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English class Day 13 – Section 10
Anchor 1
I must live in a nice town.
ഞാൻ നല്ലൊരു പട്ടണത്തിൽ ജീവിക്കണം.
Must I live in a nice town?
ഞാൻ നല്ലൊരു പട്ടണത്തിൽ ജീവിക്കണമോ?
He must live in a nice town.
Must he live in a nice town?
She must live in a nice town.
Must she live in a nice town?
They must live in a nice town.
Must they live in a nice town?
We must live in a nice town.
Must we live in a nice town?
You must live in a nice town.
Must you live in a nice town? 👈
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