March of the Evil Empires!
English versus the feudal languages!!

First drafted in 1989. First online edition around 2000
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Part 3 - the ramifications
11. Virus in the workplace
Virus in the work place
When the persons from the feudal language areas start living in the English communities and work with them, those of them who are from a very good English background would not find anything new in the whole environment, other than the fact that it perfectly fits their mental picture of a highly dynamic, efficient working environment. But, persons, who come from the feudal language mindset, would, apart from liking the general ambiance of the place, and the work culture, find that the English people are not of a towering personality that they had imagined. Many levels of communication that they would not have dared to do with a local small-time government official, or a senior relative, or a prominent man in a small-time town in their native nation, they would find they can do with many senior levels of people in this English nation. Ordinary decent people would be very simple. In that sense not very cunning and shrewd, lacking the instinctive tendency for manipulation and false talk that they would have found in many of their countrymen, or they themselves would be masters in. Here, I am talking in relative terms.
At the same time, if any group of the same feudal language persons converge in a particular profession, in the same work area, then it would be a breeding place of the virus. I would also be a platform from where the virus would launch itself to infect all systems of human functioning that comes into contact with it.
This phenomenon can be discussed in a variety of ways. Suppose there are a lot of nurses of the same feudal language in a hospital. Naturally, they would all talk to each other in their native tongue. The speciality of this communication would be that not only would they split the whole society inside the hospital into various levels of superiority and inferiority, but also that their methods of judging and measuring the merits of a person would be of a very repulsive type. Along with that, they would place themselves in a position in a particular level, the attributes of which would be different from what a native English programmed nurse would be having in mind. Along with placing themselves in a mean or mighty area, depending on with whom they are comparing themselves with, they would mentally place all other colleagues of theirs in similar positions. All this is not done deliberately or with sinister intensions, but is a natural corollary of understanding society in a feudal language.
Moreover, the patients who come also would feel a strange difference in mental placing going on. Generally, as it is, there is a slight amount of disdain for the poor or unsupported man, all over the world. When this comes in combination with the power of lower indicant words, a person who is not used to this new factor would find the whole experience severely daunting. It is a feeling he would not be able to explain in words. Yet a deep sense of mental frustration would develop, which may even affect his mental sanity.
It may be mentioned here in passing that when such nurses work in psychiatric or related fields in a medical field, they could really have a deep unsettling affect on the patients, even when their external behaviour is commendable. Moreover, when dealing with children also, they can cause much mental harm.
Now, like I have mentioned earlier, human mind can decipher many things that may not come through the spoken language. One of these is body language, which may include expression, eye movement, lip movement and curling, attitudinal expressions etc. along with postures, pose and even speed of movement. Beyond all this, there is a factor, which I have mentioned earlier, of one human computer sending mental signals to another human computer. All this would immediately give a strange feeling to a native English nurse that she or he is being forcibly being put into some obnoxious platform.
Once this happens, they would leave the profession and seek some other more happier professions, where they are free of being accused of being racist. This would have an exponential effect in that the more feudal language persons come, the more the need for them would rise.
This hidden danger is there for all persons who see a professional from the feudal language nation. He is good in English, is very courteous, and very able. At times, an English native person may be persuaded to work in his house, as a domestic help, a baby sitter, or some other minor jobs. When he is around fine, and if the other members of his family are also communicating to each other in English, then also fine. But if the other members of his family are communicating to each other in their native tongues like Chinese, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam etc. then it is another proposition altogether. For, once the native language software starts functioning, there would be a real virus working to disturb the English native.
The person may feel an intense sense of something binding him or her. It would be felt in the looks, actions and postures of the elderly native feudal language speakers. If the English person has no occasion to move away from this environment, some very violent reaction from him or her may be expected.
This disturbance is something that even the psychologists would not be able to fathom unless they understand what I am trying to convey.
It is not very easy to discern the cumulative effect of these viruses, as it is a slow process. There would not be many persons who can look at the canvas of long timeframes dispassionately and understand the changes that have come. For, the modern generation would be mentally used to the degradation and may not understand what they had missed or what has changed.
Yet, there is something that I have said about India, wherein there is a factor of speed in cause and effect. This is about the feudalism in language being a causative factor of train accidents.
Well, something similar can be said of an English Nation. I want to say that actually the theme in this book is what I had first written in 1989. Yet, later on in 2000, I did add some more writing to it.
I am quoting the exact wording of what I had written then:
In this context, a new fact may be included here. In America, there are a lot of Indians living and working at many places, many of them in the computer-related fields. What they would find there is a sudden loosening of inhibiting atmospheres and they would be able to work with a surge of intellectualism. There is only one danger: If people of the same vernacular language live in nearby areas, then their personal communications would tend to be in their vernacular. Then it would be India all over again. If such a combination do tend to occur, then slowly it would be like having a virus-installed somewhere inside. Things would slowly tend to become inefficient. There would be failures that one can’t explain. Especially, if more than one person from this combination work on a project. If it is something like sending a rocket to the outer space type of project, such combinations should definitely be avoided
What struck me are the words that I have bolded. I do not aim to say that the disasters that took place in the U.S.A in connection with some of their space projects are really connected to my contentions. Yet, here I would like to explain the working of a virus in this programme.
In a place, where a lot of people are working in a parallel and simultaneous manner, at the same time in high level of coordination, there is requirement of either of two types of communication systems; one, a language like English, wherein every component of the working groups have a great deal of freedom in communication with all those they work with. This freedom would include the finer aspect of freedom of speech and interaction, like that of being at ease when having to communicate anything to one’s fellow mate. Then, there is a healthy atmosphere, which has a quality of self-healing of any errors, or mistakes that might crop-up during the planning and execution of designs. Because mistakes, and even probable mistakes, would be noticed by someone, and he or she would inform the concerned person in a very fast, yet easy manner. For, communication is very easy in English.
Or, the language should be very feudal, with all constituent persons knowing their exact immovable social position, wherein everyone does, what he is told and cannot deviate even to the smallest degree from their level of functioning or position. Here also, communication would be there. The planning, designing and execution would be controlled by a few persons at the top, who would care two-foot for anyone at the lower position.
This second social environment can also be efficient, yet not brilliant.
Now, what happens in most places, where society is not homogenous, is a feudal set-up with all constituents competing for superiority and higher position. First of all, there would then be stifled communication. Second, there would be deeply simmering jealousy, and also a very profound level of insecurity. All these would lead to the gathering of mistakes and errors, which would at a definite point in time, act together to create a disorder or a disaster.
However, when I mentioned the American scene, these were not the scenes I had in mind. There might be a lot of cells or groups of persons working on specific items, connected to a spacecraft. Naturally, they would all be talking in English to each other. Yet, by some quirk of fate, a particular cell has a group of persons from the same feudal language nativity. It is very much possible that they may talk to each other in their native language. This medium of communication would naturally be interspersed in the communication in English. So, what happens is that there would be a continuous changing of relations, and relative positions, as one goes on oscillating between English and the native language. In itself, it would be a mentally disturbing thing for at least some persons, whose mental condition would not like this oscillation.
Furthermore, this communication program would lead to a erasing of the homogeneity that I have mentioned elsewhere. That is, a feeling of not belonging would come up.
Thirdly, almost all the distant socio-religious problems, including that of age, professional position, caste issues &c. would gather inside the environment of the Cell.
Beyond all this, a social environment entirely different from that in the English would be formed there. Leading to a sort of hierarchical relationships, which also would be dynamic, depending on what is the immediate frame of reference. Like, if one were taking seniority of age, one type of hierarchy would come. If it is professional position, then another. If it is gender, then another. If it is caste, then another. If it is family name another; like this so many things come. Each change can cause deep hurt and animosity in otherwise peaceful persons.
Here it may be borne in mind that the psychological effect is different from anything one can understand in English, for the indicant words change, causing deep emotional waves.
A sort of insecurity, distrust, ego-clash, tendency to backstab, disinclination to communicate with certain persons, all these might crop up. I stress here the word might. For, I can’t say exactly at what mathematical configuration all these things will spring up. However, if they do, a slight inadvertent imperfection in design might happen. It need not be emphasised that even a small malfunctioning of a gadget, a small error in a gradient, a small mistake in measurement, can have disastrous results.
I took up this example, for any other example that I may bring up may need years of observation. In the case of a spacecraft, there are millions of factors working together with the results seen in a few months time.
Yet, the cumulative effect of viruses working in the society would be an increase in the incidents of racially motivated attacks; a general increase in errors in the functioning of many inter-correlated machineries that run a complex technical system, like railways, shipping, airways, leading to an increase in accidents; increase in the incidence of mental disturbances in the populace etc.
Looking back, I may even suggest that if one looks at great disasters, either military or civil, that could have been averted by a timely passing of information, or warning, between the officials, one may chance to see a link in the communication chain with at least two persons with the same feudal language software forming a specific link. This I am suggesting about USA.
One of the things that should be stressed here is that in a feudal language environment, one is at a mercy of others around you. For, they have the right to monitor, judge and measure you, and assign you any level of indicant words they like. A wrong indicant word expressed can severely distress a person, to the level of making him lose his mental balance. He would be distracted from any activity, which may be of critical importance.
In this context, I would like to state that English is a safe language for all activities connected to air traffic control, and aviation. But, if the language is Malayalam or some other terribly feudal language, at any moment a pilot right in the air can lose his mental balance, by the arrival of a virus, in the form of a wrong indicant word, in the radio contact he has with the control tower. If Russian is a feudal language, then any attempts by the Soviet authorities of yore, to use Russian as the aviation communication language must have been fraught with acute danger. But since no private planes were there in Soviet Union, the tight hierarchy that must have existed in the bureaucracy would have saved the occasion. Yet, if Russian is continued after the breakdown of Soviet Union, and is in operation when private planes are piloted by persons of varying social levels, then the danger accentuates.
Along with all this, the fact that in some of the feudal languages, children are given the same stature as of menial servants, who themselves are treated with contempt, is a factor to be borne in mind. So, when children are in a society wherein they interact heavily with a group of same native language speaking children, the negative cultures could affect them.
Here I would like to put in a few words about teachers from feudal language countries. An Asian teacher is a very attractive being. For the amount of pay he or she needs to be given is only a fraction of what a native teacher would ask for. In an atmosphere of English, he or she would be superb. Yet, this factor should not goad anyone to put in a lot of Asian teachers in a school. For, once a sizable number becomes the Asians, or for that matter from any non-English nation, the social atmosphere in which the children grow up would change drastically. The native attitude of these teachers, of disdain to children would gather strength. The children would get infected with the so-called Yellow Streak.*
Part 3 – the ramifications
3 - Children
6 - Racial clubs
8 - Dignity of labour; and also on slavery
12 - The evil empires
13 - Colonising the space
16 - Hatred for Britain and USA
17 - The international organisations
18 - What lends to the bravery of the English citizens?
19 - English under siege
20 - Computers and their striking affect on the feudal functioning
21 - A case study
22 - A slight digression to the literary side
23 - The European Union
24 - Feudalism in Britain
25 - Outsourcing, racial bias etc.
26 - Why Britain remains great?
27 - South Africa