Tribulations and intractability of improving others!!

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
From the ‘great’ ‘Indian’ history
01. An allegory
I need to go into the history of the Magadha Kingdom which more or less coincided with the place areas of current-day Bihar in India. Ajathashatru was the king of Magadha. He wanted to capture all the small kingdoms near his kingdom. He was able to defeat all the neighbouring small kingdoms and annex them to this kingdom, with the exception of one. It was minute Vajji kingdom. Historians of India do boast that this kingdom was the first democratic nation in the world. Actually, this boosting is just a part of the usual tendency to bluff found in all persons who have some inferiority complex connected to their address.
The truth might be that the head of the kingdom was elected from a small group of independent rulers or feudal lords. This might not be ‘democracy’ or even ‘republic’ in the sense that these words are understood in an English nation. Head of the nation is elected. Then it is republic? Well, if the electors are only less than twenty, then what? Well, the nearest word I can find for this political machine is oligarchy. That is the level of understanding of ‘great’ Indian historians. I will go into that issue after this, for my mind has gone into that part.
This Vajji kingdom was quite powerful. There was no way to defeat it militarily. Then Ajathashatru acted out a pretence of discord with his favourite minister. This man was declared to be an antagonist to the king. With express command of his king to destroy the Vajji from within, he entered the kingdom seeking refuge. He became friendly with the various noblemen who were part of the oligarchy. Then he slowly started making each one of them antagonistic to each other. In feudal languages, it is quite easy.
Just mention a quote of each other mentioning the lower indicant words they had spoken of others. A simple mention of, ‘he said avan’, instead of ‘he said avar’ can create an animosity that can be homicidal. Within a short period of time, the members of the oligarchy were fighting among themselves and Ajathashatru walked in with his army.
If American policymakers had any understanding of real feudal language social codes, they wouldn’t have been so naive with the case of political refugees from nations like China. Nor would the democratic policymakers in UK have handed over Hong Kong on a silver platter to China. Handing over Hong Kong was a vile thing to do, to the people there who stood by British rule. But beyond that it was giving the Chinese government a platform to stand on par with the English nations. Chinese language is possibly very, very feudal. The real working class there would be stink to the rich there.
There was a time in my life when I used to read a lot of ‘Indian’ history. So many great Indian historians are there, writing fabulous themes about the ancestry of the nation India. Yet, I was quite concerned that these ‘great’ historians did not have the discernment to understand the simple fact that ‘India’ started in 1947. It was a new nation that took a part of all that was there in British-India, and then started on its own with a new constitution, a new flag, a new national anthem (even though this was actually first sung in praise of King George V of England), a national army, an administrative system, judiciary (which was focused on British jurisprudence), police, and almost all other governmental departments made by the British.
Before this nation came into existence, there was a nation called British-India (but generally mentioned as India by the British common folk). Before that there was only a series of small time kings and queens, and feudal landlords, and an immensity of people who literally lived in terrible conditions (but not like the black ‘slaves’ of America, who were actually living a much higher level of life). Some of these kings are defined as emperors, by these historians who wanted to claim ‘empires’ for ‘Indian’ antiquity.
Well then, the question is how can India alone claim such things? Pakistan can also do the same. So can Bangladesh. But then, there was no British-Pakistan and no British-Bangladesh. So, they faced discrimination with regard to historical indoctrination connected to the usage of a name.
Now coming back to the question of Indian antiquity and claims of connections to such things as Indus valley civilisation, Vedic period, Magadha kingdom, Slave dynasty Sultans, Moguls, Vijayanagara, Cholas, Rajputs of Rajasthan areas, Kulashekara kings (this is the great claim of Kerala, but then these kings are nowhere mentioned as great kings by the Indian historians, who focus mainly on kings of northern areas of the sub continent), Hyder Ali (Moroccan soldier of fortune) and his son Sultan Tipu and an innumerable others.
Now, how am I or the people of the areas around me connected to all these entities? Nothing in my head is in anywhere connected to anything in the heads of these people. No traditions, religious beliefs, no dressing standards, language, looks, education, learning or anything else of them has anything to do with what I have in my mind. I am sure that a lot of people in India would also be of the same connection with them. My ancestry and connection can be seen here.
An allegory:
Now look at this: There is a great house built many centuries ago. It was owned by a very rich family. The family had a lot of servants, who slept on the outside areas in the courtyard. The family members were only less than twenty. They were all with great learning.
However, over the centuries this household was taken possession of by various outsiders. Many of them simply attacked the house and took possession of it. They forced the females of the current household into sexual slavery. The servants were also used variously, including that of fornication. These types of incidences continued over the centuries. There was much mingling of blood and genes. In fact, in the present day people living there, they has as many genes of the original rich persons in them, as they had the genes of the various other persons who had taken possession of the house over the centuries.
However, in the present times, the people living in the house, many of them the servants of the household, learned English. Then some of them started researching into the past of the house. They unearthed long-lost literature and records, in which it was seen that many centuries ago, this household was the living place of some quite learned persons. Then they in a terrific mood to dispel their own mood of inferiority complex, started writing that they are not really the servants of this household, but actually the descendants of those scholarly persons who had owned this house some five thousand years back.
This is the real description of the actuality of Indian claims to an ancient, medieval and modern ‘India’. Only the term ‘modern India’ has any veracity in its usage. But then, the history of ‘modern India’ actually coincides with the period of British-India and not India.
NOTES on this scenario: Looking at the current-day standard of the common man of India, it is quite difficult to associate him or her with the great ancient literatures and findings. For example, the Vedic literature pre-dating 7000 years back has no direct link to modern-day inhabitants of Pakistan (the real area of this antiquity), India or Bangladesh. Personally speaking, I have not really seen any Indian who has read the Vedas, other than one person who is a Vedic subject ‘guru’.
If indeed the Vedas are connected to the people here, then it would be quite natural that an immensity of people would be conversant with the text inside. I do know some people who can chant a few mantras and there were some persons who can quote from them. It is just that any person who studies Sanskrit from any place in the world would have more connection to Vedic text.
The same goes with regard other ancient Sanskrit texts. To go beyond this, I would even say that Yoga which is said to be from India did not have much popular base in India. I remember many years ago in 1970 where there were efforts to popularise Yoga among the people, there was a lot of talk about it being some other nonsense. However it is not nonsense. It is indeed a very powerful system of physical training that is connected to some very profound understanding about the body system, and the software that runs it. However, to connect Yoga to Indians would be quite foolish.
Indeed, it would be my argument that Hindus do not own the Vedas, the Muslims do not own the Holy Qur’an, and the Christians do not own the Hebrew Bible. All of them are mutually connected in that there are very powerful esoteric meanings and codes in them. Ordinary levels of religious interpretations do not aspire to connect to them.
Since I have touched upon the theme of sacred scriptures, it would be logical to just give a little more detailed dissertation on what I am contending. It has been my understanding based on various observations and experiments that not only the human body and human mind, but even our tangible reality is connected to some superior software like medium.
Mantras are just software. For, they are words that can create something or a change. Software also do more or less the same. Both are made of words. Through my deep experiments with words and usages, I have come to the conclusion that even seeming minor words might be impregnated with powerful command codes. Beyond that I have found that languages are also software codes or software applications.
Feudal languages like Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam etc. can create emotions or realities that are quite at variance with what planar languages like English can. In fact, it is my feeling that by studying the codes of feudal languages, one might even be able to induce powerful supernatural and divine feelings that are not possible through English.
Beyond that since sounds and music can also be coded as software codes or words, it might be possible to contemplate on how they can affect human mind and body. In fact, on a minor observation, I had a feeling that the emotional feelings that an old Malayalam song can create in me is totally different from what an English song can make. There are affects that Sanskrit mantras, Quranic suras and even passages from Hebrew Bible can create.
I would suggest that if the supernatural software concept of reality is taken up seriously, there is an immensity of themes that can be pondered up through this route. Such things as telepathy, clairvoyance, hallucinations, intoxications, addictions, compulsive actions, thoughts of one person affecting others, thought radiation, sexual seduction using thoughts and much more can be studied. [I have actually done a series of observations on many of these items. However, those things would not fit into this book]
[READ: Software codes of mantra, tantra, witchcraft, black magic, evil eye, evil tongue &c. ].
The concept of direction in Vastu shastra, Fengu Shi etc., the negative effects that are believed to emanate from certain directions of places of worship, possibility that even a mirror can be a powerful external manifestation of some supernatural software and much else may need to be studied from this path. If thus done, the whole basis of the quack sciences of psychology as well as of psychiatry shall stand uprooted. As to there being any evidence that what I am proposing has any basis can be seen in the effectiveness of Homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy is a fantastic science that does link to this world of supernatural software.
However, even the practioners of this treatment method has no idea about it. In fact, this higher science is still in its infancy. It has to be taken up for profound studies. However, instead of that, it is being confined into the hands of professionally qualified Homeopaths. As everyone knows, formally qualified persons have only the aim to eek a livelihood out it. And very rarely do some of them go beyond the parameters where knowledge gushes like a torrent, but no money flow exists.
It would be a wise move to think on these lines. If such an approach is taken up, there is no need to concede that Vedic Mantras, Upanishads and much else are the property of Hinduism Nor is there the need to concede that Quran is the sole property of Muslims. No Christian need come forward with the claim that Hebrew Bible is their property.

Coming back to Hinduism, the way it is claiming everything that is not actively claimed by other religions is quite funny. Look at this image of Muthappan, the deity of the Thiyyas of North Malabar. It might be possible to see traces of this in the antiquity of the peoples who inhabit places beyond the borders of current day India. In fact, these customs are connected to things that are generally defined as Shamanism. Similar things are there or had been there in Africa, South America, Australia and possibly in Europe also. For instance, Witchcraft can easily be connected to such things as Tantra, Koodothram, Mantra, Vodoo and much else.
Instead of conceding to claims of unfounded parochial jingoism, it would be better to admit that all these things belong to the antiquity of this earth.
Indians currently have a very distinctive attitude of claiming everything, that is being discovered in the modern days, to their antiquity. Not only aeroplanes, but even digital equipments also will surely come to be thus claimed. It is possible that such things might have been there in the distant past on this earth. However for people who if one goes just a couple of generations back, did not even know to sit on a chair to put forward such claims might be the heights of absurdity.
Now coming back to the Vedas, it is possible that Mantras and other things in ancient scripts might contain powerful codes that link directly to the codes of reality and of human life and thoughts. However, their exact antiquity might be quite more far off than is being admitted in history books. For, if the Vedic texts do contain such powerful codes, then the very fact that persons who knew these texts did not know how to make a book or a digital version of the same speaks of some kind of discrepancy. In so much, it is possible that even though some 7000 years back, some persons did possess these scripts, they were not the people who actually created them. No one knows who wrote them, or with what machine they were made or written.
As to claims to bloodline, it is actually a very absurd claim. See this: A man has two parents. They each have two parents. That is four. If one were to go backwards like this, the 21st generation backwards will be the number 2100 thousand. That is a person alive now, will be connected to 2100000 persons just 21 generations back. Since among the natives of this subcontinent married at age of 12 and 13 in earlier times, in a matter of a 100 years, there would be at least five generations. So a current-day-alive person would be connected to 2100 thousand persons just 400 years back. If that be so, think about the astronomical number that comes into the picture in 7000 years.
Beyond all that, what is the backward link? In minuscule Kerala, different castes trace different ancestry, all of which move out of current day Indian boundaries. For example, the Thiyyas of North Malabar claim to be from south locations in Greece. However, as of now, very few families do have any pure bloodline, if at all.
The Thiyyas of South Malabar might be different.
Ezhavas of South Kerala are claimed to from Ezham or current day Sri Lanka.
If one were to go through the details of each caste in current day India, each one of them have different origin and ancestry. Simply because the British rule united the places south of Himalayas into one nation does not mean that the people of this new nation are the sole proprietors of the ancient Vedic literature, of which at the moment not many people from nation have any idea of.
It is like this: I am told that it is not possible for Vyas to write such a huge book as Mahabharatha, on his own. Well, is that the truth? This book of mine is around 300 thousand words. I wrote it in a matter of less than six months. With what? I used a computer. What did the author of Mahabharatha use to write it? Why couldn’t he have it printed as a book or in the form of computer CD, if so much powerful knowledge? Well, there is some missing link. And this link disconnects the modern inhabitants of India with ancient knowledge. This knowledge can become the antiquity of those who study it. Not of those who make mischievous claims.
In years to come, many animals will learn to speak English. It is sure.Then many more religious cultures and spiritual themes of a very exotic nature will come out into human knowledge.
0. Book Profile
3. Command codes in the language software
4. Spontaneous block to information
6. What the Colonial English faced
9. Fifth issue
10. The sixth issue
12. Insights from my own training programme
13. A colonial British quandary
14. Entering the world of animals
16. Notes on education, bureaucracy etc.
18. The master classes strike back
19. Codes and routes of command
20. The sly stance of feudal indicant codes
21. Pristine English and its faded form
23. Media as an indoctrination tool
24. How a nation lost its independence
26. Social engineering and sex appeal
27. Conceptualising Collective Wisdom
29. British colonialism vs American hegemony
30. Revolting against a benevolent governance
31. The destination
34. Online unilateral censorship
36. Understanding a single factor of racism
38. The logic of blocking information
39. Mediocre might
40. Dangers of non-cordoned democracy
43. Where Muslims deviate from pristine Islam
44. Film stars as popular trainers
45. Freedom of speech and feudal languages
48. Indian Culture
49. The miserable Indian media
51. What a local self government could do
52. The aspects of quality improvement
54. Profound quality enhancement
56. Frill elements of quality improvement
58. Continuing on human development
59. Refinements in automobile driving
60. Back to Quality Improvement
61. Entering an area of tremulous disquiet
62. Stature on an elevated platform
63. The sly and treacherous debauchery
64. Reflections of a personal kind
65. Observations on the effect of gold
67. Secure refinement versus insecure odium
68. Clowning around with precious antiquity
69. Handing over helpless entities to crooks
71. The complexities in the virtual codes
73. Satanic codes on the loose
76. Teaching Hindi in Australia
78. Disincentives in teaching English
79. Who should rule?
80. What is it that I am doing?
82. From the ‘great’ ‘Indian’ history
83. Routes to quality enhancement
84. Epilogue