March of the Evil Empires!
English versus the feudal languages!!

First drafted in 1989. First online edition around 2000
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Part 4 - A fast-paced contemplative glance
11. The finer aspects of job outsourcing
The new phenomenon of outsourcing of work is also another thing that can bring in disaster to the English nation. The whole jobs in the English nations stand to be lost. What would begin, as a small tide would turn into a torrent and then into a deluge.
However the tragedy is not confined to the job losses. It shall lead to something of more refined eeriness. It would bring in a new culture to the English nations, and a sense of loss to the English minds. The feudal language cultures would come, with more and more assertiveness, and also with a sense of self-righteousness, and along with an unforgiving sense of historical right and vindication. When they come, it would be a sort of goodbye to all the smooth systems of administration, law and order, civic sense, decency, social security, individualism (of which Ayn Rand ranted much about) &c.
Then the rules of the game would be: ‘who is more street-smart? Who can display a variety of personalities, all at variance to each other? Who can be more corrupt, and who can corrupt with superb equanimity?’ All issues of moral codes that the English nations debate with diligent poignancy would all seem frivolous, and a mindless exercise of the juvenile.
It was all in the coming, and I could discern all this on the distant horizon, many, many years ago. The last ten years was a sort of years of solid stupidity for the English nations. However, even before that they did display it with sharp solidity. When they armed Japan with money, technical skill, with education, with freedom of commercial enterprise inside their nations, all these were foolishness they showed in the case of one nation. In the case of many other nations also, they have been remarkably naïve and foolish. When the whole education system in a specific nation is teaching anti-British, anti-American themes, to continue to support those societies, with all help is the height of foolishness.
It is absolutely foolish to believe that any of these nations or its citizens would have any sense of gratitude for anything that came their way. They would claim that it was an inducement for getting something from them. Any achievement they make out of it, they would claim as because of their innate smartness, and supreme intelligence.
The Power of the Web as a media: Let me take the case of the Information Technology industry. The basic ideas came from British and American minds. It remained in their hands for many years.
Then the technology went public. The World Wide Web became everyone’s property. The industrial leaders in this field thought that they could get cheap labour from third world nations. Actually, those who came here were definitely not the poor in these nations. Nor the pro-English folks.
It must be understood that it was pretty sneaky of them to have done it. For any work in the English nation, there are plenty of persons in the third world nations willing to work at dirt-cheap rates. What one may call dirt-cheap rate in the USA would be a small fortune in their native nations. The big question is how this was allowed. No sane nation would have allowed the export of technical know-how to other nations, to the detriment of their own citizens and workers. The very fact that the understandings of Web designing and computer-aided other functions, were allowed to be passed on to the hands of competing nations and their citizens, do point to the fact that the planners in these English nations are living in a seclusion, from which they may be rudely wakened.
When I say that many of the so-called leaders of the so-called Indian freedom struggle were intelligent enough to make use of the new technologies brought to India by the British, to outwit the British, and to make themselves look smarter and cleaner, when actually their whole contribution to the betterment of India, would not stand much in comparison to even a small time-British administrator in British-India, it may be taken with a pinch of salt. It was the time when the mike or the loudspeaker was coming. Also, the age of the dawn of Newspapers. And also, the time when the British had given an unheard level of freedom to the people of the subcontinent.
For, who has heard of anyone writing anything against any king or small-time ruler or even against a small time feudal lord of the subcontinent, and then still maintaining his physical posture intact?
The power that the loudspeaker gave to a solitary, and in many cases diminutive, individual, to command the attention of vast amounts of persons was something new. Also, the power of the newspapers to take command of the thought process and imagination of the immense amount of readers was also phenomenal in British-India. For, the arena was empty. Any idea, however preposterous and wild, but new, could easily be sowed in small, yet regular quantity, and then reaped as a huge outburst of social barbarity.
Why have I brought this discussion here? A fairly well-administered British-India, which earlier was a geographical mass of splintered and mutually disturbing entities, could be disturbed by small groups of persons, once they came to command the new technologies in their hands. Their very command of these new techniques, gave them a halo, in the ready to adore, small minds of the populace.
The same thing may be said of having the knowledge of using computers and Web. The Web is a great thing. It is now in the hands of the citizens of the nations that I have described as the Evil Nations. The implications are abominable. If not so understood now, then the reality could be dreadful.
Through the intelligent use of the Web, command of very large commercial enterprises can be had.
Have I at any time, given a feeling that I am in love with the rich business class of the English world. I don’t think so. Even if I have given such a feeling, it is not correct. I am not in love with anyone. However my concern is that if the commercial power comes into the hands of persons who traditionally think in feudal languages, and live inside feudal societies, then whatever freedom English-the language, has been able to bring to the world in the last so many centuries, is in grave danger.
The overwhelming affects: The common middleclass citizens of the English nations cannot compete with the rich in the third world nations. For the latter lives on top of innumerable layers of stifled social levels, all of which pull down the currency value of these nations, to the delight of the superior classes of these nations. Any job, say for instance Web designing, created in an English nation, would be lost to the rich guys in the third world nations. There is not a single chance that within a few years time, there would be any English citizen being able to get any work contract in this sector, for his own individual labour.
Once the practise is lost, the skill is lost; once the skill is lost, the newer experiences are lost; and once that is lost, creativity is lost. This egalitarian creativity is a traditional possession of the English mind. It would be a very sad day indeed, if it is mislaid, and goes into the possession of some evil minds. Here the term evil is not about any individual being, but of a mental software, induced by an evil language.
Take the case of Microbiology, Biochemistry, Cloning techniques, latest Medical and surgical discoveries. All of them have reached nations like China, India, Pakistan, Japan etc. in a matter of months. After that what does one see? A proliferation of commercial institutions which would make use of these knowledge to beat the English nation’s institutions to closure.
A few years back, if I had made these statements, nobody would have taken me seriously, even though I did want to utter these words. However with the coming of the universal use of computers, high-band Internet, satellite communication systems and the exponential growth of financial power in the hand of feudal language nations’ business leaders, the stinging significance of my words needs to be heeded with careful contemplation.
The foolish opportunity: There are businessmen in the English nations, who think that they have struck a golden chance, when they removed their native workers and send their manufacturing processes to the third world nations. This gesture would historically stand as a beautiful archetype of stark idiocy and senseless gullibility. For, if the third world businessman is taught to manufacture at international standards, it is only natural to understand that in a matter of a few years time, he can go in for direct marketing of the products, to the distant corners of the globe. With all the technical gadgets and technical perfection that the English nations have provided him with. Maybe as per records, he would not be the person who does it; it may be his brother, his wife, his son or even his uncle.
The English nations have been so stark stupid to allow an immense number of outsiders to simply loiter inside their premises.
The fragility of superiority: There is a belief that English nations are of enduring superiority. It is just an un-understood belief. For, English nations would be superior. That is natural. However, when the social system is eroded with non-English communication software running at various levels, then the English nation may not be as powerful and above disintegration as believed. For, the Englishman is not of more intelligence or of more calibre or more capacity than many superior Asians, Africans or Europeans. However, the overwhelming negativity of their societies and languages do not allow them to build up supreme nations. So it follows that English nations are also strong as long as they maintain their aloofness from negativity.
A single parameter of globalisation: Again I need to debate about the so-called process called globalisation. I do not know the full parameters of this term. And I am not concerned about it. Yet, one thing about it that may intrude into my theme is discussed here. Think of some Englishmen trying to build up a business inside China. At the same time, and in the same area, a lot of other persons from other feudal language nations also are in the process of doing the same. Naturally, China being a heavily feudal language nation, it goes without saying that there would naturally be a lot of inspectors, procedures, licences, permits, certificates, forms, rules, acts, laws &c. all designed to satiate the ego of bureaucrats.
Once the British persons become one among a lot of competing outsiders from many nations, then he or she stands to feel outwitted by the sly, obsequious ways of getting things done, practised by the persons from the feudal nations. For, they would be at ease, with these types of behaviour. However, for the English man to perform at these levels of social and postural stances may be highly repulsive. Suppose he does imbibe these behaviours. Then he becomes mentally non-English. He loses his psychic superiority that the English persons have retained throughout history. It may be understood that many centuries ago, when the British confronted with this problem, they defeated the Chinese in a war to submission. That war is known in history as the Opium War. The title is inappropriate, and possibly put by persons who did not understand the underlying motivations, that lead to this war.