Tribulations and intractability of improving others!!

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Conceptualising Collective Wisdom
01. When the concept of human equality goes awry
04. A digression to Collective Wisdom
05. A very dangerous decoy demeanour
08. The breach
Before continuing with the US social interaction issue, let me dwell on the auto-rickshaw issue for a short while.
When the concept of human equality goes awry
My sister was an engineer in a state government Public Sector Unit. She was an Electronics and Communication Graduate Engineer by qualification. The year was around 1983. In those days, engineers were quite few. Actually in the whole state of Kerala, there were only 40 seats for this qualification. She was among the top 20 persons in the whole state to get this most coveted seat in the open merit. It was considered as a huge qualification, quite enviable.
She had a friend in the PSU who was also an engineer. This lady was a Brahmin. Her husband, whom she married through a love affair, was also a Brahmin. He was then a government clerk, much lower than an Engineer in the class hierarchy within the official settings. He had a friend. He came with his friend to our house. This friend of his was a friendly person, quite at ease with himself. He declared that he was not interested in any government job, but would opt for self-employment.
One day he said that he had bought an auto-rickshaw. He said that he himself would drive it. For, he did not see anything to be ashamed of in this work. It was quite a remarkable stance. For, the place was Trivandrum, the state capital, where almost anyone who was anyone was either a government employee or a rich businessman. Auto-drivers were seen as real dirt by the official class.
This man started his auto driving for a few days. When he came to our house, we could see a very visible difference in him. He was clearly not the older self. He looked different as if he had admitted himself into another world of people. For, once he starts driving an auto, the other drivers would powerfully attach him to themselves. This is done by addressing him as a Nee, and referring to him as an Avan.
Moreover, the persons who are perceived as the higher class would be referred to differently and he would be forced to do the same. For, if he uses more intimate or fellowship words for higher classes, donning the attire of an auto driver, he would be despoiling them among the other auto drivers. I am sure that a native-English man would never understand the real gist of what I said here.
When he came to our home, there was a general feel of difference. He could not be quite casual with us, including his own friend, his wife, my sister and all of us. For, he looked like a lower being sitting among us. Actually as a human being, he was just like us. However, he couldn’t find appropriate words to continue a conversation without stepping out of track. Actually there were now two distinctly different tracks. One of Engineer’s household and another of the auto driver’s world. Each had different indicant level words for most entities in a speech.
In the outer world, there is also another thing. The police constables and other police officials above them, would consistently use only lower indicant words towards the auto drivers. Anyone being close to them also would get the same bracketing. For people of the level who see the police constable as a great being, there is no problem. However, to the great many persons who cannot condone being thus addressed, it is an experience that can prompt even suicide.
Within a few weeks, that person sold his auto-rickshaw. So much for his endeavour to go in for self-employment.
Creating a superior class
Back to the US:
Now, there is this issue of me using the words ‘better’ and ‘lower’ classes. These are words that can be seen as provocative. However, the very provocation is a sign to understand that the provoked sections have to be restrained so that there is a unidirectional movement of social features. If the Blacks claim to be of a superior quality, well then they should not be much more concerned about segregation than the Whites.
For, if you have quality, why bother about the others not mixing with you. Let them stay away if they want. If we have quality, naturally others would want to come close. That is one of the major failing of all Black leaders. Instead of making a hue and cry about being kept apart, all they had to insist was for their followers to improve in quality. Or at least display qualities that are the envy of the Whites. To take the cheap and easy route is the technique of all kinds of low quality leaders including the types like Nelson Mandela.
The varying Whites
When I speak about Blacks and Whites, there is another part of the discussion that is being missed. The issue of varying-quality Whites also, who have more or less barged into the US. They do not really understand how they came to be understood as quality. For example, the Italians.
Before embarking on this theme, let me first state that I do no say that any particular section of people are bad or good. Only that different sections of people function under different language programs that make them function differently, and react to external signal differently, and also radiate signals that are different from what other sections of people send out. SEE this for more.
I have already mentioned that I first became aware of the sharp difference between the Italians and the basic social functioning of the English, from the book by Mario Puzo, The Godfather. The Italian manner of social functioning, social command routes, concept of hierarchy, encasing domination over subordinates, subservience to persons of authority up in the command route, power of family leadership, treachery to those perceived as weak leaders etc. were quite similar to an Indian social and family climate.
However, the fact that this powerful structure was functioning inside the quietude and serenity of an English social ambience made them quite powerful, as apart from a similar group of English natives. The basic issue of difference is that if the same people were functioning in Italy, the effect on them would be quite different from that in an English ambience. For, in an Italian national ambience, there would be the incessant distraction of so many others who do not fall into line with the established command structure of one family or one leader. However, in the English social ambience, it is not so complicated an issue.
For only acknowledged powerful families and their henchmen would compete with this family. In Italy, even a most insignificant man on the street will have a powerful way to dismantle the power structure with a simple word.

This much I mentioned in a most desultory manner. For, I do not know Italian language, and I am not sure if it really has a feudal code structure inside it. There is a very particular dialect that is mentioned powerfully in The Godfather. It is the Sicilian dialect. I do get a feeling that this Sicilian dialect has a very powerful code inside it that does bring about the social and command designs of the Mafia. If someone is inquisitive about this, he or she may check for this.
When I say codes, at the primary levels, it only means words of respect, disrespect, pejoratives and such things that powerfully bring in limits to the ways and manners of a person’s parameters of behaviour, loyalty, obedience, leadership, obeisance and such things. However there is another level of codes that I have mentioned as the Secondary Levels [Check my book: Software codes of Reality, Life and Languages!]. That is in the inner code arena of the language software, wherein more sophisticated codes and values really do the work which is seen in the outside world as pejoratives, respect, social pull & push and such things.
What I reckoned when I first read The Godfather was that if a huge number of Asians also can enter into English nations, and are able to create a gang who speak among themselves in their native languages, then similar Asian mafia’s can also come into existence. I am not sure if this has really happened. Maybe such things are there over there in the English nations. The power of the loyalty codes and the powerful corridors through which commands and orders move with seeming non-loss of energy would simply be beyond the comprehension of native-English collective wisdom.
A digression to Collective Wisdom
Now, here I have mentioned the term collective wisdom. This is a term with a very powerful content. It needs explaining. Collective wisdom of a nation is the core content on which a nation exists. And when this term is taken in the context of England, it has a very powerful meaning, the kind of which is not there in many other nations. In many ways, the collective wisdom of most other English nations is also entwined with the Collective Wisdom of England. However, since there has been very little understanding about this, there have not been many attempts to fortify this core area or to seek a powerful protection for this area from the incessant attempts at breeching from inimical forces that maintain a continuous vigil seeking a vulnerable point to force an entry, by the sly means of pretended affability.
DIGRESSION: A very dangerous decoy demeanour
When I was going through the Wikipedia on the Jallianwalabagh shooting incident, I came across this line: ‘Ever since the Rebellion of 1857 British officials in India lived in fear of native conspiracies and revolts; they warned each other that the natives were most suspicious when they seemed superficially innocent’.
The insight of the British colonial officials who were in ‘India’ about the character of the native population is quite profound. However, this profundity never reached the shores of England.
This slyness and ambivalent mental mood to loyalty and commitment is connected to the feudal language indicant codes. A shift could be a 900 or an 1800 rotation of human positions in the virtual arena. Actually it is mentioned locally in India, that only a loyal and trusted adjutant can cheat a person!
The point to be remembered here is that when persons from feudal language social systems act out to be very friendly, extend extremely warm hospitality and show great homage etc., one needs to be very cautious. For, these types of behaviour codes are very much part of the language codes that aim to disable, defeat or fool a competitor or a potential competitor, who has superior attributes which cannot be defeated or compromised by other means. This was the strategy used by Japan under a very meticulous planning to penetrate US defences, when they lost the war.
Members of any feudal language social system would immediately sense the aim and the plot. However, the American officials were hoodwinked by the warmth of the hospitality extended to them by the Japanese monarchy. It was quite an overpowering emotional experience and not many people could see through the shifty designs of this cunning deceit and duplicity. A slight example would be the affectionate patting and fondling of cattle by the butchers as they get ready to slice their necks.
In many ways, this is essentially the same strategy used by an immensity of others from feudal language nations, mostly the children of the looting native bureaucracy, to wade into the inner core areas of English social systems, donning a demeanour of worshipful innocence. It is a false posture, which will be shed the moment they are able to set up a tough beachhead inside the English nation. From this base, they wire themselves to their various command centres inside their native nations, and penetrate the seemingly formidable fortresses of English national frontiers. END OF DIGRESSION
Now let me tackle the issue of Collective Wisdom. Every nation and social system shall have a collective wisdom. Now, this collective wisdom should not be identified as a democratic proportion of people’s will and wish. It does not have much to do with democracy. For example, the collective wisdom of a native kingdom that existed parallel to British India would be on these lines:
It would be a collective emotional understanding of what is good for the social system and its sustenance. This would be from the collective consciousness of the higher class of people there. They would know that it is good to continue the caste system, protect the king and his family, have a healthy relationship with the British Empire, maintain the essential independence from the powers of the British Empire, and see that the lower classes do not get much of an opportunity to improve.
Now, this Collective Wisdom is a bit diabolic when viewed from the context of what was happening outside the kingdom’s borders, in British India, where the lower castes were improving beyond their traditional stations. So, generally when people such as Sir CP Ramasway etc. who were at home in the higher levels of English came to positions of power, there was a break in the Collective Wisdom.
Now, among the lower castes also there would be a Collective Wisdom. It would again not be a democratic demand to improve everyone. It would be a collective emotional stance dominated by the social and age-wise seniors of the lower castes. This would at primarily be aimed at maintaining the hierarchical positions inside their own caste. This would be a very vital point.
Family seniors like parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts all have positions to be protected from the truculent encroachment by impertinent lower members of the caste. The demand for a removal of all social limitations for the caste members would come only after this. Beyond that, there would be the eternal vigilance to be maintained over the aspirations of castes below their caste. For, they have to be continually made to remain in the lower rung.
Now, speaking about Collective Wisdom, there is this thing to be mentioned. It is a social brain in which every wire would be connected only to the members of the society. For example, this social brain of the higher castes that take care of traditional and future interests of the nation is not wired to people from other nations, lower castes, British citizens etc.
All discussions that take place in this regard have an exclusive private arena, which are the members of that social system, their houses, their places of worship, their societies, their clubs, their playgrounds etc. Even though it is possible that some members may at times discuss these things in other places as a British Club, a lower caste member’s house, a political party leader’s house etc. all such things would remain as mere testing grounds for the interests of the society, rather than powerful collective-decision affecting domains.
Now, in the kingdom of Travancore, the various collective wisdoms could be like this: 1. Collective wisdom of the Brahmanical classes 2. Collective wisdom of the Kshatriyas, that is the caste of native royal blood; i.e., the Varmas. 3. Collective wisdom of the Nairs, who were the serving caste of the Brahmins and the Kshatriyas. 4. Collective wisdom of the Ezhavas, the first rung of the lower castes prohibited from holding public offices. 5. Collective wisdoms of various other lower castes. 6. Collective wisdoms of the various Christian congregations. 7. Collective wisdoms of the various Muslim groups.
British Collective Wisdom
Now, I need to jump from here to the domain of British Collective Wisdom. Externally till around the few years after World War 2, it had all the features mentioned with regard to the feudal language nations. However, there was a grand difference that made this Collective Wisdom a very different one, in action and timbre. For, the social system was not based on a feudal language, but based on a planar language, that is English. Let me explain the difference.
The English social system had a feudal class system. However, the language system, that is the communication code, did not have a feudal pattern. That was a very powerful difference. I am not very sure if the majority of academicians who deal with this kind of study are fully aware of the vast difference this makes.
It is like this. A common man in Kerala goes to a higher authority. This higher authority can address the common man at various levels of social positioning, varying from that of ‘respect’ to that of pejorative ‘low respect’, loaded with social snubbing. It is not connected to any malice or meanness or even anger. It is mere evaluation and placing. Technically, in modern India, there is no need to bow to anyone. But in practice, it is a compulsory thing, and people bow to different levels of authority and people of power, as a means of conducting their lives without incurring the ill-will of the powerful persons.
However, in England there is a feudal setup. However, there is no need to bow to anyone other than the monarchy and to certain statutory authorities. Not many people bear this in mind, when they argue for the abolishing of the English Monarchical system.
The Collective Wisdom on England, but not necessarily of Great Britain, is connected to a grand and powerful group of people who were the traditional Nobility. They did hold honourable positions. They were in many cases the repositories of an immensity of knowledge and national heritage. Yet, they had their own selfish interests, that of protecting their own hereditary rights.
However, there is this very significant difference between them and the traditional power holders in feudal language nations. They spoke in English and were natives in English language.
So that when they spoke to the common man in England, or when the common man in England spoke to them, the common man is not despoiled by pejorative words. For the concept of pejorative words are not there in English. Different sections or levels of persons would not be addressed or referred to with different indicant words. It is not an issue of the nobility of England being better persons than the nobility of feudal language nations. However, it is true that over the centuries, a sort of sieved out refinement has accrued into the English nobility, which would be quite untraceable in feudal-language-society nobility.
Now, what sort of makes a significant difference is the issue of the common man not becoming a repulsive object who has to be kept in his position powerfully. In feudal language nations, the common man gets variously differentiated into different levels of repulsiveness. This repulsiveness is connected to the effect of being on equal terms with a lower man. The lower the lower man, the more is the repulsiveness felt by the higher man. To the extent that if the lower man touches the higher person, or if he is seen in close association with the lower man, a social degradation does come in.
Now, this can be there in England also, for the nobility exists on the higher fringes of the English language, wherein it enters into the domain of feudal words. Again there is this difference. The feudal words are not infectious or diffusing. In other words, a Lord can be addressed as a Lord, but no other man need be addressed as a Lord. In feudal languages, this is not the issue. Any man can aspire to go up in the indicant words. For this purpose, everyman acts out pretences, bluffs, uses pejoratives on others, snubs others, seeks to allude to superior connections etc. In English, even if a person does all this, a He remains a He. A His remains a His. A She remains a She. A Him, a Her and a Hers remain static.
Now the quality of the nobility of England is then seen to be intimately connected to the quality of the common man over there. The common man over there cannot be debased or defiled. The nobility of England is the nobility of a superior quality and elevated common people.

DIGRESSION There is this scene in the movie Titanic that is very much discussed as the rank discrimination of the English higher classes. That of Jack, a third class passenger, not being allowed to move around with a female of a higher class passenger, or even to enter the First Class areas. What everyone forgets when doing this discussion is that in India a lower caste man even simply imagining such a scene, let alone sit at a table with his superior class is prohibited. It may be mentioned that in my childhood, in the village areas where I currently reside, it was quite unusual for the lower financial classes to sit on a chair and to eat at a table. They wouldn’t dare to contemplate such an action in a higher class person’s house.
I remember my mother mentioning that when she was a child, a higher caste elderly man gave her a token present. He dropped it into her hands, taking care that he did not touch her. Her father immediately told her to just throw off the present, taking offence at the mood of repulsion shown by the higher caste man.
Now, to continue on this event, the fact was that this was after the Thiyyas of that locality had improved much due to British education. And the assertive right to throw off a present from a higher caste man also was due to the protection assigned by the British rule in Malabar. Yet, this very father of hers was a person who declared Gandhi (far away in north British-India) as his leader. I do not think there were many others in the area who took up Gandhi as their leader. But then this man wanted to show-off his difference from others, by seeking imaginary saviours, when actually it was the English administrators who were his real benefactors. END OF DIGRESSION
Now it is this nobility that is the think-tank of this nation. Now, it is not an empty description. The hereditary heirs to this position do carry social standing. It presupposes an assured level of information on national heritage, commitment to national interests, loyalty to the Crown, allegiance to the national flag and much more. It is not something that is learned, adopted or adapted. It is something innate, that bears upon a person on his being born in a very special circumstance.
This institution itself is a national heritage of immense value, and possibly priceless. It should not be degraded, debased or made to rot. It has to be improved. It carries an incalculable responsibility. For, it is the repository of English Collective Wisdom. It contains a brain that works without being distracted by the issues of a competing with the common man. In feudal language nations, there is a singular preoccupation among the higher castes to see that the lower man is not allowed to improve. Now, in England, this repository of English Collective Wisdom does do a lot of brain work based on English social compulsion and reflexes.
Since I have mentioned a list of Collective Wisdoms in the Travancore kingdom, it is right that I should give a similar list of Collective Wisdoms in England. However, the fact remains that in an English social domain, it is difficult to envisage such powerful group leaderships that move down the vertical heights. For, the English language more or less makes it impossible to bring in such collective leadership of minor groups of people.
So in effect, in the emerging England the other powerful Collective Wisdoms are those connected to powerful non-native feudal language speaking groups. Like that of various Hindu outfits, various Muslim groups and even of various Christian groups which speak feudal languages. These Collective Wisdoms can be quite dangerous for the English native antiquity, heritage and even economic stamina.
This brings us to the dangers that modern day democracy poses to England and to Great Britain. Democracy is not uniting the native peoples of England and Britain. Instead, when other Collective Wisdoms are actively engaged in capturing the inside vitals of the English nation, democracy stands as the satanic machine that disunites the native English citizens and makes them cave in, to the assaults of diabolical elements, whose evil dispositions are not tangible through English.
Compulsions and reflexes
& truths and lies
I think it would be appropriate that I should explain the term ‘Social compulsions and reflexes’. In feudal languages, there are certain social and language switches. For example, a big or influential man or a teacher enters. Everyone stands up in a pose of respect. Otherwise it would be equivalent to calling him a dirty dog. You treat a lower man with respect. He returns the gesture with disdain. You treat a lower man with pejorative words, and he returns the snub with ‘respect’ and reverence. Now these are some examples of the social compulsions and reflexes inside a feudal language.
Now, English doesn’t have such reflexes and compulsions. Here the reflexes are like ‘give respect and take respect’. Respect precedence. Form a queue if more than one person is waiting for a thing. And such things.
This has no connection to many moral attitudes like that one should speak the truth. Actually the moral insistence that one should speak the truth has certain parameters within which it is intelligent to speak the truth. Beyond this parameter, it may not be wise or advisable to speak the truth.
For example, one can be truthful to one’s own people, parents, family members and associates who are supportive. However, to be truthful to enemies and competitors is idiotism. To them, to lie could be more appropriate. Other than that, divulging the truth to even supportive persons is not always good. Especially in feudal language systems. I can’t digress more here.
Now coming back to English Collective Wisdom, it is something that has been intimately connected to and confined to English antiquity, heritage, English classics, historical incidences, planar nature of the English language, loyalty to the English Monarch, allegiance to the Union Jack, the various statutory Act such as the Emancipation of Slaves, British participation in saving the Blacks captured for selling as slaves in Arab slave trading ships, the British colonial experiences, the English social system, the English class system, the understanding of where all English systems are different from that of Continental Europe and of Asian and Africa, the evolving of the maritime codes, the evolving of the scientific method, the refuting of the Catholic Church’s temporal and spiritual authority over English institutions, English scientific discoveries, English geographical discoveries, the codes of conventions that stand as a mainstay of the British Judicial authority, setting up English education in the colonies, the historical assemblage of various lower class people in many colonial nations under the aegis of the Union Jack, the emotional empathy that Great Britain still holds in the minds of various peoples all around the world, the right of England to assert itself as the homeland of English, and much, much more.
Including the extremely vital point that all discussions should be done in pristine English. And not in other languages, including adulterated versions of English, such as Pidgin English, Indian English, US English and such.

Here it would be appropriate to inform that the greatness of England was and is not really connected to scientific discoveries and scientific knowledge. This is a very false perception about England. It is true that England was the home to so many scientific discoveries, scientific standards and much more. However, it would be equally true in the case of so many other things also, that are not from science. Such as geographical standards, Time standards and much more. However, many other nations do incessantly try to claim a superiority over England by giving names of people from their own geographical areas.
One such very virulent group is the higher classes of India, the nation. Almost anything and everything that has been discovered in the modern world has been claimed by these Indians, saying that they had discovered it hundreds of years back. There are people who literally believe that when the ‘Indians’ were living in grand cities with fantastic conveniences, the people of England were living in caves. Actually one young man who believed this fable with all his heart, couldn’t believe what he was seeing when he saw the movie The Titanic. He came and told me that it more or less was a shock to him that people who he imagined to be living in caves were really so advanced around 100 years back.

I have seen traditional carpenters and other skilled people doing fantastic creations some decades back. {Now, such people have more or less disappeared due to the forced admission of their children in sultry schools under insipid teachers}. However, neither they nor their social ambience had the refinement of England. They looked quite contorted and physically suppressed by the weight of the feudal repressive words that were forced upon them. It would be true to say that the geographical area that comes under current-day India had geniuses who tried to rise above the suppressive social atmosphere of the land.
There is this example of Ramanujan who was a citizen of British-India, and a native of Madras Presidency. The English presence helped him to rise above the suppression of the native feudal language social code and escape to England, from where his genius was able to function more freely beyond the attack of feudal pejorative codes, reserved for the poor in his native land. However, as a state policy, shifting all geniuses in this place to England would not be a healthy one for England. For, actually if one were to seek for talent and genius among the 130 crore (1300 million) people in current-day India, one would find plenty of them. However, if every one of them is taken to England, England would turn into India.

For apart from being geniuses, they are also the repositories of feudal language codes, which can atrophy the English landscape.
SEE these comments in a rabid dialogue with me on Scientific American:
Ramanujan’s association with Hardy did make western mathematicians much more aware of his work, but as noted in the article, India has a long, strong mathematical tradition and does not need Britain to provide legitimacy to the accomplishments of Indian mathematicians
India which was one of the largest economic and trading nation of the world before the British colonization’
MY COMMENT: THE single fact that there was no such nation called ‘India’ before the East India Company connected together a series of small time nations and groups is clearly not comprehended by this commenter. The fact is that it took the early officials of the East India Company much effort to trace the great works in this geographical area from various houses, all of them quite distant from each other. There was no social connection with these works, and they remained hidden in some house’s storerooms and boxes. Read MALABAR MANUAL along with a Commentary by VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS
England’s greatness was embedded in the great common man there, whose individuality couldn’t be compromised by the presence of feudal languages or their speakers. However, this is an old story that needs to be updated. This secure position of England lies totally compromised with an immensity of feudal languages being spoken right inside England. In London itself, I am told, around 600 languages are present. It is a terrible situation. For, it is like an immensity of software being allowed to enter a quality computer without any thought that many of them could have cantankerous codes.
So that when the English Collective Wisdom discusses English interests, it should stand confined within the circle of people who are native English, whose roots are native English, whose family links are native English, whose traditional allegiances are to the English Royalty and who can spontaneously speak of loyalty only to England or to Great Britain.
It is here that I need to insert the point that as far as England or Great Britain is concerned, Collective Wisdom does not confine itself within the circle of English nobility. For the common Englishman is not far removed or below the nobility as is the case in a feudal language nation. There is no competition of interests. The focus is on a more powerful England or Great Britain.
In this position, the Collective Wisdom is self contained. There is no leak or link to an outside world. And a healthy England and a strong Great Britain depends on this containment sustaining without any breach.
The breach
It is here that the breach has taken place. One major breach that comes to my mind is the inclusion of persons from non-English nations, especially Asian nations in the list of Lords or nobility. It is an absolute nonsense and a repudiation of all that the traditional nobility stands for. The persons in charge of governing who sanctioned or recommended this inclusion are those who have not the minute idea about the huge social and national machinery that has been thus compromised.

When a person from India is made a part of the British nobility, what is being done is the powerful creation of a beachhead for policymakers and family members from India, and even Indian society to dabble, interfere, influence and to even despoil the English nation and its nobility. In many ways, it shall compromise the hereditary standards that are followed by the British nobility. It is like the posting of lower caste persons as IAS and IPS officers (of India) by way of compulsory reservation. These lower castes persons do not have the same intellectual attainments of the others who came through the tougher route. However, these persons are better in being rude and crude. Crudeness and rudeness are often seen as more assertive and effective in small-time situations. However, when such things are followed there is a general breakdown of softer conventions and of rules and decorum.
Yet, when the effectiveness of crude irregular behaviour and sly methods are seen as more effective, and of less effort, the general tendency would be to go in for such stances by everyone. Moreover, since these lower castes persons are lacking in many intellectual standards, they are more willing to be malleable to the equally crude political bosses. So they also get preferential treatment from the political leadership. So a general idea that it is better to follow the standards that are created by the lower castes as an effective means to garner better official positions sets in. The standards go down.
This is only one part of the problem. The second part is that the new nobles from India will bring in an Indian ambience to the proximity of the other nobles. When a crowd of ‘Indians’ are around a person, there is a different evaluation mechanism.
[For, speakers of each feudal language carry within them a particular kind of visualisation of the social structure and communication routes. This is specific to that specific language. For example, a group of Malayalam speaking persons have a specific social arrangement of individuals, which is different from English].
The person would be subconsciously made to feel the need to do certain things that give value inside an ‘Indian’s’ head. It is akin to a refined group of English-speaking ‘Indians’ setting up a business unit inside India. They built a compound wall around their premises. Menacing looking ‘Indian’ security guards are posted as security.
They are told in very clear terms to keep the ‘Indians’ out, meaning the local people who speak in the local vernacular and would view the interpersonal interaction among the English speaking personnel inside the unit in a very vulgar manner. For, if the local people are allowed to comment on the English speaking persons inside the unit, they would speak with vehement negativity, even insinuations of rabid sexual infractions going on among the freer community inside.
Now, if the vernacular speaking people are allowed inside the premises with no control on them, the English-speaking personnel would be totally intimidated by their suggestive glances, sniggers, loud boisterous laughter done with deliberate intentions to convey denigration, comments and explicit moral preaching. The only way to allow the outsider free access is to first inculcate in them the parameters of appropriate behaviour, including the fact that they can be made to go out if they infringe these terms. Now, this would involve the idea that the outsider would have to bear a feeling that they are of some lesser standards.
Advising segregation
Now, this is again an issue that has to be dealt with. Is it right to make them feel that they are of a lesser standard? Well, it is an issue that is everywhere. If they want to enter inside with their vernacular standards, it is a very healthy thing to convey to them that they are not equals. Here again the theme seems to go against the very theme of human equality. There is a very suitable answer for this. The answer lies in the fact that in ‘Indian’ feudal vernaculars, human beings are not equal or of equal dignity or of equal right to dignity.
Well, it is this knowledge that should not be forgotten when making policy decisions. It is an information that is very powerful, which should not be treated with disdain. The very understanding of this would make many native-English speakers quite uneasy. For, their language sponsors the idea that human beings are equal.
Human beings have equal rights to dignity only in English and similar languages. In feudal languages, it is not there. Such language-speaking people should not be allowed to come into proximity from where they can remove or fragment this innate right of the native-English speaking people. This is an information that has to be clearly understood. All declamations about racism, racial profiling and much else should commence only after this piece of information is clearly understood and assimilated.
Defining English nobility
Now coming back to the English nobility, there is this thing that should be mentioned. The English nobility is not similar to the nobility of Continental European nations. Externally there may be many similarities. And it is possible that the English nobility is just a slight continuation of the nobility that existed beyond the English Channel. However, what makes the English nobility different is that they are the nobility of the English-speaking common man, and not the nobility of the French, German, Spanish, Hindi, Malayalam, Sinhala or even Tamil speaking common man. Here again there is something to be said.
When I was doing business in Malabar area, I did notice one very significant feature about the spoken language. Persons in financial acumen were seen to be speaking variously to different sections of people. One Christian person of the erstwhile settler population told me that among themselves they speak the words like Thaan, Ningal and Saar for You; Pulli, Pullikkaaran, Ayaal etc. for He and Him; Pulli and Pullikkaari, Ayaal etc. for She and Her. However, to the local labour class Thiyyas they would use Inhi (Nee) for You, Oan (Avan) for He and Him, and Oal (Aval) for She. The latter case has a more demeaning tone. I did even see a person using a different word Ijj (nee) to a worker from Malappuram district (neighbouring to Calicut district). He was using a different You to others.
Now, as per each group of words, the relationship between the employer and his worker changes. The distance in the virtual codes changes and many other attributes of the person also changes. Now, what I am saying is that the nobility that speaks to an English-speaking common man is different from a nobility that speaks to a Malayalam-speaking common man. Here lies one of the major differences between an English nobility and an ‘Indian’ or Asian or even European one.
0. Book Profile
3. Command codes in the language software
4. Spontaneous block to information
6. What the Colonial English faced
9. Fifth issue
10. The sixth issue
12. Insights from my own training programme
13. A colonial British quandary
14. Entering the world of animals
16. Notes on education, bureaucracy etc.
18. The master classes strike back
19. Codes and routes of command
20. The sly stance of feudal indicant codes
21. Pristine English and its faded form
23. Media as an indoctrination tool
24. How a nation lost its independence
26. Social engineering and sex appeal
27. Conceptualising Collective Wisdom
29. British colonialism vs American hegemony
30. Revolting against a benevolent governance
31. The destination
34. Online unilateral censorship
36. Understanding a single factor of racism
38. The logic of blocking information
39. Mediocre might
40. Dangers of non-cordoned democracy
43. Where Muslims deviate from pristine Islam
44. Film stars as popular trainers
45. Freedom of speech and feudal languages
48. Indian Culture
49. The miserable Indian media
51. What a local self government could do
52. The aspects of quality improvement
54. Profound quality enhancement
56. Frill elements of quality improvement
58. Continuing on human development
59. Refinements in automobile driving
60. Back to Quality Improvement
61. Entering an area of tremulous disquiet
62. Stature on an elevated platform
63. The sly and treacherous debauchery
64. Reflections of a personal kind
65. Observations on the effect of gold
67. Secure refinement versus insecure odium
68. Clowning around with precious antiquity
69. Handing over helpless entities to crooks
71. The complexities in the virtual codes
73. Satanic codes on the loose
76. Teaching Hindi in Australia
78. Disincentives in teaching English
79. Who should rule?
80. What is it that I am doing?
82. From the ‘great’ ‘Indian’ history
83. Routes to quality enhancement
84. Epilogue