An impressionistic history of the
South Asian Subcontinent
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Vol 1 - An ephemeral glance at feudal languages!
Chapter Eleven
What the Negroes experienced in an English nation
The photo given here (below) is from one of the incidences wherein the British West African Squadron arrested one of the slave-carrying ships moving to the American continent around the year 1808, and ‘saved’ the blacks shackled onboard. The black slaves were from the suppressed populations of African societies. Or they might be superior class blacks who had been defeated in some war with other black population and captured and sold by them to Arabian slave-traders.

Even though such slaves were sold in various locations all around the world, for those who were sold in the English areas of the American continent, what happened was a mental-stature enhancing experience. When they learned English and started conversing with their masters in English, most of the social and psychological suppressions that they had endured vanished.
When seen from this perspective, what the British West African Squadron had done, as seen in the picture above, cannot be categorically mentioned as 100% a good deed. For, if these individuals had chanced to be sold in the English areas of the USA, within a matter of just 50 years, they would transformed into the citizens of the USA with very good English-speaking capacity.
However, most of the slaves thus saved by the British West African Squadron were to go back to their satanic social atmosphere of the native lands.
To understand the exact horribleness of the African social systems, one needs to be aware of the terrible codes of the native languages of the Africa. However, from a general perspective, it might be true to say that this is one item about which the current-day native-Englishmen have no idea at all.
One cannot say for sure if there is any hint or suggestion or description of this item in such sterile academic subjects as History writing, sociology, psychology &c. &c.
The picture given here (below) is the blacks who had been ‘compelled to study’ English, and made to bear the traumatic experience of racism. These people at the moment have only complaints.

0. Book profile
4. Desperately seeking pre-eminence
5. Feudal languages and planar languages
7. The influence and affect on human beings
9. Word-codes that deliver hammer blows
10. On being hammered by words!
11. What the Negroes experienced
12. Who should be kept at a distance?
13. Word codes which induce mental imbalance
15. Self-esteem and the urge to usurp
16. Urge to place people in suppression
17. The mental codes of ‘Upstartedness’
20. The spreading of the substandard
21. How the top layer got soiled
22. Government workers and ordinary workers
23. How the pulling down is done
25. Quality depreciation in pristine-English
26. Dull and indifferent quality of English
27. Unacceptable efficiency and competence
28. Subservience and stature enhancement
29. Codes of crushing and mutilation
30. The essentialness of a servile subordinate
31. The repository of negativity!
33. The structure of the Constitution of India
35. The rights of a citizen of India
36. When rights get translated
37. Three different levels of citizenship!
38. How the mysterious codes get disabled!
39. The craving and the urge to achieve
40. A Constitution in sync with native-culture
41. A people-uprising in the history
42. The new ‘higher caste persons’
43. When the nation surrenders
44. The nonsense in academic textbooks
45. The bloody fool George Washington
46. The wider aims of English education
47. Administration in Malayalam
48. Who should ‘respect’ whom?
49. When antique traditions come back
50. The competition among the oppressed
51. The terror of a lower becoming a higher!
52. The battering power of language codes
53. Verbal sounds which create cataclysm
54. The demise of the power of small despots