What is different about it?

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
I introduce myself as an independent researcher on language codes, codes of reality and such thing. I have written around 10 books, almost all of them having either direct connection to these themes or at least an allusion. My first book in this genre of writing was March of the Evil Empires; English versus the feudal languages. It was first drafted in 1989, developed over the years and finally published as a digital book in the beginning years of the 2000s. I understand that most of what I portended with regard to what is going to happen to English nations has come true. Much to my own mental disquiet.
Over the years my understanding of the subject matter has grow much. At present, it is even much beyond what I mentioned in my latest book: Shrouded Satanism in feudal languages. It has reached a level where I can literally touch the specific codes and speak of the various triggers that are there in them.
What is different about English?
Over the years, and beyond, of singular observations, study and intuitive thinking, I have come to the conclusion that both England as well as English are, or at least had been, totally different from most other nations and languages. Note the word most.
Sitting inside England, and seeing others speak English with quite fabulous precision and capacity, one may not understand that the world outside is quite different. There is indeed a great deal of difference between English and most other languages. This in turn creates the difference that England has with other nations, in varying degrees of differences.
What I am going to say here may not really be new information to most people who are of non-English nativity. However, this might be a piece of information that may not be welcome, for it has the potential to trigger the opening up innumerable themes, all of which are intimately connected to codes in languages, and what they trigger in the human world.
Vertical positioning of human beings, and how words can sharply shift them up and down
The theme is quite big and needs a very small and yet, quite focused beginning, as a first step.
Look at these sentences.
He is a good man. He is an honourable man. He is an honest man.
When one views these sentences from English, the powerful adjective that adorns the man is words like ‘good, ‘honourable’, ‘honest’ etc. However, in most other languages, which I have over the years defined as ‘feudal languages’, this is a part of the sentence that does not have much social significance. [Retrospectively speaking, I think the usage ‘feudal language’ may not exactly describe the meandering effect of these languages. However some more than twenty years back, this was the only description that I could come up with.]
For example, in the languages of the Indian peninsular region, the adjectives of ‘good’, ‘honest’, ‘honourable’ etc. are not what define the person. The exact codes of social eminence is embedded in the word ‘He’.
Or, it can be ‘she’, ‘you’, ‘they’ and such other words. With the same context.
What is different here is that there are different levels of each word.
‘You’ Grade +ve (single positive) Thangal താങ്കള് (South Indian)
‘You’ Grade Neutral Ningal നിങ്ങള് (South Indian)
‘You’ Grade –ve (single negative) Nee നി (South Indian)
There can be double or even triple positives to the heights, and double or even triple negatives to the depths.
Also there can be minor shades of positives or negatives in-between these grades.
This grading more or less mentions a person’s total social eminence, or any other connected thing; in each and every conversation or mention of that person. [And this social elevation or depreciation is what envelopes an individual or a group of individuals, and almost everything else connected to them.]
Similar grading is there for the other words I have mentioned. That is, for He, She, They &c.
Now, look at the sentence I have mentioned:
He is a good man.
In feudal languages, this sentence is every time in one of the forms given below:
He (–ve) is a good man. [double negative]
He (-ve) is a good man. [single negative] [‘He’ is ‘avan‘] Dirt level/lower level
He (neutral) is a good man. [equal] [‘He’ is ‘ayaal‘] Equal or lower
He (+ve) is a good man. [single positive] [‘He’ is adheham‘} Superior, Great, ennobled
He (++ve) is a good man. [double positive]
Actually, there is a very powerful and satanic segmentation of human personality, dignity, attributes, self confidence, and right to dignified stature, right to articulation, and every other right, and so many other things that happens when this sentence is spoken in a feudal language. The segmentation is to various levels starting from that of
1. Utter dirt, wherein absolute vulnerability to deep encroachment is defined in the codes. There is no protection. At this level, the individual has no rights whatsoever. It is acknowledged by the individual. If not, he shows criminal levels of impertinence which will be stamped out brutally.
2. Slight level of dirt, wherein a slight amount of human dignity is acknowledged along with acceptable suppression and distaste encoded in the communication.
3. This is the level of neutrality, in which the other person is seen, addressed, or referred to as an equal. This can be a degrading stance if the person who does the mention is a lower person. And an upgrading, if the person who does the mention is a relative upper person. Or this can be a temporary stance, before the forceful upward or downward shifting of the other person is done.
4. This is the level of admitting that the other man is a relatively better person, in certain attributes.
5. This is the level of attributing absolute divinity to the other person.
Bear in mind that a single word can pull an individual from one slot and powerfully insert him in another slot. The ‘Who’ who does it also addsa powerful component into the effect.
The terror and the relief
Everyone in the social system craves for this strange level of adjective value addition, and not for the other adjective at the right end. It is clear that the codes mentioned here are totally at variance from that in traditional English.
It is a very savage endeavour that is acted out to attain this value elevation. Every means, crooked and worse, can be done. For, at the end, it means the elevation in the codes, which is a very secure state of living. The other elevation like ‘honourable’, ‘honest’, ‘decent’, ‘trustworthy’ &c. are of totally feeble worth. In fact, they have no worth if the left-end code value is not there. There is a terror of words, and what they can achieve.
The effect of the codes is also connected to what is theexact level of the person who does the speaking, the exact level of the person who is the target of the speech, and to the exact levels of the persons who hear the speech. Each word can create positive inserting of value, or tumultuous pulling down, or even that of self depreciation to accommodate the other person’s elevation. Carefully chosen words can pluck a person from one slot and place him in another, forcefully. Words are quite powerful. There is a terror of the lower man. He stands on a diabolic degraded platform, from where he can push an individual to relative heights, or pull him to abominable levels below.
The difficulty of conveying the information
I am using a single model here to describe what a ‘feudal language’ is. However, a single model cannot illustrate the features of the total complexity of the effect of the feudal codes.
One major problem is the narrow domains of English words. There are actually no equivalent words in English for the various words and usages in feudal languages. Feudal languages do have a beastliness, or savagery that cannot be translated into English. Neither can the beauty in them be brought into English.
However, if I were to explain the subject in my own native feudal language, a minor numbers of words can inform the reader what I alluding to.
It is like saying: The lion said, ‘Roar’! Actually what the lion said is not ‘roar’, but a totally terrifying sound. However, the words in the lion’s ‘roar’ cannot be mentioned in English. Similarly the melodious beauty of the howling of the jackals can be sensed only by the beasts who can understand the words in them.
To convey to a native-English speaker the exact effect of a feudal language, I might need to use a lot of mutually unconnected models. Many of them may not be in sync with each other.
The effects
It is not possible to convey to a native-English speaker the difference feudal language codes makes. Everything about human beings, human social interaction, and social and professional communication is affected by this extremely powerful change in the structure of language codes. Human beings get arranged in a vertical manner. A weird kind of inequality that English cannot envisage will be there when such languages get spoken. A kind of towering individuals on the higher sides, and individuals soiled with squalor on the other end. An innate repulsiveness to certain individuals and craving to be with certain others, built up. Not connected to any positive qualities like good looks, refinements, manners etc., but towards savage clout.
The codes in the software
Language is a software. Not only for communication, but for various other things. However, for the average English native, language is only a software for communication. He or she wouldn’t know of the very powerful codes that various other communication software (languages) hold within themselves.
Since I have not gone through the various other languages around the globe, I cannot vouch for the fact that they all hold feudal codes within them. However, from a perfunctory examination of the languages of the Indian peninsular region, I am sure that most of them do have this within them. It is possible that most African and even South American native languages do have them. As to Europe, many, not all, of them do have similar codes in them to some extent. This is my intuitive feeling based on a cursory study of the various social systems, and their histories.
No common location in English
Now, I need to mention that when I speak of the various hierarchical levels of arrangement of human beings, as denoted above, the native English speaker might quite easily try to find some similarity to such English usages as Thou, Thee, Thy etc. I can categorically say that this is not the thing that I am mentioning. If anyone tries to insert any comparison with them, standing on this side of the fence, I can only say that it is a mischievous stance, which only aims to bring in disarray to this dissertation.
The non-tangible routes
I need to say that the diabolic codes in feudal languages do have a lot of inner links that works on and preys upon various human attributes. And inserts controls and routes to human behaviour. In a most non-tangible manner.
Such things as non-tangible routes of loyalties (familial, social, national &c.), need to be cunning & suppressive, use affability/warm hospitality as a weapon of conquest, build up megalomaniacal mental postures, practise rudeness as an effective tool for adding positive values to personal attributes, callous cruelty to lower beings, both human as well as animals, and most other social codes which one can usually find in oriental, African and some European social systems traditionally, are quite visibly encoded in these languages. When they get enacted out in English nations, there can be break down of systems, brooding anger, unseen triggers to terrible bursts of violence and much else.
The planar levelling in English, and the oscillation back
When one speaks English, in its most pristine form, (pristine English of England of yesteryears), there is a total change of human personality. It is seen reflected in the social scene and in the social communication. For, human beings get pulled into a planar level, from their innate locations of various elevations in a 3-dimensional virtual arena. Most of the treacherous moods get erased or even become unnecessary.
However, when persons shift back to their native languages, there is a sharp and explosive rearranging of social components, the most significant of which are the human beings present therein. England can shift to shifty designs, when this happens.
In fact, feudal languages do have powers akin to what may be described as that of Witchcraft, Black magic, Tantra and such things.
A total change of social structure and social behaviour can be enacted by a mere change of language, and of word codes within it.
This is an exposition on languages codes and their effects on human beings. There is no need to equate it with racism or ethnic repulsions. I am neither white nor English. I am reasonably well-read in English, and also quite good in my own native feudal language.
There is a lot more to mention. To be continued…………..
4. Engaging the gears inside the vice-like
5. Communicating across the canyons
6. Equality and freedom in a Slotted
8. Social flight if seclusion is not possible
10. A candid view of the uncanny outside 1
11. A candid view of the uncanny outside 2
12. A candid view of the uncanny outside 3