Tribulations and intractability of improving others!!

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
A digression and a detour
01. Creating statutory precedence
02. Nonsensical Wikipedia page on the Supreme Court of India
05. When a seeming subordinate exhibit elevated qualities
06. Giving value to dirt level education
07. The English-speaking officer class of bygone days
08. Different quality people, different quality effects
09. The catch in the situation
Creating statutory precedence where there is none
Now when speaking about law and order, there is this issue of creating precedence in a nation, where there was only a history of royal barbarity enforced on the people. The people know about this and maintain law and order, as per the statutes of caste customs. Even though in the page connected to Jallianwalabagh, the term ‘India’ is used, it would have been more intelligent to have used a more colloquial term. For, there was no sense of there being an ‘India’ at that time. Mob reactions were not connected to patriotism, but rather directly connected to their own small-time leaders and leadership.
Even to mention the two small time leaders whose arrest created the unrest in that town, as ‘Indian’ leaders as done in Wikipedia is more or less imposing unacknowledged persons of unknown personal dispositions on the huge population of this geographical area. One was a Muslim and the extent to which he would have been an ‘Indian’ or Pakistani’ are certainly debatable. Apart from the question of how he could have been a leader of a person then living in Tamilnadu, Kerala, Bengal, Orissa, Nagaland, Kashmir, the independent kingdom of Travancore etc.
A rank nonsensical Wikipedia page on the Supreme Court of India
Now, look at this page on the Supreme Court of India in Wikipedia. By reading this article written by someone with useless calibre, one would get the feeling that the Supreme Court of India just suddenly manifested itself in India. The fact is that is that it is just a natural development of the Supreme Court setup by the British East India Company at Calcutta in the year 1773. This very fact shows the commitment of the East India Company to bring in a code of rules and laws. Instead, it could have simply imposed arbitrary rule, as in the case of ‘Indian’ rulers, with personal whims and fancies, caste-based-conventions and social status influencing the imposition of justice. This court was to bring for the first time the understanding that everyone was equal before the law.
How many persons can imagine the significance of this institution? In a land, wherein a majority of persons are considered a mere excrement by the higher classes, for the first time, an Judicial institution is proclaiming that even the persons who are stink to their own upper class have the right to equal justice.
However this Supreme Court had one problem. People were not impressed by its credentials. The very tangible impression was that the higher ‘Indian’ feudal classes who moved with a lot of adjutants had more power and prestige. As to the Supreme Court, all they saw was mere talk, and no power.

Sir Elijah Impey was the first Chief Justice in this Supreme Court. As ill-luck would have it, he was destined to be the judicial officer in the case known as the Nandakumar trial. It was a case of cheating. As per the English laws, it was an offence punishable with hanging. Now, when the accused was found guilty, the sentence of hanging was given. The sentence was seen as quite laughable by the native ruling classes of that area. For, the Supreme Court did not seem to be a serious entity.
However, the papers moved as per procedures and he was hanged. Only then did the people understand that the Supreme Court was not just another facade that was there in plenty in this geographical area. The current day respect for the judicial decrees that is there in the Indian people can be traced to this incident. However, patriotic ‘Indian’ historians would naturally feel terrified that a native feudal class man was hanged. If it was a poor man of this area, they would have cared two-pence.
Since I have mentioned about the existence of many institutions in this geographical area which are mere facades, I need to mention this incident. They exist to swindle the people into false beliefs and securities.
It may be mentioned in passing that back home, Impey was punished for his seeming highhandedness.
A farce as a department
Near to the remote village where I am currently staying, there was a man who was a clerk in the Vigilance Department. The Vigilance Department has the job of catching government officials who take bribes and indulge in corrupt activities.
At that time I was involved in a manufacturing business. Seeing official corruption was an everyday event for me then. So I asked this clerk as to what usually happens, when someone comes with a complaint to them. He simply said that in some case, ‘We inform the official concerned that there is a complaint and that he has to mend his ways. If he continues with his habit, then we take action against him’
I persisted with the enquiry. ‘When you are going to conduct a raid or sending the layman with pre-marked currency notes, what actually happens?’ He said, ‘It is a very painful thing for us. For, he is also a government employee like us. We don’t like to make him lose his job. Sometimes someone in our office does send him a hint that he is going to be tricked into displaying his crime’.
Now, this was a fantastic admission. For, in each state in India, there is an immensity of officials in the Vigilance Department. However, corruption is an on-going thing. That means, these fellows in the vigilance department are just at best scarecrows. Not more effective.
It later came about that I became acquainted with an ‘officer’ in the state secretariat who worked in the Vigilance Department. When I asked her very frankly as to whether there actually are any real convictions in official corruption cases, she said that in the initial stage there are some convictions. But then when the case goes into appeal into higher courts, the person more or less goes scot free. He then comes back with claims to full pay arrears.
Well, the Supreme Court of Calcutta was not like the Vigilance Department of Kerala, but really meant business. And it brought in the rule of law in this geographical area, which now comprises of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh.
Before moving away from the Supreme Court of India, I need to mention this item. Even though the British administrators brought in modern jurisprudence, Courts, appeals, and various other things for inserting the concept of equality here, the ‘Indian’ side of the picture actually used this only as an appendage to bring in more inequality.
In the small towns and village of this nation, I was slightly aware of the concept of the advocate-clerk being a powerful ‘respected’ personality to the lower class of people. In my childhood, I couldn’t really understand how this could be.
Later when I grew up, I became quite aware of the terrible side of Indian advocates. They functioned absolutely in the feudal language side. The seniors placed their juniors not in an English communication position, but forcibly brought in the vernacular to place their juniors as Nee and Avan. This made the senior advocate a sort of ‘Gandhi’. The social structure would then resemble the one that must have existed in Sabarmathi ashram. Then Aap – thoo link or the Saar – nee link.
This was extended to the advocate-clerks also.
Now, to the vast majority of deemed lower social class people, the senior advocate, the junior advocate as well as their clerks used the same kind of suppressive usages. However the lower classes are used to it. They either do not feel any discomfort in it, or else they simply bear it. However, I understood the impact only once when I was in a very strange position in the year 1992 and experienced it. It is a very powerful impact.
For, there is not much one can do about it. At that time, I was in a very terrible financial condition, with a lot of family members playing truant on both sides, both pro and anti. The funny thing was that the seeming supportive side also did not want to see me use my full intellectual acumen, which they felt would supersede them. They were quite careful in introducing me as a subordinate person. In many ways, these supporters also are one’s own enemies.
Now, when the advocate’s junior uses lower indicant words based on negative introduction, one can’t react. For they hold the route to deriving judicial support. So, the judiciary in fact acts as an appendage for them to subordinate other ordinary people. For, without this appendage, I do not think that any person would condone another youngster addressing him or her with a lower indicant. So, in the ultimate count, the British-made Indian judiciary was like a garland in the monkey’s hand, when it was run by ‘Indians’.
As to my own experience at that time, it was a series of quite curious experiences, rich in the powerful inputs it gave me about the working of the Indian judiciary, and its charmless ‘officers’ (the advocates) of the Court. However, I can’t go into those things here, for it may send the word count in this book spiralling high.
As to the incident in Jallianwalabagh, it brought in a feeling in the place that the British-Indian government meant business. No one could go for rioting and attacking people who were living peacefully in the town. The fact that it was innocent people who died has to be tied on the local native leadership, who more or less wanted martyrs for moving on the pathway of leadership.
When Indira Gandhi was killed by her Sikh bodyguards, there was rioting in Delhi against the Sikhs. Many Sikhs were killed, burnt alive, molested and raped. {Even a famous Hindi film star stood accused of urging the people to attack the Sikhs}. A part of the fury can be connected to an undercurrent of enmity and repulsion that the others have for Sikhs. This type of feelings are not visible outside, and cannot be seen through the skin deep veneer of affability and ‘respect’ each group shows to the other in a perfunctory manner.
The Sikhs couldn’t believe that the Indian army and armed policemen were not using their weapons to protect them.

Well, the British officials were duty bound to protect the law and order of the city when rioting started way back in the 1919s. However, they had only the ‘Indian’ soldiers with them. Not the British army. If it was British soldiers that they had with them, they would have dealt with the issue at a different level. When one moves with people of dubious refinement, a part of the negativity diffuses into one.

*It must be mentioned here that even though the term ‘Indian’ is used about the Ghurkha soldiers, they are not actually part of India. They belong by nativity to Nepal.
To satiate an itch
I remember an incident. My mother, after retirement, was approached by some young men to become the principal of a tutorial college in the village, which they had started. Later one of these young men joined the police as a constable. One day he came to our house after his training was over. When speaking of the various incidences in the training programme, he spoke of one urge. Everyone wanted to beat someone as part of the training. They said that they fingers were having a continuing itch for that, and it had to be satiated. They mentioned this to their trainer, a head constable. He told them to wait, as they couldn’t catch any man they fancied, and bash him up.
During the election date, they were posted in an election booth in Cannanore district. During the election, one decrepit looking young man tried to cast a fake vote and was caught. The head constable did a summery questioning of his credentials and antecedents, and assured himself that he could be beaten without anyone creating any issues. He was taken to their camp and then a few of the trainee constables were given the go to satiate their craving. They abused and beat him up soundly, amid his shocked remonstrance. The constable told us that it was a very thrilling incident, which gave them the full understanding of what they were capable of and could get away with.
When a seeming subordinate exhibit elevated qualities
Speaking about why Indira Gandhi suddenly went against the charismatic Sikh leader Binderenwala, there is this indicant code issue. That of a seeming subordinate seen rising up to a level of equality. This same thing had happened in the case of Prabhakaran, the LTTE leader, who was seen as a menial guy by Rajiv Gandhi. However when it transpired that Prabhakaran was a leader in his own right, in Indian languages, ego problems would arise. It is not something between Rajiv and Prabhakaran, but something between many other Indian senior officials and Prabharakan’s stature. They see a seeming servant rising above them.
As to why the Sikhs wanted a separate nation, it is much connected to their own feeling of superiority over the rest of ‘Indians’ and possibly due to a repulsion for being classified as ‘Indians’. Even the British were aware of this feeling of superiority complex among the Sikhs. However, the same superiority complex is there in all sections of the peoples of ‘India’. And the same repulsion for other ‘Indians’.
What does the nutty leadership of the British Labour Party know about all these things?
Above video is found removed.

Giving value to dirt level education
Now let me move to where I commenced from. The small boy asking me: ‘Ninte nayikku matrame pokandu?’
There are powerful provocations in feudal language codes of which native English speakers do not know anything about. Their psychologists and psychiatrists have no information, due to a very arrogant stance that all information should come out through pathways inside their insipid textbooks. Modern academicians are leading English nations to the path of sure desolation and misery, and also ignominy.
It is true that the local children who spoke only Malayalam would feel the presence of English speaking children in the vicinity either as a factor of curiosity or an issue of irritation. The irritation springs from the fact that the English speaking children would be seen to be having some level of lesser fetters on them, in terms of communication among themselves and with others who speak to them in English. Looks also would be different.
Some elders or teachers might instigate them to speak ill of the English speaking children on our side. For example, when Ashwina and N & S were jogging in the nearby school compound, I did see some small children sitting on the neighbouring house compound wall. They would start making catcalls and jeering sounds at them. Their parents or some other elders would also be there with them. They wouldn’t try to stop the disturbance. However what they spoke Ashwina couldn’t understand, and they could feel it. However, ‘S’ knew Malayalam and could be affected fast. But then she would choose to ignore the comments. Then they would call her ‘Mole’ which literally means ‘child’. It can have a demeaning effect in the context. For small children are using that word to distress her.
It is here that the contents move to education and teachers. Most of the teachers, not all, in India are of abysmal quality from an English perspective. I cannot speak about education here, for I have already dealt with the theme in another book. The teacher class does not know English. And even if they do know English, they would not dispense with the diabolic rights and power that they can derive from addressing and referring to their students in the lower indicant words in Malayalam (or in any other ‘Indian’ language). By this system of communication, they create the same multiple personality individuality in their students. Even though the children learn arithmetic, physics, chemistry, biology and much else, they still remain the same persons with regard to social communication quality. They retain the traditional capacity to stinking-dirtify and to ennoble others by simply varying the indicant codes.
These students do have facial expression and social attitudes quite different from a student who is brought up in perfect English. However a definite change can be seen among them as they grow up in different social statures, different professional levels and financial acumen. However, the real refinement that an English education could give them is not there. Or at least it is limited to students who get good English education. Here again, I speak about the refinement and not job wise or financial success.
In spite of the low quality education rendered to the masses, the local politicians and bureaucrats do add value to this education by another sly method. First they have lowered the standards of the qualifying tests of a government official’s job. English is not required. Mere ticking of one-word questions that do not in any way evaluate the superior mental calibre of a person is the qualifying tests.
Second they have made this education of up to 12 standard or equivalent as the minimum qualification for even a clerk’s job. So that a small percentage of the lowly educated persons do get government jobs. Government jobs are like divine benedictions in India. Everything becomes like a king’s living standard. Even the peon in the government office is treated like a king by the people at his level. For, so much is the daily earning and social security attached to even a minor government job.
So people are forced to send their children to this low quality educational system. For that is the only way to get a government job. Yet, only a very miniscule percentage of the students get government jobs. Others simply see their 20 years of education as a wasted effort with no meaningful knowledge, skill or information in their heads. However, some of them do a three months computer course in C++ or something similar, and arrive in English nations as computer programmers.
Wherein they initially seem to be lowly paid labourers over there, and fabulously rich individuals back home. Later they become CEOs of their own software companies with headquarters in the US.
The low quality of these so-employed government employees is connected to the fact that they are weak in English and do not faction in an English ambience. They react to the layman exactly in the codes of ‘Indian’ feudal languages. The power to block, negate, refuse, deny and such things is a power that is seen as of higher indicant value. It is basically a person’s negative mentality that gives power here. At the same time, if the person does everything fast, the event loses its value.
People will not extend ‘respect’ to the persons who are very amiable. However to the person who can block and disturb them, they are very coy and ‘respectful’. This ‘respect’ has to be understood as higher indicant words of addressing and referring. The very act of sending a person back or refusing him some paper, gives a real thrill of power in feudal languages. It is mentionable. The power! A person who can do this is a higher individual. A person who does the work fast, is a lower individual.
The English-speaking officer class of bygone days
It is here that I would like to bring back my memories of the English-speaking officer-class that I had seen in my childhood days. They were a quality apart. They took pride in getting things done. To be unable to do a thing, to have to refuse a layman’s request, to have to send him back etc. were seen as inefficiency on their part. Moreover, since they could speak to their colleagues, superiors and subordinates in English, there was no block to communicating with them to get things done. This is essentially a very solid proof of what English can do positively. And what feudal languages can do negatively.
There is this issue with low quality persons arriving on jobs that require higher quality persons. Lower quality persons are feudal and use pejorative words to persons who they perceive as low class. Moreover, their very demeanour demands ‘respect’ at a higher level. They do not know English.
Different quality people, different quality effects
I remember this very illustrative incident. I was sitting inside a BPO Call Centre in MindSpace in Bombay. MindSpace is a fabulous place near Andheri in Bombay, where a lot of British and American based Call Centres are functioning. By infrastructural quality standards and personnel quality standards, many of the English Call Centres there can be said to be par excellence. Very good English communication standards are maintained.
When I was sitting there, a recruitment process was going on. Persons who were of excellent quality in spoken English were arriving. There was an elegant lady manning the reception counter. She addressed the arriving persons in a very friendly manner, and they also spoke back to her in the same vein. More or less in a very affable manner, totally devoid of any feudal ‘respect’ words like Maadam etc.
Suddenly this lady in the counter went inside for some purpose. For some time, there was no one manning the counter. Seeing the persons waiting listlessly, a security female went behind the counter. Her very looks and facial demeanour was quite of the vernacular speaking type. She was not a bad person or anything like that. However, she had the typical vernacular speaking looks. Now the whole ambience changed. Persons arriving at the counter were very clearly audible addressing her as Maadam in a most hushed and respectful manner. The earlier ambience of easy cordiality was lost, and a new mood had arrived in the counter area.
The catch in the situation
Now this is the same issue that has happened to the ‘Indian’ bureaucracy that the British had created in ‘India’. They had created an officialdom that has to be manned by persons who are good in English. However, after the formation of India, this wonderful creation was handed over to the control and maintenance of persons who should have been nothing more than security staff and something similar. Every behaviour and attitude and personnel looks are of that standard now.
Now, who suffers? Well, ultimately it is the people. However, they do not understand this. For, they are maintained at a low level by current day education. So, if recruitment standards go up, they will not be able to become a government employee. In the new ambience, wherein feudal language speakers man the offices, a government job is everything. Without a government job, people are just excrement in front of the government officials.
So it is a Catch 22 situation. Yet, the fact remains that only a very percentage of the population get government jobs. The others silently suffer the terrible attitude of the government staff. However, there is this thing to be mentioned. With the computerisation of much government paperwork, the tedium of dealing with government officials has come down for the ordinary persons. Yet, the troubling possibilities are always there. For, the feeling that the public servant is a public master is what the government officials radiate.
The fact is like what happened in the MindSpace BPO centre. Even though the arriving persons are good in English refinement, do radiate that personality and can communicate with an easy affableness, the other side, the security staff donning the front office counter, is unable to react at that level. So, since she is in the dominant position, it is her standards that come into position. She sets the ambience and the work structure in the area.
The same way, in an Indian government office, even when people arrive with quaint refinement, the low-class official cannot react at that level. All he or she is bothered about is a mental competition. To see that the layman who arrives shows obsequious respect. Nothing else matters. It is in this achievement that he or she will find satiation. Doing a good job and such things have no relevance in this terrible preoccupation with getting respect.
I can only say that the God save the English nations where such persons from feudal language nations arrive and get into positions of authority. It will be like the Indian security female sitting at the front office counter.
0. Book Profile
3. Command codes in the language software
4. Spontaneous block to information
6. What the Colonial English faced
9. Fifth issue
10. The sixth issue
12. Insights from my own training programme
13. A colonial British quandary
14. Entering the world of animals
16. Notes on education, bureaucracy etc.
18. The master classes strike back
19. Codes and routes of command
20. The sly stance of feudal indicant codes
21. Pristine English and its faded form
23. Media as an indoctrination tool
24. How a nation lost its independence
26. Social engineering and sex appeal
27. Conceptualising Collective Wisdom
29. British colonialism vs American hegemony
30. Revolting against a benevolent governance
31. The destination
34. Online unilateral censorship
36. Understanding a single factor of racism
38. The logic of blocking information
39. Mediocre might
40. Dangers of non-cordoned democracy
43. Where Muslims deviate from pristine Islam
44. Film stars as popular trainers
45. Freedom of speech and feudal languages
48. Indian Culture
49. The miserable Indian media
51. What a local self government could do
52. The aspects of quality improvement
54. Profound quality enhancement
56. Frill elements of quality improvement
58. Continuing on human development
59. Refinements in automobile driving
60. Back to Quality Improvement
61. Entering an area of tremulous disquiet
62. Stature on an elevated platform
63. The sly and treacherous debauchery
64. Reflections of a personal kind
65. Observations on the effect of gold
67. Secure refinement versus insecure odium
68. Clowning around with precious antiquity
69. Handing over helpless entities to crooks
71. The complexities in the virtual codes
73. Satanic codes on the loose
76. Teaching Hindi in Australia
78. Disincentives in teaching English
79. Who should rule?
80. What is it that I am doing?
82. From the ‘great’ ‘Indian’ history
83. Routes to quality enhancement
84. Epilogue