MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

Annotations VOL - 2 : 330 to 347
330. the highest probability is that only the best kind of protagonists will join our ranks. This selection is the guarantee of our success.
It is true that the individual members who sync perfectly with the ideologies of an organisation are its best assets. So, instead of aiming for a huge number of members, it might be wise to start with a few committed-to-the-core members.
331. The later products of cross-breeding have to suffer bitterly, especially the third, fourth and fifth generations. Not only are they deprived of the higher qualities that belonged to the parents who participated in the first mixture, but they also lack definite will-power and vigorous vital energies owing to the lack of harmony in the quality of their blood.
Actually something similar to this did happen to the Anglo-Indians in India. However, that was not due to any blood or genetic degradation. Just that their soft English culture was simply crushed down by the native vernacular speaking socially higher classes. The theme is complicated, but not like what Adolf Hitler mentions.
In fact, the same degradation can be seen in animals also who come from good pedigree abroad, but are handled at the lower end of the feudal language codes in India. They soon lose their quality in a generation or two. In fact, I think I can vouch for such things in the case of pedigree dogs, horses etc. unless they are handled in a higher quality verbal atmosphere.
332. At all critical moments in which a person of pure racial blood makes correct decisions, that is to say, decisions that are coherent and uniform, the person of mixed blood will become confused and take measures that are incoherent.
Here again, it is not genes or DNA at work, but the language codes. Mixed blood people generally could be connected to varying language speakers. The theme is quite debatable, and I have adequate proof of what I contend. However, the full text of that contention cannot be mentioned here. My books:
1. March of the evil empires; English versus the feudal languages
2. Shrouded Satanism in feudal languages; Tribulations and intractability of improving others!!
3. Codes of reality! What is language?
etc. can give some inputs about the same. However, all those books were written some years back. And my current information on this theme is much higher. Yet, all the above-mentioned books do contain quite original thoughts and observations.
333. this is because it would lack elasticity and constructive capacity to prevail over a race of homogeneous blood that was mentally and culturally superior.
Adolf Hitler has missed the way totally. Social homogeneity is connected to the language codes, and how it is implemented. In planar languages like pristine-ENGLISH, social cohesion is much easier to form. However in feudal languages, with very correct arranging of hierarchy codes, the social functioning can be made quite smooth as in the case of the rigid caste system.
However, if the codes are not arranged in perfect order, there will be mutual bickering, backstabbing, indiscipline and lack of coherence as seen in the Indian government offices.
It may be understood that both the Indian army as well as the Indian government offices function in the same language. Yet, due to the varying arraying of word codes, the social atmosphere that emerges is quite different from each other.
334. But there is serious danger that those who have become blind once in this respect will continue more and more to break down racial barriers and finally lose the last remnants of what is best in them
Here Adolf Hitler does argue for racial segregation. It is clear that he discerns very clear differences in people based on their skin colour. However, this is a very limited view. In most feudal language areas, people do find a lot more differences between people groups.
For instance: From the English and Continental European perspective, the word ‘Indians’ (meaning the people of the current day nation of India located in the Indian subcontinent) seems to suggest one particular kind of people. However, that is not the truth at all.
Inside this nation, there are various kinds of peoples. By language, there are different groups. By castes, there are different groups. By religion, there are different groups. Inside each religions, there are very marked groups who do not mix. In fact, till the 1930s, many of the currently so-called Hindu castes were not allowed inside any Hindu spiritual institutions like the temples.
People openly mention the segregation. Marriages across all these barriers are not that easy, and many are openly forbidden. Apart from all this, there are the sharp wedges inserted by the professional status of a person’s parents, or of himself or herself. People who consider themselves belonging to higher professions will not like their children to marry persons who are from a profession which is graded lower in the feudal language codes.
Well, these hundreds of human barriers are openly mentioned and very carefully maintained. However, not many people write it openly and make a statutory record of it. In fact, if one were to go by the statutory records, all these kinds of discriminations are forbidden, and India is thus a great nation. For, such discriminations are not there. Yet, the truth is the exact opposite.
The fact is that everyone mentally accepts the barriers and no one cares to break them. For instance, when a marriage is proposed, people from only acceptable castes and acceptable level of professional status are mentioned. Others are simply not mentioned as they are very obviously not mentionable. No one cares to ask why she or he should marry only a person from her or his own caste.
This much I mentioned above to just bring into focus the very miniscule nature of racial and ethnic barriers. In fact, skin colour barriers are more connected to family pedigree connecting to totally different people groups. However, mentioning that barrier seems to be a crime, when an umpteen number of human divisions can be mentioned and no one cares.
However, I need to interpose the idea that ethnic barriers need to be better understood by combining it with the issue of native language codes. It is a quite complicated and big theme.
335. The State should consecrate it as an institution which is called upon to produce creatures made in the likeness of the Lord and not create monsters that are a mixture of man and ape.
By using the word ‘ape’, Adolf Hitler has more or less quite candidly called some ethnic groups as being akin to ‘monkeys’. It does seem to be quite a misdemeanour. However, the misdemeanour that he has done is that he has quite openly mentioned this in a written form.
The fact is that deprecatory ways of referring to others, especially those who come from socially acknowledged lower classes, could be a fact of life in most Asian/African societies. For instance, people do very openly mention lower positioned persons as idiots, monkeys, donkeys etc. very openly.
I have myself heard it. Lower castes are mentioned thus by higher castes. When lower caste persons occupy higher government jobs (due to many higher government jobs being reserved for them), many of these lower-caste ‘officers’ invariably use sneering words and gesture to and about persons of higher castes placed under them. Especially when they are at home in the native feudal languages, and not good in English.
Apart from all this, there is this observation of mine, which would require a lot of words to explain fully. I will make a brief reference to it. It is like this:
When an English individual and a local Indian marry and have children, the children can grow up in a either one of two totally different personalities. If they are brought up in the local Indian feudal language ambience, they will have all the features of an Indian individual. This Indian feature can also be of a wide variety, depending on the social stature of the Indian parent and many other complicated influences.
Or the child can be brought up in a totally English ambience. Then the individual will have a totally English mental features.
Then there is the third individuality, which might come near to Adolf Hitler’s cantankerous words. A mixture of both English and some Indian personality features (there are many different kinds of personality features in India, depending on a variety of items).
I will leave this discussion at this point.
336. our national bourgeoisie look upon it as a crime to make procreation impossible for syphilitics and those who suffer from tuberculosis or other hereditary diseases, also cripples and imbeciles.
Well, I am not in a position to say anything about this. It is a very profound subject, that might require a detailed examination. If there are merits in it also, a blanket implementation might not be correct. Still, the possibility is that had Adolf Hitler ruled Germany for some twenty to forty years, German posterity would have been much more healthier. However, he went berserk and went to war.
337. To balance this state of affairs they try to convert the Hottentots and the Zulus and the Kaffirs and to bestow on them the blessings of the Church. While our European people, God be praised and thanked, are left to become the victims of moral depravity, the pious missionary goes out to Central Africa and establishes missionary stations for negroes
Adding outsiders into closed groups can be dangerous. In that, they will take over the institutions due to their numerical superiority.
Apart from that, there is this item. The English Missionaries of the London Missionary Society did a lot of pioneering good work in some kingdoms which were not under the English rule, in the Indian subcontinent. {Missionary work was forbidden in the English East India Company ruled areas}. Many lower caste individuals converted into Christianity.
Christian church was established in a very powerful manner. [Actually there was another traditional Christians in the area, practising all the traditional caste-based repulsions to the lower castes]. Seminaries and convents were established on English or Continental European styles.
Yet, none of them, the priests, the nuns or the newly converted Christians was same as or similar to the English Missionaries. They were different people with different mental triggers connected to their native feudal languages. If these people are allowed to take over the Christian establishments in England, it would be literally like asking Indians to rule England. India will slowly be transplanted (if not teleported) into England.
In fact there was a very curious conversation I had with a South Indian priest. He mentioned that he had been to England and had done ecclesiastical duties in a church there for some time. The word he used about the behaviour of the English congregation members was: they were very ‘respectful’.
Since we were conversing in English, the word wouldn’t immediately be a cause for consternation. However, the meaning of the word still has to be understood in the local south Indian feudal language. It is connected to a higher being shown obeisance by a lower being. In fact, if the conversation was translated into raw south Indian feudal languages, the picture would be of a lower class individual beings addressed in the pejorative by the priest, all standing in a pose of servitude.
Without the superimposition of the language codes, this understanding will never arise in the mind.
So, the actual fact is that when the south Indian priest was allowed to perform ecclesiastical duties in an English church in England, a desecration of a different kind does take place. Beyond that body postures, gestures and many other very minute items of a lower order gets a platform of power.
I am not sure if Adolf Hitler was able to discern these things at this level of fineness. Yet, when I mention them, mentioning me as being racist or something similarly sinister cannot be done. For, I am not White or English. Yet, I have discerned the goodness of pristine-ENGLISH social training. However, I could get to observe it at a distance only. I never had a real lengthy period of exposure to it.
338. 1. pleasing to God if a couple that is not of healthy stock were to show loving kindness to some poor orphan and become a father and mother to him, rather than give life to a sickly child that will be a cause of suffering and unhappiness to all.
2. there is only one infamy, namely, for parents that are ill or show hereditary defects to bring children into the world.
3. Through educational means the State must teach individuals that illness is not a disgrace but an unfortunate accident which has to be pitied, yet that it is a crime and a disgrace to make this affliction all the worse by passing on disease and defects to innocent creatures out of mere egotism.
4. If for a period of only 600 years those individuals would be sterilized who are physically degenerate or mentally diseased, humanity would not only be delivered from an immense misfortune
It might not be good to brush away the ideas mentioned in the above lines as rubbish. For, there are things here that might call for a more detailed discussion
339. In this way frontier colonies could gradually be founded whose inhabitants would be of the purest racial stock,
Actually, what would maintain the exact purity of any human group would be the keeping out other languages from entering. For, when languages change, human beings also change.
340. Of course it is a fine thing, but the pity is that it cannot be carried out.
In these modern times, it can be easily done.
341. resorting to the cheap excuse that nothing can be done to remedy the situation, then such a generation is doomed to disaster.
Even though, the above words of Adolf Hitler is in connection to a certain kind of birth control, I would like to take this quote to another location. Currently, most English nations are heading straight to disaster and doom. For their nations are being filled with populations whose inner mentality is not known or understandable to native-English speakers. They know only the English translated version of these alien thinking process, which comes fully dressed up in cosy affability.
There is a mood bordering on despondency emerging in those who think about these things, inside England. Others are not bothered, being deluded into a false sense of security in the kaleidoscopic colourfulness of the social scene. That this colourfulness is only a initial signs that herald a terrible social disaster is not known to them.
As to those who understand the signs, there seems to be a mood that nothing can be done, to stop the swaying of powerful historical movements. If they, instead of acting on their gut feelings, they stand silent, then there is only doom and disaster waiting in their destiny. And of their posterity.
342. That is why those political societies which call themselves ‘bourgeois parties’ are nothing but associations to promote the interests of certain professional groups and classes. Their highest aim is to defend their own egoistic interests as best they can.
True in India. Actually, the huge upper classes of India stand as a sort of mutual insurance team protecting each other, and seeing that the traditionally suppressed classes which amount to around 85 percent of the population remain as depressed underclass.
In India, currently a bank account is not affordable to most of the people. For there is a minimum balance that has to be maintained. Most people cannot do this. And the monthly penalty is too heavy. Especially if it is a business account.
343. And here again it is character which has to be developed first of all, strength of will and decision. And the educational system ought to foster the spirit of readiness to accept responsibilities gladly. Formal instruction in the sciences must be considered last in importance.
The words above are quite candid and clear. And the sentence about science education is the best. Simply forcing everyone to be well-learned in higher sciences and mathematics is simply to induce a feeling that there is something great to be acquired through formal education.
Only a few persons do have any use with higher science and mathematics. And if at all it becomes a necessary item later in life, it can be quite easily learned. I am sure that most of the individuals who have mugged up Trigonometry, Calculus, Quadrilateral equations, Logarithm, Metrics, Statistics, Geometry, Algebra, HCF, LCM etc. do not even remember any of these things after a few years after they leave their classrooms.
These things are forced upon students just to satiate the ego of a few persons who want to appear as the peer group. READERS can read this book: COMPULSORY FORMAL EDUCATION: A travesty!
344. A nation composed of learned men who are physical weaklings, hesitant about decisions of the will, and timid pacifists, is not capable of assuring even its own existence on this earth
Profundity in feudal language does not help. Physical prowess also does not help. What helps is a combination of a planar language like pristine-English and a very qualitative physical training. This can be either formal or informal.
345. There must be a certain balance between mind and body. An ill-kept body is not made a more beautiful sight by the indwelling of a radiant spirit.
There is another item that can be added as an explanation of the above sentence. In feudal language social systems, even if the mind is having a radiant spirit, the individual can be made to look like stinking dirt by means of mere words. So generally, there is a spirited move by the followers of any individual with a inner radiant spirit or not, to adorn their leader with words of divinity, as a protection. Mainly as suffixes to their names.
Words like Mahatma, Ji, Guru, Swami, Shree, Sri, Akka, Anna, Doctor (as suffix), Madaam, Medaam, Saab, Memsaab, Chettan, Chechi etc are prized and used for this purpose. If anyone refuses to use any of the words that had been assigned by the followers, he or she will be in danger of being attacked by the followers.
346. A mind which is sound will generally maintain its dwelling in a body that is sound.
Not necessarily. Erroneous word codes in feudal languages can literally trigger uncontrollable violence in a perfectly healthy man. It can verge on or even lead to homicide. Some persons commit suicide.
347. It must organise its educational work in such a way that the bodies of the young will be systematically trained from infancy onwards, so as to be tempered and hardened for the demands to be made on them in later years. Above all, the State must see to it that a generation of stay-at-homes is not developed
This is a statement that can mean different things in different language systems. The concept of obedience, and command are different in English from that in feudal languages.

Commentary - Preface to the denuding
Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence
Commentary - The mentioned nations
Commentary - Where I stand
Commentary - German, the language
Commentary - Call to arms
Commentary - Born in the wrong place
Commentary - The Good versus the great!
Commentary - What might be lost in the translation!
Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!
Commentary - Practical steps to set-up an organisation in a feudal language nation
Commentary - The writing of the book!
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