MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence
Speaking about Aryans, there is another very cantankerous frill side to it. There is a claim in the nation of India, that the Aryans are ‘Indians’. Or that the ‘Indians’ are the Aryans! This claim has a minor side of probability and possibility, and also a very huge content of utter nonsense. The word Aryan as used in English is used as Aariyan in the languages of the Indian peninsula. Even though this claim used to be a very slight one globally in the early years, with the entry of many Indians into English nations, the stature of these claims have naturally increased. Sitting inside any English nation is literally equivalent to standing on a high pedestal for any person from India.
Inside India as a citizen of India, is a very midget-sizing experiencing for most Indians, other than those who have very high financial acumen and high connections. Even then, their upbringing in any native Indian peninsular language can given them at least a slight experience of being subservient to many others due to their young age, in their childhood days.
The totality of this effect is due to the terrifying feudal language codes in the local vernaculars.
When people from India arrive in native-English nations and start feeling at home there, they would find it quite easy to support claims that the Indians are ‘Aryans’. The claims basically emanate from India itself. In the current-day situation, when a huge number of people claim something, it is accepted by many more as a truth.
However, the fact stays in the location that the Aariyans are connected to the Vedic traditions, which are basically dating to the hoary past. Something like 5 to 7 thousand years. And the location of the culture is not exactly placed anywhere inside the present-day nation of India. There are claims that it is basically based in Central Asia.
Vedic traditions were not within the bounds of majority populations in the various kingdoms in the Indian subcontinent. Even if the claims that the Brahmins of India are the legacy holders and descendants of the Vedic culture populations are true, it does not connect to the majority populations of the subcontinent who were more or less outside the Brahminical religion. These majority populations were not allowed inside Brahmincal temples until the early years of 1900s. Most of the other castes had their own gods, some of them quite akin to Shamanistic deities.
Video: Muthappan: Traditional Shamanistic deity of the north Malabar Thiyya (Marumakkathaya Thiyya) people. Believed to be quite powerful, with ability to see through the parameters of time, and declaim what has been discerned.
A few decades back, due to the overwhelming social change ushered in many locations inside the Subcontinent by the English rule, there was a rising up of stature among the other castes. In a mood to consolidate the lower castes under their own leadership, many political leaders urged an opening up of the Brahminical temple to all other castes. Otherwise the terror was that they would all come under another leadership.
This literally led to the desecration of Brahminical temples. For, these temples were connected to Brahmanical traditions and they had maintained them over the centuries intact. The second effect was the decline in the worship and devotion for their own traditional deities among the other castes. A feeling that the Brahmanical Gods are more powerful seems to have filled their minds. In fact, many lower caste persons would spiritedly argue that their own gods are just the Avatharams (manifestations) of the Brahmanical gods. They would even go to the extent of mentioning that this sign represent this God of the Brahmanical Trinity, and the other sign represents the other god in the same Trinity.
The third impact is the feeling by everyone who has thus barged into the Brahmanical religion that all of them are Aariyans. Even if it is quite possible that none of their ancestors would have heard a Vedic mantra chanting at least a few thousand years.
Now, coming back to the context, the author of Mein Kampf would have to face the contention of both the Brahmins and also the fake members of the Brahmanical religion that they are Aariyans. Brahmins of the Indian Subcontinent might not have much physical similarity with a German, in skin colour, in body frame structure or in face demeanour. However these things are not really fully connected to genes or to DNA, but more to language codes and the level of existence in a language system, if the language is feudal. Now that is an information beyond the scope of this book. However, I might need to take it up again.
Now that much about the term Aryan used by the author of Mein Kampf, as a sort of overshadowing umbrella everywhere.
Commentary - Preface to the denuding
Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence
Commentary - The mentioned nations
Commentary - Where I stand
Commentary - German, the language
Commentary - Call to arms
Commentary - Born in the wrong place
Commentary - The Good versus the great!
Commentary - What might be lost in the translation!
Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!
Commentary - Practical steps to set-up an organisation in a feudal language nation
Commentary - The writing of the book!
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