MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

Annotations VOL - 1 : 15 to 23
15. the party with whose petty representatives I had been carrying on the most violent struggle for months was, as to leadership, almost exclusively in the hands of a foreign people;
Adolf Hitler does hint that people who are from one’s own nation would be benevolent to the natives and the foreigners would be exploiters. The above sentence if taken in this minor context, is not true.
For instance, in the various disconnected locations inside the Indian peninsula region, both the native as well as foreign social dominators were not inclined to induce social development to the common masses in these places. There was only one exception and that was the English rulers. They acted in a most renegade manner to their own home nation, and disseminated the various knowledges of their native land to the people in the Indian peninsular area.
For a close look at what I speaking, I think I will insert an image from the realities of the Indian peninsular region. The image bespeaks the condition of the slightly lower castes of this area (North Malabar, part of the erstwhile Madras Presidency).

Image taken from Castes and tribes of Southern India by Edgar Thurston (1860s). The image of the labour class Marumakkathaya Thiyya caste female. It was not the dressing standards that oppressed them, but the crushing beat of the lower indicant words
I am inserting another image which I think can convey an idea of what was being given to local people of the lower classes by the English rulers. Even though the two pictures are not of the same persons, I hope to convey my contentions here.

School in English ruled Malabar district: 1910
16. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn’t help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about.
The above lines are connected to passages that describe certain exquisite experiences in verbal discussion. It is a common experience when one tries to debate with people much below one’s own level of intellect, who has a feeling of being an intellectual superior. In the case of Adolf Hitler, it led him to hate the Jews.
And it is quite incredible that he identifies Marxism as a cunning idea of the Jews. It is an idea that can literally give a shiver to all communists and Marxists all around the word.
17. I am fighting for the work of the Lord.
It is a strange argument that Adolf Hitler comes up with. His fight is against the Jews. Yet, how come he ended up fighting with even the English nations? The ways of inscrutable destiny is quite complicated indeed.
18. TODAY it is my conviction that in general, aside from cases of unusual talent, a man should not engage in public political activity before his thirtieth year.
There might be some correctness in these ideas. However, whether they can be true everywhere is not clear. Especially, when taking the case of the English Empire. For instance, Robert Clive was only around 25 years when he literally created the English Empire in some parts of the Indian peninsular region. At least some of the district administrators (District Collectors) in the English ruled parts of the Indian peninsula were only around sixteen years’ old English youngsters. Some of the English East India Company’s army Majors were also of that age.
However, command is generally connected to a positioning given in the language codes. In that sense, it is possible to assign command to any level of persons, even youngsters, of even lesser age. It is very much possible in the feudal languages of the Indian peninsula.
However, the English experience is different. And the English youngsters came from a social communication, in which there were no degrading or ennobling codes in common conversation. The experience of everyone in their command structure in the Indian peninsular region would be a sweet one.
However, the modern day native-English youngsters in England would be of a slightly different mental timbre. For, many of them would have experience of having studied under non-English teachers. Moreover, they would have studied along with students who are natives of feudal languages. Equalising native-English students with native feudal-language speaking students would erode the inner qualities of the former and rise up the inner qualities of the latter. In fact both would arrive at a medium level which is higher than that of the feudal language speakers and lower than the native-English speakers. It is a loss for antique England and a gain for extra-national elements.
19. Obviously the example of this body had been taken from England, the land of classical ‘democracy.
Here Adolf Hitler does admit that classical democracy came from England. It is a great admission which would be found objectionable in some nations like the nation of India. There are historians in India who would love to mention that the ideas of democracy were born in ‘India’, (there was no such ‘India’ before British-India!), and that the Englishmen stole even this idea from ‘India’. There are millions of school-textbook educated Indians willing to believe this nonsense.
20. When Barry raised his parliament buildings from the waters of the Thames, he thrust into the history of the British Empire and from it took the decorations for the twelve hundred niches, consoles, and pillars of his magnificent edifice. Thus, in their sculpture and painting, the House of Lords and the House of Commons became the nation’s Hall of Fame.
ENGLAND's antiquity is indeed great. It is quite curious that Adolf Hitler should exhibit a more than passing admiration to it.
As to the US, there are enough jokers in the USA, who believe that everything came from the Roman and Greek antiquity. See these words of Adolf Hitler:
21. This was where the first difficulty came in for Vienna. For when Hansen, the Danish builder, had completed the last pinnacle on the marble building of the new parliament, there was nothing he could use as decoration except borrowings from antiquity. Roman and Greek statesmen and philosophers now embellish this opera house of Western democracy, and in symbolic irony the quadrigae fiy from one another in all four directions above the two houses, in this way giving the best external expression of the activities that went on inside the building.
Many be the academic jokers in the US do feel that everything great in their nation was a creation of the ‘great’ swarms of immigrants who came from Continental Europe. It is a great wonder why in their tiny minds they can’t understand that Continental Europeans and Africans and Asians mixing up in any location that is not pristine-English, but feudal languages will only create a mess and nothing great.
22. I had always hated parliament, but not as an institution in itself. On the contrary, as a freedom-loving man I could not even conceive of any other possibility of government, for the idea of any sort of dictatorship would, in view of my attitude toward the House of Habsburg, have seemed to me a crime against freedom and all reason.
There is a great insight in this indeed. People who love the concept of human freedom and individual right to dignity fall into the trap of believing that democracy and parliament and elections would give them that. In feudal language nations, these very set-ups end up as death-traps of human freedom and right to dignity. At the same time in pristine-English nations, even without democracy, parliament and elections, human freedoms and right to dignity are ensured in the language codes.
23. I had, without myself realising it, been inoculated with a certain admiration for the British Parliament, of which I was not easily able to rid myself. The dignity with which the Lower House there fulfilled its tasks (as was so touchingly described in our press) impressed me immensely. Could a people have any more exalted form of self-government?
The same is the mistake many persons all around the world make. An admiration of the most idiotic institution in England. The dignity of the lower House is not an attribute of the English parliament, but is a direct effect of the planar codes in pristine-ENGLISH.
It is this democracy that has literally destroyed England and its various accomplishments. Robert Clive, loved and adored by millions in the Indian peninsula, was forced to commit suicide by this stupid institution. A mere fluke in English history and the labour party came to power, with its most idiotic policies. The English Empire, for which millions of people all around the world had toiled for at least more than a century is made mincemeat. And the pieces thrown into the hands of self-seeking feudal rich persons in these lands.
In the immediate aftermath of the dispensing of British-India to local leaders in the northern parts of the Indian peninsula, (most areas really not under British rule) a terrible communal clash broke out in which around 1 million peacefully living (fully devoted to the English rule till then) people were hacked, burnt and otherwise done to death. It is a great pity that the greatest criminal in history Clement Atlee was not handed over to the rioters. They would have handed him his just deserts.

Commentary - Preface to the denuding
Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence
Commentary - The mentioned nations
Commentary - Where I stand
Commentary - German, the language
Commentary - Call to arms
Commentary - Born in the wrong place
Commentary - The Good versus the great!
Commentary - What might be lost in the translation!
Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!
Commentary - Practical steps to set-up an organisation in a feudal language nation
Commentary - The writing of the book!
Annotations VOL - 1 - 1 to 11
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