MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

Annotations VOL - 1 - 12 to 14
12. This wretched licking of France’s boots more than once made me throw down one of these ‘world newspapers.’
Adolf Hitler’s assessment of France might be quite apt and accurate. France was nothing other than mere words. Even their famous slogan Liberté, égalité, fraternité was just a fad. In that, it is quite possible that the French language is quite feudal. Otherwise, there is no explanation for the beginning words in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, which begins with a comparison between London and Paris, thus:
QUOTE: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. END of QUOTE
Actually what Charles Dickens’ meant would be: This is England; the other is France. This is London; the other is Paris. This is English; the other is French. This is a planar language nation; that is a feudal language nation. And thus.
Basically, nations and social systems wherein the language codes are feudal, and hierarchical and contains the codes of ennobling greatness and denigrating pejoratives, all act great by using such continuous chanting of great social rights and unrighteousness. Even in India, one can hear great, yet empty talk of the great human rights and human dignity upheld by law.
However, the moment an ordinary man is accosted by an official, even of the lowest menial level, the frank reality of human degradation opens up very visibly.
Even the depiction of the French nobility as quite a crude lot compared to English nobility bespeaks the existence of feudal denigrating hierarchical codes in the French language. Since I do not know the French language, I can’t say anything categorically. However, if one were to examine the French language, one might be able to see at least a variety of hierarchical YOUs. If such a thing is not there now, it must have been there during the French revolution times, at least.
Feudal language nations, social systems as well as population groups are not dependable. They change rapidly, depending on the level of immediate word code that has been activated, and its trigonometric component.
However, England also had a historical habit on not understanding where to place France. During the colonial days, it was a very prominent feature of all French governments to proclaim an ‘attack English establishments anywhere and everywhere in the world’ policy. It was actually this feature of the French trading groups that ultimately led to the English East India Company becoming the governing force in many locations in the Indian peninsula.
Beyond that in Europe itself, France was always set to menace England whenever possible. In the war in the American New World, it was actually the handiwork of the French and such other European nations, including Spain that led immature persons like George Washington astray to revolt against their own king and nation. The French King Louis XVI actively aided and abetted this misdemeanour. Yet, when he was beheaded by his own people, who had been inspired by the great social stature of the English common folks, it was England again that ran to support his side. Clearly, there was some intellectual dichotomy throughout English history. On one side the common folk fighting for their nation. On the other, some intellectual fools playing the reneged. It has happened in the case of the English Empire also.
13. Intrinsically they remained unalterably of one piece.
This Adolf Hitler speaks of the Jews. That various Jews do not accept the ideals of Zionism. But when examined in close quarters, they all show a singularity in aims and ambitions. Now, this is something that might not be a Jewish feature alone. I have more or less detected the same among feudal languages speakers. Many of them do exhibit tones and words that are pointedly against feudal content in ordinary social relationships. However, when it comes to actuality, they themselves are very much part and parcel of these dangerous emotional content.
It is something all English nations have to be wary of. It is about people who are innately connected to feudal languages. In these languages, there is a heavy content of people degradation, that is almost automatic and spontaneous. It is not deliberate. Yet, it is as dangerous as someone with a very deliberate aim to explode a bomb right in the midst of a crowded public meeting place. Feudal language codes splinter up human relationships. Just a mere glance by a person who thinks in a feudal language can create a rupture between a wife and her husband. These are things about which a native-English speaker has not even an iota of understanding.
I have literally plucked Adolf Hitler’s word away from its Jewish context. However, as to the Jews, again, it must be stressed that there might be a need to examine their traditional language codes in detail. Therein more information on this ‘chosen people’ would come out in extra detail.
It is quite obvious that Adolf Hitler couldn’t get a head or tail on why god made the Jews the Chosen people. He does mention a lot about them, in a sneering manner. Yet, what seems to irritate him was that they had spread their tentacle into each and every part of the social, administrative and news media set-ups. Thereby acting as a self-contained group with its own internal communication routes. Here again, one might wonder about the internal structure of their traditional language.
Only languages like English are flat-surfaced with literally no interior hidden routes. Most other languages, especially feudal, with a simple change of indicant words can literally convey a lot of hidden inputs. Commands, loyalties, belittling, ennobling, desecration, splintering of links, retorts, negations, acceptance etc. can be conveyed by words, which when translated into English literally look quite ordinary sentence.
For instance, an uncle would like to command a nephew (who is a government official) to do something against the official norms. He can simply say: You do it. Among Englishmen, in most cases, the uncle wouldn’t be able to say it. And even if he does say it, there wouldn’t be any moral or positional authority encoded in it. In a feudal language, the simple sentence: You do it, will come with a direction of command, and a receipt of acceptance.
I have no ideas as to what the internal language of the Jews is, and whether it is feudal or not. Or whether it has some other codes totally unknown to me.
However, as to whether the Jews are good people or not is not for me judge. However, a piece of information that seems to distract me is that in the recent massacre of the Tamil population in northern Ceylon, I do get a hint that it was Israel that worked behind the scenes. If it is true that then Israel will shortly be dealing with nemesis.
14. If later you met the man you thought you had converted, he was just the same as before.
There is indeed a great insight in the words above. In the passages connected to the above sentences. It is difficult to maintain people who are positioned in the lower locations of the feudal language codes in any intellectual position, unless the totality of the word code position is static. However, it goes on changing, and along with it mood swings also happen. Word codes swing from that of ‘respect’ to that of pejorative ‘degradation’. The intellectual stance also swings along. But then it can park in a location that is more or less in the median area.
Commentary - Preface to the denuding
Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence
Commentary - The mentioned nations
Commentary - Where I stand
Commentary - German, the language
Commentary - Call to arms
Commentary - Born in the wrong place
Commentary - The Good versus the great!
Commentary - What might be lost in the translation!
Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!
Commentary - Practical steps to set-up an organisation in a feudal language nation
Commentary - The writing of the book!
Annotations VOL - 1 - 1 to 11
Annotations VOL - 1 - 12 to 14
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Annotations VOL - 1 : 24 to 31
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