Tribulations and intractability of improving others!!

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Trade, fair and foul
02. SEE this quote from a comment
03. Maintaining English greatness
04. Continuing on the trade route
Back to free trade

Now coming back to Free Trade, well let us first see the scope of trade itself. Once there was the Silk Road that extended from China. What did China do about its Silk trade? The production secrets were national secrets. However, look at England. All knowledge it had in everything was shared all around the world, in the name of spreading education and for cultural advancement. Yet, only ingratitude was what was reaped.
SEE this quote from a comment attacking me on SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN’s Ramanujam page
Neeraj in reply to VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS 03:14 PM 12/22/12
Since you’re dealing with hypothetical situations, what is to say that if the Brits weren’t around that, under the patronage of Indian Kings etc, he may have gone on to achieve even more ? What is to say that India would not have recognized this mans genius ? India has produced brilliant scientists, astronomers and mathematicians from time immemorial, none of them needed the help of a tiny island to get their voice out into the world. Indian books and scientific studies travelled wide and far, especially in the middle east, and on their own capabilities.
MY COMMENT: The geographical area currently known as India is a place where knowledge was forbidden to the lower classes. For instance, even to listen, let alone read the Vedas was a crime to even a slightly lower level caste. If this be the reality, what ‘brilliant scientists, astronomers and mathematicians’ should this place boast of? The fact is that most of such brilliant persons wouldn’t be allowed to sit on a chair let alone, do a research.
Apart from that, Britain is great not due to its ‘great’ scientists and mathematicians, but due to its great common man. In fact, the British Empire was created and maintained by the common man of Britain, in collaboration with its nobility.
SEE this comment of mine on http://india.blogs.nytimes. com
I write from India. In India, housemaids have to sleep on the floor. They have separate toilets, which are ‘Indian’ and not the western. They can’t sit on a dining table to eat. They have to eat on the floor. They have to enter the house through the kitchen door. They have to dress shabbily to exhibit the difference between themselves and their master class.
Beyond all this, they are addressed with the pejorative part of the Indian feudal languages, while they have to consistently speak with the respectful part of the word codes about their master class.
The only housemaids who improved in India are those who were housemaids of the colonial folks in British-India before 1947. They learnt English and escaped the social suppression. Moreover in such household, even though they were treated as different, they could sit on chairs and eat from tables. Moreover, English has no feudal pejorative versus respect codes. So their personality also improved.
If a similar case has been filed in an Indian court, it would have been thrown out with everyone in the court, including the lawyers laughing their guts out. END OF COMMENT
Trade is war. Economic might is another form of military might. No administrative apparatus including that of judiciary should work to give the advantage to the enemy. For, each of these administrative structures is for conserving national strength and not for dissipating it.
Any judicial act, decision, ruling and verdict that stand against the national interests are to be naturally null and void. When dealing with feudal language nations, the English nations should have had this much sense. For, in feudal language nations, a majority of the population are in a state of mental and physical slavery. All advantage that comes across to the nation is cornered by the master class which stands on the pinnacle of the indicant word codes.
No trade that can dissipate national economic strength, make inroads into the interiors of the nation, can in the future overtake national industries and can buy up national resources, should be allowed to function inside the nation. Trade is war, bear in mind. To understand that trade is war, one has to understand that in feudal languages, economic success is connected to physical and mental domination through indicant word codes. If English policymakers cannot understand this much, then it is real tragedy. I can only say that I do deeply understand the sad plight of Robert Clive as he tried to explain ‘India’ to the people of England. They couldn’t think of a social communication system which was totally the opposite of English!
Maintaining English greatness
England is great because of its people quality. That all the individuals have individuality and dignity, is something that cannot be replicated in any feudal language nation. If trade is giving access to persons from feudal language nations to make strides inside the nation, then that trade should be negated, abolished and repudiated. It should be thrown into the sea.
Remember, some frivolous nuts in America had the daring to throw tea out into the sea, in a demonstration of repudiating British control over their rascality {Boston Tea Party}. That was a rank idiotic daring. Does anyone in the present day US have any daring to throw out the business bosses who have arrived from feudal nations into the sea? That would be real daring.
For, these bosses have dirtied their own fellow countrymen by using low indicant words to them. Now, they have arrived to despoil an English nation. However, it is doubtful if any US citizen has any such daring. All such daring has vanished in the off shoring boom. Moreover to show such rascality to Britain is not a great daring. It is a small-time daring when done to Britain. However to do the same thing to an Indian police or army outpost would really require much daring. They would be butchered alive; with no recourse to judicial review!
The very presence of such feudal-language-speaking economic leaders, who have arrived in England, can spoil the individuality of the lower financial class English citizen. This cannot be allowed if England as a concept has to survive. And England has to survive. For, it is a place on earth that does hold a very sacred communication code.
Just imagine that Britain is the only nation on this earth. Would it not retain its greatness? It would. For the language is English. This is the basic understanding that should be borne in mind by the policymakers in England. Any trade or trader that depreciates the intrinsic value of a native-British citizen should not be allowed to sprout or grow inside England. Well, wouldn’t it make England isolated? What would come out is not an isolated England, but a real powerful England that can decide things on its own.
Not an England that is led and decided upon by persons from varied nations all across the globe. Moreover, it can pull out of all nonsensical warfare and battles in various locations all around the world. It can stand out to promote a pro-English population all around the world. And be the direct focus of their emotional appeal. All that England needs is a better understanding of what England is and what it stood for, over the centuries. Declare the superiority of English and similar language communication standards. Let there be no stance for compromises.
Continuing on the trade route
Trade is a form of war. It has to be contained and controlled, with powerful planning. No munitions, base, apparatus, technical skills or chance for creating a beachhead should be provided to the swarming invaders.
Now, when speaking about the Silk Route, there is something that does pop into my mind. It is about the cities of the Golden Triangle: Jaisalmer, Bikaner and Jaipur in Rajasthan in ‘India’. Cities that sprouted in the dry deserts. What made them rich? Well, they fed on the tax collected from the silk traders who frequented these cities with their caravans drawn by camels. However, these cities did provide various amenities to the traders. However, compare them with the sales tax officials of India. I have had the personal experience of them stopping commercial vehicles to check for tax evasion and to garner booty. The tax thus collected is for feeding the huge army of state government officials.
Just like in the pre-British times. The officials have power to take anything from the common folk. Many people do not know it, and off course the learned academicians have not read this in their insipid history textbooks, but the fact is that during the British rule time, there was no Sales Tax. Meaning the traders, small and big had nothing to fear from this group of low class, stinking gangsters. Well, the new nation of India has imposed such looters back on the people, to feed its officialdom. And armed them with powerful laws and rules, and penal powers. I can only curse Clement Atlee and his coterie of mental midgets.
Coming back to entrepreneurship, what is being insisted upon is that this word has a different meaning and sense in feudal languages from what it means in English. It is not really in the word meaning, but in the direction codes inside it and in the prompts. In feudal languages, the end aim is not the enjoyment of enterprise, but that of using all means, fair and foul to accomplish the deed of domination that will be reflected in the indicant word codes.
In English, the enjoyment is in the act of accomplishing economic deed using the rules of fair-play and moving according to conventions. However, when English enterprising actions come into frontal contact with feudal language systems and persons, it may not be possible to stand by English stances. For, the other side has no qualms about using sham techniques.
This is the reason why Robert Clive stood accused of using a very sly strategy when he found himself in a very tight corner right when a very decisive battle was in the offing. He was blackmailed. That his carefully worked-out battle strategy would be leaked out. He reciprocated in the same manner. However, way back in England, where they felt that the wars and battles that he fought were being played as one would play chess, they condemned him.
They had no idea that in a feudal language social system, losing a war would mean literally the dismemberment of all limbs and bones, even if terms of surrender and defeat is signed and accepted by the winning side. There is no such thing as being taken to a court or appeal to the judiciary. See this photo of Tantia Topi appearing before a judge. Would one find any English man caught by the Mogul side allowed to plead his case in a court?

The main accusation was that Robert Clive had lied. That by acting thus, he can compromise English reputation for fair-play and honesty.
0. Book Profile
3. Command codes in the language software
4. Spontaneous block to information
6. What the Colonial English faced
9. Fifth issue
10. The sixth issue
12. Insights from my own training programme
13. A colonial British quandary
14. Entering the world of animals
16. Notes on education, bureaucracy etc.
18. The master classes strike back
19. Codes and routes of command
20. The sly stance of feudal indicant codes
21. Pristine English and its faded form
23. Media as an indoctrination tool
24. How a nation lost its independence
26. Social engineering and sex appeal
27. Conceptualising Collective Wisdom
29. British colonialism vs American hegemony
30. Revolting against a benevolent governance
31. The destination
34. Online unilateral censorship
36. Understanding a single factor of racism
38. The logic of blocking information
39. Mediocre might
40. Dangers of non-cordoned democracy
43. Where Muslims deviate from pristine Islam
44. Film stars as popular trainers
45. Freedom of speech and feudal languages
48. Indian Culture
49. The miserable Indian media
51. What a local self government could do
52. The aspects of quality improvement
54. Profound quality enhancement
56. Frill elements of quality improvement
58. Continuing on human development
59. Refinements in automobile driving
60. Back to Quality Improvement
61. Entering an area of tremulous disquiet
62. Stature on an elevated platform
63. The sly and treacherous debauchery
64. Reflections of a personal kind
65. Observations on the effect of gold
67. Secure refinement versus insecure odium
68. Clowning around with precious antiquity
69. Handing over helpless entities to crooks
71. The complexities in the virtual codes
73. Satanic codes on the loose
76. Teaching Hindi in Australia
78. Disincentives in teaching English
79. Who should rule?
80. What is it that I am doing?
82. From the ‘great’ ‘Indian’ history
83. Routes to quality enhancement
84. Epilogue