Tribulations and intractability of improving others!!

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Teaching Hindi in Australia
01. The deceptive bits of solitary inputs
02. The negative physical and mental effect
04. A very negative social panorama in the offing
05. One incident from my own life
06. What is in feudal language codes
07. Roots of an untrue impression
08. The commercial side of language-spreading
09. Racial slur or schizophrenia
11. A most unintelligent aspiration
13. The issue of global isolation
Today I read on the Internet that the Australian government is introducing Hindi as a language of study in Australia. Well, I can only say that the nation is terribly infiltrated to the level that even policymaking has been affected. On one of their websites, they show Asian kids with remarkable personality features. Well, this is actually the effect of egalitarian English on Asian kids. And of being positioned on the egalitarian heights of an English nation.
However, the reverse is quite of abominable possibilities. That of kids of native-English speaking quality learning Hindi and other feudal tongues. The very addressing of these kids as Nee or Thu, and referring to them as Avan/Aval and USS has stinking-dirtifying codes. In the small ambience of a class room the full effect of these codes wouldn’t be clearly understood. For when the codes go and diffuse into the wider social arena slowly it would affect the social quality.
The social system would spilt in a very dynamic manner. For, the split would go on shifting from location to location and from one section of population to another. For, there is always the other software of English to bring in a rejoining of the ruptured fabric. However, mutual hatred, jealousies, treacheries and much else which are of a quality quite unknown till now will enter into the social scene.
There was once a French female who had come to a particular beach area in Kerala, which was a tourist spot. She started living with a young fisherman, who was naturally considered as a lower class by the local educated class in the nearby city. However she did not seem to mind or understand the perspective from outside. She learnt to speak in Malayalam to some level of proficiency. However, the feudal indicant codes were not quite taken care of by her.
I remember one of my companions saying that she did come and speak to him, addressing him as Nee. She would address the young fisherman also as Nee. It was reported that later on the two of them would go in for terrible verbal fights. It is possible, for as she became more and more local with the learning of Malayalam, she was literally to behave like a Malayalam speaking female in a Malayalam speaking society. There the discord could begin.
Now coming back to the Australian kids learning Hindi, they would not just be learning Hindi, they would be transforming into Hindiwalas. The same codes would work in them. They would be placed on a historically momentous negativity. For, even when the British ruled ‘India’ for around 150 years, they were very rarely on the lower side of the language codes. For their children couldn’t’ understand Indian languages. However, this fantastic fortification is going to be pulled down. Even a small-time Indian servant who is literally kept as a dog by his or her Indian master can position the Australian kid in a position of stink. The same way the Indian policemen position the common man, when he or she is accosted by them.
There is extension of this issue in Australia. There will naturally be policemen with Indian nativity who know Indian vernacular. They can literally spoil the stature of the native-English kid who has studied Hindi by a single change of indicant word. The child may react. This would be treated as a racist issue, and he or she might be taken for some counselling. Again there would be persons of Indian nativity as psychological councillors. They would again come up with some terrible definition to define the reaction of the kid. It is going to be sorry times for the native-English kids, if this nonsense is continued.
Now, about giving legitimacy to feudal languages into Australia. It can create persons like Gandhi right inside the nation. Basically the creation of Gandhi and similar persons are connected to the pyramid like formation of respect codes, all pointing to a single person on top. Now, when a lot of Hindi-speaking persons arrive in Australia, it is natural that there will be some issue in which some Hindi man would take up the leadership of the outsiders. In feudal languages, what builds the power of this person is the huge line-up of followers who naturally fall in line when the language codes are disseminated through media and textbooks.
Then the next act he would be doing as his Unique Selling Point is to declaim some vague and impractical contention connected to some equally vague ‘Indian’ heritage. Since his followership would go beyond the natural boundaries of the Australian nation, his personal prominence would rise much above all Australian native-English leaders. For, they do not enjoy the advantage of a feudal language, with higher indicant codes promoting them. He would overtake them. In short, the feudal speakers would literally takeover the land. For, the native-English would be tormented with so many negative stories of them bullying everyone all around the world.
Beyond that when native-English speaking people speak Hindi, they change into Hindiwala, in its complete connotation. It is like a man changing into an animal when he speaks an animal language. When Hindi-speakers speak English, they do change into English speakers. But the fact is that a native-Hindi speaker is as different from a native-English speaker as much as a mongoose is different from a cat.

It would affect the personality and mental stature of the Australian kids, in the parameters of their mental calibre. For instance, when Varuna was young, she had absolutely no idea about the various refrains naturally encoded in Malayalam speech. She lived in a communication system of perfect English. The only films that she had seen were English, and so the Malayalam obsequious versus arrogance communication codes was unknown to her. She used to address every person with a Mr. or Mrs. prefixed, if they were seniors.

Only once did I noticed anyone getting distressed by this, for it was perfectly clear from her demeanour that she did not know Malayalam. In the only instance that I felt another person distressed was when another man, a sort of conceited idiot stood by and started glancing at the other man in a manner of provoking his consternation.
However, when Varuna was forced to join a local English Medium school at class five, she immediately understood that there was some problem with addressing any elder person, including a teacher with a Mr. or Mrs. prefixed to his or her name.
Actually I had mentioned this effect in my book of 1989 as the Yellow Streak effect [Check: March of the Evil Empires; English versus the feudal languages]. This term was once widely used to denote White (meaning English) persons with some Asian streak of inferiority complex in them. However, this is quite an issue of very wide discussion parameters. I can’t go into everything here now.
But then, I can say that there is also another opposite effect in persons who came up the feudal language route and then learned English. They would use Mr. and Mrs. in a manner of displaying a higher stature, which is not what this usage usually denotes in English. In English, this usage is just a minimum term for polite addressing of persons with whom one’s relationship is only formal.
I need to give another illustration also. There were quite a few persons who wanted to degrade Varuna’s and Ashwina’s personality, by using the lower indicant words of Nee, Aval etc. However, there was no means to pierce the shield of no-knowing of Malayalam. So these words had no effect. In fact, there were concerted efforts to teach them Malayalam in order to make them understand and feel the grave negative effects of these words. Without this understanding, there was no means to inform them that they were of a lower order by any scale.
This was a very great mental stamina to the various English families who lived in ‘India’ in the British colonial times. Their children could remain at par or at a senior stature compared to the various feudal language persons of India. However some of them learnt the local vernaculars through their native ‘Indian’ servants. This was to affect their personality. For, the servant could very easily arrive above them and degrade them by the use of a Thu or a Nee, right in front of other ‘Indians. Once the language is learnt, there is no way to escape the effect.
When English youngsters arrive in India, they can maintain their superiority over a negative social condition, by not comprehending the colossal pulling down efforts from the Indian side. For example, they go to an Indian police station. Naturally, if they know Hindi, Tamil or Malayalam, they are just excrement to the local policeman. They would treat them with the same lower level words they use to the local Indians.
In any and every conversation with any Indian, the Indian side would opt for the Hindi conversation, wherein they would be on the heights and the English kids on the stink side. It would be the end of all decent interaction. In fact, either the Australian kids would go down or they would gather to fight back, which again can only bring in a definition of false racial superiority complex. However, the codes involved would of deeper inputs than mere skin colour.
I do remember a slight allusion to this mental terror, in a book called The Shadow of the Moon, written by Kaye. I read it some thirty years back. In that book, the English female who has come to ‘India’, in the period around 1859, had been born in ‘India’, and brought up in the care of ‘Indian’ servants. She could understand and converse in Hindi. She would experience a strange overwhelming power seizing her in ‘India’, which was definitely suppressive. Even though the fact that the knowing of Hindi was not mentioned in the book, I couldn’t immediately sense it.
However, in many ways that book also had false understandings about what was good and what was bad for ‘India’. That book was for promoting the higher classes of India, including the native rajas and other powerful entities. That was not what ‘India’ really wanted, but the real destruction of these entities. This was what East India Company did. For this, they received much adoration and love from the native lower class population.
Actually this issue may be seen in a better manner through this input. I have heard that Arabian horses of fabulous quality show a marked lessening of quality within one or two generations, when they are in ‘India’. Actually I did trace the reason for this to their being under the ‘Indian’ servants who are themselves kept in the lower indicant words by their ‘Indian’ masters.
These servants themselves use the lower indicant words on the horses. It is degrading. I have seen the dog in my family house, which is communicated to in English. However, when lower level servants and other workers come, they use the words Nee, Eda etc. to the dog. A marked change in their behaviour is there as they can dominate the dog in a beastly manner. The dog does feel it.
I remember one old person mentioning this about the few Englishmen who were residing in Tellicherry in the British period of rule. When the British rule was annulled by Clement Atlee, and they were forced to leave all their possessions in India to whoever they could give it, they left leaving almost everything to their Indian wives and children. What they couldn’t was taken over by their servants in pose of occupying a no-man’s land. Or by anyone who could lay his hands on them.
Yet, the Englishmen did not leave their beloved dogs to the care of their Indian kinfolk or their servants. They shot them dead. For, they knew the terrible diabolic personality degradation that would come upon their dogs when the dogs are allowed to exist on the pejorative part of the Indian vernaculars by persons of low stature.
Apart from all this would be issues connected to opening up the insides of the Australian economy for raiding by the Hindi business moguls. It can be illustrated through these inputs: When the current nation of India was formed in 1947, Hindi was a more or less language of much subordinated people, with literates only around 20%. At the same time, the literacy percentage in some other languages in the Sub-Continent was very much higher. However, Hindi was understood by a large number of people in the north Indian areas. Now this gave the advantage to the Hindi-speaking political leaders.
However, the political leaders in other languages had only a popularity canvas limited to their own linguistic sections. By making the people of Australia learn Hindi, what is being done is to enable the Hindi-leadership to bring the Australian people there under their sway. Or at least to bring in division over the people. Or to be able to influence their minds from afar.
This is precisely one of the reasons why English is being barred from the learning of the major peoples of India. For, they would grow beyond the leadership command of local political and social leaders. However, English does not really contain codes of command and control as is there in feudal languages. The moment Hindi is understood by an Australian kid, he or she comes under a very eerie command structure, through the particulars of the indicant word issues.
The lower words on the side of the Australian kids and the higher words on the Hindi native speakers can position the former in tight containers of command and regimentation, and also dirt. This is exactly what held the major people of the Hindi hinterlands, in a mood loyal subjugation over the centuries. They learn to enjoy their degradation as they get a mood to bask in the cosy feel of devotion and locality to people who hold them in positions of atrophy.
Apart from this, there is the wider economic issue. When Hindi was made the primary nation language of India, overriding the claims of over more than 25 other equally powerful languages, it was to give a tremendous boost to the Hindi film industry. Hindi films could be shown all over the nation. To boost this capacity, a millions of rupees were spent by the Indian government to teach Hindi all over the nation.
This investment by the Indian government was reaped as solid profits by the Bombay Film Industry. Now, when the Australian government is doing the same thing, it is not only foolishness, but rank anti-national endeavours. The same in tone and content as that happened when foolish American leaders gave the right to Japanese private firms to operate inside the US.
However, Japan is a miniscule nation with very limited population. India is huge in size and population. Numerically, Australian native English speakers can be literally wiped off the nation. For, a very dangerous machinery is running the nation. This machinery is the so-called ‘democracy’. Democracy is the most dangerous political machinery currently facing the native-English speakers. For, it is a machine that can allow quality to be totally compromised by the claims of quantity.
Going on the road of democracy, another thought comes into my mind. It is the ability of English politicians to speak with the people. Speaking to the people is not an easy thing in feudal language systems, unless one is in particular route of command and loyalty. For example, a politician can speak to his own followers. They would use words of ‘respect’ to him.
However, if he were to speak to a group of people who are not his loyal followers, there is the uneasy issue of what level of indicant words they would choose to define the communication. This is an issue that actually send the terror in every man, who is a public employee. If the people use ‘respectful’ words, it is a comfortable situation. Otherwise it is real horror.
Now in English countries, there is no issue of an option of indicant words. Their primary education teaches them to address formally with a Mr., Mrs. or Miss. All words such as You, He, She, Her, Hers, His, Him etc. remain the same. However, in feudal languages, the primary education teaches the child to use higher indicant words to those whom they respect or feel fear for.
If they do not respect, or feel fear for the political leader, then he can be addressed with the lowest indicant words, and referred to thus. In Malayalam, this would translate as addressing the political leader as Nee, Eda, Edi etc. and referring to him or her as Avan, Aval and its connected forms.
The quality of an English politician or official is connected to the fact that he or she is the leader or official of an English speaking population. The negative qualities mentioned about feudal language nation leaders are actually connected to their being leaders of a very shifty-minded population. The fact can be that actually the person could even be of better calibre and mental stamina that the English leader. But then he has to deal with a very diabolic communication code from the population.
When the Australian kids learn Hindi, the leadership of this nation changes from a leadership of an English speaking population to that of a leadership of a very shifty-mood people.
I remember a situation when Ashwina used to come for training senior-aged females to speak in English. She was pretty young, around five to seven years old at that time. Many of the females would treat her just as they would treat any other vernacular speaking kid. The very glancing and way of talk would be as of entertaining a sissy, and to extract their own entertainment through buffoonery. Ashwina would then become quite disturbed with the strange communication standards, and refuse to go their presence in the next class.
However, I would then very powerfully introduce her and stress that she is there to improve their English. They were to communicate to her in a very elegant manner. In most cases, it has worked. However, still at times, when playing indoor games like Monopoly etc., once they get to learn the intricacies of the games, there were occasions when they would change their stance again to tormenting tones. My presence would be required to change their stance. I can tell them correctly as to what is the exact mistake in their communication, glancing tones, words, and the emphases, that is disturbing and quite at variance from English.
This is so, because I am a researcher on these things and do know exactly where the negative codes are in existence in the feudal vernaculars. However, in the case of the Australian educators, they do not know anything about the Hindi language codes. They are literally allowing terrible language and cultural codes to prey upon native-English speaking kids.
I need to mention one incidence from my own life which might be illustrative here. Many years ago, just after my mother had retired as the Inspector General of Registration, I went to her office. The year was 1982. I was a very young boy of around 18. Young and very soft looking. I had come to talk to one of the senior aged clerks in the office, about something my mother had told me to speak about. After speaking to him, as I stood waiting for him to do something, a new peon of around 25 years in age, (presumably from Malabar nativity) came near me, in the pose of a cock cornering a hen.
He came near me as spoke thus:
Inte perentha? In English, the words can be translated only thus: What is your name? However, in the Malayalam, the words are quite powerful in that the word Inte had been used on me. It was the lowest of indicant words for You.
As a software code, it can be said that this word was to position me quite far below him, a peon in the office. It was a very perilous situation for me. For, I was not really used to this type of positioning, and that too by a peon in the office, especially when I was the son of the senior most official in the department.
However, the other senior aged clerk came back, called the peon and very powerfully told him, that the word Inte should not be used on the son of the Inspector General.
In this incident, there is a great insight for the people of Australia. When the outsider come and start teaching Hindi and other Asian languages, what is being done is to position the Australian, native–English speaking kids at the level of the Inte (lowest You). When this word was used on me, there was a clerk to admonish the peon. However, when this word is being used on the Australian kids, there will be no one to caution the wily teachers against doing this. That is where the sly mechanism will work stealthily without detection.
I have already mentioned Varuna not feeling anything grandeur in a vernacular film star when he came for a function to her school. For, she never watched Malayalam films. Now, there is another thing that needs to be stressed. Indian vernacular films can be quite interesting if one can understand them. For instance, Malayalam films are made with very diligent care to make them quite entertaining.
To a limited extent, this effect is connected to what is mentioned as Star Value in the film industry. Each famous film star has a particular star value. When that person acts in a film, even as a poor man or as any enfeebled person, it is not that character’s value that is being evaluated by the spectators.
For instance, if a superstar is seen being beaten by the police, the amount of anger that develops in the spectator is quite phenomenal. However, if the same scene is enacted fantastically by an unknown actor, it is quite difficult to activate the same amount of emotional distress. For, in the first case, the spectators identify that beating with beating that popular idol. These types of exact emotional triggers are not there in English.
Now going beyond this, if one were to observe Malayalam films from my level of observation, it would be seen that they are actually showing a very despicable stature of the Malayalee folks. Their social terrors, their repulsion for certain levels of persons and much else. The theme of constant pricking of another person’s individuality is an omnipresent scene in the films.
Laughter is extracted out of showing others in discomfiture, embarrassment and humiliation, from the perspective of lower indicant codes. If one were to see these things, automatically one gets mentally programmed to enact it in one’s own life. Quality of interaction would go down. Moreover, there is another theme that is continually shown in the films. That of the repulsive level of subordination to officialdom, including the police.
Such kinds of films should not be made understandable to the Australian kids. Films are educators. Hindi and other feudal language films will give negative social behaviour training. Within a matter of 20 years, Australia will start showing the filthy sides of Indian social communication.
Apart from what has been described in the above paragraph, there are other frill elements of quite powerful inputs. A lot of Hindi teachers would enter the nation. Their spouses would follow. Then would come the rapid multiplication of the children, as they go forth procreating in a manner that would be quite bewildering. For, in feudal languages, someone beneath on whom one can heap the lower indicant words is a great prop of leadership. It is another kind of democracy, wherein the more people you have under you at that level, the more is the leadership one would come to feel and enjoy.
Initially, the general feeling would be that of a very nice, helping natured, obliging group of people. For, the feudal language speakers would stand on the lower levels of obligation. Yet, the moment they feel that they are comfortably entrenched, then there would come about an 1800 reversal of attitude. This happens when the ticking timer informs them to move into the other end of the indicant codes.
The teaching class would bring in a culture of guru-shikya relationship, of the teacher necessarily to be treated with deference. There would be no concept that the student also has claims to respect. For such codes are not there in Hindi. Within a few decades, the other teachers would be able to sense that the Hindi teachers do have an uncanny kind of diabolic power over the students, which would be quite un-understandable. Most of them would have a sort of holier-than-thou Gandhi and Mahatma-model personality.
The deceptive bits of solitary inputs
It would be quite intelligent to go into the factor that made the political leadership think that the local students are at a disadvantage if they do not know Asian languages. This really comes from seeing feudal language people in Australia being in possession of an uncanny power and knowledge due to their knowledge of feudal languages. Yet, the real factor is not this, but that part is missed out in the understanding.
The feudal language speakers have been given a powerful platform to exist inside the English social system, from where they can use their diabolic communication skill to degrade and overtake the local populace. Now, the actual manner to deal with this issue is to remove them from this platform. However, because democracy is the machinery that runs Australia, it is going to be quite difficult. For, democracy is a very dangerous machine of war whose munitions consists of people number. All the outsider has to do is to add to fodder to this munitions. That is, procreate rapidly. The nation stands overrun and conquered.
If feudal languages are made part of the national educational curriculum, a factor of economic and national takeover is in the offing. For, a huge amount of money would also move from the national exchequer to competing nations. Beyond all this, the national control shall fall into people in distant nations. For, feudal languages do contain the codes of military-type control and discipline. Persons who stand in certain pivotal positions in the language codes, can control the speakers to do their biddings.
Any intelligent man can understand that Indians are ready to run out of India to any English nation that opens its door to them. These people show grandeur in an English ambience. However, the same is not the case when they or the Australians get embedded in Indian social ambience. For, it is a totally different world, with different positioning. A few in the level of gold and the rest in the level of filth. What is required is to bring in positivity of English to India and not the negativity of a feudal language into Australia.

When native-English speakers arrive in India, they do not understand that there is another indicant word level that is in existence in India. They only get to feel the brahmancial levels of indicant codes and fall in love with the place. Yet, there are a lot of native-Indians who do exist at the lower indicant word level, where life is not cosy or delightful. This bit of experience comes only when one is fully entrapped in a feudal language social system.
See this bit of information on Wiki Leaks on what happened in the case of the British girl who was killed on the Goan beach. In all police records, written in the local vernacular, she would be maintained at that lowest indicant level. Yet, even her mother would not get a clue of this satanic description given to her. For, she would still be in the dark as she goes on claiming, the people here are sweet.
The negative physical and mental effect
Even though I have experimented and made deep observations on what would happen to a person’s mental and physical features when he or she is allowed to live in an English ambience, I do not have a complete example of what would happen to native-English persons when they are brought up in the lower strata of a feudal language.
However, I have seen the terrible distortion happen in Anglo-Indians. When the English rule was in force in India, and English was given its due prominence, these persons did display the refined soft features that English can lend. However, I have seen same group go into terribly negative features, when they were pulled down to the lower pejorative part of the Indian vernaculars.
Moreover, there is this observation that I had made in persons who had one parent English and the other a Malayalam speaking person. The children lived in Kerala and spoke Malayalam, with all the mental inhibitions and physical transformations that Malayalam can lend. Despite their very clear English link, the Malayalam features were quite visible.
At the same time, I have seen quite lower class parents’ Indians children looking remarkably different to the point of being identified as the citizens of some English nations, when they brought up in a totally English atmosphere in Dubai. They did not know Malayalam.
However, what would be the exact change an English man would suffer if he were to be made to live in India in the lower, pejorative word code section of the Indian vernaculars? This is a thing that I never desired to see, but then I did know that there would be at least a few examples of this happening. Very coincidently, I came upon this piece of information on the Wikipedia:
The story of James Scurry
James Scurry was an Englishman who was made a servant by Sultan Tipu (Tipu Suthaan) after being captured alive by the French forces and handed over to the ‘Indian’ king. He lived in the domain of that ruler for around 10 years. He learned the native language and bore the full brunt of the lower indicant words. See this quote from Wikipedia page on him:

After the 10 years captivity ended, James Scurry recounted that he had forgotten how to sit in a chair and use a knife and fork. His English was broken and stilted, having lost all his vernacular idiom. His skin had darkened to the ‘swarthy complexion of negroes’, and moreover, he had developed an aversion to wearing European clothes.
See this image of him done many years after his release from servitude.

Compare it with the images of black people who had been slaves of White English speakers in the US. The blacks improved, in almost all aspect. Only the legal tag of ‘slave’ was the negative part on them. In fact, slavery in an English ambience is not slavery. For, the English folks do not know how to enslave a person without shackles. Feudal language speakers can do it without chains and shackles. Lower indicant code words can powerfully hammer a person down to mentally accepting much worse than slavery.

I am forced to post my own daughter Varuna’s images here. She lived in an Indian feudal vernacular society, but quite apart from the native language. She comes from a lower caste genetic pool. No feudal codes were allowed to impinge on her mind. Yet, when she was forcefully made to join an English medium local school, there was personality lowering in her. She has refused to learn the local vernaculars. In the earlier years of her life, she lived in a household of great financial weakness, due to my own stance to keep apart from the local social communication. Yet, even without knowing the local vernacular, it has been my observation that she stood above many persons in terms of calibre, skills and intellectual capacity.

For more, read this:
A very negative social panorama in the offing
Apart from this, there is the issue of what would be the social view of Australian native-English kids who learn Hindi. The fact is that their mental visualisation would be a rapid expansion of the planar nature of an English society into a very wide-breadth-3 dimensional spectrum of social arrangement. Persons would get thrown into different locations in the virtual arena by the indicant codes.
Persons of professions, age, positions etc. which are defined as lower in Hindi indicant codes would get moved to a lower location. Those seen as superior would move to a higher location. Yet, none of the persons would in a plane like arrangement. The various entities would simply move in various directions, filling a 3-dimensional void. Yet, this would be a very dynamic arrangement. Each person who speaks Hindi would go on changing their location as per their own visualisation and defining indicant words.
The Hindi teacher would stand in a very villainous position in this endeavour. Yet, they would not be villains, bad characters, ill-mannered or even with satanic dispositions. The evil would be the doing of their language software. Yet, there is this thing to be powerfully mentioned. They, who would be splitting the social order into an array of inequalities, would be quite stubborn about their own right to ‘equality’. Any action to them that seem to them as not equal to a native-English speakers’ or any decorum that does not give them the best seats would be taken very offensively. The racial discrimination card would come in very handy for them.
I was trying to get a correct historical example of this phenomenon. Suddenly this historical incident came into my view. It is about a clerk from British-India being posted as a servant for Queen Victoria. Now what happens? Well an Indian servant of Queen Victoria is one of the highest honoured dignitaries of his own native land among his own village or town people.
I have seen a small-time young man getting a British citizenship from a local village through the fact that his father had been in Britain for many years. When he came back to the village, he is a guest of honour some of the village public functions.
Also, when my mother was working as the Inspector General of Registration many years ago, I noticed a very vibrant thing. The IG’s peon and driver were having a higher mental and social stature among their own level of people. For, they were the persons who had direct contact to the IG. For others, this connection was cordoned off by several layers of hierarchy. Even many ‘officers’ of the department did not have this level of proximity.
This servant of Queen Victoria might be a good man with a lot of intellect or it might be the reverse. However, the fact that he went to the extent of teaching Hindi to her bespeaks of a very dangerous mindset. For, he would be sowing the seeds of social splintering codes right inside the Queen’s household. Many others who bear the duty of upholding the various decorum would find their stances quite ludicrous and cocky in the view from a very different perspective code. See this quote from Wikipedia:
QUOTE: Karim’s swift rise began to create jealousy and discontent among the members of the Royal Household, who would normally never mingle socially with ‘Indians’ below the rank of prince. The Queen expected them to welcome Karim, an Indian of ordinary origin, into their midst; they were not willing to do so. Karim, for his part, expected to be treated as an equal. When Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (later Edward VII), hosted an entertainment for the Queen at his home in Sandringham on 26 April 1889, Karim found he had been allocated a seat with the servants.
Feeling insulted, he retired to his room. The Queen took his part, stating that he should have been seated among the Household. When the Queen attended the Braemar Games in 1890, her son Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, approached the Queen’s private secretary Sir Henry Ponsonby in outrage after he saw the Munshi among the gentry. Ponsonby suggested that as it was “by the Queen’s order”, the Duke should approach the Queen about it. “This entirely shut him up”, noted Ponsonby.
Victoria biographer Carolly Erickson described the situation:
The rapid advancement and personal arrogance of the Munshi would inevitably have led to his unpopularity, but the fact of his race made all emotions run hotter against him. Racialism was a scourge of the age; it went hand in hand with belief in the appropriateness of Britain’s global dominion. For a dark-skinned Indian to be put very nearly on a level with the queen’s white servants was all but intolerable, for him to eat at the same table as them, to share in their daily lives was viewed as an outrage. Yet the queen was determined to impose harmony on her household. Race hatred was intolerable to her, and the “dear good Munshi” deserving of nothing but respect. END OF QUOTE
MY COMMENT: See Munshi expected to be treated as an equal. To what? To the highest level people of the British Empire. How can such a mood come upon him? Can he claim such a mood in his native land, even in front of a small time Indian social leader? Well that is the change that English can make in a person. The descendants of the black slaves in the US also went in for that mood, after being given a chance to be with one of the best social systems of the world at that time. In the case of the Indian servant, he could be send back to his native land to get back his sense of proportions. As to the black descendants of the US, there was no way to send them back to Africa. That they very well know.
There are some other facts also to be mentioned here. Karim, who was from quite lower class background in his native land, couldn’t bear to be with the ‘servants’ of the queen. Now, who are the ‘servants’ of the queen? They are the ordinary people of England. Yet, he cannot bear to be at their level. He can only be above them. No one seems to have noticed this repulsion in him. What is the term to define this mental phenomenon? It can’t be defined as racism. For, he was being repulsive to the white skin.

Apart from all this, there is this insight in these words: ——‘members of the Royal Household, who would normally never mingle socially with ‘Indians’ below the rank of prince.’
Well, this statement contains a grave bit of contradiction. For, it was the stance of the East India Company not to give any rank or status to the ‘Indian’ kings, princes and feudal lords. It was Queen Victoria’s reign that ousted the East India Company and gave the stature back to the native feudal lords, including the princes.
There is a lot of confusing idiotism in the quoted words and also in the subsequent words: Racialism was a scourge of the age; it went hand in hand with belief in the appropriateness of Britain’s global dominion. For a dark-skinned Indian to be put very nearly on a level with the queen’s white servants was all but intolerable......’ The dark-skinned man was not willing to sit with the queen’s servants. In my mother’s case, the peon and drivers, or even her clerk would not sit with her in any official function. And they had to use higher indicant words powerfully to the other ‘officers’. Yet, in the case of Karim, he can use any indicant level word about anyone in the Queen’s royal household. And none the wiser.
I do not know who exactly wrote these lines in the above quoted lines from the Wikipedia. Yet, I do sense the mood of some mediocre Indian academicians in the words. For, every human emotions has been tried to be explained through the race card. Yet, it was the age when British West African Squadron was fighting in far off African coasts to save black men who were in captivity in Arab Slave Trading ships.
I should insert one incident from my own life here. Many years ago, I was living in a remote village. This is the same place that I am living now. Now, this village is no remote, with a state highway passing through right in front of my house. One young man of age slightly less than me, came and befriended me. He was a Hindi teacher. He talked about teaching me Hindi. I think he enjoyed coming to my house just because of the social stature of my household. The year must be around 1995.
Since I had studied Hindi as a third language in my school, it was not a very tough proposition to learn Hindi. He would speak to me in Hindi and very fast I was learning to speak Hindi. Now, very fast we reach the pivotal point. The word You. He would address me as Aap (highest You), and I would address him as Aap. However, after a few days time, he shifted to Thum (the lower You). Now, this was a powerful situation. If I continued to address him as Aap, when he addressed me as Thum, I would be positioning him in a location above me.
That was too preposterous a position. For, he was just a village man with practically nil English, and far less worldly knowledge. However, by a very sly technique in the language, he was arriving at a higher position. I couldn’t concede to that. I more or less spontaneously shifted to Thum to him also. This he found quite unacceptable. For he was the teacher, I was the student. He was trying to use the Guru-shikshya model, in which he was the Guru and I his disciple, who should maintain a pose of subordination and obsequiousness to him.
Now, this is the quite sly and hidden preying code in Asian poses of teaching. The ultimate aim is not the improvement of the trainee, but his subordination.
In my case, since I knew the game, I could foresee where the path was leading to. In the case of the Australian kids, there would be no one to caution them about the hidden treachery in the path, that is mentioned to lead to knowledge.
Remember, when one learns dog language, one literally turns into a dog, in terms of how it communicates. Snarling, growling, barking, howling and such things become part of one’s communication personality. It might be good for some scientifically oriented person to learn it. However, to allow a huge section of the younger generation population to learn it might turn the nation into a nation that shall acquire canine features. Similarly, learning Hindi would lead the younger generation to acquire the social features of north India society.
A grave social error in the offing is that when a person willing allows himself or herself to be placed in the Thu/Nee position, he or she will develop an adoration and respect for the Guru. This is an development which has no equivalent in English. For, in English, if one were to be impolite, it would only provoke anger. Here, the opposite emotions come to play, wherein the shikshya’s personality continually goes down to degradation.
Now, I need to take this illustration into the context of Queen Victoria asking her Indian servant to teach her Hindi. The moot question is when the issue of the word You comes, what would be the words assigned. The Queen will become the Thu/Nee and the servant would become the Aap/Thaangal. The tragedy of the Empress of the British Empire being addressed as a Thu by an Indian servant cannot be explained in English.
The same confounding issue is there when people who had treated the lower class natives of their own native land as Excrement comes to address the future generations of Australia as Thu/Nee. Moreover, with regard to the allegory about the clerk who admonished the peon, there was no person with adequate knowledge to caution the Indian servant as to what words are not allowed to be used to the Queen of England.
The fact remains that in India, even now if such a wrong word is used to the upper class man by a lower class man, it might even end up in severe physical injury to the lower class man. But then in Australia, the outsiders are being given a free run to soil and spoil the native-English speaking native kids with no one to control them.
DIGRESSION: Speaking about Indian academicians, the fact is that they are a group of sly cunning guys who are on a fooling-the-people spree. They are paid in astronomical terms. The average monthly pay of an Indian professor is currently Rs. 75000 and above. This is when the majority of the Indian people earn between Rs. 2000 to Rs. 15000 per month. For example, an Indian carpenter gets between Rs. 5000 to 15000 per month if he works almost all days.
These Indian academicians get 13 months pay in a year. And an immensity of other booty including a daylight heist known as commutation of pension. The majority people of India do not know anything about all this.
The academicians have time to write and re-write almost all pages of Wikipedia India pages. In fact, almost everything in Wikipedia can be made to have a pro-Indian master-class viewpoint. END OF DIGRESSION.
What is in feudal language codes
Feudal languages are not just software for communication, but are actually codes of personal as well as social behaviour. They have codes that can make a man bend, bow, be obsequious, sly, cunning, treacherous, deceitful, ambivalent, shifty, dominating, suppressive, subordinate, carve for bribes, see people differently, show discrimination and much else. If very clearly observed, the speakers of such languages do essentially have double or more personality. Some of them mutually opposite.
As to the so-called Asian Century that is being foretold, well it should not be an Asian century run by these feudal language speaking Asian barbarians who would torment their own kinfolk with pejoratives. Instead it should be run by pristine English-speaking Asians in real collaboration with native-English speakers. Wherein the native-English-speakers remain on par with the English-speaking Asians. Not below the feudal language speaking Asians. Then it would be a century wherein there shall be all round happiness everywhere. Not repulsion, turmoil, terror and horror.
Roots of an untrue impression
Now, before leaving this premise, I need to ponder upon why the Australian policymakers are impressed with the Hindi speaking populations. Well, to a limited extent, the idea can be connected to the issue I saw when N & S were being trained by Varuna and Ashwina [Chapter 15 of this book – Vol 1]. N & S had another world quite apart from that of English. For, they were bilingual. Varuna and Ashwina had to remain in their English systems, without compromising that stature. So, N & S were on a raised platform from which they could use their Malayalam capacities. Their own family members who were initially near illiterates in English were in a much lower platform.
Now, beyond this, there is the need to understand the actual stature of the Hindi speaking sections of Australia. What is their actual stature? From an Australian point of view, they would be just ordinary people with lot of money or less of money. However, that understanding is quite erroneous. Actually, when their earning is converted into Indian currency value, it would simply expand into 50 times its value. This literally means that this section of people is in India at the highest levels of indicant code levels.
When seen from this perspective, the local Australian people are actually dealing with sort of royalty or very affluent class of people. When the indicant word codes array them thus, these people can really feel the power in their veins. And this would reflect in their mental capacities as well as other features. Moreover the fact that they are in an English platform would give them a very powerful elevation that cannot be imagined by a native-Australian person.
The concept of an elevated platform can be explained thus: In India, there are many social statures, encoded in the language. For example, a doctor and a taxi driver.

This is the picture to be imagined to see their relative statures. In the first image, one can see the real depth of the Indian social system, in which every individual tries to pull down or push down others. See the relative height of the doctor above the other man. Even though he actively pushes down the taxi driver by means of words used directly or indirectly, and by unmentioned codes of behaviour and precedence, including various prohibitions, the doctor still needs the lower man in this proximity. For, it is the presence of the lower man that gives him the ‘respected’ heights.
The moment either of them moves to an English world, it is a rapid elevation to celestial heights. Wherein, most of the prohibitions are not there. Both the doctor as well as the driver are unfettered. This grand change of scene and the emotion of being unshackled is a great one. Yet, inside both of them, there are the same codes to push or pull down others. This is where they can misuse the elevated platform of an English society to push the native-English speakers down and to place themselves above them. See this image.

This pushing down is an on-going process by the feudal language speakers. However, its full intensity would not be fully felt by the native-English speakers. For till now, they do not understand the feudal languages. However, with the teaching of Hindi to children, this is going to change. The process of despoiling is the work of a complicated machinery. For example, the teacher will address the child with a Thu and make him address him back with feudal respect. Once the real suppressing nature of Thu and other associated words are clearly understood by the child, then he is left to bear the brunt of the verbal suppression by others in the Hindi teacher’s side.
Like his parents, his uncles, his children and even his servant. This making the servant also address the child with a Thu is the most powerful part of the attack. For, in Indian languages, the servants are kept at the stink level. For this level, the other person is made to go down below the stink level. This is a very powerful part of Indian social communication that is employed powerfully all over India.
In India, if a person from a unacceptable social position uses such words as Thu/Nee, USS/Avan etc. to social superior persons or their children are brutally beaten up to pulp, if possible. The root cause of many communal riots and even castes fights in which people even get burnt alive is this issue. The provocation is that much. For, a negative indicant code used is a very despoiling and destructive thing. This is what is being let loose in Australia. With no one to beat the satanic persons to pulp.
The diabolic nature of bilingualism is a very powerful factor. However, the way to deal with this satanic element is not by going in joining the Hindi-speakers. For, it would be like Varuna and Ashwina learning Malayalam to deal with the competitive mood of N & S. If Ashwina and Varuna learn Malayalam, it would only make them go down from their singular power element that is that they are impervious to the attacks made using the lower indicant codes.

The way to contain this very powerful competition is to contain that competition, by removing the platform and by placing un-breach-able walls around the Hindi-speaking sections of the population. For, they are tied powerfully to the rich and powerful sections way back in India. In India, they are the sections that maintain the majority section of population in the dirty levels of human existence by means of indicant word codes.
I do not know whether it has been fully understood by the English speakers that it took many centuries to get some understanding about Asian and African languages. In fact, it can be as difficult as learning animal languages. It was due to this problem, that in the past centuries there was even a belief that Africans and even certain Asians were not fully human beings.
Even now many Arabs in the North African areas do not consider many African blacks as fully human beings. Now, what is the essential problem that animals are facing with regard to human beings? It is that human beings cannot understand their languages. However, as I have mentioned elsewhere in this book, it might be much more easier to teach English to animals, than for an English man to learn animal languages.
As a trainer in English to so many persons, I have had the understanding that teaching English to a person, who comes from a social condition in which there is nil penetration of English, is akin to teaching an animal a human language. That much is the difference that English makes in that man. For, a man from a social condition totally devoid of English (or any other planar language) has a mind that is quite different from a man who comes from a society in which some English has entered.
This fact is being mentioned as an allegory. For teaching Hindi to native-English speaking kids is like teaching them animal languages. For, the social logic in Hindi is totally different and quite barbarian. The affability of the Hindi teachers can be likened to the false demeanour of the Rattle snake as it moves in for the kill.
When in later years, Australian youngsters have to work under native-Hindi speakers, the latter will naturally use Hindi on them. For, it is a very demeaning tool, whereby the natural personality standards of native-English speaking persons can be erased in a most delicious manner. For, there is no defence against it. And the despoiling side can really enjoy the tremulous twitching of the despoiled persons of refinement, as they seek a way out of the repulsive grab of the dirt, hopelessly.
At the same time, there is this other side to it. When my daughter Varuna was growing up, there were many persons who claimed various kinds of family relationships, or rights as neighbours etc. to address and refer to her in the pejorative words. However, it had no regimenting effect on her. For, she did not know the native vernacular at all. So, there were concerted efforts to teach her Malayalam in the sly. Just to get the word Nee and Aval understood by her. However, I stood stoutly against all such endeavours, and also informed Varuna at very young age to keep away from falling for such seeming altruistic actions.
DIGRESSION: I think it might seem quite funny if I suggest that the so-called Child protection policy imposed upon the aborigines of Australia is more or less connected to need for protecting them from the negative codes in aborigine cultures. It led to something that is currently called the Stolen Generation. Now, the context of the issue here is that a similar protection programme for the native-English speaking children of Australia would have to be imposed over there, to protect them from Hindi-speaking teachers and their family members.
Beyond that I should mention that when I imposed an English only programme for my children Varuna and Ashwina, it could be more or less equated to the Stolen Generation of Australian Aborigines. For, they were absolutely plucked out of the reaches of their natural barbarian social communication codes and routes of command and regimentation. However, if the issue is taken up for consideration from a neutral point of view, it was a great endeavour for my children.
The commercial side of language-spreading: Even though it is not generally understood, there is a great commercial interest in propagating a language and also in blocking people from learning English. It is just that a huge number of native language speakers come to occupy positions of cultural and language leaders. However, if the common man learns English, the powerful subduing effect is lost, and the leaders become nonentities. These are things which every small-time Indian leaders including Nehru, Subash and Gandhi knew.
Beyond that a lot of textbook publishers, and connected businessmen come into the picture, wherein their books become academic textbooks. Through these books, the mind of the youngsters can be controlled and influenced. It may be mentioned here that no Indian leader, who had experienced life in England and could understand English and could listen to the BBC Radio did inform the people here that there was BBC Programme meant for Indian people. For, it would amount to the people improving beyond their levels.
Now what is Australia doing? It is giving the business and cultural leaders of another competing social system the access to take-over the next generation. Here, one needs to compare this issue with the teaching of English in India by the British East India Company. It can easily be contended that this was also an attempt to enslave the natives of British-India. It is not true. Studying English is a chance to liberate oneself. In India, if a rich man’s servant is endeavouring to learn English, his efforts shall be disturbed by derisive comments and sneers. The ultimate aim is stall his efforts to improve himself.
It is here that I need to properly insert the powerful issues at work. The major point that I had hinted is that of ‘respect’. Well, the Hindi teacher would not converse to the Australian students with ‘respect’. He would address them with the pejorative part of the speech. Is it a big problem? When one sees Hindi films, it is not seen to be a great problem. Well, that is exactly the problem. The illustrations through such media are just hoaxes. The Australian kid will be soiled, beyond recognition.
Let me give you an apt illustration. A police Sub Inspector is addressed as Nee or Thu by a common man in India. What is the problem? It only means You. Well, what could happen? It is more or less 100% certain that that common man would be taken into custody and beaten up into a pulp, with his body becoming no more use to him. Why should the police ‘officer’ take such an attitude of affront?
The truth is that just by using that code or word, the common man has more or less overturned the whole social structure connected to the police Inspector. He has been made a stinking-dirt. I mentioned only a policeman, because only he can take a person into custody and bash him up.
However the truth is that almost anybody in India would be equally provoked. But then the question here is, the Australian kid is only a kid, while the Indian police Inspector is a ‘big’ ‘officer’. The reality is that the police Inspector is small ‘officer’, but all policemen can do this and worse in India. Now, what about the comparison? The truth is that once Hindi is understood by the Australian kid, he would also feel that he is a smaller person compared to the school teacher. A Yellow Streak would encode in him.
There are other situations also. The Hindi-speaking families in Australia would suddenly act as if amnesia has hit them when they come across Hindi-learning Australian kids. For, the power over the kid that comes from speaking Hindi would not be that easily foregone. They would feign lack of English speaking skills and quite directly start using the words starting with beta and beti. Both meaning ‘child’ or ‘son/daughter’. What is wrong in that? Well, what is wrong in these words is that these words are powerfully connected to other lower indicant words in Hindi.
There is nowadays a very visible increase of violence in English nations. Beyond that the social mood is full of provocations. Children are also seen to be showing signs of being prone to violence. The blame is cast on Violent Video games. Actually it is a very stupid perspective to connect violent moods in Children to video games. Only rank stupid psychologists and psychiatrists, who make a livelihood on such nonsense, would find a connection. For games do not spur up violent mood. They only make a person enjoy the thrill of the game.
The anger in a person is different from enjoying a game. The violent mood of provocation is due to the entry of feudal language codes inside English nations. For, it is like a senior Indian official being addressed in the pejorative. He will go violent and would have no peace of mind till he gets his vengeance. See this link on a young British boy shooting down a Bangladeshi waiter in England. Who is to be blamed? Well, the blame should be placed on the policymakers who allowed unsupervised access to the boy to rank outsiders who have no qualms in using pejoratives on a young boy, British or otherwise. Now, what is this ‘unsupervised’? It is supervision to see that rank outsiders do not convert native British kids into stinking dirt.
In fact, this is one thing that I very strongly mention in my English training programme. And to my students who have gone to England, I have very powerfully told that they should not use the pejorative part of their Indian languages on the natives of England. If they do so, not only that person, but the nation also would go despoiled. They understand me and promise that they will refrain from doing such an evil thing.
There are newer social experiences round the corner waiting for the native-English section in Australia. For example, the issue of physical locations. Among feudal language speaking people, various locations have definite values. For example, when certain people sit on the floor when a group of feudal language speakers are sitting on chairs, there is a real value-depreciation for the former. It is there and it is a fact in the codes of the feudal languages. Indicant words change. It goes down.
When a person is designated as a servant or a serving person, there are value-depreciations associated with him or her, in the feudal language codes. Areas where he or she moves around, where he or she sits, the doorway through which he or she enters, all get affected by this value-depreciation. In fact, all words connected to him or her is of a lower valued.
This reality may slowly diffuse to the fact that even the very touch of this person on something animate or inanimate may bring in negativity. A feeling that a particular thing, machine or programme has gone awry due to the lower placed person can develop. At the same time, a feeling that persons who are ennobled by the feudal language codes do bring in auspiciousness will also come about. A feeling akin to caste-based-repulsion can appear in the Australian social system.
Racial slur or schizophrenia
If Australian government goes ahead with the Teaching-of-Asian-languages-to-children-programme, I foresee a very significant increase in mental problems among the native-English speaking sections of the population. The English section would have a social communication based on an egalitarian concept of human dignity.

As the same time, the other side will have a communication based on three different routes. Like this:

When native-English section persons feel the lower link being used on them, they would have only two options. Go in for physical attack or verbal abuse. This can make them guilty of racism. Most probably they will end up in jail. The other option is to try to avoid the speakers, socially and physically. There is then the risk that they may be referred to as being Schizophrenic. This can get them admitted into the mental hospital. Or else, there is the more abominable option. Simply wither away and acquire the looks and personality of the lower section Asian and African people.
Actually, even in India, this is a feel-able emotion. When persons who use the lower route of communication look at another person, the latter will feel it. If he looks back into the eyes of the subordinating persons, his own eyes will go downcast. However, there will not be any tangible terrifying looks or glare in the dominating side. I did tell Varuna and Ashwina to avoid looking into the eyes of persons who peer at them with the lower indicant route code in their glances. It has a terrifying subjugation encoded in them.
The terror of this experience would be that native-English speakers who are kept on the ennobled part of the feudal language indicant codes would feel a very elevated stature. At the same time, the others who have been securely shackled in the lower-indicant-word section would feel the power of fetters.
Yet, they would not have any method to convey their grievance. For, if they say anything, the others who have been ennobled would simply say that they are suffering from some racial superiority complex, and they need to treat the immigrant populations as equals. It is really a very tragic situation. For, the real culprits would seem to be bearing anguish, when actually they are busy dismantling the egalitarian social relationship of the Australian society. For, the fact remains that they had run off from their own native nation to escape the negativity there.
A traumatising experience
I need to write here a curious experience of mine. I was living in a particular small town in north Kerala (India). The year was 1992. I was engaged in a particular kind of consultation business, with my own small office with a phone. One young man came to see me with an introduction from another contact of mine from afar. He addressed me as Saar (respect). He had a particular business need. For this purpose, I made some enquires and found out that a particular advocate was doing that kind of business as a side business. I took him to the advocate’s office. The advocate was not there. His office clerk, a female, was there. She had the looks and personality of the typical house maids of India. However, she was the advocate’s clerk.
We sat in front of her table and talked business. Even though I wouldn’t have had much physically enhanced personality, for I lived on hotel food for years, cut off from my family contacts, I was not having the socially depreciated looks.
The conversation took a very curious turn from the very beginning itself. She addressed me as Nee and the other man as Ningal. Looking back, I think she made an assessment of me based on some information that she must have got about me from others. For, in a feudal language society, people generally go beyond their brief to inform negative stories about others whom they see as potential social, intellectual or physical competitors. Even though, I do not compete with others, this has been my experience.
Beyond that all that, there is the issue of Indian advocates usually having low mental and social calibre persons as their clerks, whom they keep in a housemaid level of subordination. These thus subordinated persons generally pounce on others whom they feel they can prey upon. In terms of indicant word usage. For, that is where they get their social and mental security.
Now, what I want to inform the reader here is that the affect of a low intellect, servant like person, and that too an inferior female addressing me with a Nee, had a terrific negative effect on me. It was an effect that even my companion made a mental note of. For, he immediately stopped using the respectful indicant words about and to me.
Now, how would one compare this word Nee with a white man calling a black man a NIGGER? The fact is that the NIGGER word is literally nothing compared to the word Nee. In fact, the word Nigger is nothing compared to what a feudal language lower indicant word can do. To put it more powerfully, what the feudal language speaking blacks, Asians, Europeans and others can inflict on a native-English speaking population is of astronomical negative content. Yet, the native English speaker has no way to explain what him or her experiences.
Once my daughter Varuna, who knows only pristine English (not Indian-English) accompanied me when I went to meet my advocate in the local small town. He was not there. Varuna was sitting near me. Suddenly one young, servant-maid featured advocate-clerk, came near and addressed Varuna thus: Inte perentha? It was quite a funny situation. Varuna would be taller than her and by individuality much superior to her.
Yet, she had used the powerfully subordinating and putrefying lower indicant word: Inte (Nee) based on the fact that Varuna was of relative younger age. The redeeming thing here was that Varuna did not know the vernacular and simply told her that ‘I do not know Malayalam’. Yet, Varuna informed me that she was definitely irked by the tone and looks of the advocate-clerk female.
Now, what had happened was quite similar to what I had experienced way back in 1992. In my case, I could understand the words. That, more or less, made me accept her putrefying assessment. However, in the case of Varuna, she could escape that assessment by not knowing the feudal vernacular.
A most unintelligent aspiration
Now, what are the educators in Australia trying to do? They are forcing a breach in the mental and social fortress that native-English speaking youngsters in Australia innately have.
The issue can explained thus: Feudal language speaking teachers mentally and physically assigned a lower level position for their students. From this lowly position, the students look up at the ennobled teachers in their heights and get to feel adoration for their ‘respected’ teachers. However, in the case of the native-English speaking students, the feudal language speaking teachers have a different experience. They find them positioned in a location above them.
For, the way they address the teachers with a Mr., Mrs., Miss etc. and with a You, and refer to them as Him, He, Her, She etc. is from a level of equal dignity. In feudal languages, this location is only allowed for those who are superior to the teachers. For, there is no permanent location of equal dignity in feudal languages.
For the feudal language speaking teachers, it is a very indignant situation, quite weird and totally out of step with what they had been ingrained with. Even though they enjoy life in an English nation to its hilt, they still have the grievance that they cannot position the native-English speaking children at the stink level, which they themselves had been positioned in by their own teachers. This is where one of the spurs to install the virus software (the feudal vernacular) in the Australian kids, springs up from.
When speaking about the affectionate stance of the feudal language speaking teachers, the experienced would be confounding due to the extremely warm and affectionate posture they put on. It would be quite disarming. Yet, the exterior posture of affection is just a veneer and a facade. It is like the action of the butchers patting and fondling the cows as they wait for the sharpened knives to slice them.
In fact, feudal language-speakers do slice the individuality of the native-English kids in private conversation in their native languages. The society also gets sliced and splintered into various pieces and packed and positioned in various locations in the virtual arena.
If the native English speaking kids do have any bit of traditional English valour and courage left, he or she should plant a resounding slap on the face of any feudal language-speaking teacher who dares to address him or her with a Thu or Nee, or refer to him or her with a USS or Avan. In years to come, when looking back it would be found that it was a better thing to do than to go around frantically shooting people in a fit of mental trauma spurred by unexplainable rage in later years. The first would just be seen a juvenile delinquency. The latter would be seen as an action of racial hatred and the consequences would be much worse.
Now, there is this issue. Does anyone feel that what I am writing is some racist or White supremist words? For, I have many times been accused of mouthing such emotions. Yet, the fact is that what I have described in this book is beyond anything that any White racist or White supremist can come out with. For, nothing that he or she would say would come even remotely near to the information that I have put forward.

A DIGRESSION: Since I have mentioned racism, I think I will write a few words about it here, even though this might not be the appropriate area to do so. It is easy to mention the usage White racism. Yet, it is not the same as Black racism. In fact, it would be quite difficult to get an equivalent social phenomenon as Black racism. For example, White racism is practically repulsion for Blacks. That is, the whites do not want Blacks in their social proximity.

That is a point of grievance for the Blacks. Now what is the other side? The Blacks do not want White in their proximity? Well then, if that be the case, there is no further issue. For, Blacks can retreat to their own reserved areas, and the White can be in their isolation. However, that is not the way it is. The Blacks want the Whites to be with them.
For example, if the Blacks are given an option to move back to their own native Black nations, how would they react? Actually, they should be overjoyed. For, it is homecoming for them. They are going to be with their own people. Yet, the facts would be quite different. They would react against such a seemingly fabulous offer with vehement violence.

On the other hand, there might be a great lot to think about racism in English nations. And it could be different from racism in non-English European nations. For, suppose a native Continental-European-White citizen of the US is given the option to move back to his own native European nation. What would be his reaction? In most cases, it would be almost the same reaction as what the Blacks would show on being told to move back to Africa.
The commonality of reaction is that both of them, after having experienced the fabulous social communication standards and the innate un-fettered-ness in an English nation, would view with great apprehension, the possibility of being thrown back to their own native land social shackles. END OF DIGRESSION
The codes of putrefaction
At heart, the issue is what the feudal language speakers can do to another person who is in their custody or proximity. I do very specifically remember two instances regarding Varuna. Even at a very early age, she was quite good in communication. Never used to act silly or bemoan. The feel of being in an un-fettering language ambiance was there in her, when all around her were persons who stood with many kinds of limitations imposed on them in terms of communication and postures. She used to mingle with others with a very easy going expression.
However, there was one incidence when I kept her in the care of a short-term associate’s family for a brief time of half-an-hour. When I came back, she looked quite uneasy and on the verge of tears. The family members were of the opinion that she was quite uncooperative. However, it soon transpired that even though they knew English and knew that she did not understand the local vernacular, they had forcefully tried to use the lower indicant Malayalam words on her. Even though she couldn’t understand the language, the terrific negativity of the words such as Nee, Aval etc. was felt by her.
The issue was that the family members did not want to give her an advantage when they were keeping their own children in the lower indicant positions of their native language. Varuna must have been around 2 ½ years old at that time. I perfectly understood her resolve not to cooperate with persons who were imposing putrefying codes on her.
Another time, I was in a bus stand and Varuna was with me. Varuna must have been around four and a half years old. I wanted to go the toilet. At that time, one of my trainees came that way quite coincidently. I asked him to be with her for sometime in the crowded bus stand. He knew Varuna and could speak to her in English. However, when I came back I was witness to an eerie scene. His brother, who was working in some menial job in the Middle East, had appeared on the scene.
He also did know that Varuna did not know Malayalam. However, he was forcefully asking Varuna the words, ‘Ninte perantha?’ (What is your name? [He actually knew her name]) etc. Ninte is lower indicant Your. Varuna was seen desperately trying to avoid his words, but he was literally forcing her to answer. She looked on the verge of desperation again.
Handing over Australian kids to the hands of Asian teachers is an act of sacrilege on the innate divinity that lies embedded in all newly-born human beings.
The issue of global isolation
This brings us to the question of, is it safe for Australians to refrain from learning other languages. The answer to this is that different languages should be studied as one would get ready to install unknown software into one’s computer. Be wary of what they can do to the system. If they have virus codes in them, they have to be handled in such a manner that they do not infect the system. Use them for the benefit without allowing them to creep inside and takeover the system.
It needs to be borne in mind that language study is general identified with culture enhancement. However in the current mood that has gripped the English nations, in the wake of the rampant swarming of the nations by feudal language speakers, everything is seen in terms of commercials value. It is a very stupid understanding that comes when a society is infected with the feudal code virus.
The correct and safe way to improve others is first by securing themselves (the benefactors) in un-breach-able fortresses of social and financial security. For the improving sections have no qualms about what happens to their benefactors, in their haste to escape their own position of dirt and degradation.
I can’t say more.
READ: Software codes of mantra, tantra, witchcraft, black magic, evil eye, evil tongue &c. This book will explain more things that is proposed in its title.
0. Book Profile
3. Command codes in the language software
4. Spontaneous block to information
6. What the Colonial English faced
9. Fifth issue
10. The sixth issue
12. Insights from my own training programme
13. A colonial British quandary
14. Entering the world of animals
16. Notes on education, bureaucracy etc.
18. The master classes strike back
19. Codes and routes of command
20. The sly stance of feudal indicant codes
21. Pristine English and its faded form
23. Media as an indoctrination tool
24. How a nation lost its independence
26. Social engineering and sex appeal
27. Conceptualising Collective Wisdom
29. British colonialism vs American hegemony
30. Revolting against a benevolent governance
31. The destination
34. Online unilateral censorship
36. Understanding a single factor of racism
38. The logic of blocking information
39. Mediocre might
40. Dangers of non-cordoned democracy
43. Where Muslims deviate from pristine Islam
44. Film stars as popular trainers
45. Freedom of speech and feudal languages
48. Indian Culture
49. The miserable Indian media
51. What a local self government could do
52. The aspects of quality improvement
54. Profound quality enhancement
56. Frill elements of quality improvement
58. Continuing on human development
59. Refinements in automobile driving
60. Back to Quality Improvement
61. Entering an area of tremulous disquiet
62. Stature on an elevated platform
63. The sly and treacherous debauchery
64. Reflections of a personal kind
65. Observations on the effect of gold
67. Secure refinement versus insecure odium
68. Clowning around with precious antiquity
69. Handing over helpless entities to crooks
71. The complexities in the virtual codes
73. Satanic codes on the loose
76. Teaching Hindi in Australia
78. Disincentives in teaching English
79. Who should rule?
80. What is it that I am doing?
82. From the ‘great’ ‘Indian’ history
83. Routes to quality enhancement
84. Epilogue