MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

Annotations VOL - 2 : 348 to 372
348. The People’s State ought to allow much more time for physical training in the school. It is nonsense to burden young brains with a load of material of which, as experience shows, they retain only a small part, and mostly not the essentials, but only the secondary and useless portion; because the young mind is incapable of sifting the right kind of learning out of all the stuff that is pumped into it.
A better idea would be teach English the language, and to allow the children to embark on various kinds of labour and business ventures on their own in a training ambience. I have seen children who went for work in their childhood blossoming into businessmen running bakeries and other businesses with the requisite technical knowhow and business acumen at a very young age.
I have seen young men who have finished their purported higher education with absolutely no knowledge in anything including English, waiting for a government job. In fact for such nitwits, nothing other than the cosy laziness of a Indian government office would fit.
349. This State does not consider that the human ideal is to be found in the honourable philistine or the maidenly spinster, but in a dareful personification of manly force and in women capable of bringing men into the world.
One needs to take the above sentence with a pinch of salt. May be Adolf Hitler did not mean to be male chauvinistic. And may be the idea he meant is not clear. However, as it stands, it would be most unacceptable, especially to many women. That they are mere machinery for procreation.
350. All this could happen only because our superior scholastic system did not train men to be real men but merely to be civil servants, engineers, technicians, chemists, litterateurs, jurists and, finally, professors; so that intellectualism should not die out
In India, everything is a mix. Formal technical education is mediocre. As to civil servants, the only really thing that should know is good quality English. So that they can behave and deal with the people in a decent and polite manner. Yet, most of them do not know English. What they do know, that is, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Geology, Geography, Vernacular languages etc are of no use to create an efficient officialdom.
This theme is big and I cannot deal with it here.
351. Of course education cannot make a courageous man out of one who is temperamentally a coward. But a man who naturally possesses a certain degree of courage will not be able to develop that quality if his defective education has made him inferior to others from the very start as regards physical strength and prowess
Actually if the last two words of ‘physical strength and prowess’ are removed from the above sentence, the above quote can be adjusted to make plain another huge reality of education in feudal language social systems.
The fact about the educational system in the small portion of the Indian subcontinent that was under the English rule was that it was commenced by the English rulers. The English rulers argued for an English education. The local social leaders did not want that. However, the English education lend by the English rulers necessarily removed to a possible extent, the degrading of the student by their native-land teachers.
The vernacular schools used the lower indicant words like Thoo, USS, Nee, Avan etc. to the students stuck under them. As to the English schools, the students escaped from this degrading. For in English, there was only one YOU, one HE, one SHE etc. None of which were degrading.
This is the essential difference that the English ruler’s education had from modern Indian education. This basic information is not known in current-day England.
352. All the immortal examples of dauntless courage and daring which the German armies gave during the late summer and autumn of 1914, as they advanced from triumph to triumph, were the result of that education which had been pursued systematically
Actually there might be a minimum of two different kinds of battle-field courage. One is connected to the feudal language slotted courage. In that, the lower positioned man has no other option of a leeway. He can only act in the way prescribed for him. In fact, I do feel that Japanese language could be heavily feudal. The fact that the suicide squad of pilots who ventured to bomb British ships do point to this.
In fact, they have no way to come back, deserting their duty. Back home, the word codes will drop heavily and they will have to commit suicide than face its terror. This is an information about the emotional triggers that can be activated by feudal languages, which is not known or understood in English.
However, in feudal language commands, there is the other side. If they can come home and there is no problem of the indicant word codes going down, soldiers will desert their post the moment they see that their side is not winning or the officers are seen with lack of respect. ‘Respect’ is everything in feudal languages, and it is not like the passive ‘respect’ mentioned in English. Each word has to have a ‘respect’ tag. The moment there is a lack of lending this tag, the officer’s command is over.
Moreover coming home injured is a far more terrible thing than in English. A weak man might easily lose his indicant code value. His family will also face the same issue. This is an extra terror not in English.
In English, the ‘respect’ tag in words and sentence are not there in the same manner as in feudal languages. Relationships are different. The individual has a personal level of honour. In feudal languages, the ordinary soldier is not allowed to have this. In fact, it is crushed during the inhuman training programme. However, if it not crushed, the command codes will not work in feudal languages.
353. The whole system of education and training must be directed towards fostering in the child the conviction that he is unquestionably a match for any and everybody.
This can be achieved only by a pristine-ENGLISH ambience. In feudal languages, if the student or child exhibits such a superior stance, he will be beaten to a pulp by his teachers. If an ordinary citizen were to exhibit this posture, the local policeman will beat it out of him, if he chances to be in his hands.
354. Only by a superabundance of national energy and a passionate thirst for liberty can we recover what has been lost.
It is doubtful if Germany had lost anything at that moment. Even the German nation was a relatively new creation.
355. It is stupid to think that the right of the State to supervise the education of its young citizens suddenly comes to an end the moment they leave school and recommences only with military service. This right is a duty, and as such it must continue uninterruptedly.
This is a theme that requires much writing. State can command education if the state is run by enlightened persons with good standards in English and English classics. If otherwise, the state should not impose its education on everyone. For there will definitely be individuals who are getting better education on their own.
356. that he must not only learn to obey but also acquire the fundamentals that will enable him one day to command.
Since the concept of obedience and command differ in different languages in general and very strongly between English and feudal languages, there might be need to discuss this theme in connection to the language in question.
Generally speaking, in feudal languages, obedience and command are similar to the slave versus feudal landowner relationship of Asia/Africa and other feudal language nations.
357. he must become convinced that he belongs to a people who are invincible.
That conviction can be had only by the pristine-ENGLISH speaker of England of some seventy years back and before.
358. the education of girls just as that of boys and according to the same fundamental principles. Here again special importance must be given to physical training,
NO comment
359. the essential traits of the individual character are already there fundamentally before any education takes place. A person who is fundamentally egoistic will always remain fundamentally egoistic, and the idealist will always remain fundamentally an idealist. Besides those, however, who already possess a definite stamp of character there are millions of people with characters that are indefinite and vague
The idea mentioned above is corrected as: feudal language speaker’s mind will always have virus infection of that language codes, even if he is given good education.
As to a person of pristine-English background, unnecessarily lengthy formal education will only be a waste of precious time. The best of England’s achievement that is the English Empire was not created by formally higher educated persons. Rather it was done by formally un-educated, school dropouts of England.
360: What did the German educational system do in pre-War times to teach the Germans to be discreet?
The capacity to retain secrets is also connected to the language system and to the level or stature of that specific individual in his social or familial ambience. However, as of now, English nations are also going down in social quality, due to quite obvious reasons.
361: Remarks that are made without any sense of responsibility are thoughtlessly repeated from mouth to mouth; and our economic welfare is continually damaged because important methods of production are thus disclosed.
It is tragic that the English nations never paid heed to the fabulous oriental wisdom/cunning in the above words. In India, I have seen that people who possess any technical information, idea, medical knowledge etc. never divulge it to others. They are willing to act as the complete repositories of this technique or knowledge. This is so, because any minor capacity that makes others gather around him is one of the most powerful machinery that can add social value and ‘respect’ to him.
The English stance has been quite the opposite. That is to disseminate each and every bit of information and knowledge to others. During the days of English colonialism, it was okay. For they were improving the populations that were loyal to them. However, in the modern days of international business competition, with no one actually in a pose of loyalty to any English nation, this posture was mere gullibility, made use of by competing business moguls in other nations.
The power of business Moguls in feudal language business structure is not really understood in English.
362. A teacher must not try to discover the wild tricks of the boys by encouraging the evil practice of tale-bearing
Yes, the habit of training children to be talebearers is quite bad. What has to be moulded is individual of grand stature, not subservient mental dwarfs.
363. Loyalty, self-sacrifice and discretion are virtues which a great nation must possess. And the teaching and development of these in the school is a more important matter than many others things now included in the curriculum.
For this to come about, feudal languages should be shown the door, and pristine-ENGLISH should be brought in. Teachers with profound depths in English Classics should be brought in. Meanness and assertive self-righteousness are not to be promoted. Compassion and a mood of understanding should be imbibed.
364. The fear of replying, because one fears to be wrong, ought to be considered more humiliating than giving the wrong reply.
Again, in feudal language, there are many fears embedded.
365. nobody had sufficient mettle to make a decision on his own responsibility. That terrible fact constitutes a grave rebuke to our educational system
No comment.
366. This defect is found everywhere among our people and prevents decisive action wherever risks have to be taken, as if any great action can be taken without also taking the risk.
An aside: Great actions are in the realm of great risks. However, the risk in feudal language nations is much more greater than in pristine-English societies. For a failure will also mean a pulling down to the gutter-levels in the language codes.
367. Quite unsuspectingly, a German General found a formula for this lamentable lack of the will-to-act when he said: “I act only when I can count on a 51 per cent probability of success.”
Incidentally, if one were to look at all English actions, both in war and in peace, during the days of English colonialism, the chances of success were always literally abysmally low. In Arcot, near Madras, when the combined forces of the local raja and the French converged upon the English, the English retort consisted of just 20 Englishmen and around 180 natives, under the captaincy of a raw youth with no military experience at all.
In the battle of Plassey that shock the Mogul power in the northern parts of the peninsula, the same youth faced the combined forces of the Mogul Nawab and the French. This time, he had 1800 natives and around 200 Englishmen with him. Most of them with no fighting experience. It was a fight with a numerical ratio of 1: 10. Yet, the totally outnumbered English leadership won. In a far of land, where the natives kings were on home turf.
The English continued their winning as long as their side kept a distance from the native feudal classes. However, when the English Crown took over the reins of power, many among the feudal class super rich from the subcontinent moved to England in the name of education. The education they did was to teach the gullible stay-at-home Briton, that they were the leaders of a land ‘enslaved’ by the English colonialists.
368. All in all, the cowardly lack of will-power and the incapacity for making decisions are chiefly results of the erroneous education given us in our youth.
This error will continue as long as the nation continues to be in a feudal language ambience. Formal education cannot do erase the error. In fact, it can only add to it.
369. Already in the school, unfortunately, more value is placed on ‘confession and full repentance’ and ‘contrite renouncement’, on the part of little sinners, than on a simple and frank avowal
For inducing high stature behaviour, a language that lends high stature is required.
370. First of all, the brains of the young people must not generally be burdened with subjects of which ninety-five per cent are useless to them and are therefore forgotten again.
Quite true. Quite in-sync with my own thoughts.
371. There is no reason why millions of people should learn two or three languages during the school years, when only a very small fraction will have the opportunity to use these languages in later life and when most of them will therefore forget those languages completely.
Actually only one language is required. And that is pristine-ENGLISH. Not Indian English, American English, Chinese English, French English and such other low-quality Englishes.
372. For history must not be studied merely with a view to knowing what happened in the past but as a guide for the future, and to teach us what policy would be the best to follow for the preservation of our own people. That is the real end; and the teaching of history is only a means to attain this end
Real history has its value. However, in feudal language nations, and low-quality societies, no one wants to know a history whereby his or her claims to great antiquity is not proved.
Commentary - Preface to the denuding
Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence
Commentary - The mentioned nations
Commentary - Where I stand
Commentary - German, the language
Commentary - Call to arms
Commentary - Born in the wrong place
Commentary - The Good versus the great!
Commentary - What might be lost in the translation!
Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!
Commentary - Practical steps to set-up an organisation in a feudal language nation
Commentary - The writing of the book!
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