MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

Commentary - The writing of the book!
The literal meaning of the title Mein Kampf, I understand, would be ‘My struggle!’ or ‘My fight’! In that sense, this book could be quite autobiographical till the time the author wrote it. He wrote it when he was imprisoned. It is quite interesting that he was allowed to write books in prison. It is not a privilege that is not available to any prisoner in India. Incidentally, the person who was later to become the first prime minister of the newly formed nation of India, was also given the benefit of a library and other writing facilities by the British government, so that he could more or less copy other people’s writings which was later to be published as some great writing of his own. Taken in that sense, Mein Kampf is comparatively a great book. For the contents do seem to be original. And not plain plagiarism, as was the case with the writings of India’s first prime minister.

I have taken out a lot of sentences and paragraphs from Mein Kampf for the purpose of annotating on them. This was literally the same style that I had used in the case of other comparatively more ancient books on which I had written commentaries upon.
Those books are:
1. Travancore State Manual (1906) by V NAGAM AIYA
2. Native Life in Travancore (1883) by The REV. SAMUEL MATEER, F.L.S. of the London Missionary Society.
3. Malabar Manual by William Logan
4. Castes and Tribes of Southern India - Volume 1 by EDGAR THURSTON, C.I.E
5. OSCAR WILDE and MYSELF by Lord Alfred Douglas
In this present book, my annotations need not be in sync with what the author of Mein Kampf had intended. As such this is a series of independent annotations. It is also connected to the various other writings of mine, most of which are connected to language codes and feudal language issues.
Some of the text would be simply quotes from Mein Kampf with no annotations or commentary.
Before starting my work, let me mention this items also. That Adolf Hitler did repudiate this book of his when he came to power. That he did regret writing this book. He is mentioned to have said thus:
If I had had any idea in 1924 that I would have become Reich chancellor, I never would have written the book.
Now, let me start.
DEVERKOVIL 28/11/2015
Commentary - Preface to the denuding
Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence
Commentary - The mentioned nations
Commentary - Where I stand
Commentary - German, the language
Commentary - Call to arms
Commentary - Born in the wrong place
Commentary - The Good versus the great!
Commentary - What might be lost in the translation!
Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!
Commentary - Practical steps to set-up an organisation in a feudal language nation
Commentary - The writing of the book!
Annotations VOL - 1 - 1 to 11
Annotations VOL - 1 - 12 to 14
Annotations VOL - 1 : 15 to 23
Annotations VOL - 1 : 24 to 31
Annotations VOL - 1 : 32 to 44
Annotations VOL - 1 : 45 to 63
Annotations VOL - 1 : 64 to 74
Annotations VOL - 1 : 75 to 80
Annotations VOL - 1 : 81 to 83
Annotations VOL - 1 : 83 to 95
Annotations VOL - 1 : 96 to 109
Annotations VOL - 1 : 110 to 118
Annotations VOL - 1 : 119 to 132
Annotations VOL - 1 : 133 to 147
Annotations VOL - 1 : 148 to 158
Annotations VOL - 1 : 159 to 169
Annotations VOL - 1 : 170 to 183
Annotations VOL - 1 : 184 to 204
Annotations VOL - 1 : 205 to 233
Annotations VOL - 1 : 234 to 264
Annotations VOL - 1 : 265 to 280
Annotations VOL - 2 : 281 to 293
Annotations VOL - 2 : 294 to 329
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Annotations VOL - 2 : 348 to 372
Annotations VOL - 2 : 373 to 385
Annotations VOL - 2 : 386 to 401
Annotations VOL - 2 : 402 to 434
Annotations VOL - 2 : 435 to 452
Annotations VOL - 2 : 453 to 501
Annotations VOL - 2 : 502 to 549
Annotations VOL - 2 : 550 to 592
Annotations VOL - 2 : 593 to 623
Annotations VOL - 2 : 624 to 647
Annotations VOL - 2 : 648 to 685
Annotations VOL - 2 : 686 to 724