Tribulations and intractability of improving others!!

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Codes and routes of command
01. The sly pretences of the so-called Indian educators
02. Codes of regimentation and language
03. The dangerous transformation of English nations
04. Training impoliteness and discourtesy
The sly pretences of the so-called Indian educators

Now coming back to education, it should be understood that education in feudal language nations is not an altruistic action as is mentioned by an innumerable number of educators and social reformers. It basically aims at a powerful pulling out of the children and others from the command structure, regimentation of a close-knit group, into one’s own group, where one is the leader at some level.
The idea of compulsory education is also one such thing in nations like India. For, it is quite evident that to teach a child to read and write does not take years. At best it takes only a few weeks. As to higher mathematics and such things as science as such things, it must be understood that most of these things do not have any pertinence to most people till their death. Read this
For example, the dispute whether light is a wave or a photon and such things is, at best, shallow intellectual mental exercises. Same way calculus and metrics and such other things are also of the same level. Now, in modern society it would be near impossible to pass of as educated if one does not know much about these things. However, if other themes are also given equal importance, this exclusivity of science and mathematics as the sole mark of education would wear off.
For instance, if many persons go in for astrology also, they would have much to discuss. Some persons can study Sanskrit mantras and Vedas. Well, the contention here is that everything is some sort of knowledge. If one were to say only science is true, well then there are these points to be discussed.
The science that is taught in schools is what has been taught since more than a century. For example, Newton’s Laws. Technology has moved much. However this is not reflected in the curriculum. Why? Because such knowledge will not be handed over to academicians by the business groups that possess them. They will not divulge their trade secrets.
I cannot speak more about formal education here. If anyone is interested, they can read the full text of my arguments in this book.
What I am saying is simply that forced formal education is only a cunning method to extract children from their parents and hand them over to teachers who themselves are of very poor intellectual standards. I have seen this in the case of Varuna and Ashwina.
When Varuna was a child herself, she was extremely good in so many things, including English reading, Computer usage, swimming etc. Moreover, it is my understanding that the child should not miss the family’s traditional vocational knowledge. I used to take Varuna also during my business journeys by Jeep and two-wheeler. So her geographical information at age three was quite high.

She couldn’t be subordinated by the local teaching class for their Nee and Aval had no meaning for her. They had a vehement hatred for this reality. Schemes and discussion were common among them as to what to do with this situation. They, the majority of whom were quite poor in English, hadn’t heard of Enid Blyton, hadn’t seen a Reader’s Digest (neither the mediocre Indian version, nor the original US version), couldn’t read coherently an English classic, had not seen much English movies, spoke with pejorative words to their wards, had the statutory right to be Varuna’s and Ashwina’s teachers.
They had the Compulsory Right to Education Act to aid them. Here itself there is a slight case of some deep mental discrepancy. How can one combine the words ‘compulsory’ with the word ‘right’? They are antonyms. Only stark idiots would say that they are synonyms or complimentary. Now who did that? The Indian Parliament. Do the members know any of the things that I mentioned just above? Well, the answer is that most of them do not know English properly. Then how come they make Acts and rules on things about which their knowledge is downright zero?
Codes of regimentation and language
Now, what really is their botheration that Varuna and Ashwina does not know Malayalam? For, this was one of the complaints given to the police by a group who conspired against them. It is connected to routes of command and regimentation. ‘Indian’ social communication is connected to a particular kind of regimentation that is encoded in the language. The ‘Saar (this word in many areas in earlier days was such words as ‘angunnu’ etc.) -ningal-nee’ route of command and the Adheham (Saar, Avar)-Ayaal-Avan or the Avar-Aval route of command was a regimentation in which verbal instructions radiate in a straight line from the top to the bottom of the social pyramid. Everyone obeys.
However, if there is someone in this route who stands outside these verbal locations, then there is a discordance and possible inaction or rank disobeying. {It may be borne in mind that there are other words also which may or may not fall completely in line with the social command route. These words include such words as Chettan (elder brother), aniyan (younger brother), ammaavan (uncle), ammaayi (aunt) and many others}. For, these words when mentioned in Malayalam do not just signify a family relationship, but a command or obedience zone.
Even though this may seem a very good scheme of things, in reality, it is a very stifling kind of communication code, in which persons are forcefully forced into certain slots. This can be explained thus: A vehicle falls into the river. People gather to save the occupants. At the same time, the local Fire Force personnel also assemble there. If the people are actively working for the saving of the persons inside the vehicle, the Fire Force personnel will not participate with them. They will stand apart in the same manner as Oil will not mix with Water.
Why is this so? Among the local people, there will be a particular communication route of command in which usually the elders in age are the higher persons. [This code can be superseded by persons who are the local rich or local landlord etc.] Such words as Saar, Chettan, Nee, Ningal and other local social code words will arrange the routes of command and request.
The Fire Force personnel come with a separate group of command words, which is pointing only to their own seniors and juniors. If they mingle with the local people, immediately the issue of seniority, acceptance of certain words of superiority and inferiority will come into play and destroy the mood and focus of both sides. If the people are from a very low class or mentally subordinated kind, they will concede to the superiority of the Fire Force personnel. However, there would be some persons among them who may not like to be subordinated by the Fire Force personnel.
There will be so many codes that will create communication blocks, such as that of age, social superiority etc. A wrong word mentioned on the basis of a mistaken evaluation can create havoc. So it is generally good that the two groups do not mix, in the operation to save the persons in the vehicle. Otherwise the local people should be of so low levels that they will accept the snubbing of even the low ranked Fire Force personnel.
Now, what about an English nation situation? Well, here also there will be a command route within the uniformed personnel, in which orders move fast, if unhindered by the presence of outsiders. However, the terrible mental trauma of a wrong indicant word will not be there.
The dangerous transformation of English nations
However, there is another thing that needs to be mentioned here. English nations are no more English nations. Many of them are simply becoming the mix of various people from various languages coming and co-existing in English. These persons who found it quite difficult to live peacefully among themselves in their own nations have barged into the refined ambience of English. Even though they do speak English, in the inner code area (Virtual Code location), they are carrying varying values connected to their own location inside their own feudal languages.
When they interfere inside English social communication, their each and every word would have a different affect from what would be the affect of a native-English speaker using the same word. There can arise terrible mental trauma among the native-English speakers at times, when accosted by perfectly elated-in-being-in-England persons who are native to feudal languages. The native English person, especially if he or she is doing a job identified as a lower job in feudal languages, might feel it terribly as a weird, unexplainable evil code fill the ambience and make him feel uncomfortable. He or she may even go homicidal. SEE this

Training impoliteness and discourtesy
Coming back to teachers and routes of command, it must be admitted that they do have control over their wards, by means of pejorative words. These kids are mentally trained to obey persons who use the pejorative towards them. However to those who do not use the pejorative and to those who are polite, their school training is to be rude and impolite.
I have personally experienced this. Many years ago, when children encroach into our compound to scoot with the mangoes on our mango trees, some workers in the compound would admonish them with terrible expletives and stink-level indicant words. The children would become quite restrained and move off coyly. However, if I was to accost them and try to communicate in a more polite manner, at first they would look shocked at first at the mere ineffectiveness of the reproach. Next they would put on an act mocking and would not budge. However if I were to use the crude low level indicant words and gestures, they would scamper.
The hidden controls
Now, it works out in a wider manner in the society thus: Persons in a group have a discipline or regimentation, that holds them together. However, to those who are outside the group, and who do not have any control over them, they are quite brutish and crude. I have experienced this at a very personal level. When Varuna and Ashwina go to the river for swimming or for jogging, if there is a group of kids who are not within our training programme, they would immediately start making jeering remarks, offensive boisterous laughter etc. However, since Malayalam comments are of no use to disturb them, they would make offensive sounds.
However, if N & S are with Varuna and Ashwina, they would immediately target S, being the younger girl who can understand Malayalam. They would start asking questions from their location, which are clearly intended to be distractions. Since S could withhold the temptation to react, their next move would be to call her such names a Mole, which in Malayalam means little kid, baby girl, child etc. This would have a wider effect of disturbing by inserting in the idea of a lower indicant words, that are associated with the Malayalam word for ‘child’.
However, if the same kids have joined our training programme, the discipline that they exhibit is quite exemplary, without any use of force or pejoratives.
When one sees a mob in India, one may initially get a feeling that they are uncontrollable. That is not true. They all have control centres or persons in command. Only they can control them or even speak to them. This scenario is not as understood in English. In the feudal language systems, there is an indicant code positioning of persons.
The correct person in the correct slot can do wonders in controlling the mob. It is like a military command. But then, it is not the personal relationship that actually affects the miracle, but the correct positioning of the indicant words. However, persons who cannot place the others and themselves in the correct indicant word slots will be quite ineffective. They will have to resort to either a Jallianwalabagh or an Indian police constable version of beastliness. To extract discipline.
I remember an incident related to me by one classmate from my college days. His uncle was a rich man in Trivandrum, with quite powerful political as well as higher bureaucratic connections. In fact, senior IPS (Indian Police Officers) used to visit his house for periodic dinners. One day his cousin, who must have been in his forties was standing inside the house compound, near the gate and looking outside. One Sub Inspector of Police (a lower-level ‘officer’ in-charge of the basic police unit, the police station) who was residing nearby was walking through the lane outside the gate.
The cousin, in a spirit of bravado or possibly, friendly affableness, said, ‘What Sub Inspector, why are you walking around here!’ (Yentha Sub Inspectore, ethileyokka pokunnu?’
The Sub Inspector simply opened the gate, came inside and gave him a thundering slap on the face and walked away! The Sub Inspectors might be in his late twenties. This incident happened around the end of the 1980s, I think.
Now, what provoked the Sub Inspector? Well, the words that came from a different location that was seen as trying to pull him down or possibly trying to put in a different command route. Indian languages are quite dangerous, if used without really understanding the direction component in words, usages, gestures and even glances.
Now, what I would like to insert here is the idea that English nations traditionally have social self discipline. It is connected to the fact that communication does not necessarily need to move through command routes or through higher to lower and lower to higher potential energy routes. So, it goes without saying that the feeling of exclusion and inclusion will not be there. However, in the emerging scenario, in English nations, this would have changed. A lot of un-understandable distractions and mental trauma would be moving around the social system, in a manner akin to a virus let loose in an extremely fast working computer.
Yet, I should mention that all commands should move from a higher to lower potential energy platforms to perform effectively; even in English. However, in English, this virtual model is differently designed.
0. Book Profile
3. Command codes in the language software
4. Spontaneous block to information
6. What the Colonial English faced
9. Fifth issue
10. The sixth issue
12. Insights from my own training programme
13. A colonial British quandary
14. Entering the world of animals
16. Notes on education, bureaucracy etc.
18. The master classes strike back
19. Codes and routes of command
20. The sly stance of feudal indicant codes
21. Pristine English and its faded form
23. Media as an indoctrination tool
24. How a nation lost its independence
26. Social engineering and sex appeal
27. Conceptualising Collective Wisdom
29. British colonialism vs American hegemony
30. Revolting against a benevolent governance
31. The destination
34. Online unilateral censorship
36. Understanding a single factor of racism
38. The logic of blocking information
39. Mediocre might
40. Dangers of non-cordoned democracy
43. Where Muslims deviate from pristine Islam
44. Film stars as popular trainers
45. Freedom of speech and feudal languages
48. Indian Culture
49. The miserable Indian media
51. What a local self government could do
52. The aspects of quality improvement
54. Profound quality enhancement
56. Frill elements of quality improvement
58. Continuing on human development
59. Refinements in automobile driving
60. Back to Quality Improvement
61. Entering an area of tremulous disquiet
62. Stature on an elevated platform
63. The sly and treacherous debauchery
64. Reflections of a personal kind
65. Observations on the effect of gold
67. Secure refinement versus insecure odium
68. Clowning around with precious antiquity
69. Handing over helpless entities to crooks
71. The complexities in the virtual codes
73. Satanic codes on the loose
76. Teaching Hindi in Australia
78. Disincentives in teaching English
79. Who should rule?
80. What is it that I am doing?
82. From the ‘great’ ‘Indian’ history
83. Routes to quality enhancement
84. Epilogue