March of the Evil Empires!
English versus the feudal languages!!

First drafted in 1989. First online edition around 2000
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Part 1 - An Introduction to a perspective
United States of America
This country is an absolute creation of the English natives. All social systems here are basically British; or to put it in more clear terms, English. However it was a country made by people who were forced to leave their sanctuary of home, native place, family, friends and everything that one may build up in a lifetime.
Incidentally, one may, for reasons of pedantry, claim that America is different from England, and so many similar things. It may be so. But I claim here to show that the great base and the canvas on which America exists are English. I will do it at a later stage.
USA is different from the South American countries, as Britain is different from the rest of Europe. America would have more in common with Canada, than with any of the South American countries. Off course, it is because of the sameness of language. Yet, both countries, one may notice, are prosperous, with good town planning, democratic in practice as different from democratic in pretence as in the South American countries; the citizens of both countries get dignity from the officialdom; as against either disdain if one is an ordinary mortal, and resounding respect if one is a big man in South America.
Yet, America is the place where the language can liberate anybody; even if they have lived in tutelage for decades in the stranglehold of their native tongues.
Now America is getting filled by people from diverse language background; from the West Europeans, East Europeans, the South Americans, Black Africans, Arabs, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Pakistanis, Sri. Lankans, Indians, and Bangladeshis etc. to many others of varying colours and languages.
When persons who have lived in the terrible regimentation of feudal languages, come over to America, and start speaking English with the same parameters that the British practice, the effect is one of supreme liberation. One, which they can never, never achieve in their own country, whatever their position or wealth. This statement needs a lot of elaboration and understanding; and can be dealt only at a later stage.
Yet the continuous and incessant bombardment of alien cultural ideology embedded in feudal languages, could create experiences, which are not English and will lead USA to social tensions. Though the extreme emotional disturbances, it causes would be understood as racial feelings and colour discrimination, the real reasons could be the strange, and disturbing social restructuring that is being forced on an easy going English society. Ordinary, peaceful persons would react violently to alien disturbing cultural signals, which are disturbing, and at the same time difficult to understand.
With callous indifference, one can claim that America is the melting pot of cultures. If full melting does take place, and an English mould is formed, it is all right. However I have fears that with this severe influx of alien cultures that come with a package of virus software, a stage may come, at least, in certain areas, where the innate resilience of the English structure may be severely tested; and cause much distress to the individual persons; and can in a matter of time, cause domino effect on many other areas, causing strange happenings of technological failure, inefficiency, conflict, hatred, events that may be described with shallow understanding as racially motivated, decent and peaceful persons acting with unnatural violence etc.
Rude officialdom, arrogant and trigger-happy police, increasing corruption, insolent attitude to persons who are judged to be doing lower jobs, time-consuming judiciary, rules and regulations, which are laughable in meaning but having a sting from which many get hurt, and a general feeling of hopeless for the solitary individual, as against the might of the society are all general characters of the effect of feudal languages.
What has to be borne in mind is that feudal languages do have elements in them, which aim at subjugation; and where they fail to do so, they may at least cause deep mental hurt. That too, in an extremely soft and inconspicuous manner, that it may not be discernible to another person, other than the person who felt it. Though persons who do not know these languages may not actually understand the full significance of each and every word; they may be able to sense the negativity from the body language of the person who says the words, and of the other’s of the same language who may actually understand it.
Beyond all this, there may be a factor of mental waves, or energy, which may radiate along with the words, which may have a deeper effect than is currently understood. It could all lead to a lot of side effects, possibly due to a sort of domino effect, and the effect need not be at the place the disturbance took place. Examples could be unexplainable road rages, air rages, shooting of colleagues, and so many actions with criminal overtones, by seemingly decent persons.
Yet, persons who actually come from these feudal language countries would display a supreme level of emotional balance, which they could and would never have displayed in their own country. For, what they are experiencing is a freedom in the English nations, which they could not have dreamt of, in their wildest dreams, if they did have the imagination to conceptualise it.
More, actually much more, needs to be said on America; but those things can be dealt with only after much discussion of other basic things, is finished.