March of the Evil Empires!
English versus the feudal languages!!

First drafted in 1989. First online edition around 2000
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Part 2 - Delineation of a feudal language nation
10. The social effects of a feudal language
An introduction
The capacity to communicate is an important aspect of human personality and a person’s ability to communicate freely adds to his confidence and mobility. In any group, organisation, or conversation, a person’s individuality rises directly as his communication rises. It allows him to feel that he is equal to the others in the group. When he cannot communicate freely with others, a feeling of inferiority and mental dwarfing envelops him and his whole personality is stifled. He becomes mentally impotent. He cannot attain an attitude of equality with others.
At this state, others also give him the wide-berth, as by moving to his level, they would belittle themselves, in the eyes of the others. For, they fear, rightfully, that his negative social attributes would be catching. This situation can affect the behavioural attitude of these persons, to him.
In a feudal language environment, the senior should take pain to show that he is the senior. He should definitely use such suitable lower indicant terms to an inferior so as to leave no doubt of his inferiority. Too much informality with a junior is dangerous. For, he may think that the relation is too casual, to use the right terms of respect. This may make him mentally free to use terms devoid of respect in addressing or referring to the senior. This, if done, in the presence of others could put the senior/s in uncomfortable positions. In fact, it would be socially cataclysmic.
Illustration: If one deals with a younger person, naturally the younger person has to use the suffix of Chettan (for males) or Chechi (for females), when addressing the senior-aged person by name, in Malayalam. Now if one senior-aged person, does deal with a youngster in a very polite and highly interacting manner, also without much allusion to his senior age, the youngster would immediately address him without any suffix of respect, which when heard by others would signify to them that the senior man has not been able to extract any respect from the younger man. For example: A senior person by name Balan, if not addressed as Balettan, by a youngster, becomes a very significant pointer of social insignificance. Actually, for Balan, social living would become absolutely impossible.
Any sensible person from the senior group would keep the youngster in his position. For if that youngster tries to be more informal, his own standing with others could be wrecked.
At the same time, the person below is continuously searching for companions to fit in his level or over whom he can lord. At the first opportunity, any individual presents himself with any lesser attributes, he is forcefully brought to this level by the right use of the lower indicant words. So, the higher guy is also wary of being judged at a lesser level, and tries to exhibit his own more prominent positive points as much as possible and tries to see that he can maintain his position on the pedestal.
Formation of castes
The hierarchy in the language has created the numerous castes in India. However in India, the historical experience was not as in Japan. Here in India, it is a highly heterogeneous group of peoples, all competing in different levels and having different historical experiences. The same group or caste may have had different experience and different social levels in different areas.
It is not easy to go into the ancient periods to see the gradual formation of castes. But it would be easier to understand the same if one can examine a case that is happening in the immediate present. Before attempting this, the reader is reminded that feudal languages act on one’s occupation. For, occupation is an immediate, easy and very tangible piece of social indication to measure a person, and his social levels.
The general character of this society is that the lesser person has no voice or is accepted as insignificant. If he tries to be articulate, it is regarded as impertinence. That he is inferior, and hence should show his inferiority is inbred in the lesser person. There is an unconscious mental dwarfing and instinctive subduing of the lesser person in the society. At the same time, it is impossible for the higher-up to adopt informal behaviour to the lesser persons. For the latter are mentally programmed to consider such expressions as more casual than it is actually meant to be. In other words, persons who exist in lower category, like lesser age, lower social status, if allowed to exhibit an assertive demeanour, would exceed their limits. They would naturally like to expand in areas where there is weak resistance. And the whole affect can be disturbing.
A driver’s experience: In India, all drivers of commercial vehicles are required to wear Kakki* uniforms. If any taxi-driver or lorry driver is found not wearing at least a Kakki shirt, he is penalised. This kakki helps the police, and other allied government departments, like the Motor Vehicle department, the State Excise department, The Central Excise department, The Sales Tax department and other innumerable departments in the regimentation of the commercial drivers.
Once a person wears a Kakki uniform of the commercial driver, it is only natural that the police and other department personnel treat him with contempt. The words used to him and about him are both derogatory and of the lowest indicant level. In the case of drivers of senior age, some restraint may be exercised in this regard, but still the sting would remain. Now, only persons who are mentally prepared to bear this taunt, or only persons who circumstances have forced, would go for this job. Yet, there are a lot of persons who desperately aim to get this profession. Persons from the lower income, uneducated groups etc., like this job. Many of the others would also like it, if the social inhibition weren’t there.
Most of these persons who do this job, do not mind the taunt of the Police and other officials, and take it in good spirit. They exhibit a sort of cringing obedience to these officials. In many cases, the lowest level police sepoys force them to give minor unofficial menial assistance.
Many drivers do not mind the insults from the officials that go with their profession, if they are from a lower, uneducated class. For, they would be happy that in their profession there can be no competition from the educated, English-speaking, intelligent, highly mobile class. Others who have rectitude, may not be able to bear the taunts. They would quit the profession for better jobs. However, it must be admitted that this is a profession that has a certain level of positive aspects in it. For, in India, most of the people travel very little from their home base. Many would very rarely have travelled more than 50 kilometres from their base. I do not include persons whose job is connected to travel, or of those who get transferred to other places, or about the bureaucrats, who are financially supported by the government to travel and enjoy their life at public expense. When one takes this aspect into account, the commercial drivers’ jobs do have a lot of charm to it. For along with the aspect of seeing distance places and diverse cultures, there is the lingering aspect of adventure to it.
The commercial driver is seen as a person with a negative attribute about him in many relatively higher social areas. At the same time, it may be mentioned in passing that he also does exist on the higher indicant level with so many others around him. But with the selective joining of persons who are mentally attuned to bearing the taunts and the capacity to behave obsequiously, this profession is slowly becoming a sort of caste of its own.
Actually, this problem is there with every profession. People are at ease with professionals whose social level is clearly understood. In many cases, one gets to know the clear social level of only one’s own professional partners. Others come with varying attributes, which sometimes can be confusing. As such, each profession tends to form a sort of caste or even a guild.
So, the hierarchy in language was responsible for caste. Wherever there is anything resembling caste, you may be sure that the language is graded .The feudal language assigns an inferior position to the lesser guys. Once a person is branded by the language to be lesser, free interaction with him is get connected to specific limitations. At the same time, the lesser guy seeks to find who he can address as an inferior. This is his security. The society becomes caste-ridden. This language keeps the higher-ups in a secure enclosure. The person who sits and talks in superior. The person who is physically-skilled should be inferior. The culture degrades physical talents.
Yet it may also be understood, that the superior class of persons are mortally afraid of any impertinent person from the lower class using the wrong indicant words to themselves or to their children. It is actually a factor of real terror or at least of enduring mental distress. Wide berth is given to such characters, socially. If it not possible, then it is factor of ongoing torment.
The nation of India is not the ancient location in the South Asian peninsula, where people lived in isolated villages and town, with a monotonous social stagnation that stayed on for years. Now the people are inundated with all sorts of experiences, education, foreign travels, foreign jobs etc. that the new castes formed now, may not be enduring.
But then, there are other evidences of the acknowledgement of this reality. For, in earlier times, one would be comfortable in marrying a person from the same caste. However in modern times, it may not always be the case. For a lady doctor from one caste may not be comfortable with a tailor or a driver or a clerk in a private firm, unless that person is an exception to the usual persons who are in these professions, in his intellectual interests. At the same time, she may be more comfortable in marrying a person from another caste, who is a doctor, a college teacher, an engineer etc. if both of them do have the same intellectual passions. There have been many examples of many such marriages taking place. The local sociologists have mistakenly taken these phenomena to mean a growing tendency to dispense with caste identities.
In this, they are mistaken in that they have not kept in mind the fact that the most evident logic of caste is professional status. The new marriages do stick to that rule. That means actually new caste-like feeling is the motivating factor for these marriages. Though it is certain that in the modern times new castes are being formed, no new caste can survive if there is enough social mobility in India.
The debate: The whole discussion on caste and its allied effects was to show the tenacity and grasp of the feudal language in the designing of the structure of a society. Once this factor is clearly understood, it may be easier to debate on the finer aspect of this factor.
Let us take the case of the taxi-drivers of India. In an English speaking country, there would be no understanding that they do belong to some lesser human elements. Let us say that one such Indian man marries into a family, which was maintaining a higher indicant level in society. In Indian society, each person comes with a non-tangible aspect to him. That is, even to initiate talk with him, it is comfortable to know a lot about him; like his family standards, financial capacity, whether he is an employee or an employer, what are his parents, does he live in a good house? etc.
Actually to facilitate communication in its absence, the feudal language has a character different from that of English. For example, in English, we ask: Where are you going? or What is your job? etc. In Malayalam, the question can be effectively asked as: Going where? or Job what? There is nothing wrong in the grammar. The effective meaning is, more or less, the same. In this way, one can communicate formally with a person, whose antecedents aren’t clear.
The Barber: With the coming of English, many considered-inferior jobs have gained a lot of dignity. One is that of the haircutter or barber. In many Indian vernaculars, the words for these professionals were not very attractive. In fact, there was, in existence, a lower level caste, with the specific job of cutting hair, shaving and other allied services. Being a lower caste, the members of this caste had a lot of social restrictions.
In many places, many lower castes did join Muslim or Christian religion to escape this tyranny. Imagine a case of two lower caste barbers. They are acquaintances. Then one fine morning one of them changes to Islam. The most remarkable change would be that now he can sit and interact with a lot of people of varying social status, among the Muslims. The lower caste social strictures do not bother him. Now, who gets hurt? The other barber, who was his acquaintance! Naturally, it grows into a grudge, starting with individuals, leading to grudge between the lower castes and the Muslims.
Here it may be noted that though both the lower castes and the Muslims talk the same language in a place, it is generally found that the Muslim version of the language is more bereft of hierarchy, or at least, its hierarchies are different in structure, from that of the Hindu and the lower caste version of the language. However in modern times, this difference is narrowing and the Muslim version is increasingly reflecting the traditional hierarchies encrypted in the social system.
Society as a giant Computer
We can understand the society as a giant computer. If each individual is a separate file, then it would have a separate file name for referring to, or connecting to, or hyperlink-ing to, or opening or categorising etc. that person. An ordinary file may have the following address: C\My Documents\ved\languages\debate. Now this is the file address of the file. Any man, who sees this, understands that this file is in the C drive and not in any other drive like D, E, F etc. The sub connections also give him an understanding as to what all folders are in association with this file in My Documents, the other sub associations in the folder in ved; the subsidiary associations in languages etc.
Consider another file with address: C\My Documents\ved\range\debate. One can understand that though the name of the file is debate, it is not in the group under languages. At the same time, one knows that at a higher level, it has an association, as the rest of the address is same. One may mentally make an understanding of what type of things are in this file by the association it has with the other files. That is, at range, as different from language folder.
Now if one of the associated folder in My Documents or the files in the sub folders do have a virus in it, it is possible that when one tries to open the file debate, or tries to communicate with it, a possibility of getting infected with the virus in the folder is there.
In the same way in Indian society, every single individual is evaluated according to a particular address that comes along with him. If this is not clear, people go on monitoring and checking and asking questions to ascertain a person’s credential or something beyond its ambit. In the case of a higher indicant family in India, in many places the term driver acts as a virus on the social scene. The person may be good or bad. May be of good character or of bad character. He may be intelligent or may lack it. All these don’t come into the picture. When the driver’s wife’s parents are introduced in unknown social circles, the file address would contain this virus, or an understanding of an association, which may be disastrous for the family or for the parents.
In India, when a girl falls in love with a lower caste person, and marry him, the results can be disastrous. In North India, in areas and in communities where people dread to have any association with persons whose social attributes are not acceptable, simply kill the girl. Or else, they abscond from their social circles. The problem is basically related to language and the negative attributes that come as a virus software in it.
The same happens when in the same community, the son or daughter marries a person who is below them in social status and acceptability. This factor has been dealt within the context of marriages. However to just conclude the argument here, let it be understood that a negative attribute pulls a family’s or a person’s indicant words to the lower level. For example, in Malayalam where a man has to be addressed as Ningal, for You, the other man may just by hearing of a lower connection in the social address simply and without much ado use the word Nee. The other words like He, She, Him, Her etc. would all come down just because of a negative factor in the social attributes.
Nobody can be blamed for this. For, the other man would only be using the term that comes naturally on measuring a person on the basis of his social measurement. It is not usual for one man to say that he does not belong to that level of persons, and the usage need to be changed. Usually the addressed person simply goes into a level of uneasy stupor. However there have been plenty of cases where the aggrieved person has protested and claimed his rightful level. But it is not easy. If there is no one to introduce a man’s rightful level, then if he claims to higher levels without obvious and adequate evidence, the effect could be ludicrous, if not painful. Since in this language, the third man has the power to judge and place a man socially, the power of the society is very high and in many occasions, unbearably so, as to forcefully persuade a man to do its bidding.
Vulnerability of the Black Sheep*: Persons who move beyond the dictates of society and other such persons who try to move at their own logical levels would find the society’s strength overwhelming. For, they have to have a level of respect to move among the many ingredient of society which may consist of tough men, simpletons, mean women, petty-minded persons, the taunting persons, the bullies, the children, the rich, the poor etc. Without something that fits the society’s evaluation machinery to own or to exhibit, either money, good job, educational qualifications, good family connections and any such things, the person may, in spite of being a genius or a talented person or a person who has decided to live a life of renunciation, find that it is not easy to communicate with the world, other than from a low level of social existence. In which case, the existence would be intolerable compared to what a similar man would experience in an English world.
Yet it must be admitted that persons who have lived life at the bottom of the society, as a way of life, would not feel the sting, being used to it since birth. However they are not the type of persons I mention here. The person of rectitude would be more vulnerable to the sharp stings of the meaner elements of society.
In an environment of Indian languages, the society is strong. The individual is weak. For him to maintain his respectability and social standing, he should be careful in his behavioural codes, dealings and actions, even if they do not bother others. For according to these, he is ruthlessly judged. The language, on this basis, assigns him a position in society. The weak, the failed, the meek, the modest and the person whose personal virtues are not liked by others would find the society both political and as well as social, too overpowering. In English, the society cannot be so powerful.
Here I may try to explain the concept of society’s power. If any man gets an attribute, which is either of a higher or a lower indicant level, then this understanding goes as a sort of a computer file into the brain of all persons in the society who come to know about it. If the understanding is of the lower indicant level, the person’s details are stored in a file with a lesser indicant attributes and the contents are of relative negative implications.
These negative, lower indicant level attributes are automatically levied on to all aspects of communication about this man by the particular human brain. When a lot of persons in the same society start storing the same man’s attributes with the same qualities, then these cumulative programmes become a very overwhelming force. The concerned person understands that the society views him like this or that, and he can see the physical force of it, when he is addressed in the lower indicant words, when another person with him is extended the higher indicant words; when the other man is given a chair to sit, while he is denied it; when others are polite to the other man, while he is treated with disdain; when the other man’s requests are taken care of fast while his request are sat upon. The cumulative effect is very, very awful, oppressive and frightening. All sane men would strive to keep away from anybody, any event, or any institution that would reduce their indicant level.
As an appendage to this discussion related to castes, one might say that the feelings that give rise to untouchables, is actually a component of the oppression inherent in the hierarchical language. The very division of society into varying indicant levels causes the emotions that make a man an untouchable. For, the suppression by language is brutal and can be understood only by a person who has undergone it or by a person with understanding, who has seen its crippling power being used with defenceless sting. The suppressed person himself would have a supreme understanding that he is unfit to sit in the superior’s environment and poison it with his presence. For, his presence would definitely putrefy the social scene.
This understanding is in marked difference to that of the Blacks in America. They came as slaves. However the social software they experienced in an English environment was mentally invigorating. Even though they may talk of many grievances, the social system they functioned was fully that of the Englander-English. To make it clear, let me tell you there were many lower caste people who still live in Kerala. They were not tied up or put on chains. However they existed as slaves of the landed aristocracy. They never would sit with their superior social beings. Nor would they claim to any sense of social equality. If anyone did tell them that they are mentally equal to their janmis or landlords, they would have just laughed and decided that that man was mad. Yet, legally they were not slaves.

The very obvious lower-caste looks connected to centuries of pejorative usages by varying levels of lower castes above them. The right to sit on a chair and wear a shirt came with English rule in the subcontinent. Picture source: pazhayathublogspotin/
The Blacks in the USA: Yet the Blacks in U.S.A, though they were legally slaves, could address their White slave-masters and their family members with their names, with a Mr., Mrs., Miss., or Master prefixed to it. The word You was same, the word He was same and the words He, She, Him, Her, His, Hers and the many other words and usage that could have discriminated against them were the same and non-discriminatory. The social understanding, of dignity and rectitude, it imparted to the Black Slaves of U.S.A cannot be easily understood. However, maybe their case can be compared to the plight of Black Slaves in other nations, including Africa
In the U.S.A, the only way to enforce a feeling of slavery was the using of brutal force. In India, there is no need for that. The slave admits to his being a slave. However once a slave comes into the world of English, then to make a person believe that he or she is a slave requires some external contraption like a metal chain. In India, the language does the work of the chain, with much more efficiency and effectiveness.
The mental development that accrues to a man from Africa, who was most possibly living as a subordinate to the local feudal lords there, once he came to the U.S.A, is not easy to understand. However, it can be compared with another hypothetical, and yet plausible situation. Imagine a possibility that one Kerala very low caste* child can go to Great Britain or America, and contemplate on the difference in personality, mental and physical development, and sense of freedom, he or she would achieve and compare it to the lower caste child who was stuck with his or her countrymen. That is what the Blacks of U.S.A have experienced. They are sure that they are equal to the whites. For the Indian social slaves to understand this concept took a long, long time, and it is still an ongoing, and end unseen, process. This too was given impetus only with the coming of the English language in the society.
It is not easy to make a Black in U.S.A understand why he is so lucky. In India, if a similar socially placed person were taken to the police station for any questioning, he would not be treated like he is in the U.S.A. First of all, he would not be allowed to sit anywhere other than on the floor. All communication with him by the police officials would in brute, low indicant words, while he or she would have to address in consistently high indicant words. The mental affect this environment and words have on a man in not easy to describe in English. However since these persons are in similar positions in the open society also, they would not be keenly aware that they are placed in a position of disadvantage inside the police station, and that they do have certain claims to better behaviour from the so-called public servants.
I may put it in definite terms that the Blacks in the USA are very lucky, for they, by just being in that country, have naturally imbibed the real Englander systems, as practised by the British natives there. It is indeed an enviable thing, which many persons around the world, including India, would give much to get. To put it in most absolute terms, for me or my children to get the same, it would cost a fortune in Indian money.
Coming back to India, the greatest effect of this type of behaviour is that the underprivileged do not see anything wrong in this social set-up and they would be very uneasy if anything different is extended to them or to their fellowmen. For, if one of them is given a seat and treated with dignity, it would naturally create a great deal of mental tension to the others, as they would immediately stand in a lower position to this man. That they would not be able to bear at all, even though they can bear the humiliation dished out to them by the higher classes. Also, in many cases, the lower level man who was given a polite treatment may even misunderstand the situation, and try to be more assertive than he would have ever done to anyone before. In other words, the persons, who were genial to him, would hastily regret their act.
In fact, the assertion of rights, by the blacks in the U.S.A is really a component of the higher level of communication and interaction they received in English language. If they had been slaves in a language like Malayalam, they would not feel much like they are equal to the White Men. Also, any action of theirs to assert independence and individuality would not evoke the same level of sympathy as it has done so far. For, there are millions of people in India who live in extreme levels of indignity. Yet, nobody wants to have any dealing with them, other than be their leaders. Being a leader effectively keeps them above the populace. It turns out to be a luxury, in a nation where some kind of social prominence helps everybody to keep his own level above the common man. I can assure you that there have been very many persons who used them as a stepping-stone to international fame, as the same time dishing out a lot of buffoonery to them.
Everyone in India, talks about the exploitations by the English nations. Yet, exploitation of any fallen being is a software code in the feudal languages. Once the indicant word level is down, then there is no limit to one’s ingenuity to exploit another human being, who is in extreme conditions. One can then publicly talk of exploiting another person who is low in the indicant level. Nobody finds anything wrong about it. I have heard women talk of very good servants, who are very loyal and hard-working with appreciation. Yet, they also talk and use guile, to block any attempt by which this maid may escape their clutches through marriage. The poor servant vainly believes that her loyalty and hard labour would be rewarded with benevolence. The opposite takes place. Since, she is good, all attempts are made with shameless sincerity, to see that any marriage proposal that comes her way is warded off. At the same time, she is kept in a terrible feeling of gratitude, for any crumbs (that can never save her) which is given to her.
Bridging the Class divide
Imagine a social boss, with a lot of workers under him. He would be addressed with consistently respectful, higher indicant words by his workers. Naturally, many others in the society would also follow suit. Persons who are connected to this business, like head-load workers, taxi drivers, clerks in non-government establishments, agricultural workers etc would address him with the higher indicant, and all reference to him would be with the higher indicants.
In Malayalam, the words used would be Saar, Thangal, Muthalali, Ningal (in Malabari), etc. in the guise of You. One may remember that the words Nee, Thaan, E-yaal, Ningal (in Malayalam) are the lower indicant words for You.
For the word He, the higher indicant words used would be Saar, Avar, Adheham etc. The lower indicant words would be A-yaal, Avan, O-an (in Malabari) etc.
Now, this higher indicant words would be providing a halo of social security to the Boss. Wherever he goes, he instinctively expects and receives the higher indicant words. The workers and other socially inferior persons would not even think of disputing this right. There would be no problem in this regard. In their mental software, this man and his attributes would be stored in a position of dignity and reverence. Generally, nothing of any awkward situation occurs.
Now, imagine a situation, where an occasion for social havoc can occur. For example, one day this boss’s sister sees a young worker and somehow and gets infatuated. Both enter into the perils of romance. Braving the distress and admonitions of others including the boss’s, they marry. Now, the boss is in a mighty big social calamity. If the boss is a very big shot, he may be able to save the situation by moving the couple from the local society and planting them elsewhere. However, usually such a thing is impossible.
If he moves with the couple socially, and be in deep contact with them, then a very natural phenomenon would take place. The entire society would not lift the worker to the level of the boss. Yet, the boss’s association with him would improve his mental and social address. At the same time, the boss’s own mental address would start coming down. When both the brothers-in-law are mentioned together in social circles, slowly the new brother-in-law’s indicant levels would infect that of the boss. In many areas, both would be mentioned with the same indicant words. This would immediately affect the social mobility of the boss. He would find that the cloak of social halo, that he possessed and maintained with careless adherence, slowly becoming unstuck. Later, he would find that to maintain the higher indicant levels, he would have to put in deliberate and painful effort. However this would only spoil the show, and the attribute of friendly disposition that he was reputed to have would slowly disappear. Where he was at ease with the subordinate crowd, now he would cease to be at his ease. For, the class divide that the language had created would be bridged. For him, it would be a case of a virus attack on his indicant word codes.
Now, usually such things do not happen every day. For, every person in the society, including the female members, is aware of the freedom that each class distinction would lend in terms of communication and movement. Yet, the newspapers do report many such cases, and in many cases, terrible violence has happened.
Now this is a psychological factor, which will tend to influence a lot of interpersonal relationships. It is true that everyone likes to move in the class of persons who belonged to the same professional or cultural group. Earlier in the subcontinent, there was sharp segregation based on caste, which more or less assured this. However, after the formation of British-India and afterwards, when social structures have tumbled, there has been grouping of persons who though belonging to the same professional or financial group, do not necessarily belong to the same cultural or intellectual group. When they mix or interact, a certain amount of negativity is created in the air.
Language and class
When I do debate about class, one may think that the members of the various lower classes are all in terrible mental deprivation, and do not have any assertiveness or leadership quality. Again, it is a misconception and misunderstanding, created by trying to understand a concept, which from the English point of view is absolutely weird.
Let me take the case of one IAS officer, and his peon. The IAS cadre is the highest official cadre in India, where young men join in senior post. This cadre is actually a grotesque continuation of the erstwhile ICS of the English-rule times.
Naturally this IAS officer, who comes as a Collector of a district can be a young man. His peon can be an older man. As per the dictates of the feudal language, there would be a big chasm of difference between the psychological and social levels of the IAS man and his peon. Do not try to compare this between the social differences between similar men in an English context. For, even though the settings may seem similar, the reality is not same.
Even though one may think that the peon is under a lot of social inhibitions, actually in his own levels, he would be building up a lot of hierarchy based on indicant words, wherein he is senior position, mainly on the basis of age. All younger persons and other persons of lower financial and social levels would be kept in sharp subjugation by the usage of heavy indicant words. Moreover, being a government ‘peon officer’, he would be given feudal ‘respect’ by a lot of lower financial class people.
Now think of a friend of the young IAS officer, who is not having a displayable official or financial address. If he moves and remains in the enclosed social atmosphere of the IAS officer in the presence of the peon, then he also gets the same respect in indicant words from the peon as is accorded to the IAS official.
However, if he makes the mistake of becoming acquainted to the peon on a personal basis, and exchange pleasantries, in a manner that disables his higher connection, then he is in for trouble. For, once the earlier address of senior connection is disabled, then the other social hierarchy communication codes takes over. In this verbal code location, what comes out is the fact that he is a younger man compared to the peon. He has no displayable official position to exhibit. He is a friendly person, etc. All these now turn negative attributes.
The peon and all his associates of similar age, and even their family members, almost instinctively and spontaneously change the indicant words, assigned to him to the lower levels. The affect is that of an absolute blackening of the social levels of this person, to the levels of that of the peon. Whatever seniority he manages to get among the lower persons still goes below the level of his friend, who would then find his presence a stark nuisance. For, interacting with him would be similar to interacting with the level of his peon.

Being under the upper classes of the Subcontinent is a terrible state of existence. This is due to the pejorative content in the spoken languages. Picture source:
The real feelings are not really conveyable in an English language setting. When Englishmen brood in deep pain about the way they have treated their servants from the Afro-Asian nations during the colonial times, they should also have an awareness that the way they treated their servants in most cases were much better than the way the Afro-Asians would treat their own servants. In most cases, the persons involved would have been happier to serve the ‘brutal’ Englishmen, than their own ‘nicer’ fellow countrymen.
Do not believe that all colonial natives were from the servant class. For many were from the feudal, rich socially stifling class and also from other socially assertive classes.
Parks and Seaside
Now let us look at the parks, seaside and other interesting places where the common man and his family can go and relax. There are a lot of such places in this country. Yet, you would not find the rich, affluent and modern dressed class coming and relaxing there. They seek out places where the ordinary person cannot come, see, and talk to them.
At the same time, the ordinary person is always on the lookout to intrude into the privacy of anyone, out-of-the-ordinary, he finds in a public place. However if he is properly kept in his social position and made to understand this factor, he would not come near. In India, the social reality is either one of these. And definitely not a very healthy social mental level. A level in which many levels of society do not want to see or acknowledge a lot many others in the society.
Very few people use the abundant number of rivers and lakes, and streams for swimming. Even sea-swimming is a rare thing in India. Nobody (especially the persons with of higher social levels) wants to do anything that makes one move in areas where one need to interact with persons of unknown indicant levels; and where one’s own indicant levels are not immediately show-able.
I used to take a lot of hitchhikers when going long-distance in my private jeep. From this experience, I got a curious understanding of the Indian psyche. Very rarely does an Indian give another unfamiliar Indian a lift* in his vehicle, when requested. For, most people who own vehicles do not want to mingle with the common Indian crowd. If at all they do give lifts, it is generally to those who look affluent. If one does give a lift to a person who may be below one’s own indicant level, the incidental conversation may become one of a nuisance after some time. In this regard also, the Indian crowd stands in sharp contrast to the society in the English Nations.
Democracy: When we talk about social equality, we must talk about democracy, which is really a sprout of the equality of communication in society. Without this basic factor, whatever formal form of democracy comes about, it would only be a façade.
Democracy is an English concept. Here democracy is not confined to just periodic elections, universal adult franchise, secret ballot, parliamentary system of government, bi-party systems, cabinet rule etc. British democracy is not working just because of all this. British democracy is embedded in the English language. The language assures that every individual, at an individual level is equal. Any official can be addressed by his surname. Other words do not discriminate any citizen on the basis of his station. No political leader or bureaucrat, is holy or unapproachable, or beyond an ordinary citizens purview of critical analysis. The language psychology does not awe an ordinary man due to the magnificence of anybody or any institution.
However the environment is not the same in India. The language makes holy anybody, or anything, or any institution, which is deemed superior for an ordinary citizen. The political leaders, the bureaucrats, the prosperous men, wealthy businessmen, all are naturally superior as per the Indian languages. Here even if there were a hundred institutions, which have formal elections and such other manifestations of democracy, there would not be any real democracy. For, the ordinary person is naturally inferior to the person who comes to power. His communication is crippled.
At the same time, in an English-speaking-institution, even if there were no external manifestations of institutional democracy, communication between the ordinary member and the positional leader would be of a more equal level. So, it should be understood that in India even if the formal processes of democracy are working, the instinctive checks and balances of democracy would not work. For, in this situation the whole administrative machinery would be working for the convenience of the higher-ups. Because of this, in India the private individual is highly vulnerable, especially if he does not have some financial or social backing.
In any organisation, if English is the medium of conversation, then one can discern an atmosphere of easy interaction. The dialogue between the various positions of people, who come into contact every day, is one of a casual nature. Not much importance is given to formal actions of respect and seniority.
At the same time in any Indian office, private or govt., if the medium of conversation is vernacular, then there is marked subduing of the junior’s individuality. They adopt an attitude of conceding to the senior: Do not sit and talk to them, are careful in speech not to seem too casual, lest their senior feels slighted; any information which is not liked or is contrary to that held by the senior is withheld.
3 - The general social affects
4 - The officialdom
5 - The Police
6 - Efficiency
7 - Women
8 - Family System
9 - Bureaucracy
10 - The social effects of a feudal language
11 - The concept of politeness
15 - The miscellaneous affects
16 - Dignity of labour
17 - Teacher and student
19 - Economy and its connection with the language of the place
20 - Social titles and their effect
21 - Revolution