MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

Annotations VOL - 2 : 502 to 549
502. But, on the other hand, nothing gives better proof of the vital forces of a people and the consequent guarantee of its right to exist than that one day, through a happy decree of Destiny, a man arises who is capable of liberating his people from some great oppression, or of wiping out some bitter distress, or of calming the national soul which had been tormented through its sense of insecurity, and thus fulfilling what had long been the universal yearning of the people.
Adolf Hitler is literally delineating the divine being who has been predicted by many an ancient scripture.
503. The tragedy lies in the fact that many men struggle to reach the same objective by different roads, each one genuinely believing in his own mission and holding himself in duty, bound to follow his own road without any regard for the others.
Quite true.
504. In studying the lessons of history
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505. foundation of the German Reich
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506. the free play of forces,
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507. Therefore it is not to be regretted if different men set out to attain the same objective. In this way the strongest and swiftest becomes recognised and turns out to be the victor.
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508. The moment a man arises who profoundly understands the distress of his people and, having diagnosed the evil with perfect accuracy, takes measures to cure it; the moment he fixes his aim and chooses the means to reach it – then paltry and pettifogging people become all attention and eagerly follow the doings of this man who has thus come before the public gaze
Very candid observations. Yet, where is this man?
509. it implies rather that they intend to steal the programme and found a new party on it.
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510. It is to that kind of conduct that the so-called ‘patriotic disintegration’ is to be attributed.
Actually in nations like India etc. there is usually used a method to destroy a movement by using Agent provocateurs or something similar.
511. The decision was personally a difficult one for him, but it showed a profound sense of honesty.
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512. Suddenly programmes appeared which were mere transcripts of ours.
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513. that motive was the personal ambition of the founders, who wished to play a part in which their own pigmy talents could contribute nothing original except the gross effrontery which they displayed in appropriating the ideas of others, a mode of conduct which in ordinary life is looked upon as thieving.
Basically all the above few comments might point to the various treacherous actions by fellow Aryans, Adolf Hitler faced as he strived to build up his own organisation.
514. It must never be forgotten that nothing really great in this world has ever been achieved through coalitions, but that such achievements have always been due to the triumph of the individual.
No comment.
515. And, above all things, the People’s State will never be created by the desire for compromise inherent in a patriotic coalition, but only by the iron will of a single movement which has successfully come through in the struggle with all the others.
No comment.
516. 1. Popular support is the first element which is necessary for the creation of authority.
2. power, that is to say, the capacity to use force, as the second foundation on which all authority is based
3. If popular support and power are united together and can endure for a certain time, then an authority may arise which is based on a still stronger foundation, namely, the authority of tradition.
4. If popular support, power, and tradition are united together, then the authority based on them may be looked upon as invincible.
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517. 1. Between these two extremes stands the third class, which is made up of the broad middle stratum, who do not represent radiant heroism or vulgar vice.
2. In case one of the extreme sections comes out victorious the middle section will readily submit to its domination.
3. the middle class never fight their own battles.
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518. But the first and only pillar on which the authority of the State rested, namely, its popularity, was grounded only on a conglomeration of rowdies and thieves, burglars, deserters, shirkers, etc.
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519. Their password was not the organisation and construction of the German Republic, but rather the plundering of it.
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520. They feared that measures might be taken against the right to robbery and absolute domination on the part of a horde of thieves and plunderers – in short, the worst rabble – who had broken out of the convict prisons and left their chains behind.
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521. Thereupon the analphabetic Russian became the slave of his Jewish dictators who, on their side, were shrewd enough to name their dictatorship ‘The Dictatorship of the People’.
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522. At the Front a man may die, but the deserter must die.
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523. Hence special laws are necessary; just as, for instance, the law against stealing, which was not made for men who are honest on principle but for the weak and unstable elements.
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524. The Revolution, however, was not made by the peaceful and orderly elements of the nation but rather by rioters, thieves and robbers.
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525. Only by remembering it can we understand how it was possible that a nation in which nine-tenths of the people had not joined in a revolution, where seven-tenths repudiated it and six-tenths detested it – how this nation allowed the Revolution to be imposed upon it by the remaining one-tenth of the population.
United minority generally rule over disunited majority population. In fact, even though George Washington, with his Continental European swarming-in-crowd, won the war in the New World, the major population still remained loyal to England. But then, power was in the hands of the organised hooligans.
526. according to our current bourgeois idea of the State, if a divisional general received from above the order not to shoot he fulfilled his duty and therefore acted rightly in not shooting, because to the bourgeois mind blind formal obedience is a more valuable thing than the life of a nation. But according to the National Socialist concept it is not obedience to weak superiors that should prevail at such moments, in such an hour the duty of assuming personal responsibility towards the whole nation makes its appearance.
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527. Marxism always professed the doctrine that the use of arms was a matter which had to be judged from the standpoint of expediency and that success justified the use of arms.
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528. Their aim was to secure a share in the new establishment, and so they continued the use of words as their sole weapon.
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529. The Jew succeeded brilliantly in using his Press for the purpose of spreading abroad the idea that the defence associations were of a ‘non-political’ character just as in politics
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530. disarming themselves and delivering themselves defenceless into the hands of the Jew.
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IMAGE: 1941: Inspecting Naval troops
531. The lack of a great idea which would re-shape things anew has always meant a limitation in fighting power.
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532. A movement which does not fight for such high aims and ideals will never have recourse to extreme means.
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533. The appearance of a new and great idea was the secret of success in the French Revolution.
Not quite. Nor was the French Revolution a success, other than a social upheaval. If the French language had feudal content, I am not sure if the use of the word ‘citizen’ could erase it.
534. The Russian Revolution owes its triumph to an idea.
Not quite.
535. It has invariably happened in the history of the world that formal State authority has failed to break a reign of terror which was inspired by a philosophy of life. It can only be conquered by a new and different philosophy of life whose representatives are quite as audacious and determined.
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536. The rulers of the State can guarantee tranquillity and order only in case the State embodies a philosophy which is shared in by the people as a whole;
This is actually a very resounding point. If English nations do not understand this, and rush into multiculturalism, the native people there will end up as ridiculous slaves to peoples of unknown and un-understood mental qualities.
537. by the word ‘workers’ they mean the Marxists.
From experience, it is seen that a Communist takeover of political power means, the dividing of the spoils among the members of the party. The common people still remain as before or worse. There is no clear-cut idea about how to improve everyone, remove corruption, bring in softer social interaction etc. In fact, everything is crude and rude.
I have indeed heard one Communist party leader and then the state minister, saying in a speech that ‘even if God himself comes here, He will not be able to stop bureaucratic corruption in India’, when asked about the terrible levels of corruption in the bureaucracy.
538. Political convictions in the higher sense mean that one has the picture of a new regime clearly before one’s mind, feels that the establishment of this regime is an absolute necessity and sets himself to carry out that purpose as the highest task to which his life can be devoted.
I am not sure if most revolutionaries do have a very clear idea as to how to bring about a total change in the social settings, other than a mere change of individuals in the various slots. In fact, I have seen Communist party, after doing a lot of social upheavals, literally following the same feudal patterns in social relationship, which they had attacked in the first place.
Without a total displacement of the feudal languages, and replacing it with a planar language like English, nothing substantial can be achieved.
It is due to this reason that the only ruler-ship in the various locations in the Indian subcontinent, only the rule by the erstwhile English rulers did create a major change. All other ruler-ships only changed the individuals, with only superficial improvement in the social system.
539. In the beginning this body was merely a guard to maintain order at our meetings.
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540. As a matter of fact, it has happened in history not infrequently that some of the greatest minds have perished under the blows of the most insignificant helots.
This is precisely the reason the Adolf Hitler committed suicide when he was on the verge of being captured alive by the Russian. If Russians had captured him, he would literally have been treated like a dog and most probably beaten to death, or beaten to the very verge of death. It generally happens when one surrenders to feudal-language speaking populations. They don’t feel that there is need to honour a word given to an enslaved person, or to a subordinate.
541. In all my life I wished to be first a German and then an official, and I never wanted to mix up with these creatures who, as if they were kept officials, prostituted themselves before anybody who could play lord and master for the time being.”
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542. Only when distributed among the ranks of the old and experienced soldiers could the young recruits, who had been trained for four or six months, become useful members of a regiment. Guided by the ‘old men’, they adapted themselves gradually to their task.
Again a very powerful hint of feudal content based on age, in the German language. If Robert Clive had been among them, he would be listening to the ‘old men’. However, in real life, when older men recommended that the English side was totally outnumbered and they need to remove themselves, in the night hours, he contemplated upon the advice for half an hour, and then simply mentioned: ‘This is an order. The battle starts in the early morning hours. Prepare for the attack.’ Or something similar to that affect.
543. the State teaches our young men democratic and pacifist ideas and thus deprives millions and millions of their national instincts, poisons their logical sense of patriotism and gradually turns them into a herd of sheep who will patiently follow any arbitrary command.
It is most probably a case of barking at the wrong tree. The error will be in the German language. Both the government and the people are under its non-tangible commands.
544. Shall we train soldiers for a regime which besmirched and spat upon our most glorious soldiers, tore the medals and badges from their breasts, trampled on their flags and derided their achievements?
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545. If the present State should one day have to call upon trained troops of this kind it would never be for the purpose of defending the interests of the nation vis-à-vis those of the stranger but rather to protect the oppressors of the nation inside the country against the danger of a general outbreak of wrath on the part of a nation which has been deceived and betrayed and whose interests have been bartered away.
In days to come, the above words would fit into pattern of the multicultural troops slowly growing up in England.
546. It is not merely that our police officials today have at their disposal a staff of eavesdroppers and other such rabble who are ready to play traitor, like Judas, for thirty pieces of silver and will betray whatever secrets they can discover and will invent what they would like to reveal.
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547. Dagger and pistol and poison-vial cannot clear the way for the progress of the movement. That can be done only by winning over the man in the street.
Winning the man on the street in India, showing him the way to quality is the answer to the social problems in India. Pristine-ENGLISH is the only solution.
548. There is another danger connected with secret societies. It lies in the fact that their members often completely misunderstand the greatness of the task in hand and are apt to believe that a favourable destiny can be assured for the nation all at once by means of a single murder.
One can find a few numbers of such ‘great men’ in British-India, whose fame stands on the single act of murdering some English official. At the same time, there were millions of oppressors all over the subcontinent, who were left alone.
549. The only result would be that another pair of bloodsuckers, equally fat and thirsty, would be ready to take his place.
Really dedicated communist revolutionaries had in a mood of desperation or to corner public attention, murdered local social oppressors in small-time village areas. There was no long-term or short-term social improvement, due to this action.

IMAGE: 1934: With Mussolini
Commentary - Preface to the denuding
Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence
Commentary - The mentioned nations
Commentary - Where I stand
Commentary - German, the language
Commentary - Call to arms
Commentary - Born in the wrong place
Commentary - The Good versus the great!
Commentary - What might be lost in the translation!
Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!
Commentary - Practical steps to set-up an organisation in a feudal language nation
Commentary - The writing of the book!
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