MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

Annotations VOL - 1 : 110 to 118
110. at the very moment when the German divisions were receiving their last instructions for the great attack, the general strike broke out in Germany.
Most of England’s winnings were due to the backstabbing feature encoded in feudal language nations, which try to fight with England. Even when young Robert Clive defeated the Mogul diwan in Calcutta, what really clinched the issue was the equally young Diwan being backstabbed by his own mother and her brother. They both could not suffer to see themselves in service to this young boy, as his subject.
Even though I do not have the requisite evidence with me, I am more or less sure that Joseph François Dupleix, the French Governor for the French possessions in the Indian peninsula, would have had to deal with backstabbing and condescending layers of hierarchy to deal with, that stifled his endeavours to failure.
At the same time, Robert Clive positioned in planar English would have found things much more easier. Even though, when he reached back home the stupid academicians did distress him too much with their nonsensical understandings.
111. At first the front reacted very little. What did we care about universal suffrage? Had we fought four years for that? It was vile banditry to steal the war aim of the dead heroes from their very graves. The young regiments had not gone to their death in Flanders crying: ‘Long dive universal suffrage and the secret ballot,’ but crying: ‘Deutschland uber Alles in der Welt.’
It is sad that Adolf Hitler had to use these words with regard to Germany. The words are more relevant to the English Empire. For around 150 years, an immensity of Englishmen, and their conjoined fellowmen, the Irish, Scots and the Welsh, and millions of lower classes in the various colonial locations worked, fought and built great institutions. When they were doing all this, they never had any thoughts of being handed over to crude cunning, feudal language speaking native bosses.
And in the very moment, when around 3 million native soldiery from the Indian Subcontinent should have been celebrating a hard-earned victory, what is it that they heard? That they are being handed over to the native feudal-language speaking cunning individuals, who had never in a thousand years given any liberty to the lower populations in the land. However, what was to be done? Satan or his agent had taken possession of the prime minister-ship in England.
It remains unsaid that the huge financial benefits to be given to the soldiery in the British-Army, which was handed over to the Indian government was never given. I do not know what the condition in Pakistan was. Many of these for British-Indian soldiers in India simply deteriorated into terrible poverty.
112. why suddenly the slackers should have the right to arrogate to themselves control of the state over the heads of the army
Here, what Adolf Hitler mentions is about the lazybones who sat at home and ultimately became decision makers, in Germany. The question can be asked about the British Labour Party. It came from nowhere and destroyed everything.
113. this whole gang was not really concerned with the welfare of the nation, but with filling empty pockets
It is terrific to see that the above words can literally be true in the case of all English colonial locations that were handed over to the local small-time politicians. In India, total mediocre individuals took over the reins of administration. Within fifteen years of their rule, the national bureaucracy went back to its ancient mode. That of corruption, arrogance and ill-treatment.
An immensity of useless licences were brought in. The officials would ask each other as to what licence can be asked to a member of public so that he or she can be send back. Unless he or she paid the expected bribe. Officials appropriated the higher words in the feudal language codes for themselves and assigned the lower words for the members of the public.
114. the symptoms of disorganisation increased more and more rapidly,
We old soldiers, who had then marched out with the regiment stood in respectful emotion at this shrine of ‘loyalty and obedience to the death.’
Now in a hard defensive battle the regiment was to defend this soil which it had stormed three years earlier.
With three weeks of drumfire the Englishman prepared the great Flanders offensive. The spirits of the dead seemed to quicken; the regiment clawed its way into the filthy mud, bit into the various holes and craters, and neither gave ground nor wavered. As once before in this place, it grew steadily smaller and thinner, until the British attack finally broke loose on July 13, 1917.
This is actually not a solitary German experience. But the experience all over the world. In the last battle that counts, the English broke through and won. Surely, there is a definite reason for that. It is encoded in the pristine-English language, and very evident to those who understand what I am talking about. Others who do not have an inkling of what I am talking about can talk a lot of rubbish.
However, this pristine-ENGLISH seems to have thinned out even in England, where a totally un-understood utter nonsense called Multi-culture is ruling the roost.
115. Verily these heroes deserved a headstone: ‘Thou Wanderer who comest to Germany, tell those at home that we lie here, true to the fatherland and obedient to duty.’
In feudal language nations, this is a foolish stance. For essentially, everyman is for himself, and himself alone. Every man scrambles for the limited space at the top of the language codes, crushing, pulling and pushing everyone else. No one appreciates another man’s sense of honour, courage, chivalry, honesty, rectitude etc.
116. This point of view could then be defined between two restrictive limits: preservation of a solvent, national, and independent economy on the one hand, assurance of the social rights of the workers on the other.
Here Adolf Hitler is entering the realms of economics. Even though evidently he does not have any academic qualifications in economics, there is no guarantee that what he say are not correct, or more incorrect than the nonsense that academically qualified economics experts routinely declaim. It is possible that the whole text in academic economic textbooks is mere sterile nonsense.
If fact, if there was some intelligence in this subject, how come the US with all its towering universities has been going from one economic goof to another since World War 2 (massive entry of outsiders)? It might be true that the US is still a strong nation. However that is due to the fact it is an English nation. However, in the economic activity, many of its internal economic foundations are in the hands of the citizens of enemy nations with whom the US had fought in World War 2.
After Y2K, instead of the nation reaching for the stars, massive poverty has entered the nation. Something clearly is wrong in academic insights.
117. While the touchstone for the stature of a politician may be regarded as the success of his plans and acts-in other words, the degree to which they become reality-the realization of the theoretician’s ultimate purpose can never be realized, since, though human thought can apprehend truths and set up crystal-clear aims, complete fulfilment will fail due to the general imperfection and inadequacy of man.
The more abstractly correct and hence powerful the idea will be, the more impossible remains its complete fulfilment as long as it continues to depend on human beings.
Even though what Adolf Hitler say could be the absolute truth, there is a higher level of understanding to be mentioned. Human beings are connected to each other by language code. Beyond this there are the limitations and urges connected to human biological needs, like food, dress, sexual urges etc. And then there are the urges of emotions. However, in all these things also the language codes do have a very significant location in deciding how an individual connects to another for appropriation or for giving or for joint action.
Languages which have very easy to connect to corresponding slot and alignments, lead to more social perfection. Languages which do have slots and alignments which have to be forcefully joined together will create more imperfections in social living standards. Adolf Hitler does miss this higher point completely. Yet, his summarisations can be correct at the level he speaks of.
118. the great mass of politicians will keep far removed from all really weighty plans for the future, in order not to lose the momentary sympathy of the great mob. The success and significance of such a politician lie then exclusively in the present, and do not exist for posterity.
It is true that the common politician cannot be bothered about the future and the posterity that does not have vote in the next election.
Maybe one should take into consideration the words of King Magnus in G B Shaw’s Applecart:
MAGNUS continuing
Naturally I want to avert a conflict in which success would damage me and failure disable me. But you tell me that I can do so only by signing pledges which would make me a mere Lord Chamberlain, without even the despotism which he exercises over the theatre. I should sink below the level of the meanest of my subjects, my sole privilege being that of being shot at when some victim of misgovernment resorts to assassination to avenge himself. How am I to defend myself?
You are many: I oppose you single-handed. There was a time when the king could depend on the support of the aristocracy and the cultivated bourgeoisie. Today there is not a single aristocrat left in politics, not a single member of the professions, not a single leading personage in big business or finance.
They are richer than ever, more powerful than ever, more able and better educated than ever. But not one of them will touch this drudgery of government, this public work that never ends because we cannot finish one job without creating ten fresh ones. We get no thanks for it because ninety-nine hundredths of it is unknown to the people, and the remaining hundredth is resented by them as an invasion of their liberty or an increase in their taxation.
It wears out the strongest man, and even the strongest woman, in five or six years. It slows down to nothing when we are fresh from our holidays and best able to bear it, and rises in an overwhelming wave through some unforeseen catastrophe when we are on the verge of nervous breakdown from overwork and fit for rest and sleep only. And this drudgery, remember, is a sweated trade, the only one now left in this country.
My civil list leaves me a poor man among multi-millionaires. Your salaries can be earned ten times over in the city by anyone with outstanding organizing or administrative ability. History tells us that the first Lord Chancellor who abandoned the woolsack for the city boardroom struck the nation with amazement: today the nation would be equally amazed if a man of his ability thought it worth his while to prefer the woolsack even to the stool of an office boy as a jumping-off place for his ambition.
Our work is no longer even respected. It is looked down on by our men of genius as dirty work. What great actor would exchange his stage? what great barrister his court? what great preacher his pulpit? for the squalor of the political arena in which we have to struggle with foolish factions in parliament and with ignorant voters in the constituencies? The scientists will have nothing to do with us; for the atmosphere of politics is not the atmosphere of science.
Even political science, the science by which civilization must live or die, is busy explaining the past whilst we have to grapple with the present: it leaves the ground before our feet in black darkness whilst it lights up every corner of the landscape behind us. All the talent and genius of the country is bought up by the flood of unearned money. On that poisoned wealth talent and genius live far more luxuriously in the service of the rich than we in the service of our country.
Politics, once the centre of attraction for ability, public spirit, and ambition, has now become the refuge of a few fanciers of public speaking and party intrigue who find all the other avenues to distinction closed to them either by their lack of practical ability, their comparative poverty and lack of education, or, let me hasten to add, their hatred of oppression and injustice, and their contempt for the chicaneries and false pretences of commercialized professionalism.
History tells us of a gentleman-statesman who declared that such people were not fit to govern. Within a year it was discovered that they could govern at least as well as anyone else who could be persuaded to take on the job. Then began that abandonment of politics by the old governing class which has ended in all Cabinets, conservative no less than progressive, being what were called in the days of that rash statesman Labour Cabinets.
Do not misunderstand me: I do not want the old governing class back. It governed so selfishly that the people would have perished if democracy had not swept it out of politics. But evil as it was in many ways, at least it stood above the tyranny of popular ignorance and popular poverty. Today only the king stands above that tyranny. You are dangerously subject to it. In spite of my urgings and remonstrance you have not yet dared to take command of our schools and put a stop to the inculcation upon your unfortunate children of superstitions and prejudices that stand like stone walls across every forward path.
Are you well advised in trying to reduce me to your own slavery to them? If I do not stand above them there is no longer any reason for my existence at all. I stand for the future and the past, for the posterity that has no vote and the tradition that never had any.
I stand for the great abstractions: for conscience and virtue; for the eternal against the expedient; for the evolutionary appetite against the day’s gluttony; for intellectual integrity, for humanity, for the rescue of industry from commercialism and of science from professionalism, for everything that you desire as sincerely as I, but which in you is held in leash by the Press, which can organise against you the ignorance and superstition, the timidity and credulity, the gullibility and prudery, the hating and hunting instinct of the voting mob, and cast you down from power if you utter a word to alarm or displease the adventurers who have the Press in their pockets.
Between you and that tyranny stands the throne. I have no elections to fear; and if any newspaper magnate dares offend me, that magnate’s fashionable wife and marriageable daughters will soon make him understand that the King’s displeasure is still a sentence of social death within range of St James’s Palace. Think of the things you dare not do! the persons you dare not offend!
Well, a king with a little courage may tackle them for you. Responsibilities which would break your backs may still be borne on a king’s shoulders. But he must be a king, not a puppet. You would be responsible for a puppet: remember that. But whilst you continue to support me as a separate and independent estate of the realm, I am your scapegoat: you get the credit of all our popular legislation whilst you put the odium of all our resistance to ignorant popular clamour on me.
I ask you, before you play your last card and destroy me, to consider where you will be without me. Think once: think twice: for your danger is, not that I may defeat you, but that your success is certain if you insist.
However, it must be mentioned that all these great words in English do not have corresponding locations in feudal languages. Where people are arranged in a very weird manner in a 3-dimensional virtual location.
Commentary - Preface to the denuding
Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence
Commentary - The mentioned nations
Commentary - Where I stand
Commentary - German, the language
Commentary - Call to arms
Commentary - Born in the wrong place
Commentary - The Good versus the great!
Commentary - What might be lost in the translation!
Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!
Commentary - Practical steps to set-up an organisation in a feudal language nation
Commentary - The writing of the book!
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