March of the Evil Empires!
English versus the feudal languages!!

First drafted in 1989. First online edition around 2000
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Part 1 - An Introduction to a perspective
3. The overpowering force of a feudal language
As an introduction, and to make the reader understand the sheer force and power of these words in the vernacular, I will give a small illustration. Beforehand, I must mention that most of my illustrations that include my own personal experiences were noticed and recorded in my head because I was keenly observing all these aspects for the purpose of this writing.
When I was in Delhi*, a place where the language is Hindi, I used to go and meet many businessmen, in the course of my business, which included even meeting Publishers. Suppose when I am sitting with the Proprietor or Manager, or Editor, or even with my friend who may be a Businessman, I need a glass of water. I tell the man sitting opposite (in this case, either the Proprietor, Manager etc.) that I need a glass of water. He would immediately call his subordinate, either the lower staff or his secretary to get a glass of water. In Hindi, the word for He is either USS or UNN, and for For Him the words are USS Ko, and UNN Ko respectively. The former without formal respect and the latter with formal respect. What he would say would be: Give him a glass of water. Or something to that effect. When the first dialogue is dealt out, one can distinctly feel the subordinate personnel keenly seeking for the key word used, that is, whether it is USS or UNN.
The effect the different words can create is purely remarkable. For, if the word used is UNN, the whole atmosphere in the office changes, to an air of sweetness. The body language of the subordinate changes unconsciously to exhibit reverence and deference. There is not only an air of submission, but also a quickening of bodily movement to accomplish the requirement. At the same time, if the word used is USS, then also the effect is supremely phenomenal. The subordinate personnel’s body language changes to that of marked discourtesy, and the air in the whole office turns to that of indifference and disdain. A general immobility unconsciously comes into play. The requested item’s arrival is not as fast as could have been in the other case. In both cases, there would have been no other verbal communication made to indicate the importance, or lack of it, of the person referred to, other than the change of UNN to USS.
This exquisite power of words to propel or to retard social mobility and interaction has actually to be experienced to be understood. For persons who are attuned to the English systems to understand the sharpness of the sting that feudal languages have on human personality and psyche is very difficult, unless they know the feudal languages. For, even in the illustration given above, it needs to be emphasised that the person about whom the reference is made would actually also be exhibiting a corroborating body language that goes with the words used. Or at least, he is mentally forced to change his body language.
Now that I have made an illustration, I would like to declare that there is tremendous force in words in all feudal languages. And the general characteristics of a society, or nation, or even a country is the cumulative effect of all these words as used by different sections of society.
Words are connected to the whole society, and each and every word with a feudal connotation does connect every member of the society with a particular level of social standing. Once a particular word is connected to the personality of a person, and it spreads through the society, then that word acquires a tremendous energy with regard to that person. This word, and all the other words, that would then come in a package can exert a social force that can cause spontaneous belittling, or deliberate honouring of a person. And this effect, on the long term, can bring in changes in his personality, posture, bearing and demeanour. And it can affect all persons who are connected with him or her.
To sum it up, feudalism or hierarchy in communication brings in division, especially in heterogeneous people. Elders keep away from youngsters, seniors from juniors, the financially higher-ups from the underdogs, the teachers from the students etc. Moreover, the individuality of the inferior is stifled. But then it adds to the glory of the superiors. The studded respectability given to them and the meek obsequiousness exhibited by the inferiors affect the mentality of the former and add to their ego. The lesser persons find it natural that they are inferior. In this situation, the communication between the two is similar to that of a parent and a child. The former’s speech is in the form of a declaration, and the latter naturally would not dream of questioning the same, as it would amount to disrespect.
NOTE added on 21st of May 2016: The above mentioned ideas do need a lot of elaboration. What is given above is only a very superficial content of the exact phenomenon.
What I am saying here would be very easily understandable to all persons who have lived in a feudal language environment. For instance, I would say that persons from Asia would definitely get a beautiful idea of what I am meaning. And possibly the citizens of many a European country would also understand this. Yet, persons who are native English Speakers, and who have not lived in any other language environment, may not immediately understand the real understanding of what I mean. In a way, this theme remains a secret that has been kept away from the English-speaking social intelligence without much deliberate effort or concerted conspiracy.
Heed these words: In these times, when the English societies, that have contributed much to the modern world, is opening up to the whole world societies, and at the same time bearing the blame for all negativity that inflict the other societies, it is imperative that the English world understand, what it is that is coming over to their nations. And the long-term impact, it could have on their societies.
Here as a sort of footnote I wish to add that the word hierarchy is an English word. And so, naturally the concept of hierarchy is known to an English native speaker. However, when reading this book, he or she should bear in mind that the ‘hierarchy’ as understood in a feudal language setting, with varying levels of indicant words, is an entirely different phenomenon, with no connection or comparable meaning in the English language. The effect, both of benevolence and that of malevolence, that indicant words can have on human psyche is not easily relatable to an English mind.