were not willing to concede to her the status of a Royal princess. END OF QUOTE from Shrouded Satanism in feudal languages.
01. Intro
02. The frill issues
04. Code view, design view & real view
05. The exact danger in social development
07. The machinery of disparaging
09. A hint of the codes behind solid reality
13. The code version view of human beings
14. An observation at a personal level
15. A very powerful experiment
16. Locating the Voodoo-acting location
19. Words that crush and those that stretch
20. Software codes of Shamanism
21. Other supernatural software items
22. The issue of touching and of un-touch-ability
23. A detour to English colonial administration
24. Back to repulsions in touch
25. A supernatural way to off-set negativity
26. Allusions to the anecdotal black-tongue
27. Metamorphosing into a hermit
28. Back to the eerie realm of Evil Eyes
29. A thing that can provoke the evil eye
30. From my personal experience
31. Detecting an inserted code
35. Issue of viewing
36. A clue from the epics of the landscape
37. What bodes ill for England
39. The slow rattling and the rearrangement
40. Astrology and other divinations
41. Hidden codes in spiritual scriptures
44. Nonsensical theories of communication
45. Continuing on the serpent theme
46. Jinxed buildings
47. Jinxed positions around a place of worship
48. The second item: the broken mirror
49. Supernatural codes of building design
50. The spoken word and the effect of pronunciation
51. The Pied-Piper-of-Hamelin capacity
52. The diffusion of numerical values
53. The litmus test of stature codes
54. The working of the breached codes
55. On to the attributes of ‘sensation’
58. Use of urine, hair, nail, blood etc. in black arts
59. Lucky stones
62. A software based disease treatment system
63. The power of indicant words to redesign
64. The other means to investigate
66. Yantram
67. A warm talisman
68. Computer coding in feudal languages
69. Commentary 1
70. Commentary 2
71. Commentary 3
72. Commentary 4