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MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!


It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!


Annotations VOL - 2 : 386 to 401

386. Generally the children of parents who are for the time being in higher situations are in their turn considered worthy of a higher education. Here talent plays a subordinate part. But talent can be estimated only relatively.

It is a very complicated theme. Needs much elaboration.

387. It is possible to teach men, irrespective of talent or no talent, to go through certain scientific exercises, but in such cases the results are quite as inanimate and mechanical as in the case of the animal. It would even be possible to force a person of mediocre intelligence, by means of a severe course of intellectual drilling, to acquire more than the average amount of knowledge; but that knowledge would remain sterile.

My personal observations has been that intelligence and skills have no connection with education at all. There are intelligent as well as very cunning persons in all realms of human activity. Actually, education and marks are just like being good in Chess. A person is extremely intelligent in Chess. Now what is the use of this intelligence in Chess? It is of use in playing chess. That is all. It is of no use in agriculture, no use in sailing or swimming, no use in English writing ability, or in maths or in Science.

Now what about ability to score good marks in exams. What is this ability good for? Well, it is good for scoring marks in exams. It is not good in surgery, or in medical diagnosis. Or in architectural designing. Or in any other field of activity which is considered to be the next step after getting good marks.

Actually from my close observation, I do even have an insight that even medical surgical operations can be done by talented carpenters of yore, if a very focused training in this is imparted to them.

This reaches me to another location. In earlier times, the best difference in talent and calibre between a qualified medical doctor and formally uneducated carpenters of yore in India was that the doctors were good in English. Indian carpenters of yore were quite talented in their profession. I have seen some of them building quite huge architectural structures in wood. Even though they had not studied in any engineering college, they were masters in their profession. Most of them join the profession from their very childhood, following their traditional vocation.

However, as of now, such talents have vanished due to the cunning laws that were framed that made such vocational training with their parents as a crime. These children now study under insipid teachers who basically know nothing, not even good English, and come out of the education with no technical knowledge. They understand that their traditional vocation has no value. They are incessantly informed in schools that a doctor has social value and their own parents are of dirt value. The words of Him will be kept different for a doctor as apart from that for an uneducated carpenter.

Now, the situation is that many doctors also are quite weak in English. That means that they are more or less equivalent to the carpenters of modern times, not of yore.

IMAGE: Women’s Hospital in Malabar (English rule) 1926:

388. Knowledge that is merely drilled into people can at best qualify them to fill government positions under our present regime

Actually to become a government employee in current-day India, not even that is required. The public service exams have reached rock bottom in standards. There are no more any ideas as to what it is the exams are assessing. To such queries, the standard explanations that I have heard are that there should be some competition to make a rank.

The questions are insipid. Answering them only means that the candidate has mugged it up.

In fact, the quality of the persons who pass these exams is so low that it is quite doubtful what they are fit for. This quality degradation is very evident in various inefficiencies in the government. That theme is too big to take up here.

However, if it is merely a competition that is required, then even a tree-climbing competition would suffice.

389. The bourgeois mind does not realize that it is a sin against the will of the eternal Creator to allow hundreds of thousands of highly gifted people to remain floundering in the swamp of proletarian misery while Hottentots and Zulus are drilled to fill positions in the intellectual professions.

No comment

390. What counts here is only that knowledge which is illuminated by natural talent. But with us at the present time no value is placed on such gifts. Only good school reports count.

Marks do not have much intrinsic value, that is true. What has to be promoted is pristine-ENGLISH.

391. Our intellectual class, particularly in Germany, is so shut up in itself and fossilised that it lacks living contact with the classes beneath it.

It is a very sure sign that the German language does have feudal content.

392. but we have always had a considerable lack of will-power and the capacity for making decisions.

Again a very powerful symptom or affliction of feudal language codes. It is a complicated machinery that works here. Can’t go into it here.

393. but because the men who directed our public affairs were over-educated, filled to over-flowing with knowledge and intelligence, yet without any sound instinct and simply without energy, or any spirit of daring.

Even though people waste their time in useless formal degrees in sciences and engineering etc. they never admit that it was a waste. Instead they put on a show that they are the repositories of great technical information that others do not have.

I had sensed this hollowness of formal educational qualifications when I finished by graduation in Physics. Even though I was quite well-read in Physics right from my high school classes, when I joined for graduation, I found myself under low quality lecturers and professors, many of whom couldn’t even speak proper English.

They went through tedious teaching procedures of very small things in a very elaborate manner. In the exams, these insipid themes had to be elaborately written. At the end of the graduation, the student had heard of a vast number of theories and laws, and derivations. None of which had any practical application anywhere in life. Okay, what about their relevance in any technical field? Well, the answer is that in any technical field, the information required is much more focused, and not an array of content listings.

The hollowness of technical education came out very clearly with the Computer engineering. People who had done informal education in computer software could actually be much ahead of those who had wasted around five years writing and rewriting minor things in software subjects, most of which could be studied quaintly in an homely atmosphere or in a professional atmosphere.

394. The objection will at once be raised, that it is too much to expect from the favourite son of a highly-placed civil servant, for instance, that he shall work with his hands simply because somebody else whose parents belong to the working-class seems more capable for a job in the civil service.

In feudal language social set ups, many filters are set up to see that a talented in exam writing person from a lower social class background doesn’t arrive in a location of administration. It has its plus points in a feudal language social set up. For, if for instance the son of a small shop owner in a village gets into the higher echelons of an huge corporate company, the company’s management will be dictated from the shop-owner’s house. The issue can be understood only through the power routes in a feudal language addressing.

395. If necessary, it will have to organise a persistent system of teaching which will aim at abolishing the present-day stupid habit of looking down on physical labour as an occupation to be ashamed of.

The ‘stupid’ habit of looking down on physical labour is actually a safety mechanism developed due to the necessities of a feudal language. The language degrades physical labourers. However, if they are not degraded and looked down upon, they will very fast occupy the higher locations and would look down upon the others. The removal of this issue is closely linked to removal of the feudal language.

396. Fundamentally every kind of work has a double value; the one material, the other ideal.

No comment

397. but on the ideal or abstract plans all workmen become equal the moment each strives to do his best in his own field, no matter what that field may be. It is on this that a man’s value must be estimated, and not on the amount of recompense received.

The above words of Adolf Hitler can be mere idealistic talk with no concrete basis or platform in the language codes. Human relationships and the intrinsic value associated to various things, including specific kind of work and workmen etc. are all specifically encoded in the verbal codes. Simply philosophising that this should be like that and the other should be like this etc. has no meaning unless the verbal codes in the language of thoughts and speech can be altered to be in sync with that.

398. Then it will no longer be dishonourable to be an honest craftsman; but it will be a cause of disgrace to be an inefficient State official, wasting God’s day and filching daily bread from an honest public

It is truly wonderful to see that Adolf Hitler’s words mention of this social reality is exactly what the reality is in present day India. Honest work has no value either in the local languages or in the social strata. What has value is government ‘job’. Actually the word ‘job’ cannot be associated with an Indian government employee. He or she will immediately get distressed. For the government employees in India understand their job not as a job, but as a social position of ‘respect’. Asking persons with ‘respect’ to do any work will not be condoned!

Even though the English rulers had designated the government employees in their areas as ‘public servants’, when the officialdoms of the various kingdoms joined with the erstwhile colonial officialdom, there was a problem with the term ‘ public servant’. It was found that the officials from the king’s domains were not any ‘servant’ of any public, but rather the slave masters of the public. Soon the whole of Indian bureaucracy silently discarded the term ‘public servant’.

399. 1. It introduces universal suffrage, chatters about equal rights but can find no foundation for this equality

2. For equality cannot and does not depend on the work a man does, but only on the manner in which each one does the particular work allotted to him.

The above words more or less point to the contradictions and self-contradictions that Adolf Hitler’s contentions have reached. He was not able to give a logical definition of the ‘foundation of equality’. Even in pristine-ENGLAND, there was no ‘equality’ as such. For there was the Monarchy and the nobility. And then the rich business owners and their employees. No one is ‘equal’. And there is no need to seek such an equality that all people are Monarchs or all people are nobles or all people are business owners or all people are employees.

Instead of that what could be pondered upon is the removal of pejorative versus ennobling codes in the languages. However, easy as it may sound, and far more easier than making everyone equal as mentioned above, it is more or less impossible to remove the pejorative versus ennobling codes in a feudal language. For, the language is intrinsically designed with those codes connecting to all emotions and mental triggers, in that language.

400. in an epoch which is inwardly diseased and decaying anyone who would heal it must have the courage first to lay bare the real roots of the disease.

I do not think that either Adolf Hitler or his party was able to do this. For, in the first place there was no clear understanding of the root cause of the disease. Without this understanding, there no gain in trying to uproot it.

401. It may be added that the reluctance to do physical work is justified by the fact that, on account of the small income, the cultural level of manual labourers must naturally be low, and that this in turn is a justification for the lower estimation in which manual labour is generally held

It is a great insight into an understanding that people who are poor are necessarily of lower cultural standards. However, it is not true everywhere. The lower quality of the poor in feudal language nations is directly connected to lower grade indicant words assigned to them. If they can escape from its claws, actually they with their technical skills are independent of this categorisation.

Actually with regard to human quality at the heights and lowliness, there is much more to be mentioned. It is connected to two absolutely different structures of labour hierarchy.

The first one is that of people who are innately good in quality English (not mere spoken-ENGLISH) should be one in the higher echelons. They need not have technical skills, even though having it adds to their quality. The technically skilled persons work under them. In which case, a very fine egalitarian ambience spreads throughout the work area, even though the top English speakers do keep a slight detachment from others.

This was the structure of administration created in the English colonial rule areas. Moreover, many small nations of the Middle-East like UAE etc. did make use of this system to create beautiful administrations. There will be little or no corruption and administration will be quite fast paced.

The other structure is the exact opposite of this. Technically qualified persons or persons who pass some competitive exams based on academic subjects arrive on top. Even though some of them do know English, the office ambience is not English. It would be the native feudal language. In which case, all people get to be arranged in an ennobled person versus pejorative-defined person relationship. The concept of ‘respect’ will encode into all formal and informal communication. Corruption, nepotism, bribes, mediators etc. are a necessary component of official activity.

This is the business and official structure in India at the moment. It is essentially akin to an Indian carpenter rising to become the boss of a carpenter company. It is possible that he might be able to envisage quite good technical perfection.

Even though there will be barriers to perfect quality, when compared to a company run by native-English speakers. The issue would be that the refined work atmosphere that an English ambience can create will not be there.

As to the US, skilled persons from other nations have arrived. There is no bar to the ‘Indian carpenter’ being the boss. And in the extremely free social atmosphere that English has created in the US, the ‘carpenter’ will rise up in his profession or business in an explosive manner.

Yet, the danger is that the social ambience which he will create will be paved with feudal, ennobling versus pejorative codes. The national social ambience will slowly start deteriorating, with an eerie kind of inequality not known in antique English spreading through the social fabric.

The nation will start to stink. People will turn violent and go berserk. Actually, people of quaint refinement will act with unusual violence.

This foretelling I had done in my ancient work: March of the Evil Empires, a few decade ago. However this foretelling made me a pariah in many media sites in which the employees or bosses are from feudal language nations.

Book details

Commentary - Preface to the denuding

Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence

Commentary - The mentioned nations

Commentary - Where I stand

Commentary - German, the language

Commentary - Call to arms

Commentary - Born in the wrong place

Commentary - The Good versus the great!

Commentary - What might be lost in the translation!

Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!

Commentary - Practical steps to set-up an organisation in a feudal language nation

Commentary - The writing of the book!

Annotations VOL - 1 - 1 to 11

Annotations VOL - 1 - 12 to 14

Annotations VOL - 1 : 15 to 23

Annotations VOL - 1 : 24 to 31

Annotations VOL - 1 : 32 to 44

Annotations VOL - 1 : 45 to 63

Annotations VOL - 1 : 64 to 74

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