MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

Annotations VOL - 2 : 373 to 385
373. He ought to study exhaustively and in detail only that subject in which he intends to work during the rest of his life
I need to qualify this great contention by adding that quality English, Arithmetic and a trade or technical skill to earn a livelihood or run a business should be learned. People who are not good in pristine-ENGLISH should not be allowed to run a business. Otherwise, those who work under him or her will have to suffer the degrading pejoratives. People who are not good in pristine-ENGLISH should not be allowed to become a government official.
374. But it is a perilous thing to base the general culture of a nation on the knowledge of these subjects.
Actually, the danger is more than what Adolf Hitler mentioned. A huge mass of youngsters whose heads are full of higher Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry are not going to lead the nation to any level of greatness. Actually only very few people are required to know all these subjects with deep knowledge.
As to getting employed in companies doing scientific jobs, like technicians etc., the companies usually teach them what to do, and only what to do.
Most complicated information, they would not divulge. Those things they would maintain as their trade secrets. Looking from this perspective, the huge number of years spend by the individuals in schools and colleges are mere waste. And nothing worthwhile is learned. Unless the person learned good English. In most schools in India, even good English is not taught. Most of the teachers do not have the mental acumen or desire to learn English.
375. Roman history, along general lines, is and will remain the best teacher, not only for our own time but also for the future.
Roman history is not what will create fabulous social quality. In fact, it is doubtful if the Roman Empire can stand anywhere near to the English Empire in terms of the support it got from the common people of the various locations inside the Empire. In the case of the tremendous amount of inspiring support the downtrodden masses in the various feudal language nations received also, the English Empire will stand unbeaten.
However, the English Empire has suffered a terrible amount of bad publicity from the various higher classes who took over the positions of power in the various nations that were given actually part of the English Empire. Even the great fake movie ‘Gandhi’ has disseminated a totally false picture about the English Empire. READERS are requested to follow this Link.
As to the Roman Empire, the various characters, in Hollywood films, do have an English aura about them. They speak in English and have physical postures which are very close to that of Englishmen. Their social relationships also seem to be quite like that of the Englishmen. This much is known by everyone who has seen the various Hollywood movies made about the Romans.
Even Julius Caser looks quite English, with very good English accent. It is the like the Gandhi movie. People fell in love with the English Gandhi. When actually he was just a Hindi and Gujarathi speaking feudal suppressor class man of India.
If the real Roman had been depicted as they really were, they would not be much better than the barbarian suppressors who used slaves to build up huge and colossal building structures everywhere.
376. but by a spirit of self-denial and the joy of giving one’s self in the service of others
This is not possible in feudal languages, unless one is bound to reap ‘respect’ for acting selfless.
377. This national passion is like a highly tempered thoroughbred who is discriminate about the sort of rider he will tolerate in the saddle.
No comment
378. a weakling is always more pleasing to those who want to bend him to their own uses than is a man who is made of harder metal
Without connecting the above sentence to the context in the book, I need to mention this is a very enlightening sentence. In fact, all policymakers in current-day English nations should take this as a touchstone when deciding on policy matters connected to making judgements about other nations’ rulers and leaders.
When they get a good opinion about a particular leader, it simply means that the person who gave the opinion has found the leader a very nice and malleable person. At the same time, if the opinion is bad, it again simply means that the person who gave the opinion found the leader too tough to manage or influence.
When dealing with Asian/African nations, what English nations should use is not a flashy James Bond, but a Henry Baker or a John Pennycuick. Dedicated men who understood the social emotions of the Asian people at close quarters. Instead of that if the policymaker try to act out the stupid themes in modern James Bond movies, England will end up like a silly Computer game player. Bombing here and there with no idea why it got involved in the first place.
379. But the fact that the enemy likes this form of government is the worst kind of condemnation.
True. The US for instance has no coherent foreign policy, being driven in various directions by the various extra national lobbies that have all literally taken the US leadership into some kind of hostage situation. If people come out of a strong nation and condemn the leadership, and more or less seduce the US government to attack that nation, the question should be asked as what is it that the US government is trying to support.
If it is going to install a pro-ENGLISH government, that is a very justifiable reason. However, if it says that it is going to install democracy, then it is fully crazy. For the word democracy has a very different way of acting in feudal languages. In fact, in feudal languages, no attributes of English democracy will work.
380. but in reality these same heroes would scamper away like rabbits if called upon to defend that banner with their blood.
No comment
381. The best defence will not be in the arms it possesses but in its citizens. Bastions of fortresses will not save it, but the living wall of its men and women, filled with an ardent love for their country and a passionate spirit of national patriotism
It is quite funny that this was the spirit that German warfront faced from the English soil. That of common people assembling to draw up their own civilian defence. This can happen only in planar languages. If the common language is feudal, there will problems of hierarchy, and respect and pejoratives creating emotional explosion at each and every human interaction, that is needed to assemble a group of unconnected people.
I fear that current-day England is a far cry from the divine England. In fact, in every political, social and military issue, the nation will divide into mutually antagonistic parts. This is what insane democracy has given to England.
382. An inventor must appear great not only as an inventor but also, and even more so, as a member of the nation
This spirit has literally been imbibed by the Indian media and textbooks. If one were to open a school textbook on Mathematics, there would tall claims of ‘Indians’ having discovered this thing and that thing, some hundreds or thousands of years ago.
Students do believe of a great nation as great as the Roman Empire as depicted in fake story Hollywood movies. However, recently I had a real insight of how the youngsters would react to reality. I simply send a link to this Website that depicts the pictures from the Malabar and Travancore areas in the southern parts of the Indian subcontinent. Many of the viewers literally got a jolt in their mind on seeing the images.
383. The man who loves his nation can prove the sincerity of this sentiment only by being ready to make sacrifices for the nation’s welfare. There is no such thing as a national sentiment which is directed towards personal interests.
And there is no such thing as a nationalism that embraces only certain classes. Hurrahing proves nothing and does not confer the right to call oneself national if behind that shout there is no sincere preoccupation for the conservation of the nation’s well-being.
Adolf Hitler really misses the issue of what makes a man truly in love with his nation. People of England loved their nation without any particular instigation to promote it. People in many locations around the world still love pristine-England. All this has a particular reason behind it. It is that only in pristine-ENGLISH would one find the fabulous levels of human dignity, with no need to fight for it.
Simply invoking spirits and passions of patriotism wouldn’t work much beyond the direct strings of personal loyalties and love and affection. In fact, it is quite doubtful if the German Nazi party would have survived much longer had Adolf Hitler died with or without a war.
In India, even the most corrupt government employee is seen to be quite ‘patriotic’.
384. One can be proud of one’s people only if there is no class left of which one need to be ashamed.
In feudal language social systems, it is very difficult to remove the various classes who are despised for their lowliness. They are repulsive to the higher classes, who fear not only the touch, but even a lack of ‘respect’ in their gestures, postures and verbal addressing.
385. The spirit of nationalism and a feeling for social justice must be fused into one sentiment in the hearts of the youth.
Actually this is not something that should be indoctrinated into a citizen. He or she should naturally come to feel that this is the best nation to live in. For instance, see this report I saw on a website calling for people to support an appeal to the government to take an action against a government employee who did show sign of some deep-rooted mental instability.
However, the fact is that this mental instability is common in most government employees in India, when they chance to come across a citizen who is not willing to exhibit obeisance to them:
Mr. (........) is an 18-year-old student of Venmanad School in a town called Pavaratty in Kerala. On 5th April 2015 at about 11 a.m., (........) was riding his bike through the Chuku Bazaar Road along with his friends, (........) and (........). Having two or more pillion riders on a bike is an offence under the Motor Vehicles Act of India. The police stopped (........) for riding pillion on a bike with his two friends. The police officer who stopped (........) seized his license and asked him to report to Pavaratty police station along with his bike for payment of fine.
The next day, following the instruction, at about 11:30 a.m., (........) reported in the police station with the bike and along with his friend (........). While (........) waited outside the Station building, (........) went inside the Police Station. Sub Inspector Mr. M.K. (........) asked (........) why he had come to the Station. (........) replied that he had come to collect his licence and pay the fine for riding pillion on a bike. The Sub Inspector, however, held (........) by his neck and pushed him into the Writer’s room inside the Police Station.
The officer held (........) against the wall and elbowed him on his back. The officer elbowed (........) four times. Then the officer released his grip, and as (........) raised his head, the officer slapped (........) four to five times. Then the officer asked (........) to stand near the lock-up room entrance inside the Station.
When (........) tried to call his family to inform them that he is in the Police Station, a police constable prevented him from making the telephone call.
The policemen also prevented (........) from contacting his friend (........) who was standing outside the Police Station.
At about 4 p.m., the police allowed (........) to call his family, to request them to come to the Police Station and take him on bail. But, before the family arrived, the police took (........) to Chavakkad Taluk Hospital. On the way to the hospital, the Sub Inspector threatened (........) , warning him that he should not mention the torture to the doctor.
However at the hospital, (........) informed the doctor in detail that he was tortured and how he was tortured at the Police Station.
The Sub Inspector was not pleased with (........) ’s conduct. At about 5 p.m., (........) was back at the Police Station and the officer immediately started slapping (........) for reporting torture to the doctor. In another 30-45 minutes, after the Sub Inspector had tortured (........) , the young man was finally allowed to go.
The next morning, (........) started coughing and spitting blood.
(........) ’s family, concerned about his health, admitted him in the Chavakkad Taluk Hospital. (........) received treatment for the next four days and was discharged from the hospital on the 10th April 2015.
Nervazhi, a local Human Rights Organisation in Kerala intervened in the matter and (........) filed a complaint through their lawyer before the State Human Rights Commission in Kerala.
Now it would be quite naïve to expect the citizens of India to feel that this is the best nation in the world. In fact, the most probable mood would be to escape to some English nation.
May be the reader would miss the great point that even when the young man mentioned that he had tortured by the police ‘officer’ in the judicial court, the judge had no qualms about handing him back to the very same police. This is the experience of a reasonably upper middle-class citizen in India. One can then imagine the situation of the around 80% population in India who are in the lower rungs of social stature.
It is to this kind of crooks that the people of this subcontinent had been handed over by Clement Atlee and his crooks. The higher classes of India quietly move over to England teach the gullible fools in England that the English rule was terrible.
They have a fake movie to prove it. The Gandhi film.
Commentary - Preface to the denuding
Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence
Commentary - The mentioned nations
Commentary - Where I stand
Commentary - German, the language
Commentary - Call to arms
Commentary - Born in the wrong place
Commentary - The Good versus the great!
Commentary - What might be lost in the translation!
Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!
Commentary - Practical steps to set-up an organisation in a feudal language nation
Commentary - The writing of the book!
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