Software codes of
Reality, Life and Languages!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

I started writing this topic on an experimental basis in around 2005. There were a lot of unconnected strings of thoughts in my mind, which did connect to an idea that there is some kind of inner code links that exist behind our physical reality. Moreover, I had been making solitary researches and observations on the codes in languages, right since my childhood. This also seemed to connect heavily with the physical world. If fact, in the last chapter of my ancient book: March of the Evil Empires; English versus the Feudal Languages, I did hint at this connection in the last chapter.
Later my thought processes went on to connect even to an idea that human body and life processes were all connected to some codes. In later years, I was to observe the efficacy of homeopathy, which I discerned as the medical side of this understanding. For, I had more or less predicted in my mind that if the human body was controlled and designed by a software code, then there should be a medical system that can rectify human body errors through a software approach.
I am making my earlier writings into a book. This is that book. However, this book is not the final word on the subject. For, a few years back I was to write my first serious book on the subject of the codes of Reality: Codes of Reality! What is Language?
[My latest in this regard is: Software codes of mantra, tantra, witchcraft, black magic, evil eye, evil tongue &c.]
However, if you were to go through this book, which you are now reading, you will see the route through which my thought process developed. These writings are no longer visible in UkResident site, for it changed direction and became an immigration site with business interests in filling Britain with immigrants. I feel that the management has changed. Not sure.
However, these writings have been reposted in my own Ved’s Writings Pages. Yet, over the years, many persons have read my writings from both sites. No one has cared to comment on them or even to expand the ideas. Currently I do get a feeling that at least some persons have endeavoured to write these ideas as their own. Of this also, I am not sure. It is just a gut feeling that I get when I do some online searches. Yet, it is possible that others also may have come up with these ideas on their own. The only issue is that my thought process developed by seeing the differing ways in which the codes in the different kinds of languages reacted with the reality codes. For this, my understandings on feudal language codes versus the codes in English were required.
Currently my information on this theme is much more developed. I have done experiments and have had observations that do confirm that human mind can connect to other minds. That there is something of the extraordinary and powerful in sexual exhilarations. That not only sexual energy, but even such things as addictions and such, are connected to powerful value changes in certain life software codes. That just by means of achieving corrections or changes to these values, human energy levels can be increased. It is quite possible to use mind to stimulate sexual desire in others. Or at least make them feel that an attempt at seduction by means of mental code work is being done.
0. Book profile
3. The Software
6. The Evil Eye and other effects
7. The dynamic metre and the multidimensional
9. Strings in the marital system
3. Secondary codes and Human psyche
4. Secondary Codes and diseases
5. The potential levels and the energy in the code links
6. An appraisal of mental sciences
8. Homeopathy: A question of perception