March of the Evil Empires!
English versus the feudal languages!!

First drafted in 1989. First online edition around 2000
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Part 4 - A fast-paced contemplative glance
6. Democracies in an oblique stance
Now let us come to the concept of democracy: It is a very dangerous philosophy for the English world to insist upon and try to bring in. The very concept of democracy is against quality. In English nations, where every individual is having an innate capacity of articulation, it is the best thing. However in other nations, where the language evolves a social psychology, wherein most individuals lose their sense of self-respect, social motivations, and where independent thinking is a negative attribute, this so-called democracy is just a farce. Whatever is done, the language acts as a gigantic machine to bring to fore only certain levels of persons to levels of controlling the society and nation. An automatic tutelage of enduring dynasties continues. Then democracy works out as just a competition between these dynasties. The common people just divide themselves into groups of servitude to differing dynasties, and try to eke out a social position for themselves.
A one-way ticket to disaster: What is dangerous for the English world is not this. The fact is that the total world English population is very small, and in years to come, in almost all international organisations, the leadership would go to persons from the feudal nations. Let it be UN, IMF or any other associations for cultural, artistic, literary or religious activity, in years to come, the leadership would go feudal. This feudal leadership would be very powerful. For they come with the strong support-base of people, who do not care for issues, or principles, or even rectitude. They care only for their own connections to the person on the pedestal, and their own social position, this connection accrues to them.
Once these persons take over the world leadership, there would be no understanding of propriety in anything, other than that of social position. The rule of law would be just a mockery. Even if such institutions as judicial courts were in existence, these persons would be highly efficient in contorting them into laughable entities. If the reader thinks that all this is an impossible scenario, just look back at USA and see what the Italian Mafia could do, even when America was in its prosperous phase.
Imagine what would happen when the nation goes through a phase of economic weakness, with all the negative forces converging on it. The system would collapse, and each individual would see the negativity bearing in on him, through the social positioning. Then it would be a mad rush for self-survival, which would again be a one-way ticket to disaster.
The shallow understanding: Persons who come to India from the English West, stay in nice hotels and eat the best food, most of which the common Indian has never even seen, and go home with the sweetest of memories of their Indian friends, who were more hospitable, generous, polite, and even more pleasant than any of their English acquaintances.
However, is this the real India? If anyone thinks that this is the reality, then his head needs real examination. This I am saying because the Indian media is full of stories, and interviews by persons of English nationality, who declare their love for India, and that they see India as much superior to the English West. It is their opinion, and it is not correct that I should contest their opinion, as it is their private view. Yet, I would do so, for what they are doing is a grave delinquency. For airing views, which may be taken as authoritative by many, without information, is a most malicious thing of the highest order.
A few years ago, a journalist from Britain came to India. He travelled through many places in India, journeying through trains. He then gave interviews from a position of supreme unbelief that such supreme services could be given at such cheap rates. I could not believe his level of stupidity. For, the fact is that in India, where the general people live at very low wages, the cost of train travel is not very cheap. The facilities that are available to them are of the primitive levels. In this regard, it may be mentioned in passing that many years ago, the government with much fanfare abolished the third class in trains pointing it out as a vestige of the British colonial rule, meant to maintain the lower persons at a level of disdain. However, over the years, the railways, keeping the second class as the lowest class, went on adding on more superior classes above the first class. Now the meanest level of government ‘officers’ cannot bear to travel in second class, wherein they have to be in contact with the common Indian.
There was another item that the English journalist was missing to understand: that was the fact that Indian rates are cheap, and if he was so much impressed by it, it was only a matter of continuing intellect to understand that Indians can replace his very job, with much competitive rates of salary.
A story: Let me tell you a story, which I heard many years ago. One man died and went to heaven, because of his good deeds. There, St.Peter handed him a nice violin and told him that he could move anywhere at will and play the instrument to his heart’s content. He sailed over the clouds, and played the violin, and experienced the enduring state of bliss. For days he did it. Then he was a bit dismayed by the lack of variety in the actions. He went to St. Peter, and asked him to allow him to do something else. He was told that all things in heaven were like this. For here, it was a state of lingering peace.
He then asked if he could visit hell. He was told that no sane man would do this, for hell was the very negation of heaven. Yet, he persisted in his desire. So, a visit visa was acquired for him from hell. He went to hell, where he, being a rare visitor from heaven, was given the red carpet treatment. He visited the nightclubs, dancehalls, and all other places of vice and squalor, and immensely enjoyed the experience to the hilt. Everywhere he went he was treated with deference, for he was a citizen of Heaven, while the locals were the doomed inhabitants of a gloomy land.
When his visit period was over, he went back to heaven and made a bit racket over there. He called the heaven a place of cheap deception. He had seen what is available in the hell, and how well he had enjoyed the life there. He demanded an immediate permission to cancel his citizenship in the heaven, and get a citizenship in hell. Getting a citizenship in hell was easy, he was told, for very rarely does anyone apply for it. However to get a citizenship in the heaven was not at all easy. In fact, once he repudiates it, it is good as lost forever.
He rebelled at all this useless talk. He applied for a citizenship in hell, which came fast. He moved fast to the hell, with eager anticipation. When he reached the hell’s gates, he was this time shown a different entrance. When he entered it, he found himself one among a lot of forlorn men and women, with deeply apprehensive expressions. He found he was for all purpose one among them. When his turn came, he was treated like a dog, by the officialdom. One nasty creature dragged him by his ears, and dropped him in boiling water. Then he was taken out, chained and dragged through the streets.
There was no food, and at times he was given dirty water to drink. He was tortured till day end. His nights were also, no different. Every day was same. Then came a day of rest. He experienced a bliss, he had never known before. He then found some time to enquire with one of his guards, as to why the whole scene was different from what he had experienced when he came as a visitor from heaven. The cynical answer was: Oh, that time you were an honoured visitor from another nation. To impress you was a propaganda theme. Now you are one of our citizens; who cares what you think?
This story, more or less, sums up the impression of many ‘Indophiles’, and such similar beings, who live in the cosy environments of English nations, and seem to feel the atmosphere over there very stifling, and at the same time yearn for the presumed fulfilments of living in such nations as India, Soviet Union, China, Japan etc.