MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

Annotations VOL - 1 : 159 to 169
159. The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed,
The above sentence also has to be imbibed with a pinch of salt.
160. Jewish in its effrontery as it is stupid! ‘Man’s role is to overcome Nature!’
end up by really imagining that they themselves represent a kind of conqueror of Nature;
The above two sentences, though they have an anti-Jew aura, are more of a wider truth. Man has no role in overcoming Nature. All he has been able to do is what Adolf Hitler mentions in the words given below:
161. man has never yet conquered Nature in anything, but at most has caught hold of and tried to lift one or another corner of her immense gigantic veil of eternal riddles and secrets, that in reality he invents nothing but only discovers everything, that he does not dominate Nature, but has only risen on the basis of his knowledge of various laws and secrets of Nature to be lord over those other living creatures who lack this knowledge
The above words are quite to the focus on what Man and other living beings have been endeavouring to do. In years to come, man would quite surely stumble upon the codes that design reality. Even then his information would be no-where near to what lies behind these codes. Yet, there is ultimately a truth, which might or might not be revealed or unravelled!
Codes of Reality! What is language?
162. if we were serious, whether we liked it or not, we would have to wage wars in order to arrive at pacifism.
The above sentence might not be exactly correct, or might be correct with some more assertions. In the Indian subcontinent, the English East India Company rule consolidated a portion of the landscape under its own rule. Within a few years most of the small kingdoms accepted the suzerainty of the English rule, giving up their own national armies.
What made them trust the English rules was the feeling that the Englishmen were never dishonest and that they would honour their word. It was a new experience in the Subcontinent. See these words from Travancore State Manual, written by a native official of the Travancore Kingdom, V. Nagam Iyya:
QUOTE: “It is the power of the British sword,” as has been well observed, “which secures to the people of India the great blessings of peace and order which were unknown through many weary centuries of turmoil, bloodshed and pillage before the advent of the Briton in India”. END OF QUOTE.
Actually it has been mentioned that till the advent of the English supremacy, no king had mental peace. For, all kings and kingdoms all around would be incessantly planning to attack. For, the whole communication codes in the local languages were based on who is higher, bigger and mightier, and who is lower, smaller and weaker. Display and assertion of might was an omnipresent requisite in the language codes. These are things that native-Englishmen do not have any knowledge about.
163. the pacifistic-humane idea is perfectly all right perhaps when the highest type of man has previously conquered and subjected the world to an extent that makes him the sole ruler of this earth
Ultimately Adolf Hitler does admit that once the highest type of man is command all over the world, there would be everlasting peace. Well, that was the experience that was dawning in the Indian subcontinent when a portion of it came under the English rule. The only problem was that till the end of the English colonialisms, around half of the landscape still was under the rule of the native kings and queens, who did not really have English qualities or egalitarian ideas. That was the locations wherein the essential quality of the English rule lay breached.
It is sure that Adolf Hitler, in spite of showering so much admiration and praise on England, never could imagine that this might be the very entity that was the ‘highest type of man’, who should rule to enforce world peace. Yet, it was nothing to do with race, skin colour, talents, skills or mental acumen. It was all just a matter of the communication codes therein.
Even though one may think that I am speaking some nonsense, it is just a feeling that comes from being untutored in my ideas.
I do remember one incident in my life in a busy, yet small-time township in a south Indian village. The place was quite rich by Indian standards. But the streets were unkempt, and unclean. The shopkeeper kept the insides of their shops, where they had command, clean and tidy. However, just outside their shops, where they had no command on the various other shopkeepers and their employees, the place was littered.
There was one small supermarket owner who incessantly made a lot of efforts at organising the shopkeepers to set up litterbins and to educate the people on keeping the street litter-free. However, nothing moved beyond the occasional meetings.
Once he arranged for me to take an English class for the shopkeepers near his own establishment. It was a mutually connected bio-system, with the supermarket owner being a sort of higher ‘respected’ personage to all the smaller shopkeepers around. I started the English class by first laying the communication codes. I strived to first remove all the feudal hierarchies in the communication system. I was to be addressed with Mr. prefixed to my name. The small shop owners were asked to address the supermarket owner also with a Mr. prefixed to his name.
It was a most uncomfortable situation. It was literally like compressing a pyramid into a plain. It was not possible. In their intimate conversations, they mentioned that it is impossible to address their revered personage in words devoid of ‘reverence’. Now, this is the point. In English there are specific words for addressing the Monarch, nobility, the Judges etc. However, this issue doesn’t come to interfere in a communication between or among ordinary people. Moreover, a King as Your Majesty doesn’t make the King address or refer to the common man with a pejorative word, depending on his station.
Even though, this is seen as a very small item, the fact is that inside feudal languages, each and every verbal degradation, self-deprecation and forced ennobling of some persons, etc. are part of every conversation. So, these things get practised millions and billions of times every day.
In pristine-ENGLISH these millions and billions of common communication errors are not there. Now, can the reader understand why pristine-ENGLAND and pristine-ENGLISH are different and superior? Pristine-ENGLISH is superior, because it is quite common.
Feudal languages are inferior because it is filled with certain Superior-versus-degraded inferior codes, that gets activated a billion and more times every day, all over the world. It is a huge content of negativity, suppression and oppression. If negativity is what is being measured, they are of quite powerful content. However, negativity doesn’t improve a social condition. It simply takes the social atmosphere to mutual bickering.
164. but this planet once moved through the ether for millions of years without human beings and it can do so again someday if men forget that they owe their higher existence, not to the ideas of a few crazy ideologists, but to the knowledge and ruthless application of Nature’s stern and rigid laws.
Well, there is some sense in what Adolf Hitler says. However, he connects it to a race.
However, a greater understanding can be pulled out of his words. Technical skills and technology can literally become so inexpensive and easy to use that, it can get into the wrong hands. It is like the issue of the English Missionaries training the lower castes in Travancore. Populations which were locally designated as mere lower grade human beings, and expressively mentioned in terms connecting them to superior animals by the higher castes improved tremendously.
To understand the various means used for improving the lower castes, who had been kept at very despicable social levels, read the NATIVE LIFE IN TRAVANCORE by REV Samuel Maters.
After the departure of the English rule, many of these improved lower-castes moved into the forest areas of the neighbouring state and cleared up the forest land, for the setting up huge farmlands. They now had the necessary skills as well as a very powerful ecclesiastical leadership. Beyond that they knew the art of making guns and using gun powder.
It was a critical knowledge. For, when they entered the forest areas, animals such as monkeys, porcupines, wild boar, mountain goats, deer, rabbits etc. were mercilessly killed using guns and baits connected to explosives. Tapioca baits laced with gunpowder explosives were used to lure wild boars. When the wild boars bit the tapioca, it would burst and the wild boar’s face would be shattered. Wild elephants were lured to fall into big holes and made to scream till death, of hunger and thirst. This was used to terrorise the elephant populations to move away from the location.
Now, just imagine what would be the case if after some decades there is a technical breakthrough whereby human beings can communicate with many animals. Rats learn to speak in English. They are given commercial work to do, by which they can earn money. They can buy goods. They speak about their horrible fear of the cats. Then in a friendly gesture, the rats are taught to use guns. They are given access to technical skills and equipment to make guns. What happens?
Cats would not have a chance. Cats would be trapped and tormented to death. However, there might be a poetic justice in that cats have been doing the same to the rats for centuries. However, if the rats get used to higher technical skills and start using them on the human beings to wipe them out. What then?
The above allegory is about what the English Empire has sown all over the globe. It was a very grand world government. Spreading culture and technical skills among populations, which were loyal to this Empire. However, when the Empire withdrew, what was left was a lot of populations with a lot of technical skills with no one to guide them. They have used it on themselves, killing each other.
Now, they are aiming for better areas. If and when they annihilate English nations, the earth would still continue to rotate without English nations.
165. The low fertility of a living space may spur the one race to the highest achievements; in others it will only be the cause of bitterest poverty and final undernourishment with all its consequences.
Though the summarisations do seem correct, the word ‘race’ spoils the correctness. It is ultimately the language codes and its correct arrangement that does trick either way. It is like this: In the Indian army, the officers and their wives are the Aap, UNN, Saab/Memsahib etc. The ordinary soldier and his wife are the Thoo, USS, Theeari, mere name etc.
Other hierarchies possible connected to age, family status etc. are not allowed to function inside or compete with the Officer versus Shipai soldier hierarchy. This system does create a very powerful and rigid discipline and hierarchy more powerful than the ancient caste system in the subcontinent.
However, in many government offices wherein the same feudal language is used, varying kinds of hierarchies based not only on professional status or position, but also on age, capacity to delay work, union leadership etc. comes to compete with each other in the hierarchy codes. Here it is seen that the same language creates indiscipline.
Now these things are not there in pristine-English. In fact, a native-English speaker will not understand the power in the above-mentioned items.
166. hence that to preserve a certain culture the man who creates it must be preserved.
Yes, this is true to some extent. However, simply preserving the man will not help. He should be preserved in his pristine qualities. A person from low-social quality nations like Japan, China, India, Pakistan, African nations, etc. goes to England. He carries with him his native feudal cultures.
Once in England, he will change to a slight English culture, after creating much havoc and mental distress in many native-English speakers. However, for most part the evilness in the feudal language mood will not be detectable. For, feudal languages have two entirely different modes.
One of extreme affability and servitude to those who are better placed. And the other of extreme arrogance and degrading of those who arrive at a lower position. It is the first mode that will delude the native-Englishmen in English nations. However, once the feudal language speakers get settled down to a mood of secure citizenship, and financial acumen, the other side can emerge very tangibly or exist in the background as a powerful platform of intimidation.
What would disturb is the experience that the same person has two entirely different personality disposition. However, that is how the codes exist in feudal languages.
In fact, if the various peoples from various nations move into each other’s locations, they will change to adjust to the local language-based culture. However, since most of the languages are feudal, there wouldn’t be much of a change, other than slight variations.
However, an Englishman changing into a feudal language speaker or a feudal language speaker changing into an Englishman are tremendous changes, which can literally create terrific changes very near to the location of the genes. However, genes are also codes. Language codes can write into and on-to them.
Now coming back to Adolf Hitler’s assertions, the fact remains that it is not Germans who have created any quality culture anywhere. All sophisticated and soft social cultures, which have spread throughout the world are basically connected to pristine-ENGLISH. Even such ordinary usages like: Thank you, May I?, Could you?, I beg your pardon, Excuse me, Sorry, Good morning etc. are not there in feudal languages, without an affliction of a direction code. This direction code is that of higher to lower or lower to higher vector component or direction.
167. All the human culture, all the results of art, science, and technology that we see before us today, are almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryan.
Even though the so-called or so-claimed Aryans (Aariyans) of India might be quite happy to hear these words, no such monopoly can be claimed by any of these two groups. And beyond that, technical skills in itself doesn’t create good social conditions. If that had been so, the carpenter class of ancient times in the Indian subcontinent would have created a great social culture. They did not and they could not.
168. If we were to divide mankind into three groups, the founders of culture, the bearers of culture, the destroyers of culture, only the Aryan could be considered as the representative of the first group.
This is just a tall claim with no basis. However, the word culture is a huge one, defining totally different items. For instance, if the reader wants to know What is Indian Culture?, he or she should read this text. I am not taking the word culture in the sense that one mentions Mayan Culture, but as the way of social interaction.
In feudal language cultures, refined social behaviour is connected to being ‘respectful / obsequious’ to one’s own elders, officials, socially higher placed persons etc. and being very rude, insulting etc. to elders who are not one’s own seniors, to lower placed persons, to persons who are younger age, to persons who are judged to be doing lower quality jobs. The ‘respect’ is through ennobling words and such actions as getting up in their presence. The ‘degradation’ is by means of pejorative words. There need not be any other action of being insulting.
However the politeness and manners that pristine-ENGLISH enforces is a much softer one, and not at all connected to one’s age, seniority, and actions of respect like bowing, getting up etc. It is more in polite tones, words like Thank you, Sorry etc. and not being intrusive in talk. Even the words: What is your name? might need to be rephrased as: May I know your name, please?
These are concepts of culture that even Adolf Hitler cannot speak of. For the Germans he mentions are mentioned in this book itself as rude, cunning, treacherous and backstabbing. If Germans are Aryans, there is no need for this Aryan culture to be promoted.
169. In a few decades, for example, the entire east of Asia will possess a culture whose ultimate foundation will be Hellenic spirit and Germanic technology, just as much as in Europe.
It is just baseless feelings that it is Greek or German or even Roman culture or antiquity that has given a feeling of supremacy to Continental Europeans. Actually, it is a just feeling that comes from being close to England. In regions of the world, which had English colonialism, people are used to saying that they had ‘Whiteman’s rule’. Actually, very few percentage of White men was English or did know English the language. So this 'Whiteman’s rule' is an inappropriate usage.
The fact is that even a whiff of English can change a human being. Just seeing an English film can create tremendous changes in a feudal language speaking human being. For, the way the characters interact among themselves is quite different from anything experienced by a feudal language speaker.
Just remember, a few months interaction by the French soldiers with English speaking soldiers was enough to make them go berserk against their own suppressive French nobility.
I have heard Indian soldiers who had been near to English soldiers in their UNO peace missions in Africa, suddenly become filled with terrible antipathy towards their own Indian officers. It is just a few weeks exposure to English army life and the Indian soldier understand that he is not given the decent treatment that is natural in an English army ambience.
Many nations in Continental Europe are just piggy-back riding on the proximity to England. And even Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Commentary - Preface to the denuding
Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence
Commentary - The mentioned nations
Commentary - Where I stand
Commentary - German, the language
Commentary - Call to arms
Commentary - Born in the wrong place
Commentary - The Good versus the great!
Commentary - What might be lost in the translation!
Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!
Commentary - Practical steps to set-up an organisation in a feudal language nation
Commentary - The writing of the book!
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