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An impressionistic history of the
South Asian Subcontinent
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Vol 1 - An ephemeral glance at feudal languages!

Chapter Six

History and language codes

When I aim to commence my writings on the history of this subcontinent, why is that I would have to mention about my contentions that the languages of this subcontinent are feudal?

Many things will happen in history. It will be seen that many persons mentioned in history have been defined as wicked and some as of good personal qualities. There would be many other categorisations of individuals.

However, the actual fact would be that in each population, most of the common habits, mental reactions and mental behaviours of the people in their higher and lower strata would directly be related to the social design codes embedded in the native languages spoken by the people therein.

I am not intending to go deeper into this theme as of now.

However, I will very clearly mention as to what are the common features of the languages of the South Asian subcontinent.

Before that I will mention this much also: It is possible that the languages of Africa, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Great Britain, South American nations, other nations in Asia would have human relationship design codes, which are different from each other.

The feudal or hierarchical codes found in many languages of the South Asian peninsular region is thus:

The word YOU gets splits into Thoo, Thum and Aap.

In Malayalam, it is Nee, Ningal and Saar (Thangal)

The English word HE

becomes USS and UNN in Hindi.

In Malayalam, it splits into Avan, Ayaal, Saar (Avaru, Adheham, Maadam/Medam) and such other words.

I am not entering into the deep details of this language study. For it is a very big subject, indeed.

However, there is an item that can be hinted here. It is that there is a huge difference in the human relationship codes between Malabari and Malayalam (lingua franca of two neighbouring areas in South Asia). I am not entering into the details here:

There are a huge number of differences in human dignity, stature and human relationships in feudal languages, when compared with English.

As of now, I am not entering into that also.

However, when speaking in a general manner, it may be mentioned that this does effect a number of human features: repulsion to human beings, extreme levels of feudal respect, extreme levels of servitude, and when that gets erased, a mood to act treacherous, extreme jealousy, a mood to stab in the back, a different from English understanding about discipline, an employee-employer relationship quite different from that of English etc.

For instance, there are even codes inside feudal languages which decide as to whether an individual can be allowed to sit down or not. Many things which are seen in a very simple manner in English, acquire a very complicated set of features in feudal languages.

Even in the case of very simple items like that of an employer asking one of his subordinates to bring a glass of tea, in many occasions, feudal languages impose a terrible level of social load of heaviness. Actually a cup of tea does not have such huge weight, physically.

0. Book profile

1. The introduction

2. Subjective or objective?

3. The personal deficiencies

4. Desperately seeking pre-eminence

5. Feudal languages and planar languages

6. History and language codes

7. The influence and affect on human beings

8. Malabari and Malayalam

9. Word-codes that deliver hammer blows

10. On being hammered by words!

11. What the Negroes experienced

12. Who should be kept at a distance?

13. Word codes which induce mental imbalance

14. Codes of false demeanours

15. Self-esteem and the urge to usurp

16. Urge to place people in suppression

17. The mental codes of ‘Upstartedness’

18. Codes of rough retorts!

19. The diffused personality

20. The spreading of the substandard

21. How the top layer got soiled

22. Government workers and ordinary workers

23. How the pulling down is done

24. The antipathy for English

25. Quality depreciation in pristine-English

26. Dull and indifferent quality of English

27. Unacceptable efficiency and competence

28. Subservience and stature enhancement

29. Codes of crushing and mutilation

30. The essentialness of a servile subordinate

31. The repository of negativity!

32. The craving for ‘respect’

33. The structure of the Constitution of India

34. The situation in Britain

35. The rights of a citizen of India

36. When rights get translated

37. Three different levels of citizenship!

38. How the mysterious codes get disabled!

39. The craving and the urge to achieve

40. A Constitution in sync with native-culture

41. A people-uprising in the history

42. The new ‘higher caste persons’

43. When the nation surrenders

44. The nonsense in academic textbooks

45. The bloody fool George Washington

46. The wider aims of English education

47. Administration in Malayalam

48. Who should ‘respect’ whom?

49. When antique traditions come back

50. The competition among the oppressed

51. The terror of a lower becoming a higher!

52. The battering power of language codes

53. Verbal sounds which create cataclysm

54. The demise of the power of small despots

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