What is different about it?

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
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Aaradhana, DEVERKOVIL 673508 India
This is a book which I developed by posting chapters on Telegraph.UK blog pages. The first chapter was posted on the 27th of May 2014.
It was part of my desperate attempts to inform the naïve, gullible and stupid Englanders of what is dangerously different in most other languages, which have feudal or three-Dimensional word-code structure.
Without any information on this most powerful evilness, the nation is singing praise and glory to its misinformed national policy of multi-culture.
Even though the subject matter that I have dealt in here would be quite easy for any feudal language speaker to understand, it would not be easy for a native-English speaker to grasp.
Most native-feudal language speakers who are currently enjoying the quaint splendour of England would shy away from admitting the correctness in my writings. For, if they do admit that there is a very powerful content in this, all their outraged contentions on English racism would evaporate into thin air.
This writing is part of my efforts that started a few decades back, starting with my first book on this theme: March of the evil empires: English versus the feudal languages. I see that most or all of my misgivings on what would come upon pristine-native-English nations, when feudal language speakers swarm in, has more or less come true, or are coming true.
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4. Engaging the gears inside the vice-like
5. Communicating across the canyons
6. Equality and freedom in a Slotted
8. Social flight if seclusion is not possible
10. A candid view of the uncanny outside 1
11. A candid view of the uncanny outside 2
12. A candid view of the uncanny outside 3