MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

Annotations VOL - 2 : 435 to 452
435. its own organisation such that it can subsequently be placed at the disposal of the State itself.
Here Adolf Hitler literally contemplates upon the idea of a ready-to-takeover parallel government with all personnel ready for all positions in a government.
436. The parties which exist at present and which draw their profits from the State as it now is cannot be expected to bring about a radical change in the regime or to change their attitude on their own initiative.
The above statement can be true about India and many other similar nations. However, it is not an error in individuals, but in the language software.
437. 1. are Jews here and Jews there and Jews everywhere.
2. realization of the Pan-Jewish prophecy that the Jews will one day devour the other nations and become lords of the earth.
I do not have much information on this aspect of Jewish heritage, but it does sound to be similar to the claims of another religion.
438. the main difficulty is not to establish a new order of things but to clear the ground for its establishment
True it takes time to build up a people arrangement that should form the framework of the new establishment.
439. Prejudices and egotistic interests join together in forming a common front against the new idea and in trying by every means to prevent its triumph, because it is disagreeable to them or threatens their existence.
In feudal language social systems, a new organisation means a different hierarchy of people, in which others are outsiders. It can really give the creeps to those persons who are outside. For in feudal languages, even to make small conversations on a regular basis, a very rigid hierarchy has to be enforced. This would automatically bring into position a direction code on who can say what to whom, and who has to listen and who can encrypt command codes in ordinary words. Also who has the right to sit on a chair, and who has to be subservient.
440. This is why the protagonist of the new idea is unfortunately, in spite of his desire for constructive work, compelled to wage a destructive battle first, in order to abolish the existing state of affairs.
Basically a new social order means in many case a total restructuring of social hierarchies. However, when the English rulers set to improve the lot of the lower classes in the colonial areas, they were aware of the aspirations and tensions of the upper classes. So that the social restructuring was not done in a very painful manner.
Even then there were incidences of terrible violence between the liberated populations and the upper classes. Many of these social violence are now rebranded as anti-British revolts. The descendants of many miscreants later were to get ‘freedom fighters’ pension after these sporadic violence were identified by the shallow Indian official historians.
441. For the philosophy is intolerant and cannot permit another to exist side by side with it.
Most social and political as well as religions are actually a hierarchical arrangement of human beings as in a military set-up. It cannot allow outsiders to interfere into the insides of them. For, if outsiders are allowed to interfere or interact with its insides, command and obedience routes will get spoiled. In feudal languages, just a single sentence that redirect command and obedience routes. Native-English nations have no idea about this.
442. The appearance of intolerance and fanaticism in the history of mankind may be deeply regrettable, and it may be looked upon as foreign to human nature,
Each language has a definite ambit of tolerance. In the case of feudal languages, this ambit is quite narrow. This is due to the fact that if one’s followers start listening to another leader, then there will be shift in the ‘respect’ codes. This is a phenomenon totally un-understood in English.
To explain it in a minimum words, let me say that a person who has 200 persons listening to him has a higher value code attached to him in the feudal languages, than a person who has 20 persons in attendance. This is a phenomenon that has no corresponding elements in English. For, there is only one YOU, one He, one HIM, one HIS etc. in English.
In feudal languages, as the code value can move from say, 1 to 10, at which point the lowest HE can change into a higher HE. Even though the change happens at only 10, the feeling of the value increasing can literally be felt by that individual and those around him. This is actually one of the locations where one can contemplate on the software codes that lie behind reality, human brain, human body and brain functioning.
And also where it can be seen that brain software of each individual human being can interact with other human brain software and also with the codes of the supernatural software codes of reality itself.
In fact, many mental phenomena currently explained away as mere hallucinations, by shallow-brained mental science professionals, can be better explained from this premises.
443. advent of Christianity was the first occasion on which spiritual terror was introduced into the much freer ancient world, but the fact cannot be denied that ever since then the world is pervaded and dominated by this kind of coercion and that violence is broken only by violence and terror by terror.
I am not sure that Adolf Hitler knows what he is talking. In the northern parts of the Indian subcontinent, there were absolutely terrible ritual and social activities, such as Sati (ritualistic burning of live women), Thuggees (dacoity using the oriental cunningness of affable helping nature, mingled with some spiritual claims) etc. In many parts of the Subcontinent, human sacrifice (mainly virgin girls and children) were common.
Other geographical locations also had many terrible activities. Even though certain Continental European nations also had terrible activities connected to Christianity.
444. Political parties are prone to enter compromises; but a philosophy never does this. A political party is inclined to adjust its teachings with a view to meeting those of its opponents, but a philosophy proclaims its own infallibility.
No comment
445. The spirit of conciliation which animates their will attracts those petty and chicken-hearted people who are not fit to be protagonists in any crusade.
No comment
446. Any new philosophy of life will bring its ideas to victory only if the most courageous and active elements of its epoch and its people are enrolled under its standards and grouped firmly together in a powerful fighting organisation.
No comment
447. Supposing that each soldier in an army were a general, and had the training and capacity for generalship, that army would not be an efficient fighting instrument.
This contention of Adolf Hitler can be easily be mistaken for a universal truth. But then, it is only a great truth that needs to be qualified by certain powerful exceptions and exceptional circumstances.
Take the issue of the Indian army. The soldiers are kept are at the level of a servant of the officer class by means of the powerfully hammering down ennobling versus pejorative codes in the feudal language Hindi.
When one looks at the English army, this kind of demeaning stature is not there visible in the English soldiers. However, command and obedience code do work. At the same time, in the Indian army, actually what happens is not command and obedience.
Instead of that what is trained into Indian soldiers is obeisance to both intelligent and purposeful ordering as well as unintelligent and no specific purpose ordering. There is a larger aim in the Indian army training. This is to erase out all proportions of self-esteem in an ordinary soldier. And a huge expansion of self-esteem in an officer. However, nothing untoward happens due to this. Until the soldiers get to see English army life at close quarters.
Then things will go very bad. More like what happened in France when the French soldiers who had gone to the New World to fight against the English, alongside some turncoat English soldiers. On coming back, they set the nation aflame with the French Revolution. The king’s head was cut.
448. an organisation can exist only if leaders of high intellectual ability are served by a large mass of men who are emotionally devoted to the cause.
Not really true. Beyond that, all these contentions need to be very finely re-paraphrased on the basis of the language of the people.
449. who had just completed military service and learned to submit to discipline,
Military training in itself is not enough. The availability of ‘officers’ to whom they would willing submit is also a necessary ingredient in this idea.
450. that only the so-called uneducated classes joined Marxism was the very ground on which this party achieved its success.
This again is a great theme for discussion. In feudal languages, the higher classes want an array of lower beings under them who would display total servitude. In fact, if one where to go to any institution, one will find totally insipid persons around persons of total grandeur. In fact, these persons of total grandeur do not want persons of higher calibre and stature to be under them, unless they are ready to show subservience. They like intellectual dwarfs. For, this is the greatest thing that will give them the requisite social heights.
When an Englishman get to see these ‘great personages’ at close quarters, he could very well be amazed at the ‘great’ leaders intellectual stamina in the midst of such totally insipid persons.
However, this is only a very careful planned set-up. In fact, if one were to go many advocates’ offices or doctors’ clinics, one would find the same situation. In fact, a subordinate who is good in English is seen as a terror and a great mishap in such offices. Totally low-quality persons or persons who are ready to accept that mental stature, are taken up as adjutants by most professionals such as doctors, advocates etc. in India. Exceptions would always be there.
The point is that when one comes to evaluate the above words of Adolf Hitler, this information has to be imbibed. May be it might explain why the communist party never took deep roots in England, even though this was the first nation to have industrial workers.
In India, many rich households severely disallow their servant to learn or pick up English. For, an English-speaking servant would be like having officer calibre men as soldiers in the Indian army. It would give the creeps to the Indian army officers.
451. The German middle-classes, who never bothered their heads about psychological problems because they felt themselves superior to such matters, did not think it necessary to reflect on the profound significance of this fact and the secret danger involved in it.
Indeed they believed that a political movement which draws its followers exclusively from intellectual circles must, for that very reason, be of greater importance and have better grounds, for its chances of success, and even a greater probability of taking over the government of the country than a party made up of the ignorant masses.
The essential point is that if the language codes desire to have mental dwarfs in hierarchical structure, then it might be the best item for the stability of the structure. In fact, only in English is the concept of an efficient and intelligent subordinate good and desired.
In feudal languages, the best option is to have a mental slave as a subordinate. In which the feudal structure will be very strong. The subordinates will stand very visibly below, to give the very obvious social heights to the superior.
In such system, if the superior tries to be more egalitarian, the lower staff will only pull him to their level.
452. When two bodies of troops are arrayed in mutual combat, victory will not fall to that side in which every soldier has an expert knowledge of the rules of strategy, but rather to that side which has the best leaders and at the same time the best disciplined, most blindly obedient and best drilled troops.
Adolf Hitler’s words are correct only when the combat is between two feudal language armies. However, if one side is pristine-ENGLISH, things can go very wrong for the other side. That side soldiers, just by seeing the stature of the English soldiers, would start acting in a most disobedient manner. In fact, if the conflict were to prolong, the feudal language side soldiers might even attack their own officers, in a mood of great spite.
Commentary - Preface to the denuding
Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence
Commentary - The mentioned nations
Commentary - Where I stand
Commentary - German, the language
Commentary - Call to arms
Commentary - Born in the wrong place
Commentary - The Good versus the great!
Commentary - What might be lost in the translation!
Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!
Commentary - Practical steps to set-up an organisation in a feudal language nation
Commentary - The writing of the book!
Annotations VOL - 1 - 1 to 11
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