March of the Evil Empires!
English versus the feudal languages!!

First drafted in 1989. First online edition around 2000
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Part 4 - A fast-paced contemplative glance
8. Erasing social refinement
The English Student under Siege: Now we can take the factor of education. In the English nations, technical and medical education may be expensive. However, this is very cheap in the Third World nations. If the English students are forced to go to the Third World nations to study, they face the unnerving situation of being forced to concede to feudal, lower level positioning in colleges, and other educational institutions. When I say it now, the reader may not comprehend the full intensity of the problem that I am alluding to. However, it is a theme with a singular level of power. Any English student made to move to these levels may come back with deep mental scars to his personality, which would again lead to deep scars on the English society. For, it may be understood that in feudal nations, the schools and other educational institutions are the breeding ground of feudal positioning, with the teaching and other staff retaining the superior posts. This feudal stature and design would, in the case of many students, be a lifelong binding thing, from which a few may escape.
At the same time, all students from other nations, including the non-English nations of Europe would be able to endure it, and possibly make the best of it. In the whole bargain, the English youngster would stand to lose much. Again, if he or she were to rebel against the sinister feudal lower level positioning, then he or she would be labelled as having ego problems. The situation would grow worse, when the local psychologists pronounce that the student is having mental instability problems, including signs of schizophrenia. Actually, what the English nations should understand is that the British went to war against China, in what is now known as the Opium Wars, mainly due to this psychological issue.
The cumulative effect of this theme would be that many doctors, engineers, and other technically skilled persons from the non-English nations would barge into the English nations, leading to very unique historical issues.
All the themes dealt here need really deep reflection and study. However this is not the space for that.
Provoking one’s sense of refinement: Persons, who have lived in feudal language social conditions, do have many peculiarities, which they may initially not display in an English atmosphere, until they get a society of their own language, and ideal social conditions, right in the midst of an English nation.
To make this factor clear, let me take the case of private bus staff in India. They are kept at a low social level by the bureaucracy and police. The bus-staff then takes it out on the passengers. The general level of behaviour they display to the passengers is very crude, and rude. To the passenger who comes with no bearing of superior social and positional strings, they are perfectly impolite.
Now let us take the scenario to the Middle East, to such nations as UAE etc. where Indian workers of all kinds including those working in buses, are impeccably courteous to the passengers who belong to the various nations.
Now, how is it so? The secret lies in the fact that persons from feudal language nations do have a multiple level of personality, each meant for different levels of social interaction. In a society, where they are unsure of their legitimacy and permanence, they can be remarkably civilised, considerate and generous to a fault. However, once they do understand the stability that they have achieved, from which no power can displace them, then they feel no fear in opening up their innate and refined barbarity.
The contradictions in civility: Another connected thing that needs to be understood by the English world is that non-English social behaviours do have many finer aspects that could really test a person of refinement. Here I am not talking about criminals or criminal behaviour. What I am alluding to is about the natural and well-accepted behaviours in non-English societies. It must be understood that in feudal language societies, persons do use crude actions, gestures, postures, words and many other disturbing things to continuously tone up their feudal positioning in society.
One main difference in feudal languages, is that they do severely lack equivalent words that do mean thank you, I am sorry, beg your pardon, excuse me, I apologise, please, kindly, I regret, Good Morning, Good Night and such others. In many languages, the so-called equivalent terms can only be used by an inferior to the senior, or between equals, and not by a superior to an inferior. The reader may kindly try to think of the level of rudeness, crudeness, and also brute bluntness this could add to any initiation of conversation.
Another thing may be the tendency to ask awkward and highly personal questions as a sort of right on persons one perceives as socially inferior. Then there is an inclination to be boisterous, loud and teasing towards the same group, including those of lesser age, like students, children etc. Along with this, come natural actions like talking to inferiors with a drawn forefinger in the pose of admonition, beckoning them with callousness using fingers, touching and nudging to get their attention etc. Also, a propensity to touch positional inferiors on body parts like shoulders, back, thigh etc. to convey a sense of ownership.
Then there is a cultivated habit of spitting with a loud, screeching sound to proclaim a posture of masculinity, as required in a feudal language psychology.
Another thing that could disturb could be the tendency of honouring words given only to those of social higher level. To others of lesser level, a deliberate stance of not honouring the word, to convey the sense of their social worthlessness.
These persons would have no sense of the sanctity of the principles of precedence. They would not naturally form a queue for anything like getting a ticket, paying cash at a counter, buying stamps etc. For, in a feudal language, precedence is to the powerful, and not to the person who arrived first.
In many feudal language areas, even body postures are not straight and steady, as not much premium is given for dignified postures. For example, in moving buses, persons who are standing would, as a matter of natural right, position their hip on the shoulders of the sitting passenger. Any words of disapproval made by the sitting passenger would be taken in the worst possible sense.
Many would have atrocious table manners, which are, more or less, okay in feudal language settings, but may cause severe consternation when practiced in an English atmosphere of eating with the most elegant of manners. Many persons would even deliberately practice belching as an easy way of exhibiting feudal position in a family or joint family atmosphere.
The most obnoxious of all feudal language behaviour, i.e. of disdainful attitude to one’s staff, or subordinates or servants to the point of taunting and teasing them, would also be displayed by persons from the feudal language world.
Now, it must be stressed that persons who migrate from the feudal language world would not naturally take on themselves to practice and exhibit the above said negative themes, deliberately in the English nation. However, when a large number of them live together, it is only natural that these attitudes would come up as a most natural component of their personality.
The Mental Disturbances: Persons who exist in English, and even many others who are of refined disposition would be very much disturbed and distracted by the bluntness, and crudity of these attitudinal behaviours; glancing, glaring, blunt words, suggestive looks, lewd talk, taunting gestures, unnecessary comments, physical gesture like touching, nudging etc. done by persons who obviously exist in a strange, lower-level mental frame. This can cause deep levels of insecurity in an otherwise perfect society.
Also, when native English-speaking Americans need to interact with non English-speaking Americans, who have donned feudal titles among their own language society, like that of Master, and such other terms of feudal position, as an appendage to their names; they could find that they are actually evoking mental disturbances, and antipathies, when they address them in the usual English, polite, yet non-feudal manner of addressing. They may find that the other person is trying to extract a similar feudal level of interaction, by deliberately delaying things, which are of vital importance. This factor may, at the moment, be a very incomprehensible idea to the average English-speaking man. Yet when huge communities start functioning in feudal languages, then they may get a keen idea of what it means. Yet, it may be too late. For, all feudal ideologies wait for the opportune time to spring into action.
The infection: When persons do react to such disturbing signals, by, retorting and reacting to it or even retracting from it, they very naturally go down to the levels that have disturbed them. They would change. In this context, I must say that the present-day America has changed much for the worse, by being the place where many feudal language social groups gathered to imbibe English systems. The latter did develop much, but it naturally had its toll on the English systems.
Many persons may come with exclusive symbols of religion, caste, race, beliefs etc. When these persons come in isolation, there is not much of a problem. And in most cases, they would cease to wear them, as there would not be an appreciating or approving crowd present. No one to disapprove if they stop wearing them. Yet, when the single person later becomes a part of a crowd, then the whole proposition changes. Then wearing of the symbol becomes a sort of offensive posture to fend off a defensive sense of inferiority. This problem in itself does not create a problem. Yet, there is a virus that has started ticking.
See this illustration: One lady in India told me an incident. She was travelling in a private bus. In the front, seat one woman, wearing a dress, which had a markedly religious connotation of a particular religion, was sitting. The lady who told the story was standing in front of this woman. For the conductor had informed her that this woman would be getting up in the next bus-stop. In front of this lady was another woman wearing a similar dress, which, more or less, identified her as of the same religion. When the bus stopped in the next bus stop, and the woman got up to alight, she suddenly gave a nudge to the woman in front and signalled her to occupy the seat.
Here, what had taken place was an action of solidarity for the other woman who was very accurately identified as of the same religion. Now the same type of closed-minded solidarity could be seen to be involuntarily displayed by persons, when they start wearing dresses and symbols that give a sense that they are a group apart, and need to fend for each other. This can create social disintegration, which the English nations can do without.