March of the Evil Empires!
English versus the feudal languages!!

First drafted in 1989. First online edition around 2000
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Part 3 - the ramifications
20. Computers and their striking affect on the feudal functioning
Computer and its finer affects: Computers have changed the world like nothing else. The English countries would also have seen much change due to it. However, the greatest affects it has done and will do in the future would be in the feudal language nations. For, it has removed a lot of negativity in these nations.
Consider a publisher in India. Earlier for publishing a book, he would have to send it to many persons, through whose mind it has to go. These persons would be doing a lot of things on the various parts of the book production. Starting from proofreading, editing, to picture-layout, block-making, type-making, typesetting etc. a number of persons would have to put a lot of their mind into its production. And mind you, all of these persons are interacting in the feudal languages, wherein each and every interaction does make disturbances and irritations, about which a man from the English world cannot understand. All these negativity would gather on the final product. Computers have now drastically reduced the number of persons who get involved. It has also allowed the main man much control over the finish of the final product. In earlier times, there was always a doubting talk about the quality of Indian products. Now, it has come down.
These observations may be true in the case of many feudal language nations, (other than where the society is under rigid stratification), with no alternative other than to remain in one’s position till the senior man dies or retires, and one is eligible for promotion.
However, even though computers have created a sort of supernatural haze on English societies, there is a lingering feeling in me that unless the real long-term ramifications, of the corridor it has opened for many feudal social nationalities to dabble in all of the internal aspects of English nations, including the workspace, is studied and remedies worked out, it could bring in a lot of negative situations of a very novel variety. I can’t say more in the context of this book, even though I may be able to give a very precise dissertation on the various finer aspects of this new phenomenon, with a lot of gratifying insights. That can be discussed in another book.
Part 3 – the ramifications
3 - Children
6 - Racial clubs
8 - Dignity of labour; and also on slavery
12 - The evil empires
13 - Colonising the space
16 - Hatred for Britain and USA
17 - The international organisations
18 - What lends to the bravery of the English citizens?
19 - English under siege
20 - Computers and their striking affect on the feudal functioning
21 - A case study
22 - A slight digression to the literary side
23 - The European Union
24 - Feudalism in Britain
25 - Outsourcing, racial bias etc.
26 - Why Britain remains great?
27 - South Africa